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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • tinribz
    Free Member

    But racism and anti-immigration aren’t quite the same.

    Racism is just a tool used to shut white people up while their countries are destroyed. Not unlike the antisemitism charge for critisism of Isreal.

    Free Member

    Keep in mind there are plenty of considerate drivers too. A suprising number stop to let me cross the road where a cycle path requires it.

    It’s most likely 0.01% that are doing the rounds passing too close to lots of cyclists.

    Free Member

    Happy Valley sprung to my mind too. Have paused at ep3 partly because I’m annoyed how young Richard Armitage looks, and partly down to being oddly drawn into the ridiculousness that is Ragnarok instead.

    Free Member

    It’s not just drivers though. Just yesterday on a bridleway I had angry walkers ignor my bell and try insisting I ride round them on the grass verge. It’s rare but far from the first time this has happened.

    Why so irrational? Categorisation is a strong and essential psychological coping mechanism to make sense of the world and even communicate. So it makes sense that ‘cyclists’ fall into a single group in their minds.

    I assume that these people have had bad experiences with one or two individuals. Presuably that can be the one day, years ago they were late because of or nearly hit one, or hit by one? Now they get stressed or anxiety triggered by any and all.

    And I’d imagine it’s the British roads and paths being more congested that make it more prevelent here than a cultural problem?

    Free Member

    A phone shot from today that came out better than I expected:


    Free Member

    Well F Bombs and Patrick Stewart should not be in the same program

    Does this count?

    Free Member

    Lots of insperation in this thread.

    Fire and Water is my current go to:

    Free Member

    Someone forgot to tell the UK: (about 100,000 more births than deaths pa.)

    30% of UK births were from parents not born in the UK. Who to prove my other point still have fertility levels below replacement.

    Free Member

    It certainly would but a virus is probably the thing that will save the planet and it’s ever expanding population

    We already solved population growth, at least in the West. Deaths out number births massively and population is in rapid decline. Well below replacement levels that no society in history has ever recovered from. (And yet a housing shortage, hmm).

    Birth control access, equal rights, education, living standards. They are the solutions. Not culling the vunerable.

    Also ironically the biggest influencer increasing fertility rates has always been natural disasters and wars.

    Free Member

    Title’s a bit racist and sexist.

    Free Member


    In the next mission would like to see some ancient rock art or obscure standing stones.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    new coin

    Well, as far as I can tell from this thread, the best thing to do with a Brexit 50p is to diss them and make a gammon Brexiteers head explode.

    The gammons seem quite hushed, chuckling quietly in the corner.

    Personally I was thinking of gluing one to the bottom of my shoe. That way I can leave 10,000 little reminders a day for the remoaners to happen upon.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t have the soap feel of the old star trek. I guess thats not going to be easy without a ship or space station.

    The producers have said it is more of a long film. Might have to watch Nemesis again to catch up.

    For Wesley fans, he is hosting a new washup tv series called ready room. There’s a working link in this review:

    Review: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Series Premiere – “Remembrance”

    Free Member

    I must be reading reviews of a different program.

    Still going to give it a try but Discovery has made me less than optimistic anything good can come of Star Trek anymore.

    Free Member

    I would start by ditching excel and using ms forms or one of the free online survey tools.

    Free Member

    6′ in flat shoes, ride a 56 attain (gtc pro). Usually find most bikes are a little low and 58s a bit long. This one is neither.

    Free Member

    Weights twice a week in the spare room, whole body split. Legs, chest, back. Biceps, triceps, shoulders, core.

    Limited number of sets, higher reps, takes less than 45 mins. Even at 50 seeing results after 6 months.

    Still need to get rid of the winter paunch though.

    Was thinking of starting Tai Chi for some flexibility.

    Free Member

    Film 6/10, book 9/10.

    Free Member

    It’s a disgrace to call Extinction Rebellion extremists

    Didn’t they just burn down Australia?

    Free Member

    I give it a couple of years or till the hair is totally gone, which ever is sooner, before Her Royal High Maintence loses all respect for him and moves on.

    Free Member

    This one looks more fun:

    Free Member

    Attacks appear to be ‘near’ bases. An element of sabre rattling perhaps, show of force in retaliation.

    So far Trump has shown he only reacts to American casualties and they know that. So maybe some hope yet.

    Free Member


    Some of those cheap studs from bnq and a few pallets. Holds about 2 bulk bags.

    Free Member

    Cant see why you are using and at all, makes no sense for the same cell.

    Just use your last posted formula with all AND( removed.

    Free Member

    This is the most pocketable U lock I’ve ever had.

    Free Member

    Just finished The Hard Way by Mark Billingham. This one sounds a good follow up on a theme.

    Free Member

    My Planet X Full Monty SL is the same bar height as my sons medium GT alu. It has about 15mm more spacers, but is 650b 42mm slicks compared to his 700c 35mm Marathons. It is also fairly short on the c2c, more like a medium. And light.

    If that doesnt float your boat I would second the Nuroad, if it’s anything like the GTC pro discs it will have a high stack height.

    Free Member

    Damp is there for a reason, poor ventilation, lack of heating, insulation, leaky pipe, tumble dryer whatever.

    All those can be fixed.

    Main concern would be health and Cost of getting rid before moving in.

    Free Member

    This is all I do now. I must have cycled practicaly every cycle lane in the city I live. At one time I would even drive to a different places for the day to take an urban tour. Some great photo ops too.

    Free Member

    1 inch sensor, meh.

    Free Member

    There is one in the bike racks at my office. Been like that a while so must work for them. Looks a bit long for me.

    Free Member

    Good shout from OP. Just watched the latest two and certainly going downhill. Good news is still has a long way to fall.

    Bjorn doesnt really have enough gravitass to take the lead and Ivor’s storyline, while it has it’s moments, is getting a little unbelievable.

    The Mandalorian takes the top spot currently. Because that is of course more historically accurate.

    Free Member

    Skipwith common is right next door. Bordering on the ‘cheeky’ trail but will be real quiet this time of year, and you will be doing a number of loops.

    Yearsley Woods is just to the north for gravel.

    You also have an off road route (tarmac) all the way from Riccall to York center.

    Boring as hell but nice if the kids are young, follows the solar route.

    Free Member

    Recently got a 7.2 one. Now when I have to use the standard size work phone it’s like its made for ants.

    Still pocketable and not going back.

    Free Member

    Woodworking skills don’t extend beyond a hand saw and drill, but quite pleased with this tidierupper for under a pony. Even used some glue.


    Free Member

    Joel Edgerton did a great job writing and trying to keep it real a fantasy

    You may be right, the French are not happy:

    Free Member

    Enjoyed both Arctic and Replicas albeit for different reasons.

    No mention of ‘The King’ yet? Henry V, battle of Agencourt. Slow paced but good film reminisent of BBC Dramas of old before they went full retard. Joel Edgerton did a great job writing and trying to keep it real, especially his accent.

    Free Member

    Standard S3 hosting would be fine for image hosting. Costs less than 3p a Gb storage and half a pence for 10k requests.

    Free Member

    If it helps most of my PX tops still have the labels on because they are too tight. And I always buy a size up.

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