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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • Tinners
    Full Member

    Serious question – does anyone really think that we won’t be here at all in 10yrs?
    You’re entitled to your opinion if you do and I’m not looking to criticise, just interested to see if the generally negative outlook dips that low for some.

    Full Member

    Trying to keep this one a bit light hearted, chaps. Just interested in views of how things may change without getting too heavy about it. Some really interesting observations, but not a lot to get too excited about.
    Still waiting for the optimists to join the fray, though :wink:
    Biking-wise, are we going to see yet another wheel size change? I hope so. You can’t stockpile enough different sizes of tyres in the garage.

    Full Member

    …and Darcy didn’t turn her nose up to a Damehood…..well, not in the physical sense of the word, anyway.

    Full Member

    A quick update for the TL;DR crowd

    Like it is now but sh1ter

    Although if Rene59 gets to be Prime Minister, this may change

    Full Member

    He may be able to hit an empty bean can with a pencil to the tune of “We all live in a yellow submarine”, Rusty, but he’s no Omar Hakim, is he?

    Full Member

    Good man, SaxonRider!
    We need to get him to the Millennium/Principality Stadium next!

    Full Member

    Stewartc waiting for Rene59 to post, there, before offering an opinion……. :wink:

    Full Member

    The summary so far:

    Anyway, I think it will be shit.

    Full Member

    I know. I’ve got graphene in my tyres too. Apparently, it’s on the verge of doing something big though? Electrical? Maybe not.

    Full Member

    There won’t be much left after the nukes get hurled around.

    So if you’re going to shelter in a cast iron casserole dish, make it a Le Creuset one

    Full Member

    It’s for Thomas the Tank

    :oops: He played drums on Thomas the tank? Every day a school day. One of his better compositions.
    They should play it as he goes up to receive his honour. He’d like that.

    Full Member

    levitating around

    transporter just like on Star Trek

    Don’t you just love it when some young whippersnapper pulls the rug from underneath your feet, just before you click “Send post”?

    Full Member

    See, if I’d asked this question in the 50s or 60s, I reckon we’d have had suggestions that I’d be levitating around in my self propelling hoverbubble thingy wearing a bri-nylon bowler and clothes that wash themselves. Self printing money and free food. Trips to see the in-laws on the moon every few decades. Instead, I have a slightly gloomier outlook of life without my jojonas, in a Newport that always rains, watching Walesgland playing Scotland (and probably losing) in the 6N, but the consolation of an owl or possibly a goshawk to keep me company if I play my cards right. Less George Orwell and more Salvador Dali if you ask me. Not how I expected the conversation to pan out tbh.

    Full Member

    PS Whoever shifted this from “Bike” to “Chat” has just added to his/her good karma repository. Thank you.

    Full Member

    (The first to reply “Fnar” will be shot, btw)

    Full Member

    Nobody’s mentioned graphene and I hoped they would, because I know nothing about it but a friend in Manchester Uni reckons it’s going to be huge

    Full Member

    What time do the optimists get back from the pub? :wink:

    Full Member

    Thanks sr0093193. You have to admit that Newport does look better with a bit of sunlight, though.

    Full Member

    Ben & Garry – really interesting. Never heard of Kurzweil before. Possibly bigger changes ahead than I may have expected? I wonder what the next big “disrupter” will be? (Or maybe it’s already here but hasn’t taken off yet?)

    Full Member

    You may be right, Wrightyson, but using the phrase to try to be inclusive, so that everyone pitches in. Please elaborate. Doesn’t have to be a fanciful prediction either. Maybe a fashion or trend.
    My reason for asking is that a colleague said to me today that the BBC may not be here in any recognisable form in 10yrs time. Not sure I believe that, but it made me think more widely about changes in society and tech, however small

    Full Member

    Actually, Macattack, I think there may be something in the 1984 analogy but it won’t necessarily be a state “big brother”, it’ll be under our noses with Nest cameras and offspring wandering around the house while FaceTiming their friends. Imagine going to get a cold beer out of the fridge in your underpants* on a hot day without realising that a hologram of your activities is being beamed to millions of living room walls via some sort of 3D GIF on social media?
    *this is a theoretical scenario and not a habit, before you ask

    Full Member

    This very enjoyable thread has made me realise that I’ve totally wasted 2017…..

    Full Member

    Speshpaul – Do you work for Rab? #JustSayin

    Full Member

    Not looking too optimistic so far (I’m looking at you, Montgomery).
    Anyone foresee something way, way, better – a cause for excitement?

    Full Member

    Yikes! I’d better not revert to Welsh when talking about the weather down the pub when there are English chums nearby then, in case they think I’m talking in a derogatory fashion about their house:car ratio or external house lights :wink:

    Full Member

    Thanks km79. I hadn’t even thought of that, but I see what you mean. How do you think that would pan out? Good/bad? I’m Welsh – does that mean I’ll need to dig out the passport as well as the toll for the Severn crossing? :wink:

    Full Member

    I like to keep and repair cars, rarely changing <10yrs, but on the basis of your last sentence, Matt, it sounds like a twist. Even if the cost is palatable, a run of visits to the garage (who may not be able to fit you in and even then without a courtesy car at short notice) or breakdowns will soon grate if it’s your only vehicle or needed for income, or you’re in a remote location with a “wife & kids” breakdown (bearing in mind that callout times aren’t always great).

    Full Member

    Darn it! Wrong forum

    Full Member

    E: Chinese takeaway from local restaurant (17 assorted cartons worth to feed a large gathering at home)
    D: Condesation beads on the glass levels of chilled Sauvignon Blanc
    L: A Spotify chilled acoustic mix
    In truth, I’m too tired to eat and all I want to do is sleep. Incredibly busy few months. Looking forward to shutting the door on the world and having a quiet, relaxing 4 days with the family and a few woodland walks. Roll on Christmas. Slainte, STW.

    Full Member

    Iolo writes with a North Wales accent (and is correct in what he says :wink: )

    Full Member

    Full Member

    (Only locals who’ve heard “Toy mic Trevor” singing on Queen St will get my comment above :wink: )

    Full Member

    Cardiff isn’t really proper Wales though

    Are you talking about Caerdydd or Frank Hennessey’s “Kairdiff”?
    Caerdydd is the capital of Wales, whereas Kairdiff is in a parallel universe :wink:

    Full Member

    As one of the dark, pugnacious trolls from the land of song, I’m a bit beffuddled by claims of unfriendliness to outsiders. I’ve lived in or near to Cardiff for a very long time and consistently hear visitors say how friendly it is as a city and the surrounding valley people are famously warm and kind hearted. OK, North Walians and Mid Walians (who are a small % of population because most live on M4 corridor), in common with many country folk, can exude an air of suspicion but I wouldn’t say that they’re hostile. My grandfather was beaten for speaking Welsh, by a person in a position of authority, in a practice that was not uncommon and generally accepted. But those days have gone and the perpetrators long dead and you can’t blame people for misdemeanours of the past any more. I love to hear English accents at trail centres. It’s great to share this beautiful countryside – which belongs to ALL of us – Welsh, English, European, African, whatever….and it also brings much needed revenue to areas that are often quite deprived

    Full Member

    A close relative has a 3 cylinder VW Polo bluemotion (they’re all badged Bluemotion apparently, but this one is the full Monty bluemotion model with all the eco stuff on it). It’s about 900 ccs or thereabouts. Very very impressive indeed. Thinking of getting one myself. I’ve driven it and been a passenger in it and been semi looking into getting one. 100bhp, no lack of power. Silent engine noise on motorway and cruising. Has done an average 70mpg on one motorway trip (albeit at 60 all the way), but usual is 50s to 60mpg. Doesn’t use oil, a year old and done 10,000 plus miles. No faults so far. Very very impressive motor. There’s a new Polo imminent and looks like they’re selling off old stock now rather than taking new orders. I don’t know if there’s a replacement for that model or if keeping same engine. I’m tempted. Only thing putting me off is that a new old model will depreciate like a brick. I’ve genuinely not been in such a silent engine noise car of this size on the motorway before. It does have an individual offbeat noise when revved hard on A roads though (is only silent at steady cruise). Hers is warrantied to 5 yrs (she paid extra for that but wasn’t much apparently). It’ll probably move on to someone else by then. Zero car tax too.

    Full Member

    It’s not just spelling. Someone on here (and I wouldn’t dream of being rude enough to be any more specific than that) has the loosest grasp (see what I did there) of punctuation that I’ve ever seen. “Idea’s” is my favourite. Makes my brain do a little recoil and double take every time. Life would be dull without it.
    I’m not immune either. It’s interesting how the brain works. I sometimes type a “their” when I mean “they’re” and it’s not until I read it back that I can see that it’s clearly wrong and have to correct it.

    Full Member

    It’s Italian, what do you expect? A bit of fizzing, popping, steaming and dripping gives it character. My 15 year old classic does the same. Just like Mr Beerinthefridge, I put a little glass bowl under the Rancilio wand (the only mod) to catch any drips. Apart from descaling regularly, I’ve done nothing else. Still makes great coffee with a lovely crema.
    I do like the look of those Silvias though. Reckon it’ll be replaced by one of those when it finally dies.

    Full Member

    I know what you mean. Horrible stuff to use. The key, for me was heat. The wax tin needs to be warm (leave in bowl of hot water or in a warming tray if you have one and don’t mind the smell), the jacket in airing cupboard to get warm and, in the end, I used to do it in the summer on a blazing hot day. However, copious use of hairdryer probably achieves the same end. Make sure you use a lint free cloth to apply (or sponge, they say, although I never tried that). I used what I thought was lint free but had lots of little white fibres left. A microfibre cloth worked best for me. I found it easier to have someone, with a high boredom threshold, wearing the jacket as I did it too.
    When current jacket needs re-doing, I think I’ll send it back to Barbour. As you say, it’s time you’ll never get back.

    Full Member

    Edd, I’d be really interested to hear how you get on.
    Anyone else started having Porsche adverts on the page instead of chainreaction/clothing? Spooky!!

    Full Member

    If there’s a “high fives” emoticon, can I send it to Glenn :D

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