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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • tinman66
    Free Member

    I’ll be up that way this weekend will definitely keep my eyes open for her.

    Hope she turns up safe and sound.

    Free Member

    Brave move suggesting the Liverpool fans might have also contributed to the situation. Didn’t the head of Merseyside Police suggest this at the time?

    Free Member

    Don’t know about pure nut allergies but I’m allergic to all fresh fruit and nuts. It only started about ten years ago when I started having a reaction if I ate fresh fruit. Used to eat loads of fruit as a kid, always been really healthy then it suddenly started. Now I can’t eat / drink anything with fruit in it.

    And no its not looking for attention – trust me, your throat swelling up, not being able to breath and your body covered in hives is no fun. Also have to carry an epi pen just in case.

    Free Member

    2×10 is sooooo 2011 darling

    1×11 is where the cool kids are going to be at for 2013

    Actually I’m on 3×10 SLX but seriously thinking about ditching a cog and going 2×10 with a bash. I never use the whole range of ratios on 3×10.

    Free Member

    That moment when two minutes before you leave the house you realise your iphone battery is on 5% and there’s no time to charge it.

    Free Member

    When you open your pitta bread and it has a hole in one side so the feta cheese falls out when you try to eat it.

    Hate this 😆

    Free Member

    I can’t believe people are arguing over which is the better valve. (I also can’t believe I wasted five minutes of my life reading the responses)

    I’ve always had presta on my bikes but have to admit to never even thinking about why or if Schrader are better.

    They’re valves, they let me put air in and take air out of my tyres (tubes) End of.

    Free Member

    Lets be honest watching mountain bike racing is about as exciting as watching paint dry… dull, dull, dull.

    I love cycling but give me a choice between football and cycling and its the beautiful game all the way.

    Of course the big question is why are some people so insecure that they feel the need to go on the internet and question people who like football……

    Free Member

    If you think BA are bad then try Wizz Air from Luton. Truly terrible.

    Free Member

    BA the worst? – you’ve not flown much have you?

    Free Member

    Peterfile makes a good point – go and tell a non cycling fan member of your office / workplace that you spent £1000 on a push bike and see the look on their face.

    Its all in the eye of the beholder, to me £2000 is quite cheap for a decent full sus but don’t get people spending £50 on a t-shirt.

    Free Member

    My name’s Tinman and I’m a bike snob.

    Feels better now we’ve got that out of the way.

    Why would anyone want to pay over £6k for a bike. Why not if that’s what they choose to spend their money on.

    My carbon fibre road bike is probably worth the best part of £5k and doesn’t have suspension, disc brakes etc. In fact the wheels alone cost nearly the same as my Cove Stiffee did to build in 2006.

    The fact is I’m still ‘relatively’ young, have a good job and no kids.

    Yes I could buy something cheaper and yes the weak link in the whole thing is the useless chuffer that sits on the bike but I still love my bikes and to honest I’m not going to buy a cheaper bike just because I’m not that fast. On that basis very few people would be eligible to buy a Porsche.

    Free Member

    Some people like Tea others like Coffee,
    Some people like pets, others don’t

    Who knew we all like different things.

    As it happens I like my Border Terrier considerably more than I like 99.9% of humans.

    Free Member

    Sam blenky wun a big race a couple of years back and rob warner said how cool it was he dint hav no gloves on so me and all my m8s binned our gloves then
    is a bit slippy on the grips sometimes but it looks well cool

    Please tell me you’re joking, if not this is the most stupid thing I’ve read in a long time.

    I wear gloves because several million years of evolution means you will put your hands down first if you crash.

    Free Member

    Isn’t get a grip three words?

    Free Member

    When I was in the dating game I always had the rule that if a girl didn’t offer to buy a round on the first date it never went to a second date. Having said that I rarely let them buy a drink on the first date even if they offered.

    Its not about being tight, if a girl doesn’t make any attempt to buy a round or split the bill it tells you a lot about them and their outlook on ‘equality.

    My wife to be pays for as many meals, drinks etc as I do and always has.

    In short get rid.

    Free Member

    Agree totally with honourablegeorge

    I bought a X-Fusion Hilo with remote but decided against fitting the remote as I wanted to keep it faff free, plus I’m a tart and I like not having a cluttered bike.

    10mins in to my first ride with the dropper I was regretting the decision. Without a remote, on really rough steep stuff you still need to stop or at least slow right down to take your hand off the bar long enough to drop the seat. You may as well just drop the post by hand.

    The remote is definitely necessary if you want to get the most from the dropper post.

    Free Member

    Depending on finances I wouldn’t be looking any further than the Blur TRc. I’m fighting off the urges to do something stupid like ordering one myself.

    Free Member

    And the other side of the coin – never bought a bike from O-O / PX but bought a fair few parts (forks / groupsets etc) and never had a problem. Always arrived on time and always got a good deal. Plus the only time there was an issue (caused by the couriers) it was sorted straight away.

    No complaints. Apart from the courier company they use 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve had my 58 plate Scirocco TSI for just over three years and love it. I don’t use it for biking as I don’t have a roof rack or anything, thats what the girlfriend’s car is for 🙂

    Mine’s not particularly economical but then it has got just under 250bhp and encourages healthy driving. Its great on the twisties but put it in comfort mode and it potters down the motorway and can get my 19″ Cove Stiffee in the boot if i really have to (and the bike’s clean.) But both wheels need to come out.

    Free Member

    One really good way of getting rid of him would be to say “no I don’t watch football, I prefer to spend my life on internet chat rooms talking about riding my bike.” I’m sure then he’ll realise then he’s met his match and leave you to it.

    He probably has the same conversation about you, “There’s this guy who keeps boring everyone with talk of riding his push bike round the woods and how he’s upped his rebound.”

    Free Member

    You being a coffee connoisseur obviously.

    Free Member

    Totally bogus dude……I loved Bill and Ted but please no third film. Just wouldn’t be the same and some how Keanu Reeves’ acting has got more wooden through the years.

    Free Member

    If you’re feeling flush it would be a carbon Nomad for me every time. Otherwise probably go for an Enduro or Spicy.

    I could also be quite tempted by a Transition Covert but only from what I’ve read. I’ve never slung a leg over one.

    Actually I’d add on that a Cove G-Spot but only because it would sit perfectly along side my Stiffee and therefore pander to my OCD.

    Free Member

    For me it would have to be the On-One Whippet. Saw one at Dalby and looked a really decent bike / frame.

    Free Member

    Have to say I had a set of 2006 Marzocchis on my Cove and never really got on with them (I appreciate they’ve come a long way since then. They just felt vague and uninspiring resulting in them dying a death at Dalby last year. Now running Revelations and love ’em. They ride much better, look much better and so far no tech problems with them at all.

    Free Member

    Another…..Montane Prism owner here. The two previous comments pretty much sum it up. For the size its got some decent insulation although it would be far too warm for me to actually ride in. It packs down pretty small too so should fit in most backpacks.

    Free Member

    Sorry Prezet, but its not through being snobbish. My dog went to socialisation classes from when he was a tiny pup and went to training every week for two years. So I’m quite happy for him to meet other dogs. The problem is not all dogs are friendly and ours is extremely friendly and keen to say hello.

    I’ve had several dogs snap at ours when he’s been on a lead and they’ve come running over. Because of this I tend to play it safe and keep him on a lead when I’m around other dogs.

    Free Member

    ^^^^^^^^ This X2

    Too many people go for Terriers because they’re generally quite small and cute looking but a lot of them need serious exercise and can be destructive if they get bored. When our Border was a pup he chewed through the radiator pipes FOUR times, managed to get a bottle of red wine out the wine rack and smash it on the tiles, destroyed countless socks etc, ipod leads.

    Having said that, he’s great now and hasn’t chewed anything for over a year (he’s two.)

    Free Member

    There’s some good points here and some utter tosh…

    Terriers are perfectly trainable (is that a word?) but they are harder than most dogs. This is mainly due to them being bred to think for themselves unlike a Lab or retriever. Thankfully they’re generally quite greedy (as most dogs are) so food can be used to bribe.

    We’ve got a two year-old Border and he took a lot of training but he’s pretty well behaved. One post said the dog needs to be scared of you…. What rubbish, they need to understand who is the ‘pack leader’ and then they will understand who wears the trousers.

    We let ours off the lead all the time, but usually in fields and when there’s no one around. It does my head in when others people’s dogs come bounding up to me so I don’t want mine doing the same.

    Free Member

    Not sure about the Dual Position Rev’s but the Dual Air can be adjusted down to 140mm. I have a set and I’m hoping to get it done in the next couple of months.

    I think 18bikes in Hope do it, if like me you’re not the most mechanically able person.

    Free Member

    Had a double hernia repair about 18 months ago. I was up and walking absolutely fine within 48 hours but probably a couple of weeks until I could ride a bike properly. Well as properly as I’ll ever ride a bike 🙂

    I could have physically ridden the bike sooner but not off-road and not at any pace. Any twists or turns of my waist / abdominal area were a bit painful.

    A few years ago you’d have been out of business for weeks but the new key hole procedures are awesome and you should be back riding in a couple of weeks.

    Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    Sue – you’re not a victim because you’re doing something about it.

    I know it can be really hard to think of the good times when you’re feeling low but talking really helps. Is there a friend you can trust who you can tell and will be there for you?

    You’d be surprised how much better you’ll feel having someone to tell you you’re not being daft and its a perfectly natural way to feel with everything thats going on.

    Trust me having that one person to vent to really makes the difference and as wonderful as the STW lot are sometimes there’s no replacement for talking to a ‘real’ person.

    Now for something a little lighter…..

    Two goldfish in a tank.

    One says to the other, “I’ll drive, you man the guns!”

    I’ll get my coat……..

    Free Member

    Cheers teaboy any idea roughly how much time Hathersage would knock off the commute?

    Free Member

    I’d back up everything here.

    I switched back to flats at the start of this year. I ride road bikes as well so SPDs were a natural choice and all my mates were quite snobbish about using flats.

    But decided to give it a go and never looked back. As above you need good shoes, I got Shimano AM41s (I think)the white ones and got some sarcy comments about looking like a 6 year old Japanese kids trainers but well happy with them.

    I will probably try getting a new set of spd shoes and giving it another go at some point as on long climbs etc I do miss the additional pull on the pedals.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the awesome response folks.

    I’ve been looking for an easy ish route but couldn’t see one.

    I was kind of hoping someone would come up with an obvious plan that I’d missed …. 😀

    However can’t see anyway round a rubbish journey every day.


    Free Member

    For the last three years we’ve spent a week in Scotland staying in the same hotel each time. During our first stay the bar man told us that our room was haunted by the ghost of a girl who had died there. We stayed in the same room the next year and on the first night I woke up feeling like someone was sat on me pinning me to the bed. i couldn’t move, shout to my brother or do anything. Scariest thing I’ve ever had.

    In the morning I couldn’t decide if i’d been dreaming. However I didn’t wake up afterwards like I would have if it had been a dream.

    Free Member

    Another Stiffee owner here. As the others have said, with 100mm you prob won’t see the benefits of the Cove frame. I’ve run mine with a set of 130mm Bombers for and just swapped for a pair of 150mm Rev’s. I use mine mainly for general trail riding / trail centres and messing about in the quarries and to be honest I’m tempted to get the Rev’s adjusted to 140mm. The only downside to the longer forks is the bike wanders slightly on climbs.

    Free Member

    I work for a NHS trust and we mark all our IT equipment etc with smart water. Seems really good idea and if you put the stickers on as well it acts as a deterrent. The only issue is without the stickers the little thieving buggers won’t know its there until the coppers knock on their door. On the plus side you’ll hopefully get your property back.

    Free Member

    I’ve stopped using CRC. Always seems to take way longer than the others to get things delivered. Last straw was I ordered two pairs of grips and a few other things (total of about £50)a couple of weeks ago. Three days later I’d not even got the ‘Your order is being processed’ email or anything else. Phoned up and there were no apologies just we’ll cancel your order.

    One customer who has left the building.

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