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  • Details of the new Santa Cruz Hightower 4
  • TinMan
    Free Member

    The fault, if there is any, would be with your employer if they made you go out in hazardous conditions? Did you have the correct training and equipment provided?


    Free Member

    Oh yes they are, ask Legs

    PS: Mail sent

    Free Member

    Conti Mountain King worked very well yesterday (I didn't die)

    Free Member

    Did it this morning, from Bradway to the Northern Gen, excellent ride. Cars were so slow / stationary all the way and I can't see that changing tomorrow. Surprisingly grippy under the tyres as well.

    Go on, you know you want to, and think how pleased you'll be once you get there.

    Free Member

    Not going to thaw tonight, no chance, it's seriously cold out there.
    We've had another sprinkling since 5pm as well

    Report from AndyPaice earlier said it was very icy as well.
    (Sheffield / Derbyshire border)

    Free Member

    +1 slw

    If I can't feel it riding, then it's all good

    Free Member

    Put the bike together and head 'out'.

    Free Member

    9300T here for the last 12 mths and pretty faultless for me.
    Absolutely love the thing and even the wife likes it and can use most of the features when she never used to use the video at all because of the faff.

    Recent freezes were introduced when the Freeview update was released a couple of months ago that had an unmentioned 'feature in the signal' that has been resolved with an over air update from Humax.

    The EPG clears and is annoying but it is because the Humax in standby uses an absolute minimum of power, catch 22, you either burn loads of juice to just have an epg, or you are patient for a couple of mins. I'm happy waiting.

    Free Member

    The most interesting part of the debate for me is the BMJ Rapid responses. The diversity of opinions and the people who are quoting them makes interesting reading.

    Practically I'm happy to accept we can't do a proper 'trial' of bicycle helmets effectiveness in reducing brain injury or death, but we should accept that it is a personal choice to use one or not.

    For all the ridiculous reasons, I think it's important off road, where the likelihood of me having an off is all down to me, but the chance of an accident on the road will be far more related to motorists, the speeds involved and blunt solid objects they will hit me with. A bit of polystyrene won't help so much then.

    If all with the strongest of opinions either way would sign up for this little experiment I've got planned maybe we could come up with some answers… 😮

    Free Member

    Winter Technical MTB Gloves
    These Ones

    Not had issues with liner coming out. Worth trying sizes on in a shop prior to ordering online, etc…

    Free Member

    I have both Strikes and Sealskins Technical MTB.

    The Strikes are less chunky, but that's because I only consider them Autumn / Spring gloves, def not warm enough for Winter if you get cold hands. That's what the Sealskins are for.

    That said I have no problems with the SealSkins holding on, changing gear or braking?

    Free Member

    Hmm, the Glasgow Spinal Injuries unit trying to be representative of the whole UK?

    Funny as having spent 4 yrs working in the Sheffield SIU in the late 90's, only a couple of pts were from diving and only 1 ever from biking (not MTBing).

    Top was motorbikes (also very good for serious brain injury) and cars, horses were quite popular along with falls from height (usually ladders or roofs), gliding and hang gliders were quite popular and some rugby players. Even had 2 pts (both adult) with broken necks from bouncy castles.

    So all in: 8 MTBers in 5 yrs for one medium sized SI unit would appear quite an increase, but in the grand scheme of things still a drop in the ocean of hours and people out on bikes doing stupid things.

    Free Member

    One thought on the Sheffield plan. Go and have a look at LaBicicleta[/url]. They've built a reputation and store on boutique road bikes, just down the road from JEJames. There is definitely scope for an MTB equivalent.

    Free Member

    Congratulations on bringing up MMR, it was only a matter of time…

    And back to the OP
    I kind of thought that the vaccine for healthcare workers as potential vectors was only a part of the story, the other side of it is to reduce possible sickness absence should H1N1 cause an influx of inpatients during the usual winter pressures period.

    Free Member

    Smart 1/2 watt superflsher[/url] is very good and cheap, also the Cateye TLD 610[/url] is another bright robust(well sealed) design

    Free Member

    Went running with a club and did 39:06 for 10km. I'm happy 🙂

    Legs are kippered now though!. MTBing tomorrow when the weathers nicer 😆

    Free Member

    Have an old Lumi HID for 4 yrs then added a P7 on my helmet, which outperforms the HID in direct comparison.

    When the Lumi battery died a month later, I faced the choice of either replacing the HID with another P7 or buying a new battery. £100 battery vs £40 torch & I don't have to use a heavy bottlecage / bag battery.

    No contest.

    Free Member

    That should be the last word…

    Free Member

    Someone remind me, which last big strike by any workers saved the service that they worked for?

    Free Member

    Sealskinz Winter Technical MTB gloves if you suffer from cold hands. They're lots warmer than the Endura 'winter' gloves I tried.

    If you really suffer, get lobsters

    Free Member

    Spoiler title FAIL

    Free Member

    Humax 9300t here & agree very wife friendly.
    twin digi tuner, pause live tv etc, 320gb hard drive.

    for 120notes on ebay – perfect

    Free Member

    Been registered 15yrs this month. Mainly Spinal injuries & young neuro-rehab for 7 yrs, the rest in non-clinical when I got sick of shifts and the perpetual tiredness.

    The job/qualification has an amazing scope for doing pretty much anything from actual 'caring', through to performing highly medicalised tasks (e.g. Endoscopy procedures). From high tech environments to the absolute basics.

    Agree with others that over the last 10-15 yrs there has been a focus shift away from the obvious caring role as the NHS has shifted to patient throughput and hitting targets. Quick aside, there are murmurs of this potentially changing again as the patient experience / quality agenda takes hold. How you reconcile that with cuts… who knows

    The NHS and nursing are always changing and will never stop, they have to in order to keep pace with the changes in expectations, technology & the population we serve, so you have to expect it. No use moaning afterwards.

    Me – still NHS but now sit somewhere between IT, management & clinical teams, using the skills and experiences for nursing to change practice and implement clinical information solutions. I love it.

    Free Member

    I do wear reflective and yellow, mainly a road workers reflective summer top with the sleeves cut short for commuting. It isn't waterproof, but goes over everything else that is, and it's light enough to not get to sweaty when it's warmer

    As for Lights, as other have said, have at least 2 each end. The only thing I'd add is to split them up. I have bar & seatpost as well as F&R on the helmet. Seen too many with everything on the bars and they can get lost. The P7 on the helmet is great for seeing over cars to stop people turning in front of me (on intermittent strobe you really get noticed 😆 )

    Free Member

    Vice can deform the axle if you're not careful… Persevere with the 2 screwdrivewrs & wd40, eventaully you should strip the perishing rubber O ring and it'll come off.

    Mine was a royal pain in the Ar5e and then I had to use a lump hammer to bounce the axle and bearing out of the non-drive side as it just wouldn't budge by reasonable means! Turned a 20 min job into a lot of swearing over a couple of hours.

    All happy again now though 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes cyclists should stop fully & properly at red lights, only we usually can't do it safely because the advanced stop boxes and cycle lanes to the side of the roads are actually full of cars/lorries/buses in Sheffield.

    Car drivers are trying to kill us, albeit mostly from carelessness and ignorance, so anything that makes you visible and raises their awareness of you is a good thing.

    Alternatively you can sit in the queue and wait to be sideswiped or go over the bonnet as some moron pulls out in front of you, travelling at the same speed as the cars. Might as well drive.

    Current main menace is the new freshers spending too long looking at maps and just wandering into roads with phones in. At least the traffics slowing again now schools are back.

    Free Member

    Still trying to stop chasing the fricking lights to start worrying about other riders. Sth to Nth Sheffield straight through the centre, so many lights it feels like a damn disco ❗

    Free Member

    I was thinking about using some old inner tube for the rattling with mine. Hopefully less of an issue with sticking and no glue to be affected by heat.

    From what I recall, Trout had the most experience with removing the heads off P7s. All were screwed together not bonded, but there were a number of different types of thread in circulation, so if you're is a newer one it may even be bonded (MTE have started bonding the 3-2 torch range I believe).

    Have you tried cooling it to see if the tape will shrink?

    Free Member

    Recommended depth is 300mm these days. Any less and you're wasting energy.

    Space board is expensive, certainly B&Q (don't spit) have a much cheaper basic polystyrene board that does the same thing. It's both in the packs and large sheets, same as Space Board. Laying these across the joists with your chipboard on top will also avoid heat bridging.

    The other way is to raise the height of the joists to allow additional insulation to be added between the joists up to the recommended depth.

    Free Member

    The BW down the back of my house was resurfaced a few years ago with the crushed Egg Box. As others have pointed out, one good serious downpour and most of it ended up in the road at the end with a good deep trough down the path.

    The next section has a tarmac FP 5m to the side of the BW which has never been surfaced and so is a permanent quagmire. No guesses for which path the horses use… They really don't like getting their shoes muddy do they.

    Free Member

    Urm, good likeness 😕

    Free Member

    I enjoy the climb from Roych Clough to South Head too much!

    Free Member

    Plantation for me, just because the causeway is a balls out blam & hope for the best. Trying to choose a line is optional.

    Plantation requires finesse, and has options and technical difficulties all the way down.

    Free Member

    We've got a 3mth old here, and I've still trained for an Ironman. Got MrsTM's blessing to enter when she was 6mths pregnant, and now she's already agreed for me to do Lanzarote next May as well (before we have no2), mainly because how I've juggled the training hasn't actually come over as too onerous on her for managing the sprog. I get a lot of training done before work, even after taking her breakfast in bed & doing the other chores.

    The other side is that she knew before we married that riding bikes etc was a significant part of who I am and she says she doesn't want to loose that.

    Whether I will want to spend more time with the lad as he gets older rather than also riding, I just don't know, but for now it all works. When no2 comes along, I'm sure options will become far more restricted!

    PS: I'll vote for an Out'n'about 360 buggy, as it works from birth. Took him down the track at Monsal Head at 2wks, Mrs was having kittens but he loved it / fell asleep. Pretty good for running as well (another training opportunity & allows quite time for Mrs so gets you in the good books).

    Off to make tea…

    Free Member

    I thought Armstrong had showed in previous years that he was happy to not sit in yellow, as it avoided the discussions and team effort on whether to defend it.
    Sure both he & Contador are more than happy to let someone else have it 'on loan' for a week or so, before the big hitters kick off in the Alps and the fun really starts.

    C'mon Cav, need a couple more to match last year now 😀

    Free Member

    -. — -. –..– .-. .. . -. -.. . .-. .. . -. –..– -. — -. –..– .— . -. . .-. . –. .-. . – – . .-. .. . -. -. .. .-.. . -… .. . -. –.- ..- — -. — .- ..-. .- .. – –..– -. .. .-.. . .-. ..- -.. . -… — -.– – — ..- – -.-. .- — . … – -… .. . -. . –. .- .-.. -. — -. –..– .-. .. . -. -.. . .-. .. . -. –..– -. — -. –..– .— . -. . .-. . –. .-. . – – . .-. .. . -. -.-. . … – .–. .- -.– . –..– -… .- .-.. .- -.– . –..– — ..- -… .-.. .. . –..– .— . — . ..-. — ..- … -.. ..- .–. .- … … .

    in morse means

    Free Member

    Good here & better with the new forum.

    On the old forum it didn’t cope with the post box very well…

    Free Member

    Hmmm, that’s right, you pay the public sector workers lower than private partly on the basis that at retirement there may be a pension worth having.

    The private sector has had cracking pay rises for years, whilst the public sectors have been poor in comparison.

    Now inflation is down the private sector whinge for 10 mins until the markets pick up again and the gravy train gets back up to speed. In the meantime you want to plunder the little piece of grim comfort the public sector have.

    Oh and the NHS closed its final salary scheme top new starters a while ago and not as the ‘thisismoney’ article implies.

    Excellent article aiming to confuse the total pot with MPs and other top civil servants with admin staff & cleaners in schools & hospitals (that haven’t been outsourced)

    Free Member

    My work (NHS) is doing the 11mthly repayments with a 1mth+£5 charge in the 12th month as fair market value.

    Considering the volume of employers who do not consider ‘actual’ market value at the end of the year, I would image they actually got tax office advice over what is reasonable to avoid the ‘taxable benefit’ issue.

    Free Member

    KKF – can you qualify that, only it sound like complete tosh.

    Was there an ‘IMO’ missing? 🙄

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