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  • Tweedlove ends: Management of world enduro partly to blame says organiser
  • tinker-belle
    Free Member

    Have you had a look at the Croozer?

    One is planned for the future UK womans mtb champ when she arrives in October.

    Free Member

    A conversation between a colleague/friend who voted for them and myself

    Me: But why would you vote for them? Have you read their policies? They’d want to deport people like me and your boyfriend (saffer and french)

    Her: No it’s ok you’re white

    Walk away shaking head…. How can you argue with someone who on so many levels seems fairly normal and intelligent and then comes up with a load of B*******S like that?

    Free Member

    what about a smaller bread Lurcher, great personalities and can run for ages.

    Not speaking from personal experience but asked a silimar question when sister in law got one.

    Free Member

    My mum saw these and said they’d be a nice surprise…

    I tend to write a thank you type letter on mothersday, a bit different, but if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be here.

    Free Member

    Neon tetra’s (very pretty but any of that family will be good – dollars or piranha’s) get at least a dozen as they prefer to stay in a group.
    Another vote for guppies
    Get a catfish or two and a couple of loaches and a pleco (all bottom feeders)
    Siamese fighting fish are very pretty – but only get a single male and no more, more than one and they fight to the death
    Gourami’s are good for eating off excess live young, as are angel fish – but they can start eating everything else in the tank and can be very temperature sensitive.

    Free Member

    Not sure where you’re based but my physio comes highly recommended (although tbh I had my issues with her) and she is a mtber…

    Free Member

    Ok not an expert but my physio recommended a “VULKAN Neoprene Knee Free Patella 5mm 3041” as my knee had a history of doing the same thing. It was fine for using on the Turbo trainer, but I can’t say how it was when mtb’ing as I only used it while my knee was recovering.

    As twohats says go see a professional…

    Free Member

    I’m not in the industry but my little sister is, and her figures are pretty much the same as spacecadett. If they make no mention of a cancellations policy at all then you’re not forced to pay for anything, one thing to bare in mind is if you do take the option to tell them to stick it, if you do need them again, it will be difficult to find someone who would offer their services as apparently it is very incestuous and word gets around.

    Hope you and your other half manage to work things out.

    Free Member

    Completely agree with you BH, I’m not sure if it’s a female thing or what, as it doesn’t seem to happen when I’m with a guy (in a car or on a bike)

    But it does drive me mad.

    As you say probably a result of being brought up well, and expecting the same from those around you.

    Don’t let the barstewards get you down.

    Free Member

    Been a busy bunny – but got to reuse last years bed which took a lot of time to dig and build and did get a head start with a green house this year (cheapie from B&Q but it does the job)

    Still very much learning though

    Free Member

    No spuds as didn’t get on to them early enough, but lower bed currently consists of Baby sweet corn, cabbages, and strawberries (Do like coleslaw so have lots of cabbages)

    Top bed has lettuce, carrots, spring onions and chard much nice than spinach – although learnt my lesson last year and have only planted one row (about 10 plants) rather than about 20 which meant 3 shopping bags full of the stuff in the fridge. First carrot crop will be done this weekend.

    Old sink has been used as a bean and pea planter – coffee grinds seem to be doing a great job of keeping the slugs off.

    Tom’s are ready to go out into grow bag into nifty little container made by mtbfix (made from wood reclaimed from an old bike storage unit)

    Pumpkin bed was made a few weeks ago and filled with last years veg scraps, leaves and grass cuttings – great compost! Pumpkins will be planted out this weekend

    Cucumbers on their way – but have a bit to go

    Fennel and parsley doing really well – basil has been destroyed by the slugs 😥 Mint cannot be controlled, last season for the thyme as it’s getting a bit scraggly, but rosemary is currently taking over one of the other bushes.

    Catmint has had to have protective guard made for it to prevent the cats eating and dribbling over the whole plant.

    Raspberry patch looks like it will deliver a promising crop.

    Blackberries’ are taking a bit of persuading due to relocation

    General flowers for bedding are all ready to be planted out, wild flower patch has really taken off….

    … and that’s about it so far

    Free Member

    Have been considering this debate myself, as I’m due later this year. Have looked in the biodegradable disposable nappies and they’re not as green as they’re made out to be.

    I’ve made the decision to stick with cloth nappies and wash them although as to which brand I’m as yet undecided, trial and error and time will tell on that one.

    Obviously with all the freebie disposable you get I’m not going to bin them, but will save them for trips away when cloth may be less than practical, but I’m not going to go out and buy any.

    Just my 2p’s and it all may change once I have to deal with it – but I’d prefer to do every bit I can to reduce the amount going to landfill, especially after spending a weekend with a family who not only used disposables, but wrapped each in it’s own plastic bag before binning it – and he easily got through 4 in the first few hours in the morning. Not my idea of responsible.

    Free Member

    Congrats PCB – all the best to you, the missus and the mini mtber

    BUT… 31 hours!!!! I’m half way there and I really don’t want to hear things like that – ouch!

    Don’t forget to tell her how fantastic she is, and how much you love her even when she smells of baby sick 🙂

    Free Member

    We’ve got a fair few in the garden and they’re the most fantastic little critters – just wish the damn cats would stop eating them.

    Definitely no more cats once these two have had their full lives and passed on, far to much natural carnage. 🙁

    You could possibly have a nest of them, just create a patch in your garden of long grass, a few stones or tiles and some bits of old decaying wood and they’ll happily stay there and much all the nasty slugs that attack your veggies. The best way to relocate them is in a cloth bagt (eg pillow case) with some cut grass it can hide under this reduces the ammount of stress you put it under.

    Just BTW they are protected so you’re not allowed to kill them, and once lost their tail it never fully grows back to it’s full glory so if you do handle one be gentle with it as any firm grip will make it drop its tail, and it then loses it’s natural defence against predetors until a new shorter stub grows back.

    Free Member

    c’mon sharki! Give him a kick – we’re all in suspenders 😉
    (oops sorry that’s just his S&M Mistress)

    Free Member

    LOL – DD I had no doubt you’d get your way 😉

    Free Member

    So do we have an update?

    Free Member

    Fantastic news – and congrats to both of you!

    Keep us posted – so what name have you picked?

    Free Member

    Have seen the SDG Allure Ladies Saddle, and they do a pink and white one, I would be very tempted, but I’m not sure about white saddles… how long they stay white after regular mud exdposure…

    Free Member

    I think you’re all very brave men! I would kill my other half if I found him posting pictures of me on a forum .

    That said you do all have a good looking bunch of girlies, it must be the mtb pull factor 😉

    Free Member

    It’s good fun, and worth doing the final section of berms a few times over (we did – and it’s easy to do a quick stint up the road to get back to the start of the berms) if you’re going to be up that way for that long it would be a shame not to do it.

    If you’re one that gets eaten alive by midges, I would advise not sitting down by the river and having your post ride cake and tea 🙂

    Free Member

    You can easily do Glentrool and Kirroughtree in one day, we did – Dalbeatie was also good fun, but given the distance (to travel) not getting Newcastelton in would not be the end of the world.

    Would highly recommend the BreakPad in Castle Douglas, run by a couple of mtb’ers who run the shop at Kirroughtree, stayed there before and not only is the food great, it’s relatively cheap, and the have maps of all the trail centres in the dining room so you can plan you days riding. Many great pubs in walking distance of the B&B, and a super store across the road for trail snacks. They also have a wet room and allowed us to store our bikes in their garage.

    Will definitely be going back again when the opportunity presents itself.

    Free Member

    Just after being built – hasn’t been ridden as much as I would like


    ps – excuse the boxes the house was still being unpacked at that stage.

    Free Member

    Try the Que books – I’ve used many of them in the past and they’re very good for self teaching

    Free Member

    To balance things out a bit…..

    Ian Thorpe – swimmer

    Mark foster – swimmer

    Frederic Michalak – French Rugby Player

    Matt Dawson – my all time favorite

    Iwan Thomas – Athlete

    I hope these all count as Valid A&A posts – they’re all real sports men…

    Now back to work before my boss finds me on STW

    Free Member

    big kiss!

    Free Member

    I know the area fairly well – it’s my local trails, so all things being well I’ll come along if you don’t mind me bring up the rear.
    (will be in Super slow mode by then)

    Free Member

    Vitamin E oil will help reduce the scarring – but you probaly don’t want that.

    Free Member

    Nice boss has just said we can knock off at 1600 – not going to argue 🙂

    Free Member

    An old age pensioner drove his brand new Mercedes convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he quickly reached 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left.

    “Amazing,” he thought as he drove down the M1, flying past everyone else on the motorway.

    Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a police car closing on him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. He accelerated to 100 mph, then 110, then 120.

    Suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I’m too old for this,” and pulled over to await the police car’s arrival.

    Pulling in behind him, the officer walked up to the Mercedes, looked at his watch and said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you off.”

    The old gentleman paused. Then said, “Years ago, my wife ran off with a policeman. I thought you were bringing her back.”

    “Have a good day, sir,” replied the copper

    Free Member

    A brunette, a redhead and a blonde are in a breaststroke race. The starter’s gun goes off and the three girls dive into the pool. The brunette and the redhead shoot across the pool and get out; 20 minutes later the blonde reaches the end and gets out. The judge says, “The gold medal goes to the brunette, the silver medal goes to the redhead, and the bronze goes to the blonde”. The blonde says, “I don’t want to be a sore loser, but I think the other girls were using their arms.”

    And not so clean – but made me chuckle…

    Two representatives from the Rowntrees factory had made arrangements to visit a local Church. They were developing a new range of boiled sweets and wanted to check the reaction from the young children who attended Sunday school.

    The Sunday school teacher, together with the vicar introduced the two men to the children. The kids were given strawberry sweets and asked if they could guess the flavour. There was an excited chorus of, “Strawberry!”

    Then they were offered orange flavours, followed by lemon and liquorice. The kids guessed right every time, much to the delight of the two Rowntrees workers.

    Then they gave them their latest honey flavoured sweets.

    “We are particularly pleased with this one, children. It’s the company’s newest flavour. I wonder, can you guess what it is?”

    The children sucked and sucked, but silence. Nobody knew what flavour it was.

    After a while the vicar said to them, “I’ll give you a clue. It’s what your mother sometimes calls your father.”

    One eight year old girl almost vomited and chose to spit out her sweet in the direction of the Sunday school teacher, and screamed, “Ugghh! They’re ar**holes!”

    Free Member

    Most mites will ensure you don’t feel them when they feed, and the itching and swelling only starts once they’ve had their full and dropped off to continue their life cycle.

    Careful scratching them as this can make it worse.

    Seriously suggest looking up harvest mites – they’re very common and you pick them up easily in the garden.

    Free Member

    do the bites itch or sting? probably mites of some sort?

    Sounds a bit like harvest mite bites

    Free Member

    Having left my home country (South Africa)to come to the UK for a safer life and then finding out that yesterday, after just finishing watching the above program, that someone was stabbed and died in my local town (Reading) along with numerous violent attacks on people I know in the last year. I do sometimes wonder why the heck I’m here.
    (feel free to foreigner bash all you want – have had 10 years of being told to just F off back home)

    I’m in two minds on this, I have a mate that stepped in and now spends his life in a wheel chair, another that died when trying to save another’s life, and I have stepped in on people getting beaten up in the town centre at night, once I had called the police of course.

    But thinking about it I would probably go spare if I knew someone I loved had risked their life…

    Free Member

    I tend to sleep on which ever side doesn’t have a cold breeze.

    Free Member

    Apart from the waste of funds if they ever did track me – oooh she’s off to work, and then back home, and once a week – oooh she extends her journey by 5 minutes to do groceries….

    I never speed, I don’t break the law – what do I care?

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with Ptolomey????

    My name is a modern derivative of it, and it’s been a first name of many first borns on one of the sides of my family…

    Worst yet is my friends who named their daughter Katherine Yasmine Jelly (K-Y Jelly) poor kid.

    Still not entire sure about the “Cosmo” recently used…

    Free Member

    a Barstward???

    All you need to do is make yourself look as greasy and sleazy as possible, and hit in as many girls in a way that makes them feel really awkward

    Free Member

    Phew – glad I’m not the only one – I only watch it if I’m working from home and it’s on during my lunch break, but still feel wrong for doing so.

    Free Member

    I do love the apprentice, but will happily own up to that

    My dirty dark little secret is The Gilmore Girls (hangs head)

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