motorsport is a very competitive business and F1 is at the top of the list so unsurprisingly you end up with a lot of very competitive people running it, those people are very motivated and that is how they managed to get to those positions.
To stay at the top you need to work life balance that is pretty close to obsessive and would not be considered normal by most people this is where the problems start, as people mature their focus change from girls to cars then bikes and maybe fishing who knows but over time it changes if you have started a very demanding job it can then become a pain where it used to be the best thing ever.
I have worked in most forms of motosport over the last 30 years and struggle to go home at night sometimes as I get so wrapped up in my job, I dont believe many people are that lucky to be able to find that much motivation from work but then everyone is different.
As others have mentioned drop a line to the HR departments its all about having an open mind and being motivated and committed, it does not suit everyone but what does.