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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • timba
    Free Member

    I also suspect this is why there is a Ukrainian focus on longer range drones.

    The Black Sea Fleet has now sailed from Novorossiysk, which is outside ATACMS range but not Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG

    Free Member

    But what that does mean is that it’s harder work for the Russians to use them.

    Yes, to an extent. The aircraft are a small cog that will still work effectively after an additional 15 minutes flight time. More dispersed aircraft means more dispersed logistics, which is also an issue, but Russian aircraft and logistics will be far enough away from long-range weapons to overcome that.

    The long-range weapons won’t now be aimed at the small cogs, but the bigger wheels of command and control, its communications, computers, facilities and personnel.

    They’ll continue to strike personnel training, fuel and weapons supply lines. Without these the aircraft are static display pieces

    Map here…

    I also suspect this is why there is a Ukrainian focus on longer range drones.

    I’m sure you’re right that aircraft will remain on the list

    Free Member

    So what happens if Ukraine launches into Russia, which causes mass casualties, and Russia then decides to stop hitting infrastructure and concentrate on wiping out Ukrainian families en masse.

    They’re already engaged in missile strikes on civilian property. One example from last week, Yaroslav Bazylevych lost his wife and three daughters, 21, 18 and 7 years.

    This mass drive and need on here for escalation is disturbing.

    Russia is ahead on escalation and has been using missile strikes and bombing into Ukraine for almost three years.

    The difference is that Russia has been acting outside international law from the start in 2014, which includes the Geneva Convention, UN sanctions on Iranian and N.Korean weapons, etc. Ukraine is far more law-abiding.

    It doesn’t make it “right”, but Ukraine’s ability to strike targets in Russia might bring an end to the madness that is this war

    Free Member

    I think I would prefer a line of smoking wrecks of planes. Harder to replace than concrete.

    That’s already unlikely…

    Free Member

    “He (putin) claimed that, for missile launches into Russia, Ukraine would require data from Western satellites and that only servicemen from Nato member states would be able to “input flight missions into these missile systems”.

    Thanks to the debacle involving German senior officers and a recording released publicly by Russia on 1st March, this is implied and on public record.

    In the recording officers discussed UK and US personnel in Ukraine helping targeting decisions, “When it comes to mission planning, I know how the English do it,” the German commander tells his subordinates on the call. As well as working with advisers back home, the British* “also have a few people on the ground, they do that, the French don’t”

    and “A week ago, Scholz himself referred to the presence of British troops in Ukraine helping with “target control” and said he could not accept similar for Germany whether inside or outside the country because he felt it risked making Berlin a “participant in the war” *my note– Storm Shadow (UK) and SCALP-EG (France) are essentially the same.

    The issue has been to use them properly they require integration with NATO targeting and electronic warfare capabilities, which effectively means that NATO would have a direct involvement ‘on the ground’*. This then is big debate.

    I don’t know enough about this, but my thought is that the larger NATO countries all have their own systems. Russia likes to conflate independent actions as “NATO” because it suits their narrative, but the systems are no more “NATO” than a UK made weapon system that meets NATO standards and is donated to Ukraine. I could be massively wrong, so please correct that if needed.

    A further thought on long-range weapons: If their use is authorised for anywhere within range by an agreement involving the US, then surely the US is equally complicit in their use; they might as well follow up by authorising the use of US weapons as well.

    I wonder if the “leak” by Michael McCaul ^^ is actually a step in escalation. The leak yesterday to the Guardian (also ^^) and the Times is similar. The US announced ATACMS prematurely in September 2023 and I wouldn’t have expected to see it repeated so soon

    Free Member

    That’s the one :)

    Free Member

    Sounds like Russian counteroffensive in Kursk has been quite succesful & costly for Ukranians

    lifting those weapons restrictions could be very helpful right about now

    Michael Weiss has a good analysis of the situation in Kursk on TwitterX. Bottom line is a bit more hopeful than media might suggest

    Free Member

    It’s looking more likely that restrictions on the use of Storm Shadow will be removed. US will possibly follow suit, announcement expected tomorrow

    Free Member

    The deeds aren’t with the solicitor or the bank

    I assume that you’ve searched the house. Ask around at local solicitors and banks (probably online now :) )

    Neighbour has one set, hundred years-old, hand-written, hand-drawn passed to down to her in a will. No LR/solicitor/bank involvement

    Free Member

    Why is this not your conveyancers job?

    +1 Conveyancers will do this as part of the process. There’s no need for you to do it unless you are the conveyancer?

    Free Member

    Not well. Drained the system yesterday, replaced a couple of faulty TRVs, refilled with inhibitor.

    Forgot to reset from default to miser-mode and blew October’s DD payment (maybe :) )

    Free Member

    Middle-ish. Choose a wall to keep parallel to if the pattern is geometric, tweak to centre on features

    Use vinyl or vinyl tiles, so much easier :)

    Free Member

    Will email tomorrow.

    Or phone. It’ll potentially unlock some deals that you can’t access online, e.g changing from E7 to flat rate^^.

    Existing customers can get a 15m fix, where online comparisons only give you 12m

    Free Member

    Find Chris Eubank’s book about Kent. If you like that find the one about Ethics, but that is a longer drive :)

    Free Member

    A bit of a trek, but I recommend Chatham Dockyard

    Underwhelmed by Canterbury

    Free Member

    I was a little disappointed that the mods did not stop his bullshit.

    That’s Kamala Harris’ job, she won’t have mods in the WH

    Unfortunately I don’t think that debate will be enough

    +1 Historically they don’t effect change (apart from in JB’s case). The fact is that most people have decided, anyone waiting for a decision this late is either waiting to understand KH a little more or won’t ever decide

    Free Member

    I can’t hear anything though and interestingly, the sound playing works in the house, but not when I’m stood right by the bike. It can’t connect then.

    First of all, an unpleasant and unnerving feeling. I hope you resolve it soon

    I’d be inclined to look through clothing, shopping bag and the sorts of things that made the same trip with you and the bike but are now in and around your house

    Baddies always hide stuff in the heel of a shoe, but watch out for wee before you pick them up :) :)

    Free Member

    I’ve scoured my usual news sources and can’t see mention of it?

    Media interview in the US with House Foreign Affairs Chair Michael McCaul (Rep)

    He says that he’s repeating a conversation with Antony Blinken, who is currently in the UK and later in Ukraine and then Poland

    Antony Blinken hasn’t mentioned it; I’ll believe it when I see it, massive security breach if true

    X with others ^^

    Free Member

    A moot point in the light of comments above, but the link to the NATO page on Ukraine (also posted above) is a bit light on detail…

    “From 2010 to 2014, Ukraine pursued a non-alignment policy, which it terminated in response to Russia’s aggression”

    The longer version is, “Ukraine’s Viktor Yanukovich, a strong candidate for president, said he would keep the country out of NATO if he wins the January 17 election but said he remained committed to taking it into the European mainstream…” “…Ukraine, quite simply, has been and will be a state outside any blocs … We will not aspire to enter either NATO or the ODKB,” he said, referring to the Russian-dominated Collective Security Pact that brings together some ex-Soviet allies.”

    Viktor Yanukovich was duly elected President and that “neutrality” was passed into law by Ukraine’s parliament, although co-operation with alliances on all sides was continued.

    President Yanukovich later rowed back on his promise (and parliament’s democratic decision) to take Ukraine into the European mainstream, leading to the Maidan Uprising of 2013-14

    Free Member

    There are one or two Spanish residents on here, failing that either the hire co or the Spanish Embassy

    Free Member

    Great thread, thanks

    Goes away once it’s done a few miles so I suspect the rear propshaft CV joint is dry/tired.

    Sierra 4x4s suffered with similar. Front propshaft UJ ran too close to the exhaust

    Free Member

    This comment makes no sense. Suggest you re-read the context.

    I’d suggest that it makes absolute sense. Anyway, this is descending into a rerun of the Gaza thread; I’ll leave you to it :)

    Free Member

    The truth is that Ukraine has pursued NATO membership at various times.

    Not since 2010 when the pro-Russian Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych declared the country “neutral”, which the Kremlin would be very aware of. In 2014 Russia’s invasion of Crimea and the Donbas region triggered further calls from Ukraine for NATO membership, understandably

    However, the point is not to claim who are goodies and who are baddies, but to observe that groups have their own motives which may not appear valid to outsiders but which make sense to them.

    Do Russia’s motives justify laying waste to every town and village that they come near, destroying civilian infrastructure. killing and wounding hundreds of thousands of people, etc.

    This isn’t the first time; you gave examples including Grozny and Aleppo, but include the rest of Chechnya, Georgia, and involvement in civil wars in CAR, Mali and Burkina Faso over the last 25 years.

    X with BUTR (+1)

    Free Member

    Maybe. Who knows? There is state sanctioned contempt for international law displayed by Ukraines allies elsewhere on the globe, so why would Ukraine be specially virtuous?

    Why do they need to be “specially virtuous”, abiding by the rules is special enough when you’re fighting for your existence. Russia doesn’t have that pressure (although that may be a moot point as a result of their invasion)

    Some Ukrainians will remember the holodomor and this invasion probably feels horribly like that

    Free Member

    BUTR +1 (x5-ish – lost count) :)

    Free Member

    They are all human (both sides). If we look back to history we have plenty of evidence that human beings are always fighting with each others for whatever reasons.


    The last few hundred years saw the expansion of Western empires colonising less technologically advance nations, creating lasting conflicts in their path. But empires do not last forever and as in history empires collapse after a period of time, but it is the transitional period that is usually considered as the difficult with death and destruction before it can stabilise again.

    How does that effect Russia invading Ukraine?

    In 1993 Russia went through a constitutional crisis, the so-called October Coup and came close to civil war as President Yeltsin took on parliament, which opposed him.

    Vladimir Putin, variously serving as PM and President, took power in 1999 and improved the economy enormously, became a major trading partner with the EU, second largest exporter of weapons in the world, holder of vast natural wealth, etc. All very stable and prosperous.

    There is no right or wrong in a conflict, and the victors will always dictate the narrative.

    On this occasion, Russia is very much in the wrong

    Currently they are in the transitional period so the narrative is uncertain with each side proclaiming to be on the right side of history.

    See above

    Free Member

    I would imagine that Russians will say that if they stop fighting then the ever increasing NATO encirclement will continue

    Russia says lots of things, the truth is that Ukraine wasn’t pursuing NATO membership and Finland and Sweden weren’t in NATO.

    Russia’s actions have expanded NATO; Finland’s membership alone doubled Russia’s border length with NATO

    Free Member

    Conti usually put “Tubeless Ready” in the bead column or a “TR” column with a tick

    For some it’s in the notes, “durable : tubeless-ready Shieldwall casing”

    email: if nobody else has a definitive answer

    Free Member

    the British Society?

    The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom to give it its full name

    Note to self… use emojis next time :)

    Free Member

    Is the judge playing it safe and betting that Trump doesn’t win so the sentencing will still go ahead?

    My understanding is that the Court has declared that the Court is apolitical and this close to an election any sentence could be seen as political interference. This seems sensible in that the conviction and sentence will immediately be appealed and, practically-speaking, nothing would happen before the election in that case

    Free Member

    Pretty much the worst from an environmental aspect though.

    [Thread divergence]

    Have you seen the latest uses of mushroom mycellium? It can be grown into meat (it naturally has the umami taste), leather (which is tanned like animal leather) and that moulded carboard packaging stuff can be grown to the shape needed

    Tasty Burgers and Steaks Made of Mycelium Are New Healthy Food Alternative to Plant-Based Meats

    [/Thread divergence]

    Free Member

    So what was the British Vegetarian Society called before they invented the word Vegetarian?

    the British Society?

    Free Member

    Where should I be connecting the outlet from the trap side of the standpipe/trap unit to?

    The U-bend will probably end up below the cupboard floor, so cutting will be needed. It’ll be much easier to explore the more pain-free options of cleaning, etc. first ^^

    Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations for height, etc. Copy the first 90° section from the sink waste in your photo (but much shorter, obvs) into a swept tee in the waste pipe that connects to the drains. Make sure that the swept tee sweeps in the direction of flow

    You don’t have to make everything a 90° turn as in your sink photo; rotating the sections will allow a shallower, easier angle with a smaller number of joints; you’ll see what I mean when you start to construct.

    Choose a system and stick to it. Solvent-weld (glued) fittings need solvent-weld pipe (and solvent-weld adhesive), nominally it’s the same size but the reality is different :)

    Free Member

    I’d be surprised if taking the rail infrastructure at Pokrovsk is considered significant by either Russia or Ukraine. Adding the city to the list of Russian gains is a media bonus because of its size as compared to some of the “cities” that Russia has gained recently

    The significance is in disrupting Ukraine’s road logistics to both the NE and S of Pokrovsk and the resultant comparatively easy run for Russia W beyond the Donbas regional border

    Ukraine recognised that additional forces wouldn’t achieve much more than slowing the Russian advance. This slow down would have allowed Ukraine more time to build defences W of Pokrovsk and would have allowed them to attrite Russian forces more.

    The gamble was that using those same additional forces in Kursk would take the pressure off Pokrovsk by diverting Russian forces for several weeks, but Russia didn’t take the bait.

    Kursk might still turn into a strategic advantage for Ukraine by changing things significantly (Pokrovsk, on the other hand, isn’t strategic). If Ukraine has shown that Russia’s red-lines are just hot air and the US allows western long-range weapons to be used then that will be a significant game-changer

    Free Member

    Just managed to log in after an hour of “Password is incorrect. Please try again”

    No, it isn’t incorrect, something isn’t working at STW :)

    Free Member

    I got the impression that services in England use it for training senior officers and little else

    It also sells training worldwide and is more of a commercial venture

    I’m speaking as someone who’s only ever used the canteen though, which is why it’d be interesting to hear from a firefighter :)

    Free Member

    I think he’s going through the potential candidates until more by luck than judgement he finds one that is acceptable to enough and won’t overturn all of his reforms. He’ll fail and end up appointing one who won’t overturn all of his reforms but many.

    Is he likely to resign as some in French media and former-PM Edouard Philippe seem to think?

    I’m not convinced that it’s in President Macron’s character for him to think like that

    Free Member

    Is it a drain smell or a U-bend smell?

    You can get inline one-way valves but they shouldn’t be needed. It’s something else to go wrong, jam, need cleaning, etc. Example

    Free Member

    I think you could look at many public sector organisations which we assume are highly professional because the individuals on the ground do their very best in difficult circumstances…

    Police and paramedics have their own independent colleges of professional practice that licence aspects of training nationally within a standard curriculum. You can train locally if you’re licensed, but without a licence you have to buy training in from a licensed provider

    This licensed training also bestows certain legal benefits, e.g. carrying firearms, dog handlers, police drivers, etc.

    The fire service doesn’t have this. Perhaps firefighters on here have more of an insight into this??

    Free Member

    You’d better work quickly. They’re a genetic model organism for good reason and will adapt to eat your frozen sausages and Bombers. Don’t leave your shoes uncovered :)

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