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  • Fizik Vento Ferox Carbon Shoes
  • Tim
    Free Member

    I was just gonna leave a usb hard drive plugged into it – refill it occasionally 🙂

    Free Member

    heh, just looked in I.E

    that is indeed, a bit buggered, it appears my post was the cause as well – sorry for breaking the thread!

    Free Member

    robgarrioch – Member

    Has the text in this thread gone all weird for anyone else??

    maybe just me messing with the LI (list) formatting button on my post 😀

    Free Member

    I'd never take spare spokes on anything other than a tour :-), and then it those emergency spokes 🙂

    just true the wheel with the spoke missing 🙂

    Free Member

    Fell asleep during, and then walked out of:
    [*]Elf – utterly utterly utterly awful[/*]
    [*]The Fantastic Four[/*]

    Fell asleep during:
    [*]Twilight (OH asked me to go with her)[/*]
    [*]Blair Witch Project[/*]
    [*]Blair Witch Project 2 – really dont know why I went again[/*]
    [*]Harry Potter – one of them – with dragons, that one[/*]

    Fell asleep, nearly died of boredom, felt horribly uncomfortable through various scenes and then and had the barely controllable urge to get up, scream, and run around:
    [*]Lord of the Rings – all of them[/*]

    Got told off for heckling Winslets full frontal, stopped paying attention 2 mins in anyway, and completely lost track after laughing at the bloke hitting the propellor:

    I very nearly walked out of 2012, but I really wanted to see if it could out-turd its earlier abominations. It did

    I have a strange fascination to watch this now 🙂

    Free Member

    If they could do a slot dropout version (with disc), for anywhere near that price, it would walk off the shelves as a second bike/winter bike instant purchase

    Free Member

    The semi cremes are great – got one for my fiancee last year and its been ace – running 100mm floats on it and seems spot on.

    Frame and finish is as good as frames costing a LOT more. I was very happy with it

    Free Member

    I neber got asked at any point for warranty details – i think the Inspiron screen issue is common though as they have an option for it on the phone menu 🙂

    Free Member

    observed it here – always do (4 mins late though as we got distracted by a call)

    halfway through the bloody fax machine went off 🙁

    Free Member

    Nearly ran Jenny Powell over on my bike at a race ahen was preparing to do a piece to camera 🙂

    Met Michael Palin when he opened a youth centre

    Was in an orchestra fronted by Rick Wakeman (Ian Lavender was there too, doing a reading)

    Bumped into Dave Hemming on a Chairlift at Alum Bay, Isle of Wight 🙂

    Went to a party and Jodi Kidd was there (although i've been to Cowes Week a lot so theres probably loads of semi-famous people i've stood near at the bar).

    Had a chat with the singer from Terrorvision after a gig 🙂

    My dads surgeon is Tim Henmans Wifes Dad

    My mum was offered the managers job for the Moody Blues – she turned it down…!

    and….my fiancee threw the shoe that nearly hit Daphne & Celeste at Reading 2000 🙂

    Free Member

    Got an Inspiron 1545 from Currys in April

    After i'd deleted all the useless bundled software it worked fine! Stripped it back to pretty much just vista, with no loss of functionaility at all as far as i could tell!

    However about a month ago the screen started to go red, then went completely red (just usable), and on backing up my data, realised the DVD drive was borked as it just hung on finalising (using two seperate bits of software and vista itself)

    So its gone back to Dell – 5/7 day turnaround apparently. Must say the lady on the help-line/email got back to us very quickly and even phoned to ask why we hadnt been back in touch (moving house at the time) regarding the issue.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    the fact that CO2 rises lag temperature increases in ice core records at ice age terminations should be no comfort to someone concerned with current temperature rises…quite the opposite in fact…

    It is quite amusing that one of the most commonly used argument by skeptics is also one of the key worries of those who understand the science involved.

    Lag and lead is very relevant indeed – but we worry (a lot) about positive feedback loops!

    Free Member

    Nice one mjb, a submission by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons!

    As i said i don't necessarily agree with them but it is a peer reviewed paper as requested. There are people including 'scientists' who have different views to those that sell papers.

    Is it peer reviewed though? (yes i know its a wiki)

    there seems to be some debate over its integrity

    Free Member

    mjb – Member

    Nice one mjb, a submission by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons!

    As i said i don't necessarily agree with them but it is a peer reviewed paper as requested. There are people including 'scientists' who have different views to those that sell papers.

    Climate change is a massive subject that nobody fully understands which in turn means that all the arguments currently being put forward are likely to be incorrect in some way. It would therefore seem better to keep an open mind and at least understand alternative points of view rather than dismiss them without even reading them. I assume you can provide undeniable evidence that all their arguements are wrong?

    theres masses and masses (and masses and masses) of evidence, but a skeptic will still deny it on principle because (of course) its IMPOSSIBLE to be absolutely certain what will happen in 10-100 years time.

    What i dont understand is people not taking action anway. If the scientists are right, we hopefully wont feel the effects as badly, if they are wrong, we end up with a better world anyway – whats the harm in acting on it now? Unless your protecting your own interests that is…

    Energy Security and Climate Change are closely linked

    Free Member

    mjb – Member

    here's a challenge for the skeptics out there;

    it should be easy enough…

    find us one – just one – peer reivewed paper that says something like;

    'increased levels of atmospheric CO2 do not contribute to global climate change'

    it has to be peer-reviewed mind…

    just one.

    Please support this – i think its tosh But i'd like to see your arguments

    Not saying they are right but there are a lot of scientists that believe this to be the case…

    I have downloaded the document and will read it and comment

    in response though, and in the meantime:

    in return, these are very good links:

    The economics of climate change:

    History of climate change research:

    The late medieval warm period

    What we learned in 2008:

    Free Member

    Charge Duster

    superb bikes

    Free Member

    porterclough – Member

    Through taxation policy, our Government have made diesel far more popular – all on the (flawed?) basis of environmental benefit. These benefits are largely down to the higher mpg economy of diesel (ie lower CO2 per mile), but ignore PM10s, PM2.5s and SOx / NOx…

    This is a very good point – not only that, but all the people I know who commute long distances have switched to diesel. Arguably the extra mpg they get is just encouraging them to drive further – meanwhile people are dying of asthma because of diesel.

    good point

    Free Member

    rkk01 – Member

    I was asking for interesting and reasoned debate about it, and so far I've only recieved 1 or 2 substantial reasoned thoughts.

    1) fit people use less CO2 normally
    2) the actual co2 per km of a person (original post was a guess/rubbish memory)

    In which case you have (chosen?) to overlook the most important

    ie, that hydrocarbon fuels are releasing CO2 from geological formations, and cannot sensibly be compared to fuel / food derived from the biosphere.

    I'd also like to see some credible articles on life cycle environmental costs for different fuel classes. Through taxation policy, our Government have made diesel far more popular – all on the (flawed?) basis of environmental benefit. These benefits are largely down to the higher mpg economy of diesel (ie lower CO2 per mile), but ignore PM10s, PM2.5s and SOx / NOx… and the fact that EU refinery capacity is geared to producing gasoline, not diesel – which has to be imported in bulk

    I know that when it comes to the emisisons from housing, CO2 is used as a yardstick as it is difficult to fairly quantify the other emitted gases, and a reduction in CO2 will usually reduce otjher gases anyway – its all about reducing combustion.

    Although this is changing

    i can only assume that vehicles are the same

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    You're all missing the point that CO2 doesn't matter anyway, as it's all one big lie, and the very small temperature increases being recorded are all part of the natural cycle of warming and cooling.

    Please support this – i think its tosh 🙂 But i'd like to see your arguments

    Free Member

    motivforz said:

    Some small cars such as a Ford Fiesta or Toyota IQ, are approaching nearly less than 100 grams per km of CO2 production. As humans breathe in air, use the O2, and produce more CO2, what do we contribute? I remember hearing the figure 190g/km for a runner (cyclists obviously go further for the same amount of effort so this would be reduced),

    This may be completely true, but its also completely irrelevant when it comes to any discussion about Climate Change 🙂

    Human beings (or any enimal that breathes) dont release 'extra' CO2 through respiration – not what would be considered 'extra' in terms of climate change anyway

    Free Member

    Ah ok cheers

    So according to that I need 5wgt and 15wgt

    I'll nip to halfords then, and avoid anything that mentions seal swelling 🙂



    Free Member

    Shimano – proper over cam action means they tighten properly

    Free Member

    Postal Service here is pretty good…post OFFICE on the other hand is awful – theyve reduced 4 dowin into one and know its so busy that its become useless in the day – massive massive queues.

    Be terrible if the RM are privatised. Brilliant, brilliant service.

    Reasons to strike? Not sure, but dont let it go the way of the FBU strike where the service comes iut in a worse situation than before

    Free Member

    uplift only really works at dh only places though – i cant see how it would help at afan (except whites, but even that still has climbing in the 'dh' bit

    Free Member

    maxle is better in every way.

    just gone back to qr (not through choice really) and its just rubbish in comparison

    Free Member

    nick1c – Member

    Yes, provided the fee is reasonable & the funds generated are used for development & maintenance, not as a profit centre.

    Cant say it much better than that

    furthermore, if you have volunteered and put some spadework/fund raising/whatever, then you dont have to pay.

    comparing trail centres to open countryside access is very naive.

    Free Member

    juan – Member

    you whinging gits

    Pot kettle blakc my dear

    Is that the eastern european Ready Steady Cook?

    Free Member

    easygirl – Member

    i would only be suspended once, i use this forum to
    relieve boredem at work, its not the end of te world if im banned for expressing an opinion

    Calling someone a **** is not really a considered opinion 🙂

    Free Member

    I really enjoy the show coverage – new bike bits are interesting, and gives me more to aspire to own 🙂 Although i cant be arsed with the videos – leave that to pinkbike and give us decent photos and good text 🙂

    Started buying the mag again recently, and i was about to say i thought it had improved from when I last bought it a year or so ago

    And bought from WHS! so paying full price too

    you whinging gits – its bikes, its gooooooood 🙂

    Free Member

    This reason:

    Ian Munro – Member

    I asked one of the researchers at work the same question (we've got a variety of hydrogen powered vehicles). Apparently using it in a fuel cell is massively more efficient than burning it.

    Free Member

    Ian Munro – Member

    I'd pay £1 a month extra if it meant that smug couple on the BT ads were shot in the knee caps.

    I'm considering that for all the useless Virgin call centre operators. Apparently a forename and surname with a total of 7 letters in is far too much to comprehend, even if you say each letter by its name in the phonetic alphabet.

    Free Member

    I would have never even noticed 🙂

    Free Member

    Youi dont need to use brute force, just completely remove the bolts, any washers and the rubber thingy and it will slide off

    Free Member

    Tim – Member
    Well, not if it was JUST a collarbone, but you rarely just break that without other injuries as its generally a big impact that breaks it.

    Piffle. If other serious injuries than perhaps call 999. Simple collar bone breaks are common and easy to do

    Its not piffle, its my input to this thread. I'm not lying you know…

    May have not needed an air ambulance, but were you on-site diagnosing?

    Free Member

    jam bo – Member
    sure i'll get shot down but wasnt some MTFU required.

    a busted collarbone might be painful but is surely not air ambulance material?

    Well, not if it was JUST a collarbone, but you rarely just break that without other injuries as its generally a big impact that breaks it.

    When I did mine I hit my head hard – have no recollection of most of the rest of the day, couldn't really walk properly and ended up getting ambulanced out

    Free Member

    BigDummy – Member

    the seatpost isnt actually broken, its just crap

    Cheap version of inordinately expensive pointless thing not very good shock.

    Understood – but theres a bit of a difference between bad implementation of a concept, and something like the use of bad materials in a design

    From that review, it sounds like you could make that seatpost from very expensive materials – ti, carbon, high quality seals and the like – and it would still be a bit of a faff to use due to the inherent design – e.g. its a pain in the arse to drop on the fly 🙂

    Free Member

    Isla seem great – enquired about a s/h one for my nephew – but s/h they dont have THAT much stock (last time i asked) purely because the bikes are good, they get passed on to smaller siblings/other family members

    Free Member

    rewind :-0

    from that review it seems that the seatpost isnt actually broken, its just crap 🙂

    Not fit for purpose?

    Not as advertised?

    i dunno – i was interested…not anymore! 🙂

Viewing 40 posts - 881 through 920 (of 1,013 total)