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  • Gee Atherton’s Latest Video Is A Stomach Lurcher
  • Tim
    Free Member

    Bikingcatastrophe – Member

    that Cameron billboard is so sad…because its so very true

    Hmm, and Uncle Gordy hasn't?

    I don't think I would go so far as to call myself a callmedave apologist but I would far rather him than the current incumbant who has already done more than enough to screw this country over.

    Not defending the labout party at all (they are not a Labour government after all), but having a load of elitist, out and out capitalists in charge is not going to improve things! 🙂

    Free Member

    DIY could be a pain if the seals and bushes ARENT included

    otherwise it would be pretty simple

    Free Member

    Bin out the weekends?

    Free Member

    I often wind the forks fown for a long climb, but only ever really used lockout 'because it was there' – never actually felt the need for it, even on a singlepeed.

    Free Member

    But the breaking will push ur wait onto the front so the forks get compresed and the wheel will get pushed back it's like the newton law

    Nope…not with disc brakes – think about the forces in action when you slam on the brake.

    Think which way the wheel is trying to spin, and where the pivoting point now is when you brake heavily.

    Free Member

    Lemon juice and caster sugar…

    Strawberry and nutella

    Fried banana and nutella

    Sugar and Cinnamon

    All so gooooooood!

    Free Member

    Your LBS will do you a insurance quote if you REALLY want to know 🙂

    Free Member

    that Cameron billboard is so sad…because its so very true 🙁

    Free Member

    This is usually caused by a spur of metal jamming itself into the post

    had it on a kona coiler – post would move but wuldnt come out.

    Got it out in the end but the post was BADLY scored…although it dit ream the seatpost enough so that a replacement post went in fine.

    Free Member

    I have some for sale (2007 426 coils), but they are 190mm steerer

    Free Member

    What i dont get is why people will drive for 10 miles in the middle of nowhere to dump an old fridge etc, when they can take them down the road to their local tip / recycling facility and drop them off for free. Boils my piss that does.

    Happens all the time here – the tips at the bottom of the hill, yet the lazy pricks still will stop in a small layby half way down the hill to chuck mattresses by the side of the road

    either that, or the dogging community has gone soft (so to speak) 🙂

    Free Member

    sofaking – Member

    came across a small rave last summer on a local bridleway about 7 in the morning, i dont know who was more surprised……….

    Posted 23 hours ago # Report-Post

    Erm, this wasnt north hampshire was it? 😉

    Free Member

    For the peaks i usually add these to my camelbak

    Gaffer tape,
    bin bags,
    fold up saw (or axe, depending on preference),
    fold up spade (trenching tool is useful),
    wet wipes

    Free Member

    You can make that!

    Free Member

    It also makes me more worried about the fact that CO2 is now leading temperature change. Maybe we are now entering a period of rising temperatures without the previous "natural" event that kicked off previous "natural" warming?

    This is a good point – additionally, what will happen when there IS a natural event on the scale that would have otherwise started a warming cycle (e.g. a large volcano).

    Free Member

    1. Historical natural CO2 cycles have no relevance to this debate

    Because we are analysing the impact of the increased emissions since the industrial revolution – we know that CO2 has an increased radiative forcing effect, so we are assessing what effect this is having/will have. Natural cycles are important as they can provide us with some control/background data, but dont prove/disprove anything.

    CO2 rises lagging temperature rises has no relevance to this debate

    CO2 can and does lag temperature – as I alluded to before. It isnt relevant to this debate because we also know that increased CO2 increases radiative forcing in the atmosphere, and as such can cause an increase in temperature.

    It is relevant to a debate about natural cycles of CO2 and temperature, but not one about additional man-made CO2 as there is no temperature leader to compensate for that over and above that of the natural cycle

    Free Member

    No, I want you to show me that link – as you'll be able to show me is that historically CO2 has never driven temperature change, in fact the opposite is true

    temperature change is a driver of the level of CO2 emissions.

    No climate scientist would argue that – but its not relevant to the fact that man-made CO2 emissions will effect average global temperatures.

    except of course, the big worry of a positive feedback loop commencing.

    Free Member


    I said this a few days ago regarding the stories about the CRU deleting raw climate data:

    Tim – Member


    I wasnt aware of the deletion of data – that is indeed, very poor. Raw data is the most important part of any scientific process.

    You cant read anything from it (it may well have just been bad judgement on their behalf), but i do agree that it doesnt help their cause at all.

    Turns out I should have researched a little bit because (of course) it all turns out to be hype and bad/devious reporting by the media (cherry picking of quotes again):

    Free Member

    Isnt the offset/rake going to be all to toss anyway? 🙂

    Free Member

    TRICK! 🙂

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Tim – Member

    thatscold – Member

    Anyone who has voted Labour should feel ashamed of themselves.


    Whats wrong with having socialist ideals – being FOR the common man?

    Well, for a start, Labour don't have socialist ideals and they are not for the common man. But apart from that….

    I said pretty much that! Cherry picking quotes like the telegraph 🙂

    Free Member

    thatscold – Member

    Anyone who has voted Labour should feel ashamed of themselves.


    Whats wrong with having socialist ideals – being FOR the common man?

    I'll agree that the current incumbents arent a proper labour government…but the idea of having another pure conservative government in charge scares me

    Free Member

    Graham'); DROP TABLE users; — – Member


    If you are interested I still have my 2008 Brodie Zealot up for sale.

    Let me know if you are interested.

    Far too big for me i'm afraid – i need max 16" frame, which really limits my options!

    Free Member

    nothing has been posted a few times:

    ….see 🙂

    Free Member

    anotherdeadhero – Member

    The big chunky, bumpy double aa powered cateye one is brilliant, if that helps

    I think the 'holy hand grenade' is useless, as I've said at great length in many many posts on the subject of rear lights.

    Fair enough that more modern alternatives are available…but mine seems very visible from all sides, and each row runs of seperate batteries which is handy if a battery goes.

    and its big, which is good when it coems to rear lights

    Free Member

    t®ibal©hief – Member

    just seen footage of about 50 'christian' missionaries, getting on the first plane out of Haiti. maybe they were just heading off to get some supplies, I can't believe they'd be fleeing the country unwilling to help in a time of great need, oh no…

    I'd love to have a dig at the evils of the church, but supposedly in this instance they were asked to leave because they had no housing/food and they COULD get out of there and make way for people who actually could help

    Free Member

    What's wrong with off-setting when it's based on sustainable development? If Google chooses to produce more power that it consumes using sustainable, renewable sources where's the problem? If a company plants trees to match it's paper consumption who loses? The only dodgy one is buying up rain forest as unless you buy all of it you will only influence where trees are cut down not how many.

    By offsetting we were talking about offsetting schemes – not directly generating power

    My main doubt with offsetting schemes is that it doesnt invoke any behavior change…and the best you can hope to get is neutral – e.g. no active reductions.

    Free Member

    Of course the 2nd person…i'm not blindly following the course of offsetting (cant see how it does any good really – at best its just sticking another plug in the dam), i do like to think that i have a brain in my head 🙂

    the thing that gets me is when people try and convince other people its not happening, using bad, bad science and speculation (The Daily Express is a prime example)

    Free Member

    Zulu-Eleven – Member

    Junkyard – how do we validate, calibrate and interpret the patchy atmospheric/ocean data?

    Yep, we compare it with the most complete records we've got – the surface record.

    how do we calibrate and interpret the satellites?

    Yep, you guessed it!

    House of cards!

    I'm not quite sure what you are getting at – we have reached the limits of what we can calibrate against (we dont have a spare world to use as a control!)

    Does that mean we should just jack it all in, use up the oil and gas, leave a time capsule to our grandkids saying "sorry!" and piss off to the pub?

    Free Member

    The sad thing, is that a fair few people (not on here, just generally) seem to be denying CC as it effects their own interests – car enthusiasts, fossil fuel industry etc…

    Just because you dont want it to be true, doesnt mean it isnt. I'm into classic cars myself, and I will no doubt end up buying something older (e.g. NOT a prius) when the current car is worn out, but I dont want to be doing starship miles in it at the same time..people need to be a bit more grown up about it and not just kick the toys out of the pram because they dont get what they want.

    If you don't feel that it stacks up, then thats fine, thats your opinion and your right to it, but please support this with data if you want to deny it to others…I'll happily read any data people give me that shows the CC isnt happening – the problem is that there seems to be little peer reviewed and solid evidence that has been touted.

    If it is all a hoax, where is the rival to the IPCC with the support of Climate Scientists – its not as if the Oil Industry can't afford the research – this report details that ~97% of Publishing Climate Scientists (admittedly its not a huge no. of people) agree with the main theory that CC is occuring and that it is manmade. 82% of all Publishing Scientists (all fields) agree with this.

    Free Member


    I wasnt aware of the deletion of data – that is indeed, very poor. Raw data is the most important part of any scientific process.

    You cant read anything from it (it may well have just been bad judgement on their behalf), but i do agree that it doesnt help their cause at all.

    Free Member

    The big chunky, bumpy double aa powered cateye one is brilliant, if that helps

    Free Member

    If the CRU leak had actually contained anything that did show unanswerable flaws in the CC methodology, then the anti-CC lobby would have jumped on it and published it for the world to see.

    Havt seen anything conclusive yet from it though…

    The papers got the facts out of the expenses receipts quickly enough!

    Free Member

    I havnt the time at the moment to sift through 12 pages of argument/debate to see if these links have already been posted…but please read these

    Weather is completely different to climate and 'global warming' is a misnomer – atmospheric warming causes a change in climatic patterns which can change weather patterns.

    Most predictions show that more 'extremes' of weather is expected if atmospheric warming continues – the UK could well see harsher winters and hotter summers (we are coming out of La Nina as well so its been a colder period).

    The UK isnt the world, a cold snap here does not mean one iota on the grand scale of things. The Daily Mail and The Daily Express are headline grabbing using bad science and opinions to grab peoples attention.

    Are man made emissions causing atmospheric warming?

    The science and logic appears to say yes, evidence appears to back this up.

    Will atmospheric warming lead to climatic change?

    Science says yes, logic says yes, solid evidence is difficult as there is no precedent for this.

    How bad will climate change be?

    The truth is that no model will be 100% accurate, but they all seem to point to change of somekind – change in itself is bad for humanity, but rising sea levels and more extreme weather events (droughts, flooding etc…) are some of the things that are touted. This may well lead to greater levels of immigration, greater spread of disease, loss of species…

    But the thing is you can take climate change out of the argument completely, and the case for needing to change our current way of life still stands firm. We are completely dependant on fossil oil, gas and coal. These are not going to last forever (and by most accounts, oil and gas wont last for much longer at all).

    Cleaner fuels, less pollutants and particulates, cheaper than fossil fuesls after the first generation are up and running…

    So why not change whilst we still have the available energy resource to actually do this? There is little point us going 'lets go to renewables' when there is no oil and gas left to make the electricity to run the factories to build the next generation of power sources (whether that be wind, solar or fusion).

    Why not make the world better for the hell of it? Sod the economy…as soon as the oil and gas runs out we are screwed financially anyway – we should become as self-sufficient as we can whilst we still can.

    This says it better though (may have already been done):

    Free Member

    tinsy – Member

    Just thinking out loud here, but maybe it would take a threadless BB?

    Good thinking

    Free Member

    Tried that last night – worked, but handbrake kept crashing

    Free Member

    Doing the Puffer? Do I look mad? – Member

    I use Handbrake on the Mac and its great. Just be aware that it may ask you to download additional codecs when you run it for the first time. The codecs are the little programmes that do the grunt work. This may be why some folk have suggested that it doesn't do what you want

    Refused to any of the films i tried it on due to copy protection (which it seems all my recent dvd's have). Bit useless in that case!

    Free Member

    when i say good quality – thats without anything direct to compare the same film against…but it seemed good enough. Certaionly avoided the audio/video synching problem i've had in the past from ripped films

    Free Member

    ianpv – Member

    Is the magicDVD download fully functional?

    Yes…albeit for 4 films

    Free Member

    cheers for the info

    in the meantime I had downloaded this –

    which will go straight from commercial dvd to avi (or a load of other formats)

    tried it last night and it works pretty well, quality is good enough and its easy to use – i'm happy to pay to have a one click ripper as well instead of having to circumvent copy protection everytime

    although if i can get Handbrake to work, i might as well use that – this is SUPPOSED to be good (strips copy protection so handbrake can just rip the dvd), but i cant get it to do anything –

    Oh and the 120 gb usb hard drive works fine in the xbox – although i had forgotten that it needs to be formatted fat32 (which xp/vista doesnt support very well – have to use DOS, takes forever and only does up to 32gb)

    so i used this – – which did it in 1.6 seconds through DOS 🙂

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