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  • Tim
    Free Member

    Off-road, i’d want inner AND outer retention.

    Free Member

    andyl – Member

    arghhhhh why won’t people accept that it wont work because the pull ratios are different?


    Because you are not correct 🙂

    Mechs are slaves, they only love as far as the shifter tells them to.

    The only issue is if the mech isn’t rated for the largest cog size, but generally they just work 🙂

    Free Member

    Ace, but would have been cooler without all the over the top shouting about it 🙂

    Free Member

    You can get 120mm hub gears

    Free Member

    i’ve done that, but not on purpose 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member

    nacho – Member

    “Rooney should have enough of a brain”
    Post by Tim that made me laugh!

    Too hopeful you think? 8)

    Free Member

    BTW, is the logo ‘growing’ on everyone like Seb Coe said it would?

    thought not, its still shit 🙂

    Free Member

    If it was on the ball, I may have viewed it slightly differently, but it wasnt, so it was just thuggery.

    Free Member

    Well, it will, as headset life depends on them being fitted squarely and not ran loose.

    Free Member

    I havn’t played for ages, but its full of little knocks, shirt pulls, treading on toes at corners etc..thats taken for granted.

    It doesnt matter if McCarthy “was about to foul Rooney”. Couldn’t darling wayne have simply run round him.

    I cant think of a situation where i would lead with my elbow either. You tend to use your hands/shoulder to fend people off.

    Free Member

    There is no context for it to be taken out of. Even if McCarthy had wound him up, Rooney should have enough of a brain to realise that he should channel his agression, and that he was probably being wound up for a reason (ironically).

    Free Member

    Don’t know, but they should be flambeed with the same flamethrower as people who leave litter in lay-bys.

    Free Member

    I had some u-tuen revs on mine and it was best at 100 for 90% of stuff, but 130 was good for descents/rocky terrain.

    Free Member

    Ar the frames the same travel and are the shocks the same stroke? If not its a fairly meaningless test, and even so the leverate rates may be different betwene the frames so the damping will eb setup differently 🙂

    i’d stick a rule across it, or some verniers if you want to be accurate 🙂

    Free Member

    I used to gibve up when i had to patch over a patch 🙂

    Now i seem to snakebite them before they get that far 🙂

    Free Member

    except thats for a single front ring 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    kick in the throat!

    Free Member

    I’ve never owned a car with less than 100,000 miles on it 🙂

    Free Member

    Rooneys elbow wasn’t anythign to do with ‘arder in our day’, it was just plain pikey aggressiveness and what he is was synonymous with.

    there is a distinct difference a crunching hard tackle and elbowing someone when they are not looking 🙂

    Yes it probably didnt hurt as much as the player made out, but its not the point – he still did it, and chose to do it.

    Free Member

    Football is a contact sport already – always has been, but there are lines that you don’t cross. I.e. you can muscle someone off the ball but you can’t just plough through them, pull them back or use your elbows.

    Cynically elbowing someone isn’t an agressive challenge, it’s violent conduct and should be punished as such.

    Sadly, over-aggressive players and cynical diving have made it impossible for refs to judge this.

    Carling Cup Final as a case in point – the players would not commit to a challenge in and around the penalty area as there was a very good chance that a clean hard tackle would be seen as a foul.

    It’s rubbish. Make diving a professional foul and make it retrospectively appliable via video replay with a default win for the opposition (so there is no incentive).

    Then refs will have more comfort is using their judgement to decide on agressive challenges and violent conduct (e.g. elbowing.)

    Some players and a lot of supporters cant understand the difference between being hard and fair, and being agressive. The former is what its all about, the latter isn’t.

    Free Member

    Have you any experience of them?

    Free Member

    AFAIK, its when an internal seal within the shock allows the nitogen to mix with the oil, whcih then ‘foams’ under movement/heat build up and reduces the oil viscosity, and therefore afects damping rates.

    I may be talking out of my arse 🙂

    Free Member

    Quite a few people at the student protests took to wearing hard hats:

    This is probably as good a reason:

    Free Member

    In traffic – auto, to save the clutch and left leg 🙂

    everything else – manual

    I like changing gear

    Free Member

    Samuri and Matt (if he’s still on here) must be the winners 🙂

    Free Member

    fractured two last year – 4-6 weeks i guess (cannae really remember), although entirely deendant on how ‘broken’ they are 🙂

    Watch something funny, or do it in summer so you have hayfever – helps a load 🙂

    Free Member

    Can’t actually remember my lap times, but i set some last night 🙂

    No TC, EPS or ABS, Auto gearbox but braking lines as i can never remember the track layouts. Weirdly i dont find braking points a problem on PGR4 but its an arse on Forza as there are less obvious waypoints (to me anyway)

    Annoyingly, on the Forza website, you can look up leaderoards but not personal posted times (without clicking through hundreds of pages anyway)

    Free Member

    One thing that this has bought to light is that families are using child benefit to supplement their lifestyle. There was talk on the news of families needing to move house…if you can’t afford it on your WAGE why should the rest of us fund your surrey house?

    Also smiling at the irony of some torys getting a bit ‘trade union’ about it 🙂 It’s not fair on the middle class elite!

    Free Member

    however the idea that a family with 1 earner getting 45k will loose the benefit but 2 earner family earning 80k combined is absolutely ridiculous, who did vote for these muppets?

    This is where the execution of the idea is severely lacking. Should be household income at the very least.

    Free Member

    nuke – Member

    I have some E-On plug that has an IR receive…it knows when I’ve put the TV on standby then turns the power to the TV off completely after about 10 seconds.


    Although since moving the furniture i’ve had to resort to standing upo and turning it off.

    It’s so hard, i cant believe how hard it is to do. I must have to move at least 3 ft.

    Free Member

    Might need a helmet for this:

    Free Member

    I’m really not much of a Gideon fan, but this proposal seems fair enough – having children i wasn’t compulsory last time i checked and contraception is fairly straightforward 🙂

    They should use the same concept with the elderly heating allowance as well – means test it

    Free Member

    As DaveGr says really 🙂 I work in the ‘business’ but can’t really add anymore.

    Free Member

    How useful are they for basic word processing and linking to a printer?

    Free Member

    ooohh do like the idea of this, but if Forza is frustrating without a steering wheel, i imagine this will be a nightmare

    no demo, annoyingly!

    Free Member

    Fly over my work most days, along with a fair few Apaches and lots of smaller stuff. Lots of fast jets too 😉

    Always low as well. Makes the desks rattle

    Free Member

    There is also the possibility that some people are not registered as catholic but are under their suggestion…


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