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  • Issue 153: Peaks of the Balkans
  • Tim
    Free Member

    also have a look at Matthew 19:14

    I’ve heard his match up with Austin 3:16 at next years SummerSlam is going to be Biblical 🙂
    (I dont actually watch wrestling, any similarity to a real event is an unfortunate coincidence)

    (although i know that Steve Austin was called 3:16)

    (I dont know why i know that – late night sky TV when i was meant to be doing GCSE revision)

    (and Macho Man Randy Savage is dead, i think)

    (I did use to watch wrestling wth him in when i was about 10)

    Free Member

    or that i used to be the son of god but now the medication helps me understand that my dad although an architect, did not design the world, just a few sea life centres and a shopping centre in aldershot.

    Brilliant 😆

    Free Member

    We had a couple of older lady JW’s come round recently, and they were quite forceful in convincing me that I was wrong! I played it as a bit of a game and had a very polite chat with them on the doorstep. I would have invited them in, but I was only wearing a dressing gown and pants.

    They gave me a flyer detailing how ‘evil’ the rise of paganism in my local area was (commuter belt Hampshire of all places!), and to watch out for being misled by psychics dealing in ‘Astronomy’ Sadly i didnt think to keep the flyer as it was brilliant 🙂

    The genuinely sad thing is that they clearly had been brainwashed throughout their lifes to the point where they had refused education and didn’t understand a lot of basic concepts (to someone of my age) – e.g. when it came down to it they really didnt know or understand what the absolute basics of evolution were, or the difference between astronomy and astrology, or the fact that Pagans arent actually evil, and the comedy of a missionary spreading the word of an ‘evil religion’…so they got very flummoxed when I didnt stick to the script 🙂

    But I did get them onto string theory and singularitys, just to see how long they would continue arguing. I won because they made the first excuse that they had to go!

    Free Member

    If by eternal you mean infinite

    Then no – our best theories and experimental results indicate the universe had a definitive start point, although it may not have a definitive end point.

    But this doesnt require a creator either 🙂

    Free Member

    GF – perhaps neither science/knowledge or theology give us the answer?

    Maybe not yet, but only the former has a chance of doing so, if we adopt rationial thought 🙂

    Free Member

    Tiger6791 – Member

    Are we discounting aliens?

    Irrelevant, unless you dont believe the universe exists 🙂

    Free Member

    Atheists… I think you may be missing out on something if you are hung up on God as a begin that’s all powerful

    When you look out at the top of the mountain, you’ve just ridden up, and you take in the view and everything is good in your world at that precise moment… to me that’s Nature. When you’re handed your new born child and you are the happiest you can be … to me that’s Nature.

    Same things, with word substition 🙂

    Free Member

    Is it the original post?

    If not, what make is it?

    Have you checked its actually the size it should be?

    Is the seatpost excessively worn?

    Free Member

    Anyway…to get back to the original question…

    If someone is an atheist, they are generally going to be a rationalist. It might not cause anger, but its incredibly frustrating to see an evidence based decision ignored in favour of something else because of a belief. And doubly so when its a decision that can affect other people, not just the decision maker.

    Be that because of religion, alternative medicine (homeopathy especially!), ghosts, feng shui…whatever really

    Free Member

    What I don’t see from any of the world’s religions is the same approach to standing up to the nutters that claim to represent them.

    To be fair, we have a very westernised view of the world – Anti EDL riots arent exactly front page news in the UK, so why would we neccessarily hear about a any anti Al-Queda protest in Pakistan (for example)?

    Free Member

    Tim – religion may be pointless to you, but to some people it’s a great comfort. The point I’m trying to make, I suppose, is that people should be entitled to their own views, and none of us have the right, regardless of our own belief systems, to criticise or belittle them for it.

    I agree. Its why I dont feel organised religion is in any way moral – stem cell testing is a good example of imposing a ‘belief’ (something intangible) on other peoples lifes.

    I dont understand irrationality, basically. We are all irrational at certain times, but organised and enforced irrationality, to use perhaps an appropriate term, ‘beggars belief’.

    Furthermore, something in your quote is interesting – “people should be entitled to their own views”. Does this not mean that children should NOT be taken to church before they are old enough to make their own mind up. Say at the age of 16? How many people have a belief in god because thats all they have even been told- not by any personal decision.

    Free Member

    No, wrong way round. You made the statement, you need to support it. If I say it is to preserve butterflies and you show that it is not, it does not make your statement right.

    Ok in that case, I dont need to explain my statement then.

    I dont know the purpose of religion, I never have. Just seems to be a human construct.

    Therefore I assume that humanity developed religion and the concept of deities it as a fallback to explain things that we werent sufficienct developed enough to understand, but had intense curiosity about.

    You obviously DONT feel that humans needed religion to explain why. therefore I assume you have an alternative viewpoint on the matter?

    Free Member

    What is the purpose of religion?

    Free Member

    I’ve always seen mobile phones as a means of waking me up, since i bought an alarm clock the phone is pointless

    Humanity needed religion to explain why.

    now we have developed science to the point where it is getting closer and closer to honestly answering as many of our questions as possible, religion is pointless 🙂

    Free Member

    And notice none of them have owt to say on when Science is used for bad, eh? In spite of criticising Religion for bad stuffs. funny that, eh?

    How has science been used for ‘bad’? Science cant be used for bad in the same way that a drink drivers car doesnt crash by itself. there are scientific discoveries that are immoral (e.g. chemical weapons), but these are not developed by ‘science’, they are developed by nation states as a weapon via a scientific process. Scientific process is what has allowed you to ride ythe bike you own, or argue on the internet.

    But religious people can use a scientific discovery for bad – e.g. the Tokyo Sarin Attacks.

    Free Member

    Loving the “I celebrate the Winter Feast” retorts.

    For you that claim that – how many other pagan festivals do you partake in throughout the year?

    Why should it matter?

    I can spend time with my family for whatever reason I want to, whenever I want to. Its absolutely of no concern to anyone…

    Because I enjoy christmas with friends does not mean my ideas about religion have changed. Why would anyone be narrow minded enough to think that? Well done you ‘caught me out’, I once said ‘oh my god’ duing sex so I must be a lapsed atheist 🙂

    Free Member

    Christmas isnt really a christian holiday, its an amalgumation of holiday traditions from a variety of backgrounds – Roman, Pagan, Druid, Scandinavian etc.

    So yes.

    Obviously I dont do the nativity thing (well since i was in primary school and unable to make my own decisions).

    But I put up decorations, exchange a few gifts, drink port and eat turkey and vast amounts of stilton 🙂

    Free Member

    Think you will find it is a proper four bar back end.

    Its not. Its effectively a single pivot with a linkage driven shock.

    However its so close to a 4-bar that nobody really notices the difference.

    Nice bike. Enjoy it.

    Free Member

    I’m not angry, but I get quite annoyed that it is assumed I am a christian (as I am white and english) – its quite offensive really as it assumes I dont have an open mind.

    Religion makes no sense to me. Dont understand why anyone would want to be a part of any religion. It stymies the mind. I cant see a reason for it existing apart from to control people, and ultimately as a way of making money.

    And I dont believe in a ‘god’ because there is no evidence for it. But it is not up to me to prove a deity does not exist – you can’t prove a negative. There is however, multitudes of information that makes an attempt to explain the universe and our place in it that does not need to include a deity.

    I don’t have ‘believe’ in anything, but I do ‘trust’ the opinions of scientists who follow peer-reviewed scientifical analysis of a wide range of things, but to have ‘beliefs’ seems to be crazy to me.

    What happens if something changes – you should be able to change your mind – your a free person and no priest or other religious leader should tell you otherwise.

    For me, belief systems stemmed from a less educated time, when we didnt understand how the earth worked and why there were bright points of light in the sky. In lieu of an explanation humans clutched for something to explain these things. But as we learnt abvout the world, we came to understand the processes for more and more of the way the world works.

    This universe is bigger than this earth and the whims of man. There is highly likely to be intelligent life somewhere in the universe because it is just so vast. Would they have a ‘god’? Some of them probably would for the same reasons as humans do.

    Or maybe they are advanced to the stage were they actually know the answer, and maybe they are all religious or have abandoned the idea of a deity altogether. We dont know, but it would be interesting to find out, but we won’t find out with our eyes clamped shut by ‘belief’.

    Free Member

    Thanks muchly

    Free Member

    Meh, rather have a Bowler Nemesis. That would have beaten the Ford Pickup 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers all – good info.

    StuE – that would be great – emailed you

    Free Member

    At your height you should def be on a small.

    I’m about that height, maybe an inch taller, and I wouldn’t be on a medium.

    The camber has a bent seat tube, so the post length will be limited somewhat, but I still can’t imagine you cant get it high enough.

    Have you got a picture of the bike with your saddle position?

    Dropper post or a titec telescopic post may help in this case

    stock pic of a camber for reference:

    Free Member

    LOL at khani 🙂

    Free Member

    Toffee wheel in your drill (dont concentrate on one area for too long) and sticky stuff remover.

    Free Member

    Practice, and staying relaxed…

    Free Member

    My front went through 2 sets in a year. Rear has been fine for nearly 3 years. I put it down to tolerances, of just bad luck

    Free Member

    Wasn’t around this eekend but local and can help out in future

    Free Member

    double booked, no spaces, nada 🙂

    Free Member

    Hey all, awakening a common thread, apologies.

    2 of us were booked in at the Lodge for an overnighter next weekend (17th). However apparently they have double booked us and it seems everywhere is booked up as well.

    Does anyone know what the situation is at the Drop Off. I know in the past it was open in the evenings for people camping at Glencorrwyg, but I don’t know if thats the case now? Happy to camp but would rather have somewhere to chill out in the evening rather than sit in a (probably) wet tent.



    Free Member

    We had spiders last year

    now we have a cat, and hardly any spiders

    she doesnt seem to eat them though weirdly, just lamps them repeatedly, so gord knows where they all go to 🙂

    Free Member

    Having deer following me through lordswood in the pitch dark.

    to be fair i thought it was a group of pikeys fron the estate 🙂

    Free Member

    The Infinite Monkey Cage

    Mon 04 July 11: Science and the supernatural

    Tue, 5 Jul 11

    29 mins

    Robin Ince and Brian Cox pit science against the supernatural, as they explore ghosts and other paranormal phenomena with the help of actor and magician Andy Nyman, psychologist Richard Wiseman and neuroscientist Bruce Hood.

    Free Member

    If the bloke wants to wander around naked, let him. Can’t see how he is hurting or offending anybody.

    Its just genitalia, we have all got them 🙂

    Free Member

    Flies not wanting to get eaten does not correlate to flies not realising that that object coming towards them is:

    a, coming towards them
    b, has an open mouth

    Free Member

    The proper tool is well worth it, makes it so easy

    or a bloody great screwdriver

    or a chisel 🙂

    Free Member

    I like the fact he openly admits its not ‘magic’ or ‘supernatural’ and is eager to explain how things work.

    Still dont understand how he does most of it though 🙂

    Very clever bloke

    Free Member

    Same, mines been absolutely fine – SLX

    Free Member

    yossarian – Member

    i managed to punch myself in the bollocks whilst folding up a duvet last weekend.

    Higher mammal indeed.


    I’ve ‘whipped’ myself with the edge of a towel in a similar incident.

    And again, in a similar fashion – whilst performing very drunken Pete Townsend air guitar windmills 🙂

    Free Member

    Been there done that at 26 with severed chest pains. I was too tired and sore to be scared at the time. My missus was more scared as she had to drive me to the hospital 🙂 Not quite sure what caused it but painkillers, anti-inflammatorys and some enforced rest (read waiting for docs) seemed to sort it. Got about 1 hrs sleep and went to work feeling like i’d been kicked in the chest 🙂

    Only ridden in an ambulance once, but i was either unconscious or on gas/air so memory of it is waking up, laughing, and then nothing..repeatedly 🙂

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 1,013 total)