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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • TijuanaTaxi
    Free Member

    Only been their once to watch my local footie team play

    General consensus of opinion was “what a shithole” and that was from people who live in some of London’s most deprived boroughs

    Lots of closed down shops and bargain booze places with sprayed up metal shutters. Saw a booze delivery truck that proclaimed “making life richer for the poorer”

    Suppose the housing would be cheap, but in the top three of most crap places I have ever been to

    Free Member

    The Longest Day

    Free Member

    Might come across this tasty geezer in one of the pubs

    Free Member

    Could just turn them inside out

    Free Member

    Sumatriptan is also available in nasal spray and self injection form.

    I use it for cluster headache and the injection certainly works fast, not had so much luck with the nasal spray though.

    I find that Triptans (like sumatriptan) are pretty effective but can only be taken a few times a month

    Twice in 24 hours is more like it, have taken three, but felt a bit rotten especially sore neck and sore throat.

    Free Member

    I have a Nook, good value for 29 quid and loads of free compatible e books although Barnes and Noble are a bit dearer than Amazon

    Free Member

    My daughter is an Optometrist and mentioned it to her, with the information given this is her advice

    She said no lenses until the ulcer clears up and then not extended ones

    Good quality contacts should then be ok for short times depending how dry the eyes are and how well the ulcer clears up

    Go and see an optometrist to get specialist advice as every case is different

    Free Member

    Forbidden Planet

    Robot, Ray Guns, Flying Saucer, extinct alien technology with suitably futuristic (at the time)soundtrack

    Forerunner in many ways to Star Trek and not hard to spot the things that Roddenberry used from this film

    Free Member

    Can also buy an adapter ring to literally use the lens back to front, seen some good results from them too Reversing Ring

    I do have the lens you referred to and worth saving for, got lucky with an Amazon misprice earlier this year. Ended up paying £405 after the Canon cashback, doesn’t get used much though and hardly ever for macro

    Free Member

    Heard it in St Ives, sonic boom I think

    Didn’t sound like an explosion, remember when I still lived in London and the IRA blew up Canary Wharf, different noise to this one

    Free Member

    Iron Maiden’s Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son is one of the few I listen to in the correct order

    Dio’s Magica is another one that springs to mind

    Free Member

    Can’t really go wrong with the Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS, remarkably good for the price.

    Bought one a while back as a stop gap and surprised how good it was, had to spend a fair bit to get anything considerably better

    Free Member

    I think they should choose an older Dr

    Ray Winstone would give them Daleks a bit of grief

    Free Member

    Talk Photography is a good resource, like most websites you get some silly sods, but some good advice available.

    Don’t waste money on filters and invest in a decent tripod and head plus a remote shutter release. So many different bags, personally prefer rucksack types, not keen on taking weight on one shoulder.
    Don’t forget spare memory card and battery, might also want to get a nicer strap, Optech are good for the money

    Photoplus for Canon is a useful magazine although like most it gets repeated after 12-18 months

    Photoshop Elements is a decent editing software package, not too expensive either

    Decent book is worth buying, lots of people recommend Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. I thought it was poor and missed out some important aspects of modern digital photography for instance the histogram and highlight alert.
    This one is excellent Book although entitled Landscape it explains exposure really well and understanding that is fundamental in getting a good photo.

    Most of all just enjoy it and don’t go pixel peeping at 100% magnification otherwise you might go bonkers.

    One last thing it can get a rather expensive hobby, good lenses last for years, have agreat effect on image quality so better spending money on them rather than the camera body.

    Free Member

    Ritchie Blackmore
    Ted Nugent
    Michael Schenker
    Andy Powell/Ted Turner
    Randy Rhoads

    With an honourable mention to Bruce Watson

    Free Member

    Free Member

    More worrying than this group of ultra right wing loonies are the public who vote for them

    Saw a little collection on the news this morning, what an ill informed dim witted lot and a wide ranging age bracket too. Don’t think it’s the eastern europeans that are to blame for their stupidity, there again I suspect they would blame them?

    Do they really think that UKIP would do them any favours, can forget any sort of employment rights and help for the needy genuine or otherwise

    Free Member

    Seems i’m in a minority, very hard to judge sharpness with web sized images. Not dissimilar to how the shots always look good on the rear LCD.

    Going to stand by my original comments and would like to know what the OP feels he could improve upon

    Free Member

    Things that stands out to me are the distracting foreground foilage and people in the backgrounds, some off putting angles too. Also need to work on the panning a bit, you can still suggest motion, but get the subject sharper against a blurred background

    Sorry if that seems harsh, but you did ask for critique

    Free Member

    Machine Head-Deep Purple
    Heaven and Hell-Black Sabbath
    Argus-Wishbone Ash
    Tokyo Tapes-Scorpions
    Number Of The Beast-Iron Maiden
    Sad Wings Of Destiny-Judas Priest
    Strangers In The Night-UFO
    The Crossing-Big Country
    Born To Run-Bruce Springsteen

    Free Member

    Gitzo are the tripods to have – I use a Markins ball head on mine. It sits in the corner of a room somewhere and never ever gets used.

    I also have a Gitzo and Markins head, they get used a good 75% of the time and not for the nasty creamy wat er shots either.

    Prefer to use a tripod whenever I can (admittedly not always possible) apart from giving nice sharp images I find it helps me go about photography at a more leisurely and careful pace.

    Actually have two tripod and head combos, a lightweight one for longer treks/travelling and a larger heavier one for shorter walks or windier days. Couple these with a decent remote shutter release and you won’t go far wrong

    Free Member

    Health Lottery, those people epitomise everything that is wrong with modern society

    Free Member

    Bit like bike components really light and strong (stable) doesn’t come cheap

    A good head is equally important and if that doesn’t hold the camera/lens steady you will have wasted your money on the tripod

    Redsnapper seem to get praise, never used one so can’t comment, did have an older Manfrotto 055, fairly heavy, but well built.

    If you intend to carry it a fair bit weight and size when closed comes into the equation.

    Personally think it’s a vital piece of equipment and worth spending out what you would on a decent lens.

    Have a look on google for Feisol, get good reviews from those who buy them and customer service seems reliable too. Various different Q/R systems, but the most widely used is Arca Swiss and from experience the best too

    Free Member

    Had a VW and a Toyots Hi-Ace in the past, latter was by far the more reliable

    Also had a very nice Autohomes pop top based on a Sherpa, would be a bit long in the tooth now though

    Always thought these were a good compromise Romahome

    Free Member

    I like the Rita Coolidge one, shame I can’t remember what it is though

    Free Member

    Always enjoy visiting the Black Country because I have found the local people there are the friendliest I have come across in England.

    Free Member

    Can’t wait to see Leyton Orient rebranded

    It ain’t happening, haven’t we got enough agro with all the Olympic Stadum business.

    We have already changed from Clapton Orient, leave the O’s alone

    Free Member

    However, a contractor trying to trace the cause of the repeat faults opened a BT inspection hatch in the car park and discovered fibre optic cables

    Doesn’t mean they serve a fibre cabinet though, could be an older type that were provided to serve a nearby school or maybe a business that pays for its own dedicated fibre link.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t wish death on anyone, but about as sad as when I went past Cambridge crematorium on my way home the day they disposed of Myra Hindley

    Free Member

    Easy to condemn parents now, but my daughter was a baby when all the MMR vaccine scare came out and certainly made th decision harder. decision

    When I was a kid the vast majority had measles and mumps along with chickenpox, just seen as one of those things that you caught and got over

    Free Member

    Depending on where the fault was located it could have been covered under what is known as MBORC (matters beyond our reasonable control)

    As an example exceptional weather such as flood will trigger this status when fault levels reach critical proportions

    MBORC declaration has to be agreed with OFCOM and according to the terms in your contract will no doubt affect any compensation

    Free Member

    About time attention was turned to very wealthy pensioners, can’t be right that they get heating allowance and free bus travel.

    Not talking about those that are comfortably off, just the very wealthy who get more pension than most people earn from working

    Free Member

    popular and successful conservative

    Not a phrase you hear very often

    Free Member

    Rainbow (Rising era)
    Deep Purple
    Iron Maiden
    Big Country

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The 24-105mm is ideal for the 6D, IS comes in handy too

    Free Member

    Are you sure the rude engineer was actually an Openreach employee, awful lot out there lately who are contractors
    Not having much joy with some of them, should say so on the van or their passcard

    Yes I do understand the frustration and can only imagine how hard it is when nobody deals with your problems in a professional way.

    Plenty of people do contact the CEO’s along with their MP’s and media of all description. Glad your problems seem to be on the mend and Eileen is obviously one of the caring staff I mentioned earlier

    Free Member

    I certainly won’t defend some of what I see and hear going on and believe me it ain’t pretty

    Not an easy company to work for thse days and old timers like myself (38 years service)are being driven out by a ruthless management hell bent on “managing” people out

    I’m not bothered by people slagging off BT, but there are still some of us that do try our best for the customer and actually know what we are doing

    Our current pay talks are going nowhere, how can you deal with people who say “inflation is interesting, but not really relevant to pay discussions”

    So try and at least be civil please because the policy makers are certainly not those you are dealing with

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t get too excited about the “Fault Escalation Team”. BT employees randomly invent team names to try and make out there is some progress on your call and somebody very important sounding is dealing with the issue.

    Actually that’s a load of old cobblers and I am in a far better position than you to make that statement.

    As one or two people on here know I have helped in the past with their BT problems which probably gives you a clue.

    There are dedicated escalation/complaints teams within both BT and Openreach who on the whole have some very helpful and knowledgeable people working within them.

    Good manners cost nothing and behave how you expect to be treated.

    Free Member

    Rainbow- Rising
    Deep Purple-Machine Head
    Scorpions-Tokyo Tapes
    Judas Priest-Sad Wings Of Destiny

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