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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • TijuanaTaxi
    Free Member

    Stargazer from the superb Rainbow album “Rising”

    Blackmore’s guitar, Dio’s vocals and great drum intro from Cozy

    Free Member

    I would go for a s/hand K-5, excellent camera for the money

    The kit 18-55 is ok, but I preferred the 16-45 or for a wider range the 18-135

    Not sure where you are in the SE, but SRS in Watford is a good place for all things Pentax as is this website Pentax[/url]

    Plenty of advice there and a good classifieds section too

    Free Member

    Been looking ages for one of the three piece wooden bog seats that used to be available.

    Much better design and suits my bowl/cistern arrangement

    Free Member

    Sapphire and Steel
    +1 for Utraviolet although it was on BT Vision for a while at a quid an episode

    Free Member

    My old ma has LPG via a bulk tank

    Pretty sure she has to pay rent for the tank and about to get a smart meter fitted so they can see when it needs topping up

    Very expensive fuel although she did get some money off by agreeing to stay with Calor for a couple of years.

    Free Member

    Not sure everything was as marvellous for those of a slightly older generation

    I lived with my parents in a rented east end flat, left school at sixteen and got a job. Nobody I knew went to university, bit more important to go to work and earn a few quid.
    Saved up for a deposit then bought a small house with older colleagues saying how expensive they thought the mortgage payments were.

    Had a small family, bought a slightly bigger house and paid even more out on mortgage with interest rates twice hitting 15%. This in conjunction with crazy high poll tax payments, living within our means such as one cheap holiday and one secondhand car.

    Paid our bills along with a works pension which after forty years would hopefully provide funds so we could retire.

    How exactly have I robbed anyone, never taken a penny in handouts apart from child benefit and still won’t get the state pension until i’m 66.

    Many younger people on here have no doubt been treated very well by their parents and have had opportunities that I didn’t even dream about.

    Every generation thinks they have been dealt a bad hand by their predecessors when in reality its no worse. Think yourselves lucky you have an expected longer life expectancy, all the money in the world can’t buy that.

    Free Member

    The reason our generation isn’t able to save for our retirement

    What about the younger generation buy to let landlords who will use that income to provide for their old age

    Free Member

    The real issue is that the current retired folk , who got free education , full employment and cheap housing are the ones who have not paid enough to cover their retirement costs and we have to pay for them and us.

    Everyone gets free education until the age of 18 and can’t remember full employment in the Thatcher years. Houses were certainly not cheap either with mortgage interest rates far above those of today.

    Free Member

    I did on October 31st, 38 years at the same company and the offer of an early leaver package was too good to refuse

    Don’t know how I found the time to go to work, loving every minute and feel so much better physically and mentally

    Can’t be a good thing all the oldies staying at work, how about jobs for the youngsters. Maybe the government should offer a scheme where you can voluntarily pay more into the state pension so you can retire at a sensible age

    Free Member

    JHB from Oakham Ales is very nice at 3.6% JHB

    Free Member


    Wild Bunch

    Free Member

    Grey duct will more than likely be BT, pumping stations have connection and probably what is known as a telemetry line.

    Free Member

    Used 40D would be my choice, no video, but nice solid 10mp camera with live view and sensor cleaning gizmo in line with the more modern bodies.

    Had two of them and one did over 70k clicks before I sold it so no problem with reliability

    Still got a 5D and although rather old now as someone else said hard to beat for pure image quality

    My daughter had a 550D and that was very decent too, another one to look at secondhand

    xxxD and xxD models will take all Canon fit lenses including the EF-S ones so probably the best bet

    Free Member

    Reminds me of the Lloyds names who thought they were going to get rich and then a series of disasters cost them a lot of cash

    Next thing you know they are asking the government to bail them out

    First rule of gambling, don’t if you can’t afford to lose

    Free Member

    Life without parole in solitary

    Free Member

    would it help me if I could get a bunch of people connected to cabinet 8 to all ask for fibre?

    My advice would be contact the council dept who are dealing with BDUK funding for your county, certainly wouldn’t hurt to have a number of interested parties. Another alternative would be to part fund it yourself as in all those who want it. There have been partially funded community schemes that I know of and BT have contributed to,costs per household are not always as high as you might think.

    The commercial viability thing is hard on those not included, but since BT was privatised in 1986 (yes I worked there before that)they have a duty to their shareholders. Once upon a time telephone lines were provided to the most far flung places because it was a service, so blame government for that change.

    Free Member

    to add insult to injury once you’re connected to a cabinet that’s it and you can’t be connected to a different one!

    Not just a simple matter of connecting to a different cabinet, the line plant doesn’t exist to make that happen. Likely to be along an entirely different duct route so not physically possible.
    Also the exisiting cab would have a maximum capacity as does the associated DSLAM This would no doubt be exceeded if diverting other out of cab area customers

    BT ran fibre to our cabinet which serves us and the local school, but won’t take it the next step and install the full DSLAM

    The dedicated fibre that serves places such as schools and businesses is not the same as that employed for SFBB I doubt that the fibre terminates in the cab and more likely to be fed to the school direct. This question was often raised such as when fibre was installed in various places for OB during the Olympics, just not compatible

    Yes exchange is enabled, however due to shitty wiring done in 1992 when house was built, we are direct to exchange just shy of 4km

    Research is being done so that EO customers can receive SFBB, nothing wrong with the quality of the wiring just how it runs. Plus many EO fed customers received an excellent ADSL service when many others who were cab fed at longer distances did not, swings and roundabouts i’m afraid

    Free Member

    Not commercially viable would be the official term for the circumstances you mention

    It can also happen if no suitable position can be found for the cabinet. This can be for a number of reasons such as objection from the council e.g.conservation area. Cabinet also requires power which cannot be picked up from the street lighting circuit.

    From my last job as a high level complaints manager for Openreach I know an awful lot about this subject. I have now retired so please feel free to write in expressing your annoyance, but please do not say that these days high speed internet is as important as gas and electricity.

    Damaging the cab wouldn’t work either because it would be replaced like for like. DSLAM requires fibre from the exchange and copper is still required for PSTN just in case anyone says that why not replace all copper for fibre to stop theft of valuable metal.

    Another point to consider is if you are fed direct from the exchange i.e. not via a cabinet, this also means no superfast BB until a solution is found for that particular problem.

    Free Member

    BT have a team of people watching ebay, forums and twitter, just saying

    Having just retired after 38 years working for BT I do know that they are aware of some online activities that mention them by name

    Free Member

    Lucky your neighbour has a more refined sense of honesty than you

    Free Member

    Not sure if there is a Nikon equivalent, but the Canon 24mm f/1.4 L ii is really excellent for landscapes especially when the light isn’t great.

    Free Member

    Another point to remember is if sickness prevents you using your annual leave entitlement for the year

    Under those circumstances you are allowed to carry over up to four weeks unused leave to the next year

    Many firms try to deny this including the one spooky b329 works for, but it is EC legislation and they have to abide by it

    Free Member

    Somewhere near Bournemouth apparently at 12%, reasonably accurate seeing as I am a Londoner

    Reckon it was the Bitter question that messed my total up, bit daft when we have Fullers and Youngs in London

    Free Member

    Thought it was pretty much accepted that Canon has the edge when it comes to video

    As an episode of House was filmed on Canon 5D MkII’s that would seem to be true

    Free Member

    Only Waitrose here too although some plans afoot for a Morrisons on the outskirts

    Wondering if TheGingerOne lives in the same place as me especially as my nearest Tesco is also about six miles away

    Free Member

    St Ives in Cambs

    Free Member

    Omega Man was good and also enjoyed The Martian Chronicles

    Free Member

    Macdonalds and contraceptive pills

    Free Member

    Sounds like she has some sense and your workforce should be pleased that someone is looking after their welfare

    Personally never understand why anyone would opt out of the 48 hr directive

    If that much work is required companies should take on extra staff rather than using overtime

    Free Member

    I commute very day by bus

    Albeit on rather luxurious buses that runs on their own dedicated busway Busway[/url]

    Bargain for £23.50 a week, much better than being stuck on the A14

    Free Member

    Maybe use mirror lock up or live view (if your camera has it) would have the same effect

    Depending on the aperture used you might find it shows up any crud you have on the sensor especially with a white background

    Would also focus manually if it were me

    Free Member

    Just usually call for the au pair

    Free Member

    Just use the mug she keeps her teeth in

    Free Member

    Just saw this on the Cambridge Evening News website with the headline

    “Shocking moment cyclist risks her life on level crossing at Waterbeach”

    Sums it up about right I reckon and yes she must be a loon

    Free Member

    Bloke in his mid 40’s where I worked went down this route

    Brought in some pictures of said wife and himself then an older colleague in his 60’s said

    You would have thought if he was paying out he could have bought a nice looking one.

    Had a point I suppose

    Free Member

    Not a job I would want to do and good luck to anyone prepared to stand up for their terms and conditions.

    Amazed how so many people are vindictive because somebody is getting something they are not like a final salary pension.

    We should all strive for a better deal rather than sink to the lowest common denominator

    Free Member

    Been playing this a lot lately

    Free Member

    Scorpions made some fine albums in the 80’s, Animal Magnetism and Love at First Sting to name two of them

    Free Member

    Good choice especially as the price has recently come down by about a hundred quid

    Was very pleased with mine, good overall sharpness with nice colours too

    Don’t forget to add a few quid on the price for a hood, unfortunately doesn’t come with one

    Free Member

    The three of us in my family have always used the Sony Walkman mp3 players from the NWZ range and never had a problem

    My daughter has just bought the latest 16GB version and is very pleased with it, Sony Walkman Bought direct from Sony UK for £99 delivered

    According to the blurb you can load music to it direct from iTunes

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