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    Free Member

    I couldn't buy Calpol when the pharmacist was at lunch
    Think I might find a cheaper and more effcient way to do myself in
    Got asked why I wanted to buy Kaolin and Morphine?
    Despite its lovely taste I assured the lady it was because I had the Tom Tits

    Bonkers the lot of em

    Free Member

    Must get my ABM shirt ready for Wimbledon

    Free Member

    Might sound cheap, but the Canon 55-250 IS gives excellent results for the money

    Free Member

    Just joined tha dslr movement at teh weekend.
    How do you guys protect your screens?

    Google "GGS Screen Protector" excellent bit of kit and much better than the stick on film
    Can be bought cheaper on the bay, but definitely worth buying

    Free Member

    So, any advertising executive responsible for Go Compare, Foxy Bingo, Halifax, Auto Windscreens, and Gold buyers can pat themselves on the back then? Looks they have succeeded in grabbing everybody's attention! Ba#*stards!

    Very true, but has only served to put me off them even more than before

    Although i did buy the oven cleaning bag that's so simple a man could do it
    ****ing bag leaked and the filthy shit went all over the place, ironic thing being my missus cleaned that up

    Free Member

    The big fat bloke singing in the GoCompare advert, not helped by the old bag who seems to be getting the hots for him in his baggy pants

    The other one is the collection of hags sitting in a coffee shop discussing the hardness of their stools
    Are you sure that's the reason your arse hurts madam?

    Free Member

    Referring back to the DOF preview, if you use it in live view the screen doesn't darken as the viewfinder would

    Free Member

    Quite a few especially the customised settings, but my best find has been the "AF lock" so I can back button focus
    So much better than having the AF on the shutter button, lock on and then recompose to your hearts content

    Free Member

    He was booted because management wanted a more nu-metal sound ( a la Saxon ). He is still sore about it now apparently.

    he was booted fro being unprofessional and Steve Harris had got p1ssed off with hime and decided to get rib

    Sort of right, more to do with being wrecked far too often and getting a bit big for his boots

    That's fact not secondhand or assumed, i was on the scene at that time in east london and remember Steve from our schooldays although Paul was a couple of years younger

    Free Member

    You will be fine with a 400D using older versions of Elements and the raw converter

    You can download newer versions of Adobe Camera RAW to work with older versions of photoshop, so no problems using a new camera with older photoshop.

    Not exactly true i'm afraid, please see my previous reply

    Free Member

    One word of advice about the Adobe RAW converter if your camera is fairly new
    The latest versions of the converter are linked to the latest versions of Elements

    So for instance you wouldn't be able to download from a Canon 7D to Elements 6, crafty way to keep you buying the latest Elements edition

    Free Member

    Cadburys Snack Biscuits, very addictive and just about to have a mini pack of them now

    Fondly remember getting the reject ones (Cadbury Fingers too)on a stall down Walthamstow Market
    Usually missing a bit of chocolate here and there or a corner broken off

    Great big bag for a quid, didn't help my weight too much

    Free Member

    going 6th of march returning on sunday

    Its a train not a tardis 😀

    Free Member

    I remember someone on here saying they once found a charred dead person in a burnt out car. They took some photo's before calling the Police

    That was on the Roman Road near Cambridge a couple of years ago near Christmas time

    Free Member

    Spring is coming same time as every year, but it ain't getting warm for a while yet.

    Free Member

    Been on the one mentioned above in Igls and very exciting it was too
    When I had a go they were insisting on people over a certain weight to maintain traction on the bends
    Very noisy and although the run didn't take long semed like a lot longer at the time
    Not cheap though, many years ago and it was about 35 quid a person

    Must go back there one day, I like Igls and had three great holidays there

    Free Member

    If our 11 year old Corolla has a fault think we might have found it by now

    Very basic, but bloody good car and would definitely buy another one when this finally falls apart

    Used to have a Camper based on a Hiace and that was a damn fine motor too

    Free Member

    17-55 IS is also a cracker for crop sensor, bit pricy, but seen some great images taken with it

    Free Member

    Go on then,no promises, but will see what I can find out

    That's the last one for now though, got a little project to deal with and will be rather busy from next week onwards

    Free Member

    Not a case of getting it cheaper or quicker, as I mentioned any company would have to deal with BT Wholesale and the same planning solution would still need to be found

    A lot of people don't really understand the system and all the regulatory restrictions that are in place

    Free Member

    Have investigated this problem and its a BT Wholesale problem, specifically an engineering planning solution that is required
    So anyone from that group who can help i'm sure the OP would be grateful

    Unfortunately Openreach and BT Retail are just another customer same as any other company and are constricted by the same trading rules

    Free Member

    With regard to postage I usually give a posted price and then send by the most economical method
    Just sold a small item for 15 quid, standard parcels is £4.41 and 1st class is £5.90, can't see anything wrong with using the cheaper albeit slower method.

    Probably going to get a few people disagree with this next view, but if I had to decide who to sell to it would definitely sway me if one responder was abrupt and impolite with the other friendly with please and thank you

    Manners matter in everyday life and that carries over to online with me too

    Free Member

    Here is a pic of the cycleway, apparently they realise its not right and needs better drainage

    Free Member

    If you want crap buses take a look at the Cambridge Guided Bus

    15 months late opening, still no definite date and millions of pounds wasted

    Even better is the cycle path that runs alongside it, more suitable for sailing in places

    Free Member

    EDIT Author removed offensive reply to the above unpleasant comment

    This really ain't the place for politics and religion arguments

    Free Member

    No its not obvious, daresay most things have a reason for not buying them if you look long and hard enough

    Animal testing and cheap labour to name but two, hardly think buying a Kata bag is sponsoring Mossad though.

    Bloody good bag and more than happy with it, make sure you steer clear of those Jaffa oranges too.

    Free Member

    I don't knowingly use anything developed for the Israeli military

    Are they any worse than all the others then?

    Maybe we should all boycott Japanese made products because of their conduct in WW2 or maybe German goods or perhaps, well you get the idea

    More than entitled to your views, but don't think it needed mentioning on a thread about camera bags

    Free Member

    and isn't that a sad comment on humanity that our greatest efforts are focussed on destruction

    Maybe sad, but a fact of life and daresay some of the advances have actually helped save lives too

    Free Member

    Why is that a problem? just proves the bags come from a well proven testing background

    So you don't use anything that was originally developed for the military, think you are going to be leading a rather spartan life

    Free Member

    Have a look at the Kata range of bags ]

    I have the smaller DR465 which still takes a fair bit of gear, new design out now which includes a tripod holder

    Free Member

    I've got a Sigma 17-70 and 10-20, both are very good and no problems at all I have heard of quality control issues.
    The 17-70 is only f2.8 at 17mm, soon increases after that, but still a decent enough lens
    Also got a Canon 55-250 IS, cheap and cheerful, but amazed at just how good it is, would have been happy at twice the price, don't let the low cost put you off

    Free Member

    Stick to Tea, none of these lairy looking machines needed, just a pot and cosy to keep the brew warm

    My missus drank coffee until she had to stop for health reasons.
    Had a Gaggia bean to cup machine and she reckoned it was a decent enough

    Maybe give Bovril a go too, damn fine stuff and just right for the forecasted weather this coming week

    Free Member

    Rotten place and some very unpleasant inhabitants (obviously not all)

    Worked there last year for a couple of days and found it very depressing indeed
    Saw a lot of very young women with filthy looking kids accompanied by mouthy track suited little yobbos

    Look elsewhere if I were you, in fact almost anywhere

    Free Member

    Hells Bells!!

    Free Member

    Have always put 1p 2p and 5p in a pot or two for the kid, still do and she is nearly nineteen now

    Last few times the bank insisted I pay it into my account rather than handing over the 20 or so quid.
    Asked why and they said "to stop money laundering"

    Bet those Columbian drug barons are busy taking all their ill gotten down the bank in coppers, world has gone quite mad

    Free Member

    Send me your details and I will see what I can find out,email in profile

    BT/Openreach engineer for nearly 35 years and might be able to get the facts (not even that easy for me sometimes)

    Free Member

    Let me get this right and apologies if i'm not

    You bought dodgy sized shoes from Fozzy Bear, outed him and then attempted the same trick yourself

    Or am I getting it all wrong?

    Free Member

    Sigma repair lenses, cost is 50 quid an hour labour plus parts, its a full service and includes optics
    So depends what lens it is as to whether its worth it or not

    Saw an article once about lens scratches and the tester wrecked one with gouges and it still wasn't too bad
    Personally would carry on using it and see how it goes

    Free Member

    Not a gardener and not even sure how you spell it, but my old ma has something that sounds like "Pyracantha" and its evil stuff

    Doesn't seem to need tending, but its little spines are nasty and if they get in you they tend to turn a bit septic

    Free Member

    You will know when the time comes, think the owner is the only person who can judge when their pet changes and the bad day arrives

    My olg moggy looked liked it was not long for this world, but back right as rain for the last six months, eating and chasing about all over the place

    So glad we trusted our instincts

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