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  • Fresh Goods Friday 664 – World Champing At The Bit Edition
  • TijuanaTaxi
    Free Member

    No problem Jimmy, will have a look in the next C and C mag that shows up

    Free Member

    At one time Aussies and New Zealanders used to sell their campers for the air fare home outside Aussie House in the Aldwych
    Moved up to York Way near Kings Cross last i knew and might be worth a go if you know what to look out for

    Other than that try the classifieds in one of the Motorcaravan magazines or perhaps ask an old fart like me to keep an eye on the Camping and Cravanning monthly mag

    Had several over the last 20 years and picked up a nice conversion on a Sherpa van that had only done about 16k for not too much cash along with a Toyota Hi-Ace and VW (worst of them all with the dearest spares)

    Some nice ones out there if you look and get lucky, but some real dogs too

    Free Member

    Scottish version of Brighton, got a castle instead of the pavillion and both have crap footie teams

    Free Member

    On behalf of my missus can I nominate

    Toilet System, its actually called a Cistern

    Free Member

    Watching Leyton Orient win, not something I get to see very often though

    Free Member

    Daresay you are right, but needed a new flash more and didn't have the spare three hundred quid i'm afraid

    Might get one again in the future and being a Canon user would definitely buy the 10-22mm, it is better albeit a damn sight pricier

    Free Member

    Not bad at all, but did need stopping down a bit to get the best from it. Some samples are allegedly softer than others, so either buy from a UK shop in case of return or s/hand if you get to see some sample pics.

    Wonder what their new 8-16mm is like, now that is wide even on a cropped sensor

    The Tokina 11-16mm gets the best reviews, but no doubt a bit dearer and only worth it if you know its going to get used a fair bit (unlike mine)

    Free Member

    +3. It is now

    Just sold mine, didn't get the use I thought it would and the distortion at 10mm was not to my liking
    Sticking to the 17-55 now and not missing the wider angle

    Free Member

    "Can I get" seems to be a very unpopular phrase indeed

    When I take early retirement, might just get a job in a coffee shop to say "no you ****ing can't get anything until you ask properly and politely"

    Might only be a very temporary position I fear, bit of luck I won't require any references

    Free Member

    Still need the password though

    Free Member

    Surely they could track him with dogs (vicious ones hopefully)

    Free Member

    Your 5 year old knows your password?

    My thoughts exactly, what about the bit that says commit to buy

    Must be a good reader for her age too

    Free Member

    Like (when used as every other word by some daft girlie who thinks she is in episode of Buffy)

    Guy (bloke, matey or geezer in this country)

    Can I get (instead of could I have please)

    Minger or Minging (not even sure how its pronounced, we always used the word Minge for something completely different)

    Free Member

    Mobile Phones, Vuvuzuelas, Dance Music and Skimmed/Semi-Skimmed Milk

    Free Member

    Well played Germany and yet another so called great player doing bugger all when it matters
    Player of the tournament so far, a certain Herr Schweinsteiger, controlled the whole game and the run for the third goal showed Messi how its done

    My only reservation is the German keeper who hasn't really been tested much yet.

    Free Member

    Henry, it just works

    Free Member

    Pretty sure Sandisk do a recovery program and again fairly sure it came with the memory card or the card reader

    Free Member

    don't you feel like you're missing out on so much by being in one place for so long?

    and not wanting a fresh challenge every few years? very odd IMO

    Technology has changed so much that my job has been constantly evolving during the last 35 years

    Would never have thought when I was going round to customers houses fixing their one rented telephone that they would now be receiving their internet service on the same pair of copper wires

    Another good reason to stay put for me is the final salary pension, they are nearly all closed to new entrants everywhere these days

    Always been paid a fair rate and although I reached the highest engineering grade before management about twenty years ago never wanted to get any further
    Also why give up a job that is mon-fri at normal hours, not many of them left these days

    So no regrets and good luck to the people who do move around, wasn't for me though and now looking forward to early retirement thank you very much

    Free Member

    I will have done 35 years this September and can't wait to get my pension when I have completed 40 years

    Might even go before then if I can manage, really don't want to get another full time job if I leave

    Free Member

    This couldn't be Speccysavers could it?

    Had loads of grief with them recently over couple of pairs of Varifocals. One pair had what looked like specks of dust trapped beteen the coating and lens. The others were made to the wrong prescription and my vision was worse than wearing no specs

    Got my cash back after a lot of agro and bullshit from the sales assistants
    I am very lucky that my daughter is doing an optometry degree and what she didn't know found out at uni for me

    Ended up with a pair of single vision specs that work paid for with a voucher, will have to do for now.

    Free Member

    Can't believe he could manage all that before his voice had even broken

    Free Member

    Second vote here for Tubular Bells along with Dark Side Of The Moon

    Free Member

    Just sold my Sigma 10-20 Canon Fit lens, in fact I posted it on the classifieds here over the weekend

    Too wide for me and just didn't use it enough, so make sure that is what you really need before splashing out.

    The Sigma 17-70 could be ahandy sort of range and the new stabilised version gets good reviews. Only downside is its only f/2.8 at the very wide end, but not really that much of a problem

    Tried many lenses and I know its more than you want to spend, but the Canoin 17-55mm really is a cracking lens
    The improved picture quality is noticeable, mine is on the camera nearly all the time these days

    Free Member

    Just exposed our so called stars as the very very ordinary players that they are
    Worst defeat in Africa since the Zulu Wars

    Free Member

    How about make a list to email out or post on here


    Free Member

    Older stuff would be good to replace loads of the albums I sold when moving about ten years ago
    Most stuff considered though and never know might even try some of the more modern bands

    What yer got there Renton?


    Free Member

    Couple of quid each if they are single albums I would have thought was fair
    Postage ain't cheap and need an envelope too, I would be happy to pay 2 quid a go and maybe offer a discount for bulk buys

    Any rock/metal in amongst them?

    Free Member

    Thought this was going to about the English Defence League so imagine how strange this first post seemed

    Peppered steak, fried onions and salad
    My son and daughter doing their guitar and clarinet practice!!!!

    Totally surreal

    Free Member

    Presumably she used a credit card, if so contact them

    Don't think this is the same as having a paypal account, just a payment portal to use a credit/debit card

    Free Member

    I'm in my fifties and mine stays switched off most of the time too

    Sometimes my missus reminds me to turn it on, but only got one because she wanted it when she took our daughter out on her own many years ago

    It does still seem strange to see people contact each other so much and struggle to see what has changed so much. Loads of people didn't even have a phone at home when I was a kid

    Free Member

    Think we will have to agree to disagree on this one, reckon i'm just too old to enjoy the undoubted pleasures of an iphone
    To be really honest I couldn't even see the screen properly without putting my specs on, so would be a total waste of money in my case

    Daresay people wondered why I wanted a Sony Walkman to deafen myself with heavy metal, didn't realise I had got so out of touch

    Do feel strongly about the driving business though and surely that needs addressing, recipe for disaster and no worse/better than driving under the influence

    Free Member

    Heaven forbid that people should make their own mind up about what to do with their time, eh?

    Just seems something of an anathema to me, also seems I am in a small minority who doesn't want to be contactable these days

    That sentiment could also be applied to those who use them when driving and yes that does bother me quite a bit

    Free Member

    If they only figure in your world as emergency distress beacons then that's fine and is something you have in common with my dad

    More than likely nearer his age than yours so might explain my thinking and never mentioned wasting money. So many things come in that category and what people do with their cash is entirely up to them

    I am just surprised that with the amount of stress you read about these days that people don't want to have a bit of peace and quiet away from it all

    What's the point of going out on your bike to stop and make/receive phone calls which I have seen happen numerous times.
    Time and place for everything and whilst not accusing anyone here, using them when driving is downright dangerous and surprising to many it seems illegal too

    Free Member

    Didn't say anyone was wrong, just not sure what people use them for or why you want to be contactable so much

    And what's with the church bit, very strange comment and possibly offensive if I was indeed a christian or of some other religious persuasion
    Bit like saying you only use a "clever mobile" to access gay porn

    Free Member

    Just want a phone for very urgent or emergency calls, why would anyone want anything else?
    Had a couple of texts and couldn't make any sense of the strange lingo and recently came across a message someone left for me last year

    Great for cases such as if you break down in the car or medical emergency, but my idea of hell being contactable at all hours.

    Had a mobile from the early analogue days, got changed to digital and still got the same contract with o2.
    For some strange reason they give me 100 quid a year to stay with them and the bill including rental is never more than 9 quid a month.

    Sure these are wonderous devices and quite fond of mp3 players and digital cameras, but they don't interfere with my privacy or non-working hours

    Free Member

    There is an old theory that says people will join a queue even if they don't know what they are lining up for

    Not sure what one of these does and certainly don't want or need it then
    If its like an ipod no doubt there will be long queues to return the faulty ones

    My mobile phone company keep giving me 100 quid a year to stay with them on a contract phone that the bill never gets above 9 quid a month
    Why would I want to change, only there for urgent or emergency use and its essentially free.

    Free Member

    Load of old cobblers as is all the other lets tell the world what boring shit iv'e done today
    Not much interested in what others have been doing either and certainly don't want to see their ugly mugs

    Hard to believe we could have existed before all this crap came along

    And because you have a mobile, i don't want to listen to your conversation and ffs keep still when using it.Because its called a mobile, doesn't mean you have to walk round like a drunken spider bumping into me when using it (or break the law and nearly run me over whilst sending a text saying you on your way home or what's for tea)

    60mg of steroids a day always fire me up, not as much as all this can't live without my mobile nonsense though
    Going to be tough luck when BT engineers strike and you possibly lose the intertwat.
    Will life continue,of course it will

    Free Member

    You could say for medical reasons your cat will now need a specific diet and she could potentially harm him by feeding the wrong foods
    Then the RSPCA threat could be turned towards her

    Or just mention how your cat is having a terrible flea problem and would hate for her cat and house to get them

    Free Member

    By the law of averages its about time we beat them
    Two very ordinary sides waiting to be shown how to play footie by the argies in the next round.

    Looking at our central defence yesterday its frightening to think what Messi and co could do to it.
    Pass it round for ages, couple of decisive passes or penetrating runs and game over

    Free Member

    If you get really stuck you can use my paypal addy, seem to remember you live in the same Cambs town as me.
    Money would have to be in my bank account before I handed over any cash though

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