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  • Singletrack World Issue 150 Editorial
  • TijuanaTaxi
    Free Member

    If you had ever ridden a Softride you wouldn't be drawn to it for one second

    Free Member

    Still Loving You-Scorpions

    Free Member

    Copius amounts of PlusGas overnight and try again

    WD40 isn't much use as a penetrating agent and PlusGas is far more effective

    Free Member

    Mix of old and new, wouldn't swap it for any of the new fangled Ti frames or anything else for that matter.
    Seventeen years young, they certainly put some care and attention into making a frame back then. Even the seatpost is sleeved and every weld is smooth as a baby's bum

    Free Member

    No would be the answer to that question.

    Not a great place and the natives are less than friendly from my one and only excursion there on a weekend night.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Panasonic, had ours for ages and had some very nice bread from it

    Bun dough ain't too shabby either and the pizza dough is decent as well

    Free Member

    It's a similar story for the "installation charge". The minimum price is effectively set by OFFCOM. The flip side is that BT cannot refuse to provide service based on location. If you're a farmer and your house is 1 mile up a private road, BT still have to provide service at the same price as someone living in a city center, even if it includes diging a trench and laying the cable. Everyone pays the same (residential).

    Not quite accurate, there is a maximum spend when providing new plant and over that its down to the customer
    Pretty much the same for customers on DACS, don't necessarily just get converted to single line working especially to receive broadband

    BT could do a lot of things better, but a lot of the staff are overworked and demoralised since the massive cut back in personnel that has gone on for years now. Top heavy with management and the offshore call centres don't help either.

    I have worked for them close on 35 years and they have definitely improved over the years, but still got a way to go yet
    The new fibre to the cabinet and premises is going to bring a vast improvement to services for many people and a big increase in speed/reliability

    Free Member

    Mrs North suffers from cluster ehadaches, though without the watery/droopy eye bit

    Daresay she already knows this, but just in case

    Sumitriptan is very effective for relieving migraines and fortunately cluster headache too
    If you suffer frequently the nasal spray works quicker than tablets
    I also have it to self-inject from an epi-pen type device which is the fastest way to get it in the system

    If you get a bad bout a short high dose course of steroids works too, 60mg prednisolone a day for five days

    Loads of possible preventative cures, these are usually very powerful drugs with side effects such as Lithium
    One I had some success with was Gabapentin, worth a try because it seems to have less unpleasant side effects than most

    Hope she doesn't suffer too much with them and give her some sympathy, very nasty condition and you wouldn't believe how much they hurt

    Free Member

    Wouldn't have thought cluster headache with sick feeling although being on one side and lying down making it worse fits in
    Would expect it to affect one eye too,watering/getting droopy and possibly get a runny nose as well

    Wouldn't think it would last that long either and the pain is very very severe, like being stabbed through the eye with a hot blade.

    Having suffered for a few years with Acute Cluster Headaches you get to know a bit about it

    Could try a go at Imigran from the chemist especially if painkillers don't work
    Sounds like migraine of some description, but worth mentioning to the doctor I would have thought

    Free Member

    This has made me smile and count me in as a Dandyhorse convert

    Free Member

    Glad it got there ok Dave, good issue I thought,enjoy 🙂

    Went for cable because you mentioned no matter what you turned on it tripped. Watch those double ovens when you pull them out, bloody heavy and the repairers usually have a table ready to rest them on

    Free Member

    Sorry, not worded too well was it

    Free Member

    Wish they had been around when I was a kid, had to make do with Pans People

    Free Member

    Maybe the oven cleaner has melted bit of the cable and its shorting on the casing

    Totally OT now, did you get the latest mag ok, posted it Saturday

    Free Member

    Not sure what they are like these days, but still use my 1993 Merlin Mountain regularly
    Probably go along the lines of a Seven or Moots if I were looking to buy now

    If you are going to spend that sort of cash, get a good'un that has been made with some attention to detail from quality tubes, once in a lifetime purchase after all

    Free Member

    They all seem brilliant in comparison to the Irish geezer who was on the BBC world darts this year

    Free Member

    Hope he gets himself a good team because them the Schleck brothers are going to rip him a new arsehole next year

    Free Member

    Avoid Haverhill, rotten place, was originally London overspill much the same as Thetford was

    Lowestoft ain't too charming either

    Free Member

    Judas Priest doing the old Joan Baez number Diamonds and Rust
    Guns N Roses version of Live and Let Die was also very good
    as was
    Rainbow's version of Mistreated from their Onstage album

    Free Member

    Have something very similar to inject Sumitriptan for Cluster Headache.

    Just load the pen from one of the tubes which includes the needle and press the end to inject into the thigh.
    Afterwards unload the used cartridge back into the dispenser and dispose in a sharps bin

    Free Member

    Stopped taking his meds

    Free Member

    Cleaning bits like a Rocket Blower, Lenspen or Lens Cloth

    Free Member

    Think you might have had the white balance a bit off with this shot, did you shoot in RAW or just jpeg?

    Free Member

    Do all people in England speak English?

    Fair question and the answer is no they don't

    I'm 51 have never ridden a single speed, don't drive an Audi estate and detest the Coalition (not as much as Thatcher though)

    Free Member

    The Olympus lenses will only be manual focus if used with an adapter

    Depending how much the shop is selling the 30D for, you could probably get a 40D s/hand privately for the same or not much more

    My personal choice if I were buying today would be the Pentax K-x, great camera and can be found with kit lens for £399

    Free Member

    As I suggested the other day on here

    Want to see him pimping her out on the game after she gets hooked on smack. Rival crew then take over and sort him right out to keep her in line

    Free Member

    Forbidden Planet is a classic, yet based (IIRC) on The Tempest

    Tis indeed true, one remake is enough then

    Free Member

    Forbidden Planet is one of the best films ever, I would love to see a remake, the source material is excellent and I think it could carry a more modern interpretation. Would be good to see how they move on the plot without all the sexist bs too !

    No No No, that film is an absolute classic and couldn't ever be improved upon. Dread to think what they would do to the Robot and the Laser Cannons.
    Daresay the classic saucer shape would be gone too along with the atmospheric sound effects
    If it ain't broke don't fix it applies very aptly to this superb bit of film making

    Free Member

    My vote for that BT advert would be he pimps her out on the game

    Free Member

    Thought TP was very similar to STW, I have one cheek here and the other there

    Free Member

    Mate had one and wasn't too impressed, didn't compare that well to my Sigma 10-20, sharp in the centre, but not so elsewhere

    Think its regarded as possibly the bottom of the league amongst the super wide lenses

    General consensus seems to favour the Tokina 11-16, but I was happy with the Sigma, sold it though because got used so rarely

    Think if i were to get another lens of that type, i would buy the Canon 10-22, but not much use for other brand users obviously

    Free Member

    Nearly forgot, Edge Of Darkness and Traffic

    Both very compelling TV series films, badly remade and Americanised

    Free Member

    Assault On Precinct 13

    Original was a classic, remake was dire.

    Above also applies for The Day The Earth Stood Still and War Of The Worlds

    Have heard they are going to remake Forbidden Planet, please don't do it

    Free Member

    Gave it a try and agree it was total crap, sounds good, but a vault that its savers can't access is pretty bloody useless

    Free Member

    I was born and bred in London, lived there for close on 40 years and miss it very much (or at least how it was thirty years ago)

    When Londoners lived there it was a great place to live and work, well it was where I lived in East London.
    That was until all the outsiders moved in, especially bad were the yuppie types who just had to be near the city and pushed the price of houses well above what the local people could afford
    All the caffs became coffee and croissant gaffs and the traditional pubs either closed or became wine bar type places.

    Then came all the poor scrounging foreigners especially Africans, totally different to the earlier West Indians and Ugandan asians who wanted to work and became part of the community.

    All you hear is how cosmopolitan it is now and such a mix of peoples, apart from Londoners because most left so they could still buy a house and bring their kids up where English wasn't a second language.
    Probably why they reckon the cockney accent will be gone in the next thirty years

    So yes London is still a great city to visit as a tourist, but not for living anymore and my daughter has had a far better state schooling in Cambridgeshire than she would have got where I lived before
    Only go back now to watch the Orient or for a work meeting every now and then, wish it could have been different though.

    No experience of Boris i'm glad to say, but remember Ken from when he originally became GLC leader and introduced the Fares Fair policy. First proper attempt at getting people to use public transport at a sensible price
    His cosying up to the IRA when they were actively bombing London was very hard to swallow. Strangely enough he was the first of many to do that and although they slated him at the time, soon became the in thing to do.

    Free Member

    Might as well kick off with that old favourite
    Knights In White Satin

    Free Member

    What I'd ideally like is a 17-55f2.6IS USM, but at the best part of £900 rrp it may be a while

    I have tried most of the standard size zoom lenses and the 17-55 is a cut above them all
    Got mine s/hand for 600 quid and although its hard to say its worth the money,i'm glad I bought it

    Been reading that new Sigma 18-50 OS at around the 500 mark is very good, so might be worth a look

    Free Member

    Saw that about the bionic cat, don't think I will be weighing in for any of that lark though

    My moggy has biscuits called Mr Wellbeloved, came with a complete starter kit including sack of grub, posh bed, bowls, brushes, scratching post and toys
    Owner was moving abroad and couldn't take him with her, seems to be settling in well

    Thanks for the warning, will make sure he doesn't have Iams then, had enough of my kid going hyper on cheesy wotsits when she was a nipper

    Free Member

    Got a Western Digital Passport and its light and small if you want to cart it about
    Runs off the usb too, not sure I can say much more other than it works
    Its this one

    Free Member

    He has been in and out today for grub, apparently a diet of the dry food is best for the weight watching.

    Only problem is that a Blackbird has taken a liking to the biscuits and comes into the kitchen to nick them from the cats bowl
    Fancy taking advantage of a disabled moggy like that

    The above made good reading thanks and hope Roly the tripod lives to a ripe old age

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