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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • TijuanaTaxi
    Free Member

    Got one from when I fractured my heel many years back and it went undetected until a second x-ray so mended on its own
    Saw a consultant who said the first thing they could do was a cortisone injection, just left it and will enquire again if it plays up

    Think an operation is a last resort, but definitely worth seeking medical advice

    Free Member

    Anyone know exactly why it’s better?

    Has a lot more focus points, its own processor and can be customised to a much greater degree, that will do for starters

    Free Member

    If you go back to my earlier post and follow the instructions in the link it will clear the nasty out. I know it works because I used it just the other day to remove an identical bug on my daughters netbook

    You are not making it easy for yourself keeping on buggering about with this and that rather than listening to advice and acting upon it

    Free Member

    you may also find it hard to avoid camera shake which leads to blurred pictures

    That was a general comment no matter what DSLR you use, seems to be the cause of the majority of bad photos I see regardless of mp count

    Free Member

    And if I buy the smaller bodied 550d is it going to annoy me!!

    Takes a while to get used to a DSLR especially a fairly complex one like the 7D as quite a few people have found.
    Modern high mp cameras show up any shortcomings in cheaper lenses and you may also find it hard to avoid camera shake which leads to blurred pictures

    Sounds like you might be better off with a videocam

    Free Member

    Isn’t the OP looking for video which can be found on the second two and as I still can’t be arsed looking isn’t found on the first?

    Video on all three, in fact be hard pushed to find one that doesn’t have it these days

    Weren’t Pentax fairly new to the market anyway?

    I had a Pentax DSLR (K100D) ages ago and they made them a good while before that too, very nice cameras, but distinct lack of longer primes and zooms.

    Free Member

    All three share the same sensor and have video, 600D and 60D have the tilt out rear LCD, 7D has much better AF system and micro adjust for fine tuning of lenses
    600D Smallest, polycarbonate body, no weather sealing, Takes SD card
    60D Medium size, polycarbonate body, some weather sealing, takes SD
    7D Largest and heaviest, magnesium body, reasonably well sealed and takes CF card

    Personally would buy a 550D and spend out on lenses, the image quality will be near enough equal as that also shares the same 18mp sensor and is available at a good price with 30 quid cashback from Canon as well

    I’m still using a 40D with decent’ish lenses, but will admit the high ISO performance is better on these latest models

    Free Member

    Given the choice its Debbie Harry for me, even get the discount down at B and Q on Thursdays, cheap to take out too with the bus pass

    Damn sight better looking at 65 than the Gaga person

    Free Member

    Malwarebytes, but go into program files and change the .exe file extension to .com otherwise the nasty won’t let it run

    If you don’t already have malwarebytes and the nasty won’t let you access the internet download it onto another machine and then transfer with a memory stick

    The file rename is the key thing with this line of attack

    This explains it far better than me, see post 3 for details Virus Removal

    Free Member

    Had a Sigma 10-20mm and hardly used it, once it had been sold found times when I could really do with something wider than the 17-55mm

    Now got a 10-22mm, not used that often, but very handy lens to have and hope to get some more landscape stuff done this year

    Can think of more useful lenses to have for MTB type shots, might just be bit of a luxury

    Free Member

    Don’t know shit about peoples lifestyles or views on bringing up their kids.
    Do know that when my dad was on his last legs he said his one of his biggest regrets was not being about to watch me grow up.

    Made damn sure that I was there when my daughter was young and my missus took redundancy and was there for her too
    Might not have the newest car, biggest house or most massive telly, but we both wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

    Its not all about money or possessions, you only get one go and think carefully otherwise you may also have a lot of regrets

    Free Member

    Seems I have somehow been misrouted to mumsnet

    Free Member

    Seems a weird old snow setting, I usually go for +1 EV when taking snow shots, under exposing would be less than helpful.

    Easy way to remember is LADS, light=add and dark=subtract

    Free Member

    Bloke up our local market sells refurb Dysons with 12 months warranty, got a hideous looking green and purple thing for 69 quid.

    Picks up loads including the discraded fur from our long haired moggy, no complaints and would buy another one

    Free Member

    Reading the manual did nothing but confuse me, but I guess it’s a personal thing.
    What a lot of the books do is show a photo with a particular effect and then tell you all about why the settings are what they are. That was the most helpful thing for me.

    Still need to know how to achieve those settings and where the controls are on the camera. When the opportunity for a great shot arises you want to know straight away how best to capture it and what combination of settings you require

    That isn’t the time to wonder where on the camera those controls are or how to alter them, so get to know your photographic tools is still my advice

    Free Member

    Well if all that didn’t confuse a beginner nothing will, best advice I can give is read the camera manual thoroughly and learn where all the controls are and what they do

    Go out take some pictures at the same focal length and see the difference it makes from changing the aperture and shuter speed

    Even better if you have an experienced photographer friend to show you the ropes, perhaps people on here could volunteer their services to help a novice out for a cuppa and a cake

    Free Member

    Or buy s/hand from a shop, still cheaper and a chance to inspect before buying with usually some sort of warranty too

    Free Member

    I quite like having a relaxing pint too and some of the adults are just a big a pain in the arse especially corporate types with bloody mobiles
    My local allowed families in to eat until 9pm, seemed to work ok and not a bad compromise

    Free Member

    Do you remember that gay couple who got turned away from the B&B they booked

    Thought you was going to say they were the same ones chucked out of the pub for snogging

    Also remember a small hotel owner not allowing the mentally handicapped to stay in their premises
    Easy to look down on that, but if its your livelihood and the strange behaviour/noises (which the carers admitted) alienates other guests who never book again its a bit more understandable

    Strangest complaint I heard though was from someone in a wheelchair complaining about not being able to get up to the ramparts at Warwick Castle
    It had a narrow enclosed winding stone stairway, what did they expect to be done? I’m all for access where possible, but commonsense needs to play a part

    Free Member

    Well worth a look, still got the twin guitars with Bruce Watson and his son Jamie who does a great job.
    Mike Peters obviously sounds different, but he is a great frontman in his own way and I think that as a band they are as good as ever.

    Who couldn’t enjoy this Fields Of Fire

    Free Member

    Totally not like that at all, all done with so much dignity and the vast majority of BC fans agree

    You can see how much the original three want to play the classics and from their words the great feeling they still have for Stuart

    Check out a video or two, loads on the web and see what you reckon, glad I caught them again and long may it continue

    Free Member

    Think this is the only one I can find here at work, our old departed moggy

    Free Member

    If you do decide to upgrade i may be interested in your d40 for my stepdaughter. For the right price

    Its a 40D not D40, as in Canon not Nikon

    Just sold my older one that had done close on 80K clicks, this one is the new spare and not even reached the 1K mark yet.

    Trying to decide whether the 60D provides sufficient cause to spend out the extra on,big downer is the considerably less custom settings, only one against the current three and the change from CF to SD cards.

    Might have to see how much a 7D would set me back, know the 60D would be made of strong plastic, but used to the metal shell and the extra durability

    Will let you know should I decide to sell, would be looking for around the 380-400 quid mark given the condition.

    Free Member

    Cullmann actually make serious professional equipment, my tripod was originally owned by Tyne Tees TV who used it mounted on a dolly for studio work
    This gives an idea of what one would look like Cullmann Pro

    Knowing how much you like to argue i’m sure you will again point out all the pros using Manfrotto, but to say Cullmann only make low end gear is incorrect

    To recommend a tripod because it can fall down stairs or from a bike is hardly professional use, thinking more of use in a saltwater enviroment and I can assure you my Manfrotto 055CB which is a step up from the 190 failed dismally

    Check out Cullmann and you may even be persuaded to try one of their products although not sure they would advertise as being clumsy proof

    Free Member

    Not bad; stuff aimed at the keen amateur rather than the pro

    Some of their cheaper stuff maybe, but not the high end expensive kit and considerably more durable than most of the Manfrotto range

    Yes certainly have heard of them, in fact used a Titan 200 tripod for a long while and now have a Magnesit Ballhead
    This from the new range with a load rating of 32kg although they often state it as well in torque Ballhead

    Good solid German engineering, excellent customer service and ten year guarantee too

    Free Member

    I’m up and have been for a while, quite the opposite for me, family all growed up so can ride whenever

    Can’t sleep as the early spring has started my hay fever off which always messes with the asthma, time for another shot of blue inhaler and a cuppa

    Enjoy the peace on your rides although the birds are going crazy here, loudest iv’e heard them for ages

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. TT great photos. Is that a baby robin?

    Thanks, all my daughters work apart from a few setting suggestions for the moon pic.
    Think it is a young Robin, they have a nest in our Holly tree and the adults have been coming and going quite a bit

    Free Member

    My daughter bought the 550D about a month ago as her first DSLR and i’m very impressed

    Here is a shot she took with the 55-250mm lens that comes with the twin lens kit. Plenty of scope to crop with the 18mp, good at high ISO and a great screen, in fact its tempting me towards a 60D to replace my 40D

    Another one from her 550D, but this time with my 400mm prime, its certainly a decent camera and don’t think you would be dissappointed

    Free Member

    Because they are ignorant bleeders and the same people who say “can I get” in shops, the word please is never mentioned in the phrase.

    Free Member

    Bought a telly recently and asked if I could bring it back if it wasn’t suitable for a refund. Comet was the only retailer who said no and bought one from Tesco for that very reason.

    You may be lucky if you buy the larger one from them, but they seemed quite adamant when I asked

    Free Member

    Looks like the have a Heavy Horse category now

    Thanks, made me chuckle after that horror show especially the backless one with tats

    Free Member

    That really is low, even worse when it actually says “Buttered Roll” and its the vile scrape, I always take them back and complain

    Don’t know about you, but i wouild prefer plain bread than that evil stuff

    Name and shame the scumbags

    Free Member

    Wasn’t for us, remember seeing the chart which showed leave lost against absent days

    Also used to get a week off for getting married even if it was more than once. The allowance is now measured against your leave allowance, as in I would probably only get about a day or at the most two.

    Lucky as well to have retained the 2.5 privilege days all public sector workers got when the company was privatised and changed the leave rules, most people now get it incorporated in their max of 30 days

    Free Member

    Bit OT, but did you know that if you are now off sick for a while that you still accrue your leave entitlement.
    Just gone back after a few months off and I got to carry over 20 days to add to my 32.5 days for this year (genuine illness and I have worked there for 35 years)

    All to do with an EU ruling, expected to lose most of mine on a pro rata basis, but pleasantly surprised by this new turn of events.

    Its good for up to two years with a maximum of 24 days per year, good old EU and bet the employers aren’t too chuffed with it.

    Free Member

    From my reading of this you messed about for a couple of years and got the final written warning (probably after a couple of lesser warnings)

    You then needed some time off to care for others, was this taken as sick/annual or special i.e. unpaid leave? (suspecting you just went self certified sick)

    More actual illness followed which you took sick leave for by which time the company decided to dismiss you invoking the final written warning which presumably stayed in force for twelve months.

    If I were taking your case my honest opinion would be try a plea on compassionate grounds, but think you will be lucky to keep your job. Appears they may have followed the disciplinary procedure correctly and the grounds for unfair dismissal seem somewhat tenuous.

    Many times I have represented people who have just been foolish and treated work as they would school. Employers do take liberties and if they haven’t followed due process are easily dealt with, but you appear to have acted in a very cavalier fashion and are probably fighting a lost cause now.

    Free Member

    Apologies if i’m barking up the wrong tree, but are there any other issues at work apart from the days off?

    Also what was the original final written warning for, presumably other spells of sickness which you haven’t mentioned.

    I spent some time as a full time union official representing discipline cases and there seems to be more to this than has been explained

    Free Member

    Since the Olympic legacy will probably be my footie team being put out of business I won’t be buying any

    Free Member

    No way would I agree to have it left there, if you do they can then demand reasonable access for maintenance purposes which could include a new excavation to replace it if required

    Free Member

    In my old road there was a problem with vans parking and one BT van got a good spraying up
    Mainly because the bloke parked his car outside his own house then blocked the neighbours light with the bloody great van. Rotten bastard too so not many tears shed for him and never did see the van again

    Free Member

    Just turned it off when they announced he was on next, think the fifteen minutes of fame are going be rather costly for him and moreso his party

    Find that Lansley bloke more sickening though, total scumbag

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