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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • TijuanaTaxi
    Free Member

    Fuji have got some cashback deals for the next few months.

    X-E2 has dropped in price recently and the “kit” 18-55mm lens is excellent.

    Free Member

    All this go round and give them a kicking lark is a bit daft, just end up getting nicked and possibly going away

    Also you might end up getting the worst of it, just because you initiate it doesn’t guarantee coming off better

    Its real life not an episode of The Sopranos

    Free Member

    How about going to university and getting a degree in something you are interested in that might help gaining future employment

    Should get some funding and depending on what happens probably never need to pay all the loan back.

    Free Member

    My 17 year old Toyota Corolla 1.3 hatchback has just passed it’s latest MOT

    We have one of these, R reg and passed its last three MOT’s with nothing wrong.
    Best car we have ever had and still see quite a few old ones about.

    Free Member

    Latter day Scoubido then, what next the the clacker ball things?

    Free Member

    Seems a good enough reason to me, but as previously said sickie is easiest.
    We quite often had long weekends away and just gave our daughter a letter to take in citing domestic reasons.
    Can’t see how a day or two missing playing with the sand and water has any effect on education

    Free Member

    Saw this comment that made me chuckle

    Suarez hopes that Uruguay play Germany so he can try shoulder of Lahm

    One year ban is my guess

    Free Member

    Lens producing soft images at largest aperture is not uncommon, in fact pretty much to be expected.

    A well known dealer in secondhand cameras and lenses will not refund for complaints of a similar ilk

    Sounds like the buyer may have had unreasonable expectations, but probably easier to refund/resell in this instance.

    Free Member

    Not that hard trying to fill seven weeks, more of a problem when you have to make plans for fifty two

    Only ones I try to avoid are the thirteen that are plagued with teachers

    Free Member

    My daughter has one of these Tissot

    Couple of years old now, worn everyday and keeps good time, hers is stainless, but think they do them with a black face too

    Free Member

    Not even sure it would do that, would entirely price out low earners

    It always did, not everyone owned houses, that’s what council/private rented property was for

    Free Member

    Still think it should be capped at 3x income to make it affordable

    Totally agree, used to be like that and house prices only went crazy when people borrowed far more than they could sensibly repay.

    Free Member

    Will the box still work?

    No and good riddance to the useless thing, lost all of our recorded programmes though so watch out for that

    Surprised how much better the picture was when we bought a new HDD recorder

    Free Member

    But then it all boils down to the thing that people shouldn’t behave like bastards. But they do.

    Exactly right, never understood why anyone would want to make another persons life intolerable.
    Some of the injustices I witnessed at my last company were disgusting, people who had worked in a reliable fashion for over thirty plus years just forced out of work.
    Not skivers or those with horrendous sick records, just ordinary people who did a thorough job rather than cut corners to make the stats look better.
    Some of these megalomaniac tossers need to have a hard think about the consequences of their actions and the untold misery the victims of their petty actions suffer

    It may well seem to be a kangaroo court and obviously I won’t go into any specifics on here, however, the question I keep coming back to whether the rest of the organisation should support someone who on average, has 3 months sick per year (over 3 years).

    So if someone who had provided good service becomes ill they would just be discarded like a piece of refuse. Doesn’t a company have some duty to support such an individual, perhaps the disabled should never be employed either if they are less productive.

    What a poor state of affairs we have left for the younger generation

    Free Member

    I like threads like this. It gets me fired up for this afternoons disciplinary (35 days off sick so far this year) I’m sure that bloke will also say we are a bunch of shysters who should leave him alone!

    Just a thought, perhaps this chap is genuinely ill?

    With your fired up comment and preconceived notion of a malingerer I doubt this will be much more than a kangaroo court

    Free Member

    Thoroughly enjoyed my run ins with managers and HR people over the years.

    Most were so busy that they made fundamental mistakes in procedure and when the evidence was presented had to concede defeat.

    Such incompetence that I did seriously consider offering my services as an independent paid advisor to anyone embroiled in these disputes.

    Document everything using email, make sure the read receipt function is enabled and always take a friend to interviews. Can be worth recording them too, such a shock when you can produce evidence of what was actually said.

    Use their own rules and incompetence against them, for example write a really long email and slip something to your advantage in the middle. Most times they are never read properly and surprising what you can get agreement on with this method

    Free Member

    When I was a kid many years ago living in the east end we really were broke, mum had to borrow my ten bob birthday money to buy grub for dinner. Sometimes down to our last half a crown for the gas meter and the foreign coin in the electric meter.
    I knew exactly how much things cost when I went to work, but would hate my kid to ever live like that
    So chuffed that she has got good qualifications and a professional job after working hard to achieve it, seeing her happy and relatively well off is more than enough recompense for me (she has to have enough cash to buy nice camera lenses which her poor old dad can then borrow)

    Free Member

    Never bothered about it, my daughter costs a lot less to keep now she has finished uni and gone to work.
    What does a few meals cost and youngsters have it hard enough these days, not out to make money from my own kid
    Rather she invested in a decent pension so she can retire at a sensible age
    She has never given us any grief and nice seeing her enjoy life whilst she is young

    Free Member

    Another green vote from me, round here is UKIP’s powerbase apparently

    Mr Garbage reckons its because we still have the most English way of life and don’t want it to change.

    Free Member

    Yes, If the meds are anything like some of those I have tried over the years for cluster headache

    Nothing specific so had ones that are primarily for epilepsy, bi- polar,heart problems and the list goes on. All fairly heavyweight stuff with less than pleasant side effects, so bit of tolerance required presumably for a colleague you think is swinging the lead

    Free Member

    I know bugger all about teaching, but read an article last week about how so many children are still not toilet trained when they start primary school

    Might be worth a bit of researching

    Free Member

    Yes please then we wouldn’t have the porn brothers and their old tart just up the road

    Free Member

    UKIP’s days will be numbered (even quicker) if they ever try to ban Eurovision

    Free Member

    Yep, Imigran definitely works. Suffered from migraine for many years since a teenager, completely debilitating and leaving me confined to bed for a couple of days every few weeks. Prescribed Imigran when it was a relatively new drug, previously only available in injection form, 20 odd years ago and it’s been a life-changer – still get them but the Imigran keeps things under control while the migraine runs its course and I can get on with things.

    Good to know there is something you can take to relieve the suffering, never had migraines, but a colleague at work suffered badly from them and saw how devastating the effects were on her.
    Did try the nasal spray form, but didn’t seem to work that well, think it was too low a dosage.

    Always get an achy neck and shoulders after taking it, but considerably better than the headaches. Was warned about taking too much though, can apparently cause a stroke. If I get to that point its a quick course of steroids, wonder if they also work to break up a spell of migraines?

    Free Member

    Sumatriptan should do the job, believe its called something like Immigram at the chemists.

    I use it in injection form for cluster headaches, but reliably told the tablets work well for migraine

    Free Member

    My gas usage has rocketed since having a Worcester Bosch combi fitted after everyone told me my 20 year old boiler was inefficient

    My gas usage has plummeted since having a Worcester Bosch combi fitted after getting rid of the Ideal Response POS

    Free Member

    I worked 7.30-15.30 Mon-Fri, retired now and still get up about 6.00, always liked to get going early

    Free Member

    Have you managed to get the latest version of iPlayer downloads working (i.e downloading successfully, then playing off-line) on a wi-fi tablet with HDMI output that’s currently available to buy for under £200?

    Watched all the recent Line Of Duty episodes via iPlayer downloaded on a Hudl then through the TV via the HDMI lead.

    Free Member

    3 bed end of terrace Victorian house about 140 a month for gas and electric

    Free Member

    I think your association of anything German with fascism betrays your deep-rooted racism. You should be ashamed. I may beat you across the head with a rolled-up manifesto

    My apologies for comparing a repugnant megalomaniac xenophobe with a minority party of thugs/loonies who blames all the nations ills on other european countries and immigrants to Hitler

    Free Member

    Few years back I had to run a telephone cable across the Grand Union canal near Kings Cross (worlds shortest submarine cable)

    Chap who was working with me got chatting to a young’ish lady who lived on a canal boat.
    Some months later he chucked the job in and went to live with her making craft fair type objects.

    Was round that way a couple of years later and out of curiosity went to have a look. He was still there with her, happy as Larry and seemingly without a care in the world. Have to say I was rather envious at what looked such a carefree lifestyle, but daresay it had its drawbacks

    Free Member

    Nigel Farage and UKIP are the modern version of Roderick Spode and his party the Black Shorts

    The latters idea of giving every child at birth a British made bicycle and umbrella could become UKIP’s first policy

    Also found it interesting that the term “wunderkind” was mentioned by a pro UKIP poster, they really won’t last a thousand years and not keen on VW beetles either

    Free Member

    Another vote here for Hallowed Be Thy Name closely followed by Fear Of The Dark

    Free Member

    I didn’t have much in the way of a career, just had a job albeit a reasonably well paid one

    Did get to pick my daughter up from school and sit with her over the park on the way home enjoying our ice lollies watching the birds and squirrels.
    Long weekends away, the three of us in an old touring caravan we kept on a farm or self catering cottages.

    Wouldn’t change a thing, you can keep success whatever that is. Just make sure you don’t regret it, can never have that time again

    Free Member

    All time classic

    From about three minutes of this one

    Free Member

    Adopting this kiss arse culture will only make things worse for your children when they start work.
    Terms and conditions have been hard won over the years, but the current trend is just to give them away for nothing

    Lots of people think they are important because their employer give them a mobile and laptop. More like they get you doing even more work on your commute when that time was once spent having a read of the paper.

    Another worrying trend is people leaving the company mobile on when taking leave or even worse off sick.

    Wake up and regain some dignity along with much needed leisure time

    Free Member

    I always took the position of if I work then you pay me, didn’t go to work for the fun of it

    Free Member

    Unlucky thirteen for me, can’t imagine using some of those words especially the ones nearer the bottom of the list.

    More likely to burst out laughing if someone used one of the more obscure terms.

    Free Member

    Canon would be my choice although I think you will only get a s/hand one for under 100 quid.

    Free Member

    Think I would be more worried about UKIP in that neck of the woods, same meat different gravy

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