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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • tiger_roach
    Free Member

    Pumapeople is a good idea – used to contribute when it was just a mailing list years ago.

    Free Member

    Mine's been keyed pretty much all around so am unsure how easy to sell – 2001 1.7 Puma with £70k, no problems otherwise though scruffy inside. Price I got from the site without the scratches was £950 and with £520 then they charge you £50 as well. Maybe I should just try my luck on Ebay.

    Free Member

    Real men don't eat quiche – they eat tarts.

    Free Member

    So that's why Hora's cock tastes of chicken?

    Free Member

    Cliff Richard – it's a cliff right?

    I usually use the one I think Hora is describing.

    Free Member

    I don't get why celebs want to keep their followers updated with so many snippets of info about their lives – or maybe it helps keep fans which they need to do well?

    Anyway, FB is OK and you can make of it what you want; I'm a 'fan' of a few including the Sky team so like to see what they post. Interesting to hear that a friend is off somewhere or had a baby or excited by a cheesecake…. There's also a lot of games but I have no interest in those ones that go on and on – hide the posts about those. Some of the arcade type games are OK though – quite like the Tower Defence ones when working from home….

    Free Member

    As a dog owner the options I see are:

    Tie a length of string to the cat and a central post that is just long enough so it can walk around the garden.

    Muzzle the cat.

    Free Member

    As a student it was fun trying to open up as many as possible for the free gifts/cash.

    Free Member

    Pay the mortgage if you have one – nice to be free of it. If a higher rate tax payer maybe wack a load into a pension.

    Free Member

    Well there are seats all over the boat so try to get one of those I guess – I went last year in a cabin.

    Free Member

    Unfortuatly tiger you get better "hotel" service and more convenience but worse healthcare

    But is that worse for the individual or just overall for the cost? All I'm getting at is that better service costs more in diminishing return sense and many are willing to pay for that – same as with Hi-Fi and bikes right?!

    Free Member

    TJ- I don't doubt all you say but I assume/hope my employer pays £1k or so pa for my health insurance so that I get better service than I would in the NHS – maybe that just means faster treatment so I am back working a bit more quickly? Dunno really. I guess my time in the hospital would be more enjoyable even if that's just because I get to stay away from poor people… ;) My wife will be giving birth in an NHS hospital soon and can't really see that a private hospital would offer much more – a private room I suppose.

    Free Member

    Not sure why you are trying to cause a fight at every turn but I'm trying to extract more from TJ's statement – he says quality is poorer for more money but I don't get that. I've not had much to do with the NHS or private medical providers so am fairly clueless but I do have private medical cover so I assume I get something extra for my care in a private supplier than the NHS. But maybe I'm wrong and it's all a big con?!

    BTW the only reason I have it as my employer gives it to me otherwise I'd be happy with the NHS.

    Free Member

    private healthcare is more expensive with poorer quality than the NHS

    Is that like for like? Maybe not possible to say but if I go to a private hospital maybe I get a few more luxuries?

    Free Member

    Tiger some employers are women you always say he in posts when you mean they

    But as I've said before that's bad English IMO – as it happens my boss is a woman…and a right PITA she can be too ;)

    Free Member

    Not as much as you clearly wanted to miss mine as I actually responded with a point

    Which was irrelevant so why would I respond? I shall make my point more explicit – why should an employer pay more than he has to for the skills he wants? We have a minimum wage set be the state so that is deemed to be the least payment that is OK; if that is incorrect then I don't think the employer is to blame.

    Free Member

    yes tiger god forbid we should let everyone have a living wage

    You really wanted to miss my point now didn't you?!

    Free Member

    Now this subsidy I resent greatly – the taxpayer subsiding private sector so as to boost the profits which go to the bosses.

    Well that is a curious point of view. Private companies pay what they need to pay to get employees – why would they want to pay more than they need? If they pay too low for a role they will get a 2nd rate employee or will be short staffed. If people can't get by on what the private sector is paying then what should they do? Work more hour? Years ago those on lower incomes did all sorts to survive but these days we say the state should help look after them – to what degree is up for debate.

    another one – look at the amount of money taken out of private sector companies by the bosses?

    What does that mean? Taken out by owners you mean? That's a return on their investment right?

    Free Member

    I've got a dozen or so different whiskies – whenever I see I nice reduction on something I don't have but like the look of I tend to buy.

    Free Member

    How many of the people on here saying "No" work in the private sector

    Indeed but how many in the private sector are paid more, in real terms, than they were a few years ago? I'm not and so the public sector can get a bit of reality too – why should they be protected?

    Anyway, as a higher earner soon to have a baby I suspect I'll be worse off but I still say yes to the budget being the right sort of thing.

    Free Member

    that should bring them 3-4 months of extra revenue where we will all be genuinely worse off.

    Yeah but them is us right?

    Free Member

    I'll give a freeze in effort and interest at work over the next 2yrs.

    As it's the public sector not sure anyone will really notice or care. ;)

    Free Member

    There's council accommodation in some very good London postcodes; shame they can't be redeveloped and the owners moved somewhere cheaper….

    Free Member

    Crawley – It really does have little appeal. Having worked on a project there for several years I see no reason to live there unless for work and affordability reasons – though I'd still try to live in one of the very attractive nearby villages.

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – got a link? The prices did surprise me when I was in France 12 months ago, even with the weak pound, but sounds crazy to buy here and ship over.

    Free Member

    Depends on the balance needed between commuting ease, night life and what sort, village/town, access to riding. I chose a village near Leatherhead

    Maybe if the OP came back with more it would be easier….

    Free Member

    I saw a smart car with a bike sticking out of the back so that the rear wheel was in contact with the road and forks attached to a mount inside the car.

    Free Member

    Do people join the army out of love for their country or is it often about wanting a more exciting career? I was in the OTC as wanted to play at being a soldier but never wanted to do it properly.

    Free Member

    If you had called the police and they had shot him you might have felt bad about it…maybe.

    Free Member

    How did all this change build up anyway – over what period of time?

    Free Member

    How about they all put, say, £60k of their cash up then get £10k back for every point England win?

    Free Member

    Told which team to support? Can you explain why?

    They didn't seem to know but seemed OK about it; very accepting of them.

    Free Member

    Overacting attention seeking whore (IMO ;))

    Free Member

    Only half true, the problem isn't MP3 its the what its played back through that counts. Linn recently stopped producing CD players all together as digtal media players are capable of producing much better sound

    Well that's what they say their reason is; could be marketing speak you know…. I'd go with a Naim CD555 given the choice.

    Free Member

    Next thing the OP will be drinking Belgian beer – just need to be one better don't you?

    Free Member

    I can't see algeria scorng more than 3.


    Free Member

    I wouldn't expect a hold up due to that form – it's not, if you like, on the critical path.

    You're wife seems a lot more laid back than mine!

    Free Member

    I find my wife's Fabia a bit too small.

    Free Member

    4th largest company in the world $20 billion which is the expected cost of the clean up equates to just 9 months of profit

    Where did you get this from? It ain't right.

    Free Member

    Leaving house on the market – well you wouldn't have had me as a buyer as I bought my 3 houses on the basis they were taken off the market when off accepted. Of course if things take too long then you can threaten to put it back on again.

    When buying/selling I make it my business to find where hold ups are as sometimes leaving it to solicitors isn't a good idea as they only care so much….

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