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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • Ti29er
    Free Member

    Ive opened a book on it, knowing what Passats are like!

    I rang VW's main 0345 line 2 weeks ago about a recall notice, "Which Passat?" was all she asked. Not which VW, nor even who was calling!

    Free Member

    I assume this is also the tarmac road that runs up to both the trail head and the Rock UK set up.

    Ergo, it's the same road that we will be led out of the town on inorder to get all the riders up to the trail proper.

    Free Member

    It's based on the Red route but they've built single track down to the UK2 Rock setup.

    It's part of a push to promote this particular 7 Stane. As it stands, the trail head is remote from the town, by maybe 2 miles as the crow flys, something that's being directly addressed. You could consider this phase 1 of a 2 phase plan. In time, they business group will be building trails down to the town so that riders can base themselves in the town & so use the facilities that Newcastleton provides. I think they witnessed just how successful the Montane Kielder 100 became almost overnight and SIP Events were able to offer up a solution. Clever, eh?

    Free Member

    I too have had a few problems with the Hope QR collar.
    The best one has been the Pace but it was not QR so a bit of a pain at times.

    I think the squeeking annoys others and not me, the slippage is a problem.

    Free Member

    Clearly a gulf between the elite riders, be they 24 endurance riders or the sorter courses & us others.

    I've spend far too long with colds and a swollen knee in 2010 – to the point I almost didn't bother as it's a long old drive north.

    Since the beginning of May it's not been good news either, so I'll honour the contract I have with the people who have been generous by sponsoring me (there was a built in caveat allowing me to choose the Kielder 100 over the 24hr solo if I needed to) as I'm raising £ for The Alzheimer’s Society.

    Looking forward to it now as I have few expectations, whereas before I wanted as much time on the bike as I could manage. Now I’ll enjoy myself a little more. No support crew either as I stood them down 4 weeks ago so today was the BIG Tescos shop.

    Free Member

    Interestingly, we did this locally here 3 yrs ago. As it turned out, only 2 in 5 had their height down correctly, which surprised me somewhat.

    Up against the wall, no shoes or socks, have someone else trace a line / make a dot (whatever) on the wall, then measure that. I wonder how many are wrong? The older you get, the shorter you become. I'd lost almost 1/2 an inch since my early 20's it seemed! (5:10:5 down from 5:11)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I think, having lost 10kg, trying to lose another 10kg in 10 weeks, you're asking for trouble.

    YOur body is going to prevent you from shedding even more weight and you'll likely lose muscle mass as much as fat, if not more.

    Meaning you'll be even worse on the hill climbs; your heart is a muscle if you'd forgotten.

    YOu'll also be training on an empty tank, a rubbish way to train, or try to train, for a mtn bike endurance event.

    Free Member

    I did not buy a TV 'til I was in my mid 30's and sometimes catch myself simply watching stuff because it's on.

    There are some things I love, "Have I got news for you" and such like. On the whole, there's a lot of filling. Latterly I've discovered quite a soft spot for "Frineds" which I miseed first time around & Star Gate!

    Free Member

    In time order starting at 08:30 and finishing at 5pm.

    Free Member

    None of the above (& I've driven from Kathmandu to Pokhara).
    I don't wish to appear racist here, but having lived on the outskirts of Harrow (which is predominantly Indian area ) for almost 5 years, I can tell you it's Harrow.

    At the Northwick Park roundabout I've twice had a little Indian lady (a different one each time!) stop her car on the roundabout in order to let me on. Now where, in any culture does something so against-the-norm, not to mention the simple rules of the Highway Code, would that happen in a Western Country? And I promise you, that’s but the tip of the proverbial iceberg, so poor is the standard of driving amongst the local population.

    Free Member

    Only take mine off if I'm walking with the bike, such as some of the more difficult Merida climbs.
    Apart from that I'm adamant that helmets remain on the head. Period.

    I saw may parents out this w/end with their charges.
    They put the kids in helmets (some don't even bother – clearly they must be less valuable than other families children I guess!) but they think the adult bread winners are somehow exempt. Stupid.

    TBH I much prefer most activities without a helmet especially on a motorbike abroad. Stupid ? Probably but it's my choice and my head.

    Spot the future organ donor! That's got to be the most ignorant thing I've read on STW; possibly ever. I used to race a Ducati at Club level (New Era), so I have some idea just how stupid that statement really is.

    Oh, and my Sister's partner lost his 21yr old son in a m'cycle accident on Sunday; they buried the lad on Friday. The father, her partner, is inconsoleable. I hope you don't have family with that cavalier, selfish, ignorant attitude.

    Free Member

    why every middle class family isn't doing it?

    That's pretty obvious isn't it?
    There are some serious sacrifices being made across middle England and some parent's clearly aspire for their children to have a better education than the local authority can provide.

    This might mean the household has little or no disposable income once the fees have been met, but the parents have ascertained that their children are bright enough, motivated enough (and let's be honest here, not all kids are) & should therefore get the best education that can be afforded. It also suggests that the local schools, in the parent's eyes, simply aren't good enough for Little Jonny.

    This is very much a life-style choice and not something many middle England families manage, for a myriad of reasons. Take away the bulk of the families income and see what’s left in the kitty. If after that you decide that Little Jonny can manage in the local Comp, in turn meaning Ma & Pa & the rest of the family do not have to do without, then that is also a life-style choice.

    Choices. Pure & simple. If you don't think Little Jonny will reach his potential locally and you can pay, then clearly some decide to dig deep and pay up. It's nice to be in that position I'd say!

    Free Member

    I've had to step in when other dog owners have failed to control their animals.

    Some owners are out of their depth and I think you have the moral high ground here so don't fret so.
    My last run in with one owner resulted in a small claims court action (against him) with them not contesting the judge's decion.
    If in doubt, grip the owner not the dogs.

    Free Member

    The Olive Tree Café
    This is a good place to grab 1/2 an hour if you want to chill.

    Last ride will be Wednesday I think.
    Put almost no miles in for 4 weeks now, so I'll be the back marker. I'd like to ride the 121 km Bucksoffroadsportive tomorrow (Sunday) but instead I'm photographing it. Ditto Clic24 last w/end.

    Free Member

    Thought I might put in a sighting lap, take some pictures, have a meal and get an early night.
    Sunday morning I'll review the weather situation but rather fancy popping into Newcastleton on the bike for the papers and breakfast at The Grapes Hotel.
    All jolly good fun.

    Free Member

    For me, I think the public school system comes into its own from the age of about 10/11, which would be prep school.
    Some of the Faith primary schools I know of are absolutely outstanding, but get shot of their charges at 11.
    Then Prep school then boarding school.

    Now all I need are some kids!

    Free Member

    It would be very naive to assume everyone doing a 24hr solo event intends to spend all the 24hrs on a bike.
    Witness last w/end's Clic24 for a perfect example of a relaxed 24hr event.
    No one has to spend 24hrs on the bike, you ride as many laps as you can personally manage.
    You pay your dues and ride.

    Free Member

    What have you heard about the course as the Red route at Newcastleton is not tough.
    I know they've extended it down to Rock UK with some new single track & that we're to have our names called out one at a time before being led out onto the course from Newcastleton.

    Free Member

    Who spends 24hrs non-stop cycling?
    That's plain silly.
    Even the professionals have to stop to eat / loo.
    It will be interesting to see just how many laps some of these guys can do as the list (minus Rob Lee) looks like a who's who of endurance riding:
    • Rob Dean (Leisure Lakes)
    • Mike Hall
    • Steve Heading (Whytbe Bikes UK)
    • Rory Hitchens (Exposure Lights/USE)
    • Josh Ibbett (Syncros Endurance)
    • James Leavesley (Genesis Bikes)
    • Ian Leitch (
    • Matt Page (Wiggle/Focus/Exposure Lights)
    • Iain Payne
    • Rich Rothwell
    • Ant White (Exposure/KCNC/Skins/Mt Zoom Zoom)

    And as you say, Twinkley Dave plus others not listed above will be out for a podium.
    Should be interesting!

    Free Member

    This follows on partly from a previous thread that asked something along the lines of "if you had the funds, would you send your kids into private education?".

    The overwhelming majority came out in favour of just that, given the funds they'd send their kids to private school, and hang the self-styled socialism and ideal-world clap-trap.

    This thread also pre-supposes those who did go to private schools were bright enough to have passed 11 Plus or Common Entrance.

    Free Member

    Did you not select your school based on other criteria other than what was best for you in the long run?
    Maybe your pals were going to school A, so you naturally chose school A perhaps?

    I'd like to believe that aged 13 I was in no way mature enough to select which school was best for my own education else I'd have selected one with girls in the dorm and beer on tap!

    Free Member

    You send your kids to boarding school you have no control!

    Having parents in Education might have been something of a hindrance. Would they have seen such a move as almost unacceptable, even hypocritical in sending little Jonny to a State School if they could have afforded a private education but were they themselves in the States school system?

    Free Member

    My folks worked hard, saved & were able to so they did.
    Given the same, wouldn't you?

    It never crosses my mind that I went to a boarding school (in Yorkshire) where 1/3 of my fellow inmates were padbrats (Armed Forces kids), as at that time the Armed Forces gave an £ allowance to those who wanted their kids schooled in the UK rather than moving them from school to school every 2-3 years around the globe.

    It was 1982, I was 18, collectively we as a nation were drip-fed the Falklands Conflict, so I abandoned my plans after A levels to read Geography at Plymouth (?) and enroled into the Army instead. Fun times!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    They did not make them until 2010 as far as I am aware.
    Most go with the Racing Ralf.

    Free Member

    Start at 2:33.
    The jet ski handle clears the water a little to reveal a submerged ? something.
    He then veers slightly left to drop off it.
    And again in the next clip.

    Clever Hi-Tech marketing, whose logo adorns most of their clothing too.

    Free Member

    You are asking the wrong people.
    Contact Hope direct, then send it back to them.
    I've done it with sevreal bits from Hope and they fix things within 36hrs.
    Back by the w/end.
    Job done.
    Never a charge either.

    That's Customer Service to be proud of.

    Free Member

    One rule of thumb is that if an image is not working, you're too far away.

    1) I wonder what you could do with a tighter frame on the rider and trees would look like? With no reference to how he got airborne!

    2) Doesn't work as the riders are lost in the frame, close in on them and maybe take it from behind them so we see them in one 1/3 of the image but over their shoulders? A better crop to the left of frame would not see any gap after the tree.

    3)A better crop to take out the top of the ramp which appears in the bottom of the image.

    4) The flash is firing directly at camera. 1/10th of a second later and it'd be initiated behind the rider creating the rim lighting effect you require.

    5) Beware very wide angles as it distorts the rider in the frame, especially any items close to the camera (over-large head and tiny wheels).

    6) Not much you can do about this one – it's OK as a filler shot. Maybe get a higher vantage point?

    Free Member

    ITS like ANYTHING ELSE here.
    I think many STW-ers were bunking off skool when eNglish classes came around, riding there bikes, weather we like it or not.
    Punctuation, spelling, grammar; all seem to be lost at the keyboard phase.
    Wood u like to step in & discipline us?

    Free Member

    I have another 700 to put up yet!

    Free Member

    Pictures here now.

    There is another Clic24 thread BTW here.

    Free Member

    Great photos Tim, especially that handsome rider No392.

    Free Member

    Lurk is my middle name. :wink:
    Off loading the cards and will let you know when the Best Of goes live.

    Free Member


    Photos will, when I've sorted them out will be at the above link.
    A quick "Best of" hopefully this evening but I've only been home less than an hour (9pm) and I have a full day's shoot tomorrow, Monday.

    Free Member

    Remember that the weather last year was cool & things would be very different were it to be warm this year.

    My Camelbak takes a 2lr bladder & nothing else & weighs only 2kg when full. All else went on the bike. I assumed everyone took advantage of the the food drops, clearly I was mistaken.

    This year I have some new pedals and not ones that brake after the first feed station! :wink:

    Free Member

    Spec' are simply great.
    Come up a tad tight (I have wide feet being a Hobbitt) so up the size, I'm a 44 now and a 43 with all else.

    Free Member

    All the front runners stuffed things into their ride-jersey's pockets.
    Taped spare inners onto the frame that which wouldn't fit under the saddle.
    They were the fast ones.

    This is from my article:
    "The winner of the vet’s category, David Hayward (9hr06m) currently the Vet’s National Mountain Bike Champion 2009 was keen to beat off the challenge from his arch nemesis, David Powell (9hr 09m), …. As for feeding, “My strategy was three gels & one and drinks bottle filled with a 6% strong Hi5 energy drink per hour but I drank nowhere near that, maybe ½ a bottle an hour & ran the risk of running out of energy.” Continuing, “At the feed stations I’d deposited a pair of brake pads, a bottle, an oil can, seven gels and two energy bars.” David kept all his kit, space blanket, multi tool, inner tube, whistle, car keys, CO2 can in a saddle bag, everything else got taped to his bike, confirming that the really fast racers don’t use any back packs."

    Last yr, a pal of mine took his rd bike on holiday with the family to Europe. It worked a treat. Every day he rode from 6-8am. Think it really helped the whole family out!

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