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  • Ti29er
    Free Member

    Jones & 69er?
    Either way, I feel like I’m back in Jnr School with a blank note book and fresh, new, unused pen!

    Aside for this I have sent, on email to Simon, on request, some images of you guys at the start of the race for the front page (?) of the web site.

    Free Member

    Why can’t you change more on the front?
    This is a theme I’m more interested in now TBH.
    If you better understood the ratios, and worried less about the “dreaded” granny ring, maybe you’d have saved your pennies.
    It seems to me, that you’re cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Here’s a thought.
    To my mind, the granny ring has, if you will, has something of, a bad press.
    How many of us have secretly scoffed at riders ahead of us, on an given hill, spinning like loons in the granny when they’d be far better off in the middle ring? Where you’re making better progress?
    Now, on the back of having bought in 2009 a 29er, I can tell you that momentum is vital to realising the bike’s potential. Ergo, it’s just the same on a 26er.
    So, when we’re struggling middle-&- 32T on a hill, refusing mentally to drop that front cog in to Granny, would we get more relief actually from Granny -&-2or 3 down on the rear cassette?
    It’s something I’ve been experimenting with lately, and it’s quite a revelation.
    Seriously, I’ve been quicker on some of my local hills by doing the opposite to the Macho image, I’ve been into the granny ring early on recently, it’s been a whole new learning curve.

    All I suggest here is that maybe give it a try. You will need to move both front & rear to get similar ratios, but give it 3x rides and a fair crack and who knows, maybe it’ll make a difference.

    Free Member

    Steve was on a fully rigid SS.
    Good-Lord! That’s awesome. On at least two fronts.
    As a new convert to 29ers I would not have even considered the 29 over the 26er. In fact the 26 is far quicker to accelerate. I know this as I’ve not ridden it since mid January and brought it out last Wednesday for the practice ride & really noticed the difference. I’ve not ridden Lotts Wood on the 29er.
    Since then i have been on the 26er, enjoying the difference.
    TBH, I now feel rather stupid and silly learning that the top 3 riders were on a bike I personally thought unsuitable for this circuit.
    What race numbers were the top 3?
    I hope my photography is better than my mountain biking skills!

    Free Member

    I don’t know about anyone else, but there are hills I know where a rapid shift in gears whilst struggling up the hill is as inevitable as Labour being ousted at the next General Election!
    So shifting under load is going to happen. Maybe I’m not as an accomplished a rider as some?

    What is interesting, however, is the concept of using the Granny ring more frequently.
    This throws into sharp relief the 32-34 debate, debasing it in perhaps one fell-swoop?
    If down-sizing the rear cassette to 28T gives you more shifting on the front mech’ to the granny, but a far smoother and almost (?) seamless set of shifts between gears, as bonji is perhaps experiencing, and I grant you there will be more shifting both fore and aft, then maybe that’s the debate & not over 2x teeth.

    My own stomach hernias don’t seem to gripe over this mountain biking lark.

    ps – so, make your point Sam – you have omitted to tell us anything!
    The switch to a 34T may be a coincidence, implied or otherwise.

    Free Member

    I used to have XTR, but found they wore down far too quickly for the money.
    So I changed both rear sprockets at the same time, and have gone to XT on the advice of the LBS. I’m not a weight-weenie to that extent!
    If he’s having to push the bike on hills, it’s maybe worth while going to a 34T, however the counter-argumet is to stick with the 32T and push slightly harder :idea:

    Again, where are you riding if, in the granny ring and 32T are you are getting off and walking?
    I don’t think having 2x extra teeth will make THE difference at this present point in time – I might be wrong.

    If it’s the Black route at Glentress or Aston Hill’s XC course, for examples, I can see the logic!

    The chain suck is on the front mech and has only recently started happening post change of cassettes. This I can deal with, a little annoying, granted, but the smoothness of the shilfting, especially under load, e.g a rapid shift up the cassette is something I do notice.

    Given my riding style and locality I would still have the 32T over a 34T.

    Turner Flux and an On-One Ti29er

    Free Member

    I said that moving from a 32 to a 34 has resulted in chain suck on one bike & that it’s noticably not as smooth.
    This is a simple statement of fact. I’m not asking anything from you or stretching your imagination.
    It’s a new-ish chain (6 weeks) so as previously stated, it’s an experience I share with you & fact.
    If you then choose to then disbelive everything I might post is your business.
    And yes, I have noticed a difference in smoothness and have stated this several times as otherwise I’d not have contributed to this thread.
    This is after all what he wants to learn, so I share my recent experiences with you, collevtively, if you then think I’m lying or have a hidden agenda, again, that’s your issue, and should not detract from the experiences I have taken the time to share with you here.

    Only trying a new cassette out on your bike on your trails with your fitness, power, ride-style etc will you better know if 34T are for you.
    Perhaps you’d be good enough to let us know how you get on?


    Free Member

    The point being that whilst you might have one experience, I have another.
    And having changed cassettes 3 weeks ago, I can only relate my own experiences.
    I’d have 2x 32T on both bikes (as it was originally) but the 29er demands a slightly different approach.
    Chain such on the 26 is non-existance, but on the 29er it’s not uncommon now.
    I’m sure you’re not at all concerned about the relative differences in cassette wear or weight as it’s going to be marginal at best.
    Question is simple: do you have to have the extra 2 teeth?
    I did one one bike but not the other.
    And there is a difference.

    Free Member

    Snake. You couldn’t be more wrong – your argument is self-defeating in what you say, namely it makes a whole heap of difference as your text points out and a 34 will last less time as the gaps are more spaced out and so it’s less smooth = a more agressive, abrasive action.
    Only by trying these things will one become aware of them.
    On my 26er a 32 is far better better, way, smoother transitions and I don’t feel a need for the granny ring.
    On the 29er, it’s a more even playing field with the 26er and this is on the back of having swapped to a 34 about 3 weeks ago so your question is timely and topical.
    A 34 is not as smooth to change gear, especially under load on the hills and that’s important. More chainsuck too.

    Free Member

    Less smooth, most definately.
    Why are you looking at a 34?
    As in where are you riding etc?
    For me: I’ve been riding Dalby, Afan, Cannock and local trails, I have no need of the 34 nor the granny ring.
    I did this 32-34 as it went onto a 29er, but it’s not as smooth, but helps on the hills as it keeps me out of the Granny ring on my local trails.

    Free Member

    I have gone to XT 34 from a XT32 on one bike and have an XT32 on the other.
    The 32 is way, way smoother.
    Unless you have a 29er, or are cycling up Snowdon daily, stay with a 32.

    Free Member

    Matt P.
    As a photographer, I think your shot is the most atmospheric.
    You can have a gold star.
    The Captain can have a silver star as the crop needs tightening (in post production ?) to remove the horse in the top L edge of frame.
    TN – you get the bronze star today, you’d never tire of this image’s visual impact.

    Free Member

    In answer to your question earlier:
    I’m travelling overnight after my job finishes in the Ludlow area at midnight on Saturday.
    Meaning I’ll be on-site for the morning session from about 06:00hrs.
    In all likelihood I won’t even ride & return to N London not having even turned a wheel in pleasure!
    I’ll take your pictures and a good % of the proceeds go to the CLIC charity.
    So in my case, I hope to gain a little (a tank of fuel costs some £50) but provide the organisers with freegratis use of my images and hopefully riders will like the resultant images and contribute to the effort being made by buying on-line!
    I belive that is a win-win-win scenario. Last year I did at least manage 6 laps (?), this year I might be better à pied !

    Free Member

    MM and SITS 2008 tought us that 1.5 mud tyres are the only way to keep your bike moving forward.
    However, the nature of the CLIC24 ground is not the same as the open fields and that horrible wood in SITS, so at a guess 1.5 might not be what you require.
    Those Panaracer Trailrakers (?) deep mud tyres are pretty darn good if you ask me.
    Or give me a spectacle to photograph, Furious Freds all the way!

    Free Member

    Dave – why not solo?
    With the torrential rain both before and during the event, I don’t think I’ll have missed out on any interesting images over night. Last year I was out taking “arty” timed exposure shots ’til almost 02:00 near the bottom of the final descent off the hill and just back from there, the steep climb off the fire road onto the top ridge.
    Your mud splattered faces will add a tough of glamour to the pictures, so grin like loons as you come slithering past me like this :D 8O :D

    From Tuesday evening: CLIC24 – The Return of the Mudfest


    Free Member

    And I’ll be there taking the pictures from about 06:00hrs (Sunday morning) onwards.

    Free Member

    Upload now complete and awaiting your collective comments.
    I only wish I’d been riding.
    It’s the same story this w/end at Clic24. I won’t get there ’til 02:00 on Sunday morning early, and what with the weather looking poor, I’ll take some pictures, maybe get 1 lap in and get back on with the picture taking again until midday.
    Woe is me! :wink:

    Free Member

    As soon as I hear back from Simon, we’ll get the prices structured so that a % goes back into the club’s coffers.

    Free Member

    The weather was glorious!
    I started at about 2pm and rode to a couple of locations. However I do know these trails and ended up from 7pm, beasting myself in some woods locally for 1:40 – to at least show willing.
    Were it not for a 10:00 appt in Marble Arch I’d have ridden too.

    Have you checked out the pictures yet?
    They can be accessed via the main evet’s web site or there was a link here a while back.

    See you at Wednesday night’s Summit race meet?


    Free Member

    The pictures are now live.
    Hope there’s something for 50% of the almost 400 riders to enjoy!

    Free Member

    This is the link
    I am not the accredited photographer.
    I have i.d’ed 2x locations on the last 5km bridleway run-in to the finish where I’ll take pictures.
    I’ll be, on my bike to facilitate some ability to make locations so you’ll no doubt recognise me. I’ll be wearing a carnation in my lapel just to help out.
    Picture link

    Free Member

    I think you have enough info here.
    Go and ride the Dog, it’s fun.
    You don’t need a guide.
    Park up in the main car park by the café (can’t recall its name as there is more than one car park)
    Start at Swinnertons & ride the Dog (maybe 1hr if it’s busy or your mate is not fit), and if you don’t fancy a 2nd lap (got to do a 2nd lap, for sure!) then buy a map from Swinnertons and get some simple, useful pointers from the guys in the shop.
    Now go and ride your bike!

    Free Member

    I’ll come by later from maybe 13:00-ish, somewhere near the badger’s set on section 42 – along the return section on Shires Way – and take some pictures. I may as well make myself useful!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ride the Red Route (Follow the Dog). It’s well marked and there’s plenty on Youtube to have a look at if you want more info.
    The café, Swinnertons etc sell maps and so if you don’t fancy a 2nd lap after a bacon sarnie & a mug of tea at the café (and why wouldn’t you!?)then head out on any of the other routes on the map.
    You don’t need someone to hold your hand!

    Free Member

    My local training ride starts around marker 42 near Denham over from the A412.
    The blue bells will be in abundance around 40 I imagine.
    Can’t make the ride as I have a client meeting in C London at 10:00 which I can’t change.
    Have fun without me

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Can I get some idea of time-in-the saddle as I’ve not ridden that far in one go!
    I just about manage the full distance Meridas, which I do in about 6.5 – 7hrs.
    I have not booked in for this ride and was thinking it through, that was all.
    I’ve been playing on a 29er all this year and get some clicking of the L knee at about 3.5hrs, and the 26er needs its indexing looking at, so am I man, or am I mouse?

    Free Member

    If you’re a regular join the Chase Trails club for £12 & you can get a year’s free parking for an extra £15.

    Or park ’round the corner and ride the 4 mins to your start point.
    Not as secure perhaps, but one way of doing it.

    I’d not begrudge the Forestry Commission the occational, £3 truth be known.

    Free Member

    Never underestimate the power of the humble Bananas in the morning.
    I find an egg Mc Muffin or two & plenty of water enroute if I’m driving to the race eaten maybe 2hrs before.
    Failing that, there’s nothing wrong with one of those pasta & chicken pre-cooked meals you find in the chillers at Sainsbury’s etc.
    Actually, I like a big meal in the morning, but that’s how I have my days organised & I have a fast digestive tract.
    As has been pointed out, it’s well under 1hr that you’ll be running, so what’s in the tank from 1-2 days out from the race will be important.
    Feed and water the machine correctly. I always abstain from the opposite sex for 3 days if I want a good lap time.
    Have something immediately after the race as you might well find yourself feeling pretty grim if you don’t.
    The more events you undertake, the more you’ll come to understand your own bodies needs.
    To that end, do you have a week or before this race? If so, may I suggest that this Saturday (for example) you do everything you will on the day, and run a 10km lap locally and see how it all goes.

    Free Member

    That last link looks about perfect.

    I thank you.
    If the couple do split up, I will try and secure the pen; just for old-time’s sake.


    Free Member

    I have a fishing permit.
    Will that suffice?
    circa 1975

    Free Member

    What permit? Don’t listen, there are no permits.
    Turn-up and ride.
    I’m there next Friday for 2 laps only as I’m riding the Clic24 that w/end, but I’m in the Cannock area with time to kill, so it seems logical.
    Will try for 2x 44:59 (!)

    Free Member

    Is there a reason?
    We are, after all, looking for ink that’s not going to fade or dis-colour.
    This is why I too lean towards a pencil.
    Or the India Ink route which is a good suggestion too.
    I’ll look into the Rotring pens later.

    Free Member

    2 pens?
    Is that like 4 candals?

    Free Member

    As an aside: What’s a decent time ’round FtD now? 45 mins? I’ve heard about sub 30 mins but was that the older route?

    Free Member

    Cannock seems a bit of a trek but worth it if fitness levels are not what you want them to be.
    No too many hills, and interesting enough to warrant a 2nd lap for sure.
    It has enough to keep most everyone happy and there are many routes beyond the Red Route, so you can explore.
    I’d say it was about ideal if fitness is an issue at this present time.
    You have the Merida in a couple of weeks time out that way, why not do the 50km too?

    Free Member

    You say “We”. Do you find going around as more than one person in a group makes you quicker?
    I have always found being solo helps me more, and having the odd rider dotted about the circuit gives me people to aim for. No good if they’re in the way I grant you, but I still find it useful from time to time.

    Maybe it’s all that sickly sweet white chocolate you eat (?) that makes you so darn fast, or maybe being younger than a Vet’ might make me feel better about being over 30 mins off your pace.
    I wonder how quick you’d be solo!

    Free Member

    As an aside, will the great unwashed be able to access any of this circuit?
    One of the things I used to love doing was a track day directly on the back of say MotoGp or F1. The very next day, I’d pootle ’round Donington as fast as I could in 2:02 and Rossi the day before was 1:32.
    What’s the chance of being permitted a lap or two or three of the XC lap?

    Free Member

    I’d pop up and watch the racing at the w/end were it not for work.
    We (mostly) seem to love Dalby; it’s worth the drive, even if some don’t get it at all.
    Gaw’d knows how you’re doing a sub 2hr time on mud tyres! Whippetonabike m’thinks.

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