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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • Ti29er
    Free Member

    That's NNics in my experience.
    Prefer tubeless RRalfs.

    Free Member

    Joolze took this one of me at the UK 24hr solo Championships

    Free Member

    I told the guys in the group in which I ride that I'll hook up with them again next year & my scheduled events I've either cancelled, transferred to 2011 or given away thus far.

    I'm looking at other ways of maintaining a CV fitness but I don't swim (another injury).

    Free Member

    He was saying "goodbye".
    All this thread and no one has stated the bleedin' obvious!

    Free Member

    It happened about 2 weeks ago.
    I've really been caning it up some 5 min hill climbs locally, balls-out, as fast as I can, pukesville, and loving the speed and power I've discovered even if I've felt like death!
    Then it flared up on the way back from a 4.5hr session and I limped home for the last 45 mins.
    Took a road bike out and it played up after an hour but rode 'round it mostly; 3hr session. Tried the other mtn bike and lasted 30 mins at the w/end.

    Nothing much I can do about it but rest up. No Merida. No push to go for top 5 pairs at Bonty.

    If you & I have the same issue, no way Trans Alp.

    Free Member

    Go through the link on the Main site, through to the CRC site even though it says that there are no places left (written in red), it was still live with places available in all classes.

    See you there.

    CORRECTION: they're no longer available. 28 June 18:30hrs

    Free Member

    SLX seem to be twice the strength as XT, or so the on-line blurb says. For next to no weight penalty. The crank set was £89 from CRC; so I bought 2!

    Free Member

    I had some play in mine 4 weeks ago. It started being a problem changing gear.
    Turned out to the free ride hub and bearings. Mavic hubs have an odd set up I'm told, so it was originally diagnosed as something else.

    Free Member

    He'll like the money and the 4yr honeymoon period.

    But he'd miss the week-by-week football management, the hands-on syle he adopts. I think that would be a major consideration; no longer being able to build something tangible, something real, instead, every so often, being given 20+ men and trying in vain to Play-Do them into something worth while.

    The lure of and the buzz of actual Premiership management must be a huge thrill. Being England manager is not just a poisoned chalice but akin to backseat driving with another person's car, one you can't even change or adapt that much. He'd do well to aviod it like the plague; although he is well known for jumping ship mid-contract whenever a £5 note is waved in his face & it'd look great on his CV for a possible move into Sir Alex's shoes when he leaves.

    Free Member

    I came here after bowing out at BikeMagic as it had become so personal, caustic & unnecessarily malicious, mostly from people who had no good intentions. Met a few and was disappointed in most of them TBH.

    However, STW does seem to have gone down that route more and more of late. Over there the moderator (YKW) gave everyone a very free hand, resulting in so many of the threads degraded in front of your very eyes. Also, the moderators seemed very pro-active in their own opinionated posts and were simply mini-me's of their web forum. That, in my opinion is an error as people were getting death threats, verbal abuse and all manner of very unpleasant behaviour & the moderators though it wise to allow the behaviour. I know a few considered legal action against Magelica the parent company.

    STW strikes a far more realistic balance and that's why their forums are more informed, more populated, balanced, lively and less clogged with the same-old-same-old aggressive long in the tooth trolls. I’ve met plenty of mtn bikers from these forums on biking events and none (bar one) are actually as bad as their barks. Strange how many on-line personas are out of sync with their real life personalities!

    We just need to keep things in perspective and not get riled – easier said than done on occasions, I know!

    Free Member

    Germay must think they can go the whole way now.
    The one team they can't defeat in World Cup tournaments, Italy, are out, England are always a good whipping post (where as we view Germay as our arch enemies on the field, they don't view us thus) so onwards to the cup!

    Do you recall the cracking photo when McLaren was walking away from the FA HQ in London with his wife at his side? Her enormous, humongous smile form the huge buy-out / sacking said it all. Capello might get the same but even more £.

    Ergo: is it actually the FA's fault? Is there a grass roots issue, both with the structure of the FA and the management in Soho Square I wonder? Surely they must have built in very specific get-out clauses to the contract in case he & the team stuffed up? Seems logical in light of recent disasters. The poisoned chalice or what?!

    Free Member

    I had my first road bike ride in the week – seeing if I could work around an injury.
    Figured I'd give it a go as on the 29er on mtn bike tyres I was averaging 14mph around a 60 mile Watford – Wendover return route.

    It was a 20yr old+ (?), 26lb, Claude Butler touring bike and I went with a friend whom I am quicker than on the XC riding. I was horrified how slow I was. Maybe this exposes the lack of cycling muscle having not ridden a bike between the ages of 18-41 (I'm 46).

    Won't be buying a road bike any day soon!

    Free Member

    It always amuses me that the England fans are so loyal.

    Regardless of the results, they troop across the globe in memory of 1966 and in the absolute knowledge that they ARE following the best in the world. Makes me smile every time. Regardless of what has gone before, what experiences they've gained in Life's journey, they know England are the best and will win the World Cup.

    Now you know who buys door-to-door dish cloths, Tescos special offers, emails telling you that you've won £squillians, goods & services from Indian cold callers and every other snake oil sales person on the planet.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I too read the other thread and was disappointed and the way it developed.
    Let's stick to the topic and resolve some issues in an educated manner – as we seem to be doing.

    Free Member

    Surely most big-ish teams have talent scouts and youth developemnt staff & a system to progress up through the local professional side with specific youth development?

    Free Member

    and creative talent is killed off at a young age

    I'm keen to better understand why you think this is – or might be (adds to the list above).
    Surely grass roots football has never been so contested.

    The parks are full of league teams on any given weekend.

    Free Member

    Harry Reknapp? – Mr Midas.

    The FA selected McLaren, so maybe it should be taken out of their hands entirely? They promoted the Lieutenant to General, a fundamental and basic error. Are we safe in their hands?

    I am available if anyone from the FA is reading this. :wink:

    Free Member

    The manager picked Rooney. For the first two games, this was wrong.
    The manager brought on Hesky who is not a goal scorer. ?
    The manager payed Lampard on the "wrong" side of defence.
    The manager played Gerrard out of position where he and Rooney can't communicate so effectively.
    The back four were a disgrace. YOu could see James getting more & more annoyed with them – how many words starting with an F did you spot from his lips?!

    It's not much more than we anticipated happening, truth be told.

    All back to the UK, some major chest beating and a blame game.
    Press Reset.
    Premiership's where it's at in the UK.

    Free Member

    Why unpatriotic?
    I predicted 4-0 based on ability and likely result.
    Nothing unpatriotic about that.
    Englad have been and were dismal. Period.

    You don't need a crystal ball to be aware of the gulf that exists between England's footballing prowess & other teams.

    Does Franz Beckenbauer (sp?) have a point about the lack of talent coming through in the Premiership? That and mis-management perhaps.

    Either way, we all knew England could not step up to the plate today – it was never going to happen. The national team is (and has been for many years) secondry to the domestic game (Premiership) – we haven't even been playing with new ball in the league since the start of the year like the other major European teams.

    Free Member

    4-0 final score perhaps?

    Well done Germany.
    Let the witch hunt begins…..

    Free Member

    The question is: how many will England let in?

    A cruel way to be told you're not as good as you nor the media belive you to be. Someone had to give them a reality check.

    4-0 final score perhaps?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Still up for grabs if anyone wants it.

    Free Member

    All bikes are female.
    If you've studied French (for example), you'd know this.

    Mine are: 26er. 29er. Simple!

    Free Member

    Given the price and the relative fragility, I'll probably try something else next time I need summer tyres.

    RRalfs don't seem to have the same sidewall issues as NNicks, although I've never bought UST NNicks as I went from thin-walled standard NNicks to UST RRalfs & want for nothing now.
    Also, they come in different side wall thicknesses.
    Just choose the correct thinkness next time?

    Free Member

    If you run tubeless, the side walls are thicker.
    Or run these tubeless tyres with tubes?
    Don't see NNicks nearly as much as I do RRalfs at races and events.
    These are pretty much the default tyre it seeks now!

    Once the gloop / mud tyres come off the bikes in March-ish, RRalfs go on F & R. 4x tyres for the whole year.

    Free Member

    From what I've been reading, that idea of the taxi driver & about being specific to task is no longer in favour.

    Surf – power or strength? The two, I belive, have different meanings.
    "Muscular strength, is the ability of a person to exert force on physical objects using muscles"
    "Power is timed rate of work done by a human"

    See why it's something of a minefield?!

    Free Member

    Harvard Step test

    This gets close to a roundabout definition.

    Free Member

    its such a hard thing to define, and measure IMHO

    This is not what I'm asking.
    To measure fitness there are various accepted methods giving a V02 rating.

    Thus, it should be worked back from what the V02 rating actually shows? Although the peachy ar£e post sounds better!

    this is what Wikki says:

    VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake, peak oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity) is the maximum capacity of an individual's body to transport and utilize oxygen during incremental exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual. The name is derived from V – volume per time, O2 – oxygen, max – maximum.

    VO2 max is expressed either as an absolute rate in litres of oxygen per minute (l/min) or as a relative rate in millilitres of oxygen per kilogram of bodyweight per minute (ml/kg/min), the latter expression is often used to compare the performance of endurance sports athletes. A less size-biased measure is to divide by \sqrt[3]{mass^2} rather than mass.

    That's why I was wanting a one line sentence!

    Free Member

    I had it down as the ability & time it takes for the heart to return to its Rest HR after exercise.

    Free Member

    His listing was accurate as he saw things.
    If you subsequently change things that you feel are not good enough as you see it, then that's your perogative.

    You then sat on these issues for two weeks.

    I'd say his comments are pertinent so pay up. "Caveat emptor"

    Free Member

    What about Trail Questing?
    Or Adventure Racing?

    Free Member

    Ti RL & a Gobi for me on my two bikes.

    Free Member

    Having looked at the pictures, I assume it's strictly CX bikes?

    The Fred Whitton race looks good too – think it was about 6 weeks ago though.

    Free Member
    This might broaden your horizons.

    The new 3 day event across the Brecon Beacons looks great – Bearded Man.

    I'd need a CX bike to enter the 3 Peaks I guess! Mtn bike weighs 26lbs, slung over my shoulder looks hard graft.

    How much running is there? I can walk quickly for long distances, but not run (knees).

    Free Member

    2nd bike sold for + 35% above what I paid for her 3 years ago.
    The CD player is circa 1995 and fetched £1300+ which I'm very pleased with.

    Re: Nigeria and Italy, establish that TNT (other international couriers are available) will be the courier and it's AOK. As long as the package has an on-line tracking system and a sign-for at the other end and Paypal can track & trace the package on line after its delivery then you will not be liable for any "loss".

    Free Member

    The bike sold for +40% too.

    Now, what else can I strip out & sell?!

    Free Member

    Many of them require you to simply be ballast whilst they hoon about.

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