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  • The Grinder: Wolf Tooth pedals, DMR cranks, Ceramic Speed SLT bearings, USE bar, Madison bib-trouser, Leatt knee pads
  • Ti29er
    Free Member

    One day, he will grow into a strapping lad and discover his father's maths was so poor he could not count beyond 26!

    Say it: 29.
    Say it again: 29.

    There, today's therapy session over. 😉

    Free Member

    I rode and photographed the event & I think there was a mention on the original web site stating no CX bikes, but if it's no longer there; us old hands :roll:, we know what the course is like, so knock yourself out! 😉

    I'd email Paul or Sara just in case; no need to travel all that way to be ruled out on the start line.

    I can tell you that Amy Baron Hall, the ladies SS winner (rigid) couldn't hold her bubbly on the podium such was the pounding her hands, wrists, arms and shoulders received.

    Free Member

    Did you also do the night ride?
    I missed out due to work (the ticket's commutable so I'll ride Grassmere) and had hoped to do both the night & the 70km, but in a slightly more leisurely 6:30hrs (?).

    Free Member

    Which of the Liverpudlian's were you in last night's programme?
    Do you feel left out?

    Jool's reference to some parents being too much pals rings a bell with a friend's kids, one of whom is known by his mother as "mate" (13yrs old), the other is simply 9 yr old "Anna". The boy has all manner of issues with his father especially & is in councelling & considers himself emotionally damaged. The father has stepped well back from the family as "mate" and mother seem to have an almost unnatrual relationship which is causing all manner of issues, but of course, unseen by the mother; leaving the girl in no-man's land.

    Free Member

    DHB's from Wiggle.
    Absolutely outstanding.
    Bib shorts at about £89 (I can't recall their name!).
    One of THE best bits of bike kit I own.
    'Nuff said really.

    Free Member

    My Camelbak mix is 2 of those High5 powders and a dash of that Elete stuff you recommended last time and one of the mixed banana & vanilla (+ milk) Rego recovery drink; so all else being correct it must be me that's not performing too well then! ❗ 😉

    Free Member

    1/3rd of my recovery drink is skinny milk added instead of water.

    Free Member

    As a spicies, in the developed world at least, we're making the gene pool so much weaker, our population is showing all manner of signs of fractures and weaknesses which are shot through our society, with no end in sight or any real solutions to these issues we're now facing.

    I think I'll bury my head in the sand and will someone call me when it's OK to come out again!

    Free Member

    Bring back Morecame & Wise if this is the new 2.1 version!

    Free Member

    Do we read into your comments that you're also for a low socio-economic group, with low education, low social status and clearly drug issues (tobacco & nicotine)?
    Are you also from Liverpool? 😉

    failedengineer – Member
    I get a little peed off when the health professionals blame smoking for just about everything – surely having a cig outside can't harm your child's ear (as stated in the programme)?

    Are you that male who was profiled in the programme, sitting in the corner of the room surrounded by his drugs, unable and unwilling to accept some home truths about his son's medical condition and your drug addiction?

    Shame on you Sir.

    Free Member

    Perhaps all this points to the one simple, over riding fact: people should have a license to have children.

    I got the over riding sense that the good people of Liverpool are just plain ignorant and unable to assimilate information, even when it’s clearly distressing for both the cjild & the parent.

    Perhaps a targeted mass sterilisation programme should be embarked upon, not just for the UK’s sake, as I don’t think this is just the UK, but for Mankind as a species. Starting today in Liverpool!

    Free Member

    Strange then that men's the winner rode a 29er!

    I think maybe 20% of the riders were on 29ers, myself included, in fact, I'd go so far as to say I've never seen such a concentration of 29ers in one race as at the Kielder 100.

    Besides which, it's a very rough course in parts plus some of the trails are Red graded so I think you'd be well advised to not even contemplate it.

    Some peolpe, eh…….?

    Free Member

    How "Black" is the Black route?
    Compared to the 7 Stanes or the Welsh trail centres?

    Free Member

    Back marker with a poorly knee.

    Free Member

    I would be happy to do 17hrs+.
    And not be last.
    I think the enjoyment part comes post ride!

    Free Member

    There's a section of DC that I ride that's maybe 500m long that links some other worthwhile roads (mtn bike on the road with winter tyres whilst the weather was foul just keep the mileage going) so I just wondered.

    Free Member

    Anyone out there who is also riding?
    I was wondering what sort of mileage the back markers are clocking up at present.
    None of my rides are under 3hrs, but I think I need to be doing some 6+hrs right now.

    Free Member

    It's not so much about being great, it's about lasting the time-in-the saddle with no coplications.

    A tortoise & hare scenario really.

    I'm riding every two days and upping the distance, but it's not the best preparation, besides, 5 laps & 4:47 at the Brass Monkey was a good staring point, even if you did think you'd predicted I'd come last!

    Free Member

    The swelling seems to have abated, it's just a rider who is reluctant to force the pace right now!

    I've also swapped out to a FS away from the HT to make the riding less out-of-the-saddle which might have not been helping the poorly knee.

    Aim: ride as many hours as I can. 17hrs + ideally.

    Free Member

    Badgers joining me on single track in the evening.
    Just appear from the hedge row, trying to undertake me.

    Odd that walking / climbing tale. It might be the very same place something similar happened to me. The sudden gust was so strong, and so out-of-nowhere it flattened my Terra Nova Voyager to the point that the inner and pole actually touched my ankle whilst I was sleeping. This happened twice, so I then lodged myself into the corner of the tent and each subsequent time it happened I was pushed downwards and into the tent.

    Free Member

    Icecream today, + choc' dip next week, then it's a full-on decent into the depths of full-fatness & lo! you can't fit on your bike any more.

    PS – Aren't we supposed to helping this guy out his black hole here?!

    Free Member

    I remember people getting their collective knickers in a twist back in 1975 when petrol went to £1 a gallon (?).
    Them's were the days!

    I never get much mpg from my m'bikes as the throttle position only has two settings, 1 or 11, Ducati forgot settings 2-10 inbetween!

    Free Member

    Tried Bingo once on a windswept, wet promenade at Lowestoft in October aged 16. I did not win the holiday for two in sunny Bognor.
    Ice cream is FPF (fat peoples' food), so not something I've tried. 😉

    Free Member

    Red lights are for car users only surely?

    Free Member

    still miss my ex. I can be moved to poetry and the deepest, darkest ache deep in my soul.

    How do you reconcile this?
    It makes Mrs H sound very 2nd best!

    Plus, you're supposed to be shedding those extra stones in weight you've piled on, so how come you still eat high fat junk food?!

    Free Member

    My home was on the market for quite a while, starting at £250K, so when I came around with cash as a 1st time buyer, they reluctantly sold to me for £199,999.

    How long has it been up for sale and how great is their need to move? This played into my court, maybe it will for you too.

    Free Member

    Any paticular bits I should try and ride whilst I'm there?

    Free Member

    This weekend was: mud tyres off, tubless RRalf on for both bikes.

    Free Member

    Food has the greatest effect IMHO and it's esaier to impliment some plan based on your feeding.

    A few simple rules would include cutting out or down on booze.
    Not snacking.
    Not eating too late in the evening.
    Cutting out the high-fat foods.
    Smaller portions.
    Drop to 2 meals a day if you're not exercising.
    Hard training can't be done not is effective if you're hungry.
    None of this is news per se, it's just managing your days and keeping up the exercise routine.
    It soon drops away.

    Free Member

    Most of mine (that did not fall off on the trails) have the Sellotape option & work just fine.
    No need to spend £ when you don't need to.

    Free Member

    It's very disappointing that for some it's become so very personal.
    It's not important, yet the vile language & insults being flung about makes you wonder quite why some of the guys here take it so personally.
    Quite depressing re-reading some of the posts here.

    Free Member

    I had a light weight CF HT, it was very quick and I found myself in gears up hill that I'd never even contemplated. My riding is more the limiting factor in this equation though!

    Since I'm not a podium finisher, it's a balance of which bike works best on which trails. Most of what I do will be medium – longer rides so the 29HT is huge fun and is 24-5lbs, where as the Turner Flux is great at all days in the mountains and 24hr events and weighs 25lbs.

    Do I want to throw £££'s at bringing things down by 1-2 lbs? To what end? It's fine as it is; a happy balance. It's nice not to be constantly wondering what shedding 250g might make me into, or how much quicker Dalby's Red Route might be ridden in, a good place to be me thinks as the £ can be used for less selfish interests (house needs some work doing to it as does the garden).

    My camera bodies are £2k a pop. My bikes are more! Hummm, maybe I've got this all inverted!

    Free Member

    Sellotape 'round the join.
    It works.

    Free Member

    I would be useful to have some more details, but it's just possible that having mentioned it on here it's taken a life of its own with people replaying their own experiences and opinions & he's not comfortable with this now!

    There is always the question of taking someone back under this dark scenario – would you ever trust them again? Would every argument thereafter somehow always come back to her actions and deeds?

    CG. Best we never marry me thinks! 😉

    Free Member

    left and said she is never ever coming back
    she just dont like me any more and wants a divorce, now right away no councelling no trial seperation, divorce now right now

    I'm basing my comments on his original statements.
    No point in raking over what is no more. Or waiting for her to "change", or to like him or for her to tell him X or Y or that she did not like such-&-such about him. She could really hurt him some more.
    Why give the guy false hope when from his OP he's stated emphatically that it's no more?
    So, moving on for his own sake is by far the best solution since she's stated she's moved on & wants no dialogue at all.
    Hard nosed, I grant you but that's the reality of the situation that has been told to us, so why expose yourself to yet more hurt & pain?

    Free Member

    There's some doubt creeping into some of the replies with stuff like “She’ll be back” and such like that I think need addressing!
    To me this is fundamental for your survival that she is not coming back – as per your OP.
    You can not, repeat can not just drift along to her rhythm, having her dictate how you are minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.
    She’s gone & you are onto the next, albeit it quite daunting, new chapter in your life.
    The idea that you will patch things up was scotched in the OP and quite frankly she’s made her decision so turf out all her stuff & do things your way.

    If you spend the next year drifting in the doldrums, sails flapping in the breeze waiting for her to re-appear you’ll do yourself some emotional harm & waste a year (?) of your new life.
    Scotch talking it over, that’s Fools Gold!
    It’s history. Take control back, your life, your terms, your new chapter. Look forward not backwards, you achieve nothing, absolutely nothing asking that one word, “Why?”. It’s utterly unimportant. It might seem the most important thing at times, believe me when I tell you that once you understand it’s unimportant then it’s another hurdle surmounted.

    Anyhow, as you can tell from my suggestions, I’m one for starting a-new and getting rid of the old, the things that could damage you & your recovery, and not one for just hoping things turn out well – eventually. Time is a great healer, but so if taking your new life by the scruff of the neck and forging a new, different path. I hope all this is of some help!

    Free Member

    Who ate the Vegan?

    Free Member

    If you don't vote – you really can't complain when it doesn't go your way later on!

    Plus, not voting is a right we still have in the UK; not so in OZ where it's a offence.

    The TV debate will, I think, be hugely influential. It might get an otherwise apathetic (towards politics) population up off their backsides – something that's not been the case for a while.

    But really, what's the difference? More of the same "v" something similar? Unless something monumental happens I'm not turning out for the political elite.

    Free Member

    Make sure you buy / construct a map board that you attach to your bars so you can read the map & ride at the same time.
    Take some coloured permanent marker pens.
    Take some food & water. £ for the pub afterwards.
    Don't be too serious if you do it as a team.

    It's the time / distance appreciation that is the most telling. At some point you have a "last check point" decision and a "need to run for home" dash to the finish point decision that will be all telling. It's worth collecting a 10 / 20 points on the way back if you can if you're not too late. Be careful; 20 minutes (?( late and lose all your points! Aim not to be late. The last Polaris (7hrs + 5hrs) I got back with some 27 seconds to spare!

    Free Member

    if you can recognise and take some responsibility for what happened.

    I think this is fundamentally wrong.
    It's happened.
    You're into a new chapeter. Stuff looking back – onwards and upwards. YOur life at your pace in your own way. Introspective is not healthy.

    It sort of happened to me and I quickly made many changes and "re-found myself" if you could term it that way and had a good time in the process, did lots of walking, (cycling in your case), travel to unusual foreigh places and went solo everywhere, daunting at first (?) but so much better as it turns out! Latterly I see it was the perfect re-start.

    Cut away all the dead flesh, get her everything out of your way / home / life. And good luck!

    PS – Hora. You were looking to get shot of some weight ….!

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