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  • International Women’s Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
  • Ti29er
    Free Member

    Looks dry, smooth and fast-flowing.
    I'll post my ride report up on Friday evening but it looks very "Cannock Chase" with more Red!

    Free Member

    Who's Im?

    Free Member

    Sadly none of mine is cummuting as I work from home.

    Some of mine is simply to get time in the saddle and at least one ride is 100% road, and some is XC and road especially if the roads are busy, I take a detour or two – nice to havethe two options when you set out.

    The rest is 100% XC.
    (styl lernin t reed)

    Free Member

    SS = beards (surely).

    Free Member

    Monday: 4.5hrs = 60 miles(some XC)
    Tonight: 3hrs = not sure, but it's an XC group ride.
    Tomorrow: Cannock Chase: 3hrs XC riding.
    Sunday:4hrs-ish = 56 miles
    some of this is my mtn bike on the road at 14mph.
    (training for my first solo 24hr @ the end of May)

    Free Member

    Mayhem / SITS / Bonty 24 …. any 24hr event will be fun (& dry) this year.

    Thay're not fun, but it's great when you've finished them & slump into a dreamless stupor!

    (made harder if you don't ride Ti of course!)

    Free Member

    Pink bits go darker – my Lab's noses go from pink to brown.

    Free Member

    Ali frames are more or even as comfortable as Ti ones.

    Had to add as my Pace RC300 could rattle loose the fillings on anyone within 5m of her!
    Ti + 29 = buttery smoooooooth!

    Free Member

    I mix the Rego Banana & Vanilla and have it with part milk & water.
    I think it works.

    But my riding is in the evening at the end of the day / evening.

    I'd go with the (cold) pasta & tuna (for example) cooked & mixed the day before & taken into work in your backpack (tupperware also required), plus the Rego; add salt to taste!

    Free Member

    As you say …

    I'd expect you to be losing that just training for the 24 solo!

    & that's what's happening!

    1lb a month over 2-3 years (as stated above) is bang-on & perfect.
    If, whilst training for a 24hr solo event and managing 8-14hrs training a week you add muscle but lose fat, then 1lb is exactly the sort of weight loss I'd expect to see, and see it I can!

    Wait 'til you cross into your 40's and you'll experience a real, albeit subtle change in your body & its composition, and weight loss is slower & must be managed smarter than you guys in your 20's.

    Free Member

    Losing 1lb a month 'til September time and then I seem to put maybe 4lbs on over the winter.
    It's a long term plan for me, hoping to shift about 6lbs of fat per year for about 3 years.
    Seems to be working a treat and I never feel tired or fatigued this way.
    Just had a rather large breakfast though!

    PS – Max speed above was 300mph++

    Free Member

    Are you saying you pushed / walked the whole uphill on day 2? Just how heavy is that bike of yours? 😉

    MBR said they rode it all on the way up, though I don't see how you could ride the new steep man-made rock steps or the section just before the underpass.

    Free Member

    You don't say how old you are, how tall, how heavy.
    20kg is a huge amount of weight, and not everything you lose will be fat.

    Free Member

    Setting off from the railway ststion car park, there are a few sections part way up and some short sections near the underpass & just beyond, but out of the 1hr 50 (?) it takes to the summit, maybe 15-20 mins or so is walking.

    Free Member

    Looking at the video footage, you had the perfect day for it.

    Why did you return down the up-route from Ll and not down Rangers – Telegraph both times?
    What bikes did you take as you suggest that you walked up twice before – was that the case this time too?
    Did you not crash out at Pete's Eats in Ll afterwards?

    The views from the top are wonderful on a clear day, but as you say, the human traffic can really spoil a day on the mountain if you select the wrong routes (especially as a walker).

    Free Member

    That's just the point I was making.

    Once you stop trying to hang off, be more positive with the countersteering and the bike will turn faster and drop into corners quicker.
    You will, if you have the correct tyres and set up & bike, find your knees touching if you move them outwards.

    Hanging off the bike as per some of these above images is not the fastest way around a corner!

    Free Member

    There's a huge difference in some of the track day images you see at courses.
    The fast guys do not hang off, they shift their weight across the seat and countersteer.

    Hanging off a bike anyone can do, the bike doesn't even need to be over at an angle much (see R1 above) to allow the rider to shift his whole body over and down.

    And that old picture is exactly the one I was was thinking of – cheers!

    Free Member

    The XC course is steep!
    Does anyone know the lap record for a full XC loop?

    In the wet the chalk is horrible.

    There is always the Wendover Woods near by & they have a café too if you're balking at the £6 fee. Wendover itself is very pretty and you can ride the roads there as it's pretty quiet, over the top, down into Chesham & back in a loop.

    Free Member

    There an old b& w / sepia image of some road race cyclist, bent forward and almost touching his bars, taken on what appears to be a dry & dusty circuit (?) that is pretty much exactly what you're asking.
    I'll come across it in the next year I'm sure!

    Mart: I'm sure that's for effect – you'd never ride quickly if you hang off the bike like that, in fact the front looks very unweighted as it is, any more of that & it'll wash out. Always better to be more pro-active in your counter steering and the bike will drop into the corner far more efficiently – as well you know I think!

    Free Member

    8hrs – that's why you don't get the big Jewish and Greek weddings (think £££££) as they require you all of their day, not part of your day.

    PS- Who calls each other Dude now the 60's are long gone!

    That place looks great. Is that correct, Little Langdale?

    Free Member

    I have 2x pairs of 2.3 UST (thicker side walls) you can have a pair if you like as they're due to go on eBay shortly.

    Free Member

    User: You must spend days in PP!
    2000 is the most I've shot (minus those I edit along the way) are at London Jewish weddings with 250- 350 people at the Dorchester (for example) and these are typically 15hr days. My assistant, on big jobs like that, takes about 1000 too.

    I don't need to tell you: it's simply too may!

    Free Member

    Top Gear test drove that very same P reg and said the heater fan was the only fast thing about the car. 😉

    Free Member

    Is this the 3rd way?

    Looks like you can manually upgrade the LED's as they're released too!

    ED3 Flood gives superb lighting for Singletrack off road riding. Pro52Li-Ion Battery makes this a powerful system with huge run times. Comes with two lead bag battery to run another front light or tail light. Comes with 3 Hr fast charger. Weight 635g
    Mode Lumens Boost 850 High 600 Low 300 Commute 150 Flash 75
    Runtime 6 Hr 9 Hr 26 Hr 84 Hr 180 Hr

    Free Member

    Here . Bike24

    Euro 37 + postage for the 2.1 – 26er tyre.

    Free Member

    2hrs to the top from the railway car park.
    15 mins on top.
    Then it takes a while to do the Rangers and the Telegraph but DO NOT come straight back down the up-route though.

    Don't forget the restriction on cycling on the mountain which is now in force (I think).

    Free Member

    Some of them went for a walk along the full 3+ miles of the main runway yesterday just for the fun / novelty of it!

    Herein lies a consideration: when the time comes again to fly, it's going to take an age to unseal, re-boot and uncover the engines and get everything back up to speed, so at some point everyone will be waiting on the engineering at all the airports, and don't forget they only do a 2/3 (of 24hrs – there's no grave yard shift) shift and there aren't that many to go 'round, and not to all the smaller airports where their planes are parked up such as Prestwick which has no permanent BA maintenance dept.

    Also, many airlines only lease their planes, even BA don't own their own engines, they're leased from RollsRoyce, so the daily bills still need paying!

    Free Member

    They've sealed all the BA planes at H'row, so even with the best will in the world, it'll take days to unwrap the engines and get the fleet airborne again.

    Engineering have a lot to do as there are certain tasks that need to be taken care of to maintian the serive logs and keep the aircraft ready for flying again once things clear, which could be weeks as the weather system is not going to change any time soon.

    In the meantime some airlines will go bust for sure.

    So – do as they did when I was last on public transport in Indonesia, wind up the windows and light up a cheroot! Sick bags are always provided. And if you really want to throw a spanner in the works, carry in the car & then eat a durian fruit with everyone present on your road trip!

    Free Member

    I think it's also worth noting that the body still consumes energy after a period of exercise, so break your training into two sessions a day to maximise this effect.

    Similarily, have several smaller meals through the day as opposed to just the two big ones to ensure you're well fueled for these two sessions.

    You may find Thomas Chapple's "Base Building for Cyclists" some help, it's an expansion on Joe Friel's earlier published works.

    Free Member

    Go for a ride instead – it's a fantaztic evening here, what a waste of space – drinking alcohol when you could be out enjoying the trails and fresh air and a glorious sun set!

    Free Member

    Question: How did we ever survive / exercise before modern tecnology took our disposable income I'll never know!

    You're baking up the wrong tree. Just exrecise – a HR monitor is a great distraction and a toy – I have had 2 for a few years and they're soon to be seen on eBay!

    Free Member

    If only owning a HR monitor would equal weight loss!
    Eat less, slightly smaller portions, push the pram a bit quicker.
    For these and others, a HR monitor is a complete red herring!
    You might as well take a calculator with you into Tesco's and work out calories before you put things in your trolley (I've seen it!.

    Free Member

    Well spotted!
    Egg beater gave out on me 36 miles into the event.
    Rode around on the spindle for a while until the 1st Mec' station at about 46 miles, where I bought a pair of flats.

    NEVER fit just the one!
    I had all manner of cramp / muscle issues almost immediately.

    And I'd take issue that 29ers just don't look right.
    What the OP has asked for is spot on, mine can look a little "big wheeled" where as most of the X and XL bikes here look absolutely excellent & spot on.

    Free Member

    Problem with the "Race poo" is that they never provide suitable reading material in those Portaloos!

    Free Member

    Going for a crap before a race really can help you lose an important couple of kilos.

    That's a 5lb poo!
    The size of a small new born baby.
    What do you eat that produces such a result?!

    PS – Are you in the UK All Comers Poo team, if not, you should be! 😉

    Free Member

    I was both photographing and racing.
    It ended up as 5 page article in MBUK in February.
    These were taken afterwards.

    Does anyone familiar with 29ers now find 6 footers+ on 26ers look a tad "perched" (or worse!)?

    PS – I slipped my 18 inches (M) in there, slightly under the L / XL radar!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I spent a year of my life developing body fat analysis kit..

    More information please!
    Off your own back? For a company? Research?

    Free Member

    There’s also a lesson to be learnt from this documentary in that all but one home was, by the look of things, a single parent family.
    Meaning that for some, the boys, there was no male role model living at home, no one to do Dad things.
    It seems to fall to the Dads in most families (?) to do the discipline and maybe this is where some of the glue is coming unstuck.

    Re-emphasising the fact that many of these Mums are finding it hard or too difficult to run a tight ship with the limited skills and knowledge they posses, giving in to the childrens' behaviour. Witness that Grandmother giving the young girl a bottle so soon after seeing her own g'son under the surgoen's knife.

    We saw the Mum in the car scrounge a light for her death stick from one of her son’s pals, perhaps again illustrating the severe lack of boundaries that exist between some of these parents (I didn’t believe the child drinker for one moment when he told us he’d stopped drinking either) & their children.

    In fact, this thread of tobacco that these families seem to use was clearly demonstrated & specifically isolated by the documentary maker, and in 2010 we are as a nation increasingly aware of the social conditions that seem to be present where adults choose tobacco for their families.

    Free Member

    Water / hydration.
    The scales are accurate, it's just your composition is different each session.

    Stick with it and you'll see a very gradual reduction, you'll also start to notice it too, which is 1/2 the battle!

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