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  • Leaked document reveals MTB World Cup plans for 2025
  • Chromag Rootdown FTW!

    I’ve done a few solo 24hr races on mine so that works out at some fairly big miles. I have noticed the speed thing too and put it down to carrying more speed through corners so you don’t have to accelerate again.The closest analogy I can think of is back in the day of crappy non turbo diesels if you drove smoothly they could be hustled along at some “interesting” speeds but if you screamed along the straights and pootled around the corners you were going nowhwere fast!

    Two for me!

    Solstice was on 22nd this year metalheart (at 4.49 GMT if you want to be specific).

    I can’t compete with all you intellectual giants as I only have a degree from the university of life, a diploma from the school of hard knocks and three gold stars from the kindergarten of getting the sXXt kicked out of me! I alo have a BSC (bronze swimming certificate).

    26″ thigh 18″ calf L Bliss knees.
    17″ bicep 13″ forearm RaceFace (can’t remember model sorry ) XL.
    In the past I have found Canadian brands like Raceface good for those of us that are built like a drayhorse.

    Lovely bikes but very small. I,m hardly a giant at six foot one but an XL I had a go on felt like a BMX! Good for playing around in the woods for an hour or so but I’d imagine uncofmortable for longer rides which is a shame as I was looking at one for a general trail bike and posably the odd !!! ENDURO!!!

    Top Partridge!

    It depends how heavy you are and how fast you corner. In my experience as someone heavier than average (about 100 kg in kit) I found that they roll well for a large quite knobbly tyre but that the side knobs are totaly unsupported and fold under when cornering hard.My front one lasted about 3 rides untill all the side knobs were hanging off, my 75 kg mate loves his though! I now use a Specialized Butcher grid and the difference is amazing.

    There is a house actualy in ‘stiniog you can rent! We spent my mates stag do there and if memory serves there were 15 of us!

    Any Landrover with Independent suspension has a poor reccord in my experiance. However the proper Landrovers with axles (ok not the P38a!) just keep on going if you look after them i.e My 300 Discovery on which I have put on 117000 of its 156000 miles. In the decade or so i’ve owned it the only thing it has needed other than service items is a power steering pump that cost about £60.

    My riding group is the other way round however, in that I have got 4 mates with reverbs and I have got an old contact switch.Three of the reverbs have been replaced under warranty (one thee times!) and the other got a broken remote after a small crash and wow they are expensive! My contact switch is older than any of them,is on its seccond cable and has had one strip down when it became slow to return after a very wet Real Ale Wobble 2 years ago. Saying that it is now getting a bit of twisting play in it and so I am going to replace it with the new version. The ony thing that would make it better is a 125mm drop version.

    New cranks for my Ice Cream Truck came today. Wife’s Dialed Prince Albert Due tomorrow!

    Keewee! Stil got a Chromozone frame in the shed that I keep meaning to rebuild.

    Sweet! The money for the Monsall/Matlock link is already being spent as work has started on it.

    I run 32 and 11-36 in the winter and find that once the weather starts to dry up I spend too much time in the 11 and spin out fairly regularly, so in summer I run a 34 front to rectify this.

    Oldest this year was 75.

    We have got a bit above Bakewell but in Bakewell itself it is turning to rain,i’ve just been to Matlock and there is hardly any there and it is raining and touning to slush.

    Let me see…..
    Hollidays=legal minimum
    Breaks in day=legal minimum
    Prospect of anything changing for the better=nill

    Wagner Der Ring Des Niebelungen.


    6 to 8 inches in Over Haddon today and ice everywhere! I tryed to ride to Buxton two nights ago and had to turn back at Millers Dale due to blizzard/whiteout conditions! The thing with Buxton is to remeber that it can snow on ANY day of the year.Years ago a cricket match had to be postponed until they cleared the pich of snow IN JULY!

    Ok we ARE Hippies (man)! and our daughter was born at home but not a water birth. Our son was a water birth and the only reason that he wasn’t born at home was that we had moved to a very small house and there was no room. He was born in the local (now closed) maternity unit.Both births went well with no pain relief at all. My wife says that the first birth at home,although much longer and harder than the seccond at the time she has fonder memories of, as we were together in physical contact at all times which she felt realy helped with the pain. The pool in the water birth was too small for us both for me to hold her and so I felt like a totaly helpless spare part for my son’s birth.

    Now we see the violence snobbery inherant in the system!
    TWDS BSC (bronze swimming certificate)

    Still the most fake vomit ever used in a film AFAIK.

    I’m in as a solo. If i’m going to be cold and knackered I’m going to be REALY cold and knackered!

    I am definately no misogynist. I love and respect my wife as a total equal in every way (apart from beer capacity) BUT she will occasionaly do bizzare and unexpected things that leave me totaly baffled. I have learned to just go with it and pretty soon we are back to normality.
    Also I doubt it is a one way street and I probably do things that she thinks are mad.

    Roveniemi is the capital of Finnish Lappland and home of the “oficial” Santa.

    It’s for a 26″ wheel with 48mm rims and a 2.7 tyre!

    My wife used to get this even with a specialized body geometry female saddle. Every ride after 30/45 mins I could see she was getting uncofortable and she would complain about sore bits.
    I recent got her a womens saddle from Edinburgh Bike Coop (not the huge sofa thing!) and it has made a world of difference, so much so that she nerver even mentions it at all on long rides.
    This is combined with shorts with a proper womens pad and a liberal coat of sudocreme.

    36! I rember Blur being about but I never listened to them. Plus they are not on the list.

    Now I feel old! I’ve not even heard of any of them!

    New style creosote + diesel= old style creosote!

    Kit is that in US gallons though? They are a fair bit less than ours.

    I ride Sherwood a fair bit and also lots of natrual stuff in the peaks and around Sheffield. I have settled on 2.4 Rubber Queen on the front and a 2.25 Addvantage on the rear.

    Remember it’s Rimmer’s mind out there. Expect sickness!

    To Ganymede and Titan yes sir I’ve been around,
    but there aint no place in the whole of space as that good old toddlin’ town,
    lunar city seven your’e my idea of heaven,
    you good old fashioned terraformed settlement.

    Holly, this isn,t my breast! I want my own nipple back (squezes breast and pauses) no hurry.

    Arnold Judas Rimmer bsc (bronze swimming certificate)has by far the best lines. Most of them happen to be insults.

    Gimp suit?

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