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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • Three_Fish
    Free Member

    What is with all these people saying ‘I hate Apple but…

    Feeling the need to excuse their choices before one of the Windows’ Holy Trinity can stick the boot in.

    Free Member

    Come you masters of war
    You that build all the guns
    You that build the death planes
    You that build all the bombs
    You that hide behind walls
    You that hide behind desks
    I just want you to know
    I can see through your masks

    Free Member

    I got a pair of B&O Beovox MC120.2 speakers (mid 80s) and had to replace the foam cones for the 20cm drivers. They’d long since deteriorated into a weird sticky texture. You wouldn’t necessarily tell by looking, but they came apart very easily.

    Free Member

    …but it is a code not a traditional stamp

    One would presume that RM have agreements with couriers that manifest in the understanding of particular codes so they can take their cut of the postage paid by the sender. If they can’t read the code, and thus take their cut, they aren’t going to deliver somebody else’s packet.

    Free Member

    She needs to hold them longer or use a bit of sustain.

    Holding notes longer is sustain.

    Free Member

    Your soul now belongs to Alan.

    Free Member

    I also didn’t miss the carbs at all, I remember I ate alot of beans and salad in balsamic vinegar for lunch.

    As low carb or as normal?

    Free Member

    If you want a day off it won’t ruin your diet. I’ll also wager you won’t eat as much carb on that day as you used to.

    That. When I have (relatively) carb-heavy day’s, I really miss the balanced energy levels I usually have when I’m not feeding on glucides. Once I’d got over the ‘hump’ and changed my relationship with carbs, they generally became a much less attractive option. Except for Borders dark chocolate gingers; I’d gladly blow my daily allowance on a couple of them every once in a while.

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with just putting bookcases,wardrobes,paintings tapestries etc up against a wall?

    Much of that could just quieten/deaden the OP’s room and, I suspect, make some of the sounds coming from next door more audible. Only decoupling and additional mass will reduce the volume of transmitted sound. There are a lot of somewhat unintuitive factors to consider in treating sound in a space.

    Free Member

    a copy of Mayfair must have accidentally found its way into my bag and then ended its years in a hedge

    A great bit of hedgepron backstory, redmex. The role of determined paperboys was probably generally under appreciated by those out of ‘the know’.

    Free Member

    Why are you so fixated by it Greg? What does it matter to you?

    Free Member

    Duolingo desktop and mobile apps.

    Free Member

    People pay for what they want.

    No, people take what costs them the least money at the moment they want it.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith just came in his pyjamas.

    Free Member

    How delightfully binary.

    Free Member

    dictionary definitions

    I meant what are your definitions; how do you describe crazy and enlightened? How do you differentiate between the two states?

    Free Member

    Crazy or Enlightened

    Perhaps you should go first and define your terms.

    Free Member

    I love thinking; but it’s got to be balanced with plenty of doing things in the present. There are quite enough theoretical people in the world.

    Free Member

    So what’s all those words for?

    Free Member

    Apparently he’s not been part of them since June 2014 after some fall outs with other members

    Indeed, I read that earlier. My comment was in response to Andy suggesting that Madsen needs help. Not that he doesn’t currently need it, of course, just that it might have been more useful before he invted that journalist onto his submarine.

    Free Member

    Put all efforts into getting her safely back from whence she came. Make a connection with anyone at the other end who can help facilitate that.

    Free Member

    the guy that founded the rocket organisation, and then made a submarine clearly needs some help.

    It’s a bit late for that, I reckon

    Peter Madsen, 46, faces a murder charge over the death of [Kim Wall], whose headless, dismembered torso was found floating off Denmark’s capital city 10 days after she boarded the inventor’s self-built submarine for an interview.


    Free Member

    Can we do Wako Texas next?

    Probably worth doing Operation Northwoods before that.

    Free Member

    I could care less.

    Free Member

    Thieved! You mean stolen.

    I think you mean robbed.

    Free Member

    Your right

    Free Member

    So 275,000,000 prey items needlessly killed and maimed in the name of human companionship are morally irrelevant?

    Funny how so many people deny it. The distinction of the moral argument lies in the acceptance: the fox ‘hunter’ is actively seeking the death of the animal; the cat owner accepts that the animal they home will kill an undetermined number of other animals. I’m not particularly interested in which is ‘worse’ – one could really argue either way with some substance.

    The Germans were collectively guilty as **** in regards to the Nazis, why shouldn’t cat owners be?

    Well, yes, in a sense. The collective guilt (some prefer to call it responsibility) has remained strong in German socio-politics and informs many attitudes and decisions. As Edmund Burke said so long ago:

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

    Free Member


    There must be some kind of Universal feedback loop instigated by opening a box containing one’s own soul. The OP is probably now eternally staring back into himself on his own doorstep.

    Free Member

    Spaces aren’t, or weren’t, permitted in STW usernames. That’s why mine has underscore.

    Free Member

    Earl Grey… cracking… hint of peach


    Palais des Thés used to have a store in Dublin. Their loose Earl Grey was the finest I’ve ever tasted.

    Free Member

    Quite addictive withe coffee and canny be healthy with 32% of it butter

    Excuse me, but butter is almost 100% butter and that’s good for you. Just saying…

    Free Member

    Walkers, or check the ingredients and make sure that butter is the first on the list.

    Free Member

    I can recount this now the OP has been done:

    One of the top two front teeth was cracked at some point, dentist reckons up to a year or so before it caused me any trouble. I’d been living abroad and skipped dentist’s check-ups, not that it would have ultimately made any difference.

    The tooth was cracked exactly on the gum line, so he was dubious about an easy job. I was needled to bits in my gums and, sure enough, the crown broke off at the gumline and he explained that a tool might be needed to extract the remains. He then pops onto the table a packet containing a lovely, clinical-looking metal mallet with a plastic head and what I can only describe as a jeweller’s screwdriver with a slightly larger handle. After some sterling efforts to get the root out with his extractor, he relented and, very apologetically, said he’d have to unwrap the other tools. I forget the name, something like peristick.

    The procedure, he said, would be to hammer the spiky part down between the root and my skull, to help free the tooth. Worst case would be that he had to work around the complete root, but typically they only need a little encouragement. Now, I don’t about anyone else, but the experience of having somebody hammer a spike into your face is not a pleasant one. For all her commendable professional stoicism, the occasional look of fear on the assistant’s face did nothing to improve my lot. There was no pain, but it felt so, so very wrong; medieval, surreal. After a dozen or so whacks he tried again with the extractor; but, no. He worked his way around the whole root for five or ten minutes, occasionally rummaging around with the pliers, before, like an amateur mechanic, dropping his shoulders in resignation and saying “I’ll have to fetch Omar.” . For some reason, maybe it was the hammering to my face, I thought this was just an affectionate term for a bigger hammer. Turns out Omar was the senior dentist, who set about my head in the way only a dispassionate Pro can. At one point he had his knee on my chest as he demanded “keep your head back! Keep your head back!!” as he pulled with all his might at the stubborn incisor. His hammering was much more assertive than the other fella, like a time-served mechanic pounding a seized bearing. It took another ten minutes of hammering/pulling to free me from this painless torture.

    For all there was no pain at any point, the blatant brutality of the experience was not lost on my psych. Once the adrenaline had worn off I felt like I’d been assaulted and the headache followed me around for a couple of days at least.

    Free Member

    I wonder how people with this mindset make it through a day. Chatterers, I bet they’re chatterers. Circle jerks and chattering; egos and emptiness.

    Free Member

    The problem Ned as I see it is that people put genuine effort into trying to answer the questions only to be met with:

    Don’t foget the 5plusn8 ‘genuine’ approach. How would you describe that? Everyone else is a troll and wilfully ignorant, so when are you the same? Or do other people need to figure that out for you too?

    You weren’t about to disprove anything I said yesterday, you were just selectively ignoring (what’s another term for that?) anything that supported a contradiction to your own view in order that you could wander off with me down some convoluted explanation of a totally different scenario which I might possibly have agreed with, so you could then have said “see!! That shows how how the NIST version is correct.”. It’s a fascinating control drama and I’m sure it serves you well in life, but it’s also borderline offensive.

    My position is this: I don’t believe the three buildings came down because of natural collapse. It contradicts my understanding of physics and probability, especially WTC7. Nobody I’m aware of has ever been able to physically demonstrate an alternative to controlled demolition – plenty of maths and computer models (animations), not a single experiment. I want to be wrong. I don’t want to have to consider that there are people who would be involved in anything like this. But I’m not naive; the US has an authoritarian/corporate system(s) set up to profit – either fanancially, politically or ideologically – from any disaster.

    Bickering about hypothesis is largely pointless; it’s virtually impossible now for anyone to prove anything, certainly not in the arena of an undisciplined forum ‘debate’. It’s a distraction from the observation of socio-political process, which is difficult enough at the best of times, and needs to be viewed as such. Who profited from 911 and how? Do we accept these people and these agendas as representative of our wishes for a society we are part of?

    Now, if I may be excused, breakfast is finished so I’ll sack this/you off again and go and put a day’s work in doing something I love. You have a good one yourself…

    Free Member

    will you answer my question?

    I already told you, your example is not comparable. Why are you going to add resistance later? Just put it where it’s meant to be. And why not stick to an example where we can observe hypothesis (or lack of)? I’m busy, I’ve a load of work to do and, to be honest, considering pointless examples of incomplete equations is pretty much bottom of my list of priorities. If I’m missing something, you’re going to have to less obscure.

    Free Member

    5plusn8, you are completely ignoring resistance. Even if the lower part of the building were just a pile of steel and concrete, there’s going to be resistance, which is why the domino pyramid is actually quite useful – notice how it takes quite some time to overcome what little resistance is present in its system.

    The lower 85% of the tower was only designed to hold up the mass of top bit “statically”. There’s some redundancy in the design to allow for excess load but that’s usually in the order of a few percent.

    Skyscrapers are designed to transfer force from the top of the structure to the bottom, it’s how they remain stable in high winds. To say they are only designed for static force is not true. With your eggsperiment, try it again with another egg instead of a 1kg weight. The object that fell into the WTC was also WTC, not something materially or structurally different.

    The path of least resistance for the falling mass was through the structure below.

    The path of least resistance was 80-something floors of solid steel and concrete?

    Free Member

    ^^^ look at me! Look a me!!

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