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  • thisisnotaspoon
    Free Member

    Free Member

    depends, i recon theres times on trails i know im fast.

    the open hillside bit of cannck chase, thats how i imagine i look, especialy the big step-up mid way and the little hipps towards the end.

    in reality im probably just out of control.

    Free Member

    its called butting, and yes its only purpouse is to lighten tubes and make them more springy. Shouldnt make them any more/less strong though as the material is only removed form areas its not needed. Unless your looking at certain cannondale gemmini and DMR’s which has issues with the tubes being cut in the wrong place so the thin bit was up near the headtube.

    Free Member

    getting someone to hold the gate at the top of the beast open while you attempt to take the first straight at speed to test the theory that going faster is easier.

    I have never been so close to shitting myself (appart from riding down winnats on the road bike, in the dark, with no lights).

    I wouldn’t say it was hard, just let the bike do its thing, but was a very fine line between making it into the first corner and going ver the bars into a messy bloody and broken pile on the rocks.

    Free Member

    Just like me, all the best things started in the 80’s

    Free Member

    nope, no one else mad enough to buy it!

    might start commuting on i in the summer if im still working i this country.

    Free Member

    my dad’s niche’r than your dad

    my dads bikes nicher than your dads bike

    my bikes niche’r than your bie


    Free Member

    I presumed they were the holes left when a particularly massive tree had been uprooted in a storm?

    Oddly the ones near home were largely gone within a few years of the trees being cut down.

    Free Member

    ours can drag a full grown rabbit up a 3 ft wall, op a further 3 ft of wooden railing/fence, then another 3 ft up onto the wall, allong the wall, accross next doors roof (45deg sloping), accros the 2 ft gap to the flat roof, up to the window level, and in through the cat flap.

    He’s scared of nothing appart from badgers (psycotic fkers they are). But is bizarly unteritorial, he’ll watch other strays come and go occasionaly, they only seem to pass through for a few months bt he never fights them off?

    Free Member

    depends on the weather, but if its sunny ill go out for a quick spin mid afternoon to stop everything feeling a bit dead the next day.

    Free Member

    your going about that all wrong, 1 gear and niche is the only way!

    Free Member

    shoes, jacket and trousers/shorts off in the car leaving me in almost spotles (although very smelly) under-shorts and base layers.

    Free Member

    im with the BBC on this one.

    The BBC can report on Gaza, and people can see whats going on, and if you feel compelled to donate you ca pop into oxfam, save the children etc and make a donation.

    But the BBC should not be forced (or willingly) tell people what to do and who to supourt. All those people who think they should sho go live in China and enjoy the privelage of a proper governmetaly controlled state media.

    Free Member

    its probably so they can prove theyr allocating parking equaly, so you cant turn up and say “i was refused a parking permit becasue im black”.

    So going for a minority like gay jedi probably puts you top of the list :)

    Free Member

    my winter bike currently has superstar organic pads in the back, but then again people told me that the way i bed my pads in would glaze them. And that superstar pads would dissolve/fall off in the peaks :)

    Free Member

    are you 13?

    because im fairly sure the only people impressed by your swear filter avoiding are that age.

    18bikes rock my socks, mainly becuae you can get tea by the pint next door, the staff are friendly and its full of bike porn :) then again ive only ever bought token bits that live inthe bottom of my pack, tubes, spare chain, patches, etc etc.

    Want to get some bad service? Try james’ or Langsetts while your up that way. Decathlon is probably the best though, as cheep as buying online, as convenient as an LBS.

    Free Member

    £500 to the c**t landlord, for a room in the s***hole that is Reading
    £150 supermarkets
    £80 “shopping” (clothes etc)
    £150 beer/taxi/food etc
    £500 saving (supposedly, often ends in the above two categories)
    £100 travel (bus tickets, train fares etc)

    Waiting to see if i get sent on assignment some time soon, massive pay rise and little expences (appart from being paid in pounds which are worth sweet FA at the moment).

    Free Member

    the only fork ive ever heard of that happening on was the first manitou nixon, which they sorted out fairly promptly by adding a spacer to expose more stanchion.

    Free Member

    Living in Reading, its a shithole , no offence to anyone else unfortunate enough to be living here but you should move up north and see what your missing.

    Everything else is better than it was this time last year (ever seen a grown man cry?) so can’t complain.


    Free Member

    look on ebay for very badly advertised bikes, or search title and description for parts you want.

    Presuming theyr just idiots and not bike thieves theres some bargains to be had. Even if its not what your after strip em for parts and buy a frame you do want.

    Free Member

    my ipod packed up last month if you fancy being charitable?

    if not anyone know anywhere that can do repairs (suspect its a power/battery problem as it died in the charger and wont come on again).

    Free Member

    in that case fek of i aint fixing your bike for you!

    unless your in Reading and can make a good cup of tea :)

    Free Member

    a fluid made from monomers (eg ethene gas?)


    a solution of monomers

    those are my two guesses, i’d dig out my chem textbooks but suspect that you have as easier access as me.

    Free Member

    i find its usualy the pumping that does it, got though a few expensive 50g bes before it twigged :(

    Only reliable solution ive foud was to use a trackpump at home and if i get a flat on a ride replace the tube with something tougher that can withstand the wobbling from a hand pump.

    Free Member

    postage seems to vary from a few days to a month, but always turns up for me.

    Free Member

    had some great camping, just not on official campsites, and not in the UK!

    Good places to camp:
    -halfway up a mountain, in the alps, in a 30 year old tent, on a steep grassy slope (no time to find a better place, and at least it wasnt going to turn into a stream) during a torrential thunderstorm.
    -german forrest next door to army barraks

    bad places to camp
    -“family friendly” UK campsites.

    sorry, wasnt refering to the bikefest, was talking about camping on campsites in general.

    Free Member

    camping is free*

    *if you’r cheeky and dont like camping in a field full of screeming kids, screeming teenagers, and screeming adults screeming at the screeming kids who were woken up by the screeming teenagers.

    Free Member

    not CK, but i had a set of manitou minutes i used in the peaks, those things were so flexible that the sterrers deflection brought it into contact with the cups!

    Free Member

    i meant for cars, sorry, obviously 2l isn’t going to go very far in anything bigger than a transit.

    Would bring back turbo lag though, imagine the big manufacturers making 2L V8’s with silly turbo’s and power, but still economical if driven at sensible speeds :)

    Free Member

    just a thought…………..

    can anyone see a downside to caping engine size at say 2000cc?

    you can build a 2000cc sports car, or a 2000cc 4×4, but it would kill off the big sports 4×4’s and other nonsence?

    Free Member

    i recon environmental technology will catch on, given that a lot of stuff will need builing/rebuilding/investment after the slump legislation may as well take the oppertunityforce it to be better than it was before.

    Ditto cars, recon people will downsize form 4×4’s etc and possibly by the time they can go back they will be prohibitively expensiven and/or all but outlawed by emmission regulation.

    Free Member

    ha! i already get as much fruit sallad as i can handle for fettling with my housemates bike, unfortunately thats not a euphamismn :(

    if its still impossible to get the rear working correctly it could be the hanger thats bent, check by setting it up perfectly in 3rd from bottom, then see if it works fine in 4th, 5th etc, but gradualy gets worse towards 8th (9th should still work if the limits are set right). Then repeat the process starting in 7th, and workign down. If it goes out of tune in either direction then the hangers bent and will need perswading back into shape or replacing.

    Free Member

    Its new, i dont like it, BURN IT!

    Free Member

    if your anywhere near Reading feel free to pop by, im showing my housemate how to fix a puncture tonight, nothing like starting at the begining :)

    Free Member


    as someone said, pure caffeen is fairly deadly stuff, do you have scales that can weigh out 200mg (you know thats nearly as much as 2 average shots of expresso or 4 instant coffee’s dont you?) , are they calibrated (expensive to do), and do you trust them? If yes then the safest way is to add 200mg to each bar individualy to ensure the distribution is even.

    Theres a reason people do degrees in chemical/process engineering so that they can do stuff like that. Even then granulation (the mixing procedure for making tablets where you’ve got one very small component and lots of bulking powder/cake) is still a case or trial and error to get it right. Then you’ve stil got a big bucket full of what looks like crumble mixture, but most of the caffeen will either be in the bigger lumps, or the smaller ones, or somewhere in the middle. Do you have a riffler to make sure you get even ammounts of each size into each bar?

    Stick with tablets, at least you’ll know that theyr (hopefully) consistent. And if you have a major problem your energy bars will still be edible while you wait for mountain rescue, rather than leaving you a gibbering, caffeen fueled, dehydrated muppet.

    Free Member

    looks at pound today, yup same as usual, $1.50 tot he pound, same as its been for ages, $2.1 was a blip, face it we’re good, but not that good.

    Free Member

    theres a few christians at sheffield uni cycling club, never seen any of them clear jacobs ladder past the first RH turn after the streem. Not seen an atheist manage it either though.

    Free Member

    somewhere between “more than you think” and “less than a bike”

    Free Member


    i.e. when the throttle shuts, they reduce further reduce the intake pressure, running a turbo (on a carbeuretured car anyway) without one could (without knowing more about the engine in question i coulnt say exactly) lead to at worst a continued rise in rev’s, at best a very slow throttle response as the engines revs drop slower than they would otherwise have done.

    Free Member

    Nimh/NiCd batteris/chargers often dont play well together. You could stock up on rechargable AA’s and chargers and get some holders from maplins.

    10 good quality AA’s would give 12V and about 2900mAh

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