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  • is a scam website
  • theteaboy
    Free Member

    There are places with hot tub in ilkley at
    End-june may be better: I’m sure I heard someone mention something about some bike race in early July.

    Free Member

    Our oldest had a bit of a fear of trying new words in case he got them wrong. He found it so frustrating when we couldn’t understand him. We worked on his confidence and he started trying some amazing sentences.

    A big part of pronunciation is also physical development – it’ll come, in time. Ours still struggles with ‘l’, ‘v’ and ‘th’ sounds at age 4.5.

    Free Member

    Where’s (Mon)golli?
    Gobi Scone Kenobi (I know you didn’t say Star Wars but I liked it)

    Free Member

    My brother suddenly developed a huge fear of the sea.

    It didn’t help that we were mid-atlantic on a 34′ yacht at the time.

    Something to do with hundreds of feet of water below us and unknown sea monsters and currents. He didn’t have a swim (equivalent of a shower) for the 2 weeks of the trip.

    Free Member

    warton – Member
    i need wine,

    What do you like? I’d get 6 Aldi White Burdundy (£5.50ish each) and 6 Aldi Montepulciano (£5ish).

    Free Member

    unknown – Member

    Put it this way, if you pool resources with your neighbour you could love together in a bigger house, but if their family is bigger they’ll dominate and you’ll have to put up with all their bad habits. Wouldn’t you want to have your own front door and make your own rules, even if it cost you a bit more?

    My understanding of a quick scan of the 600+ pages is that you would get your own front door but you’d be asking to share the electricity, the chequebook and the landlord and deferring any decisions on what you waould actually want to do with these until some unspecified point in the future.

    What’s being proposed is half-arsed at best. Alec has got his way on the referendum but has lost all that boldness he appeared to have because he knows that the majority of people are a bit scared of the prospect of going it alone.

    Free Member

    No idea if it’s worth the seemingly exorbitant fee but this sounds like great fun:

    Free Member

    I think I was about 10. I still have it. I got the odd nick here and there but didn’t do myself serious damage.

    Unlike when chopping wood for the fire with a massive old saw. Nearly lost a finger on that one, just before school exams. Still remember the red streaks across my test paper.

    Free Member

    What type of print?

    I’m in a print-related industry but 90% is now digital and what little print remains is outsourced to India (edit: or Wales).

    Free Member

    You were the host?

    What was his fee?

    Free Member

    surfer – Member
    Unfortunately his attempt wasn’t ratified IIRC which is disappointing.
    The thing that will slow you down most on the hills is your lack of fitness not your access to steep hills on which to train. Simply up your mileage and speed and the hills will take care of themselves
    If words posted were = to miles run then you would be giving mo a run for his money

    molgrips – Member
    I’m sceptical that flat miles will be optimal training for running up Pen y Fan to be honest!

    Depends on your strengths. A friend who’s a track runner with sub-30 10k entered a big fell race in the Lakes while up there on a stag do. 9 miles, 3000′. He was 6th to the top and finished about 30th. Lack of bottle and downhill technique cost him.

    He’s a bit of a special case given how fast he is, but he never runs hills in training.

    Free Member

    We Eurocamped every year when I was younger. The French (and Swiss) do campsites amazingly well.

    We’ve now got kids and have been for 3 of the last 4 years (including with a 6-week old).

    Depends what you like but favourite sites include Pyla sur Mer (take a sledge for the sand dune), Chateau des Ormes (massive, with boats, golf, tennis, waterpark) and Lauterbrunnen for the mountains. There’s one at Bourg d’Oisans too – I’m negotiating taking a road bike next time…

    Canvas is cheaper than Eurocamp and also worth a look.

    Free Member

    Get the vendor to like you!

    If they love their house and it’s a close-run thing, there’s often some value to them in feeling that the new owners will look after the house.

    We found out (from a reliable source) that the lady we bought our house from accepted £3k less from us than from someone else because we were nice, we were a young family and our first thoughts were about what the kids would love in the house.

    It was also a nice round number. People like zeros, not 99.99s!

    Free Member

    That was fun! Tom Adams won for the runners but the cyclists came out on top overall.

    I ran and felt very leggy.

    Free Member

    Bronte sportive is great. Very low key and a really tough ride. White Rose Classic is also good but very different (5 big climbs as opposed to 15ish short sharp ones on the Bronte)

    Do you need an organised sportive? Tour de France route in 2 days? I did Dales bottom to top and back this year: Skipton > Malham > Halton Gill > Kettlewell > Leyburn > Reeth > Tan Hill > Hawes > Dent > Horton > Airton > Skipton. Supported by cafes and pubs. Lovely!

    Free Member

    People don’t like putting in effort for uncertain reward.

    Put some content on here as a teaser and you’ll get feedback on whether your work is worth subscribing to, instead of feedback on the delivery model.

    Free Member

    New job, biking-related injuries, lack of time and general apathy mean that I haven’t run this year.

    I started running again 2 weeks ago and can’t believe how much fitness I’ve lost.

    I was at my fittest ever last year and, in my mind, am still pretty quick. My quads and calves disagree quite violently. I’m doing 30 easy minutes 4-5 times a week and planning to increase time every 3 weeks. Not increasing speed until December. This week is better than last week.

    I’ve entered a half marathon in March to get me back into the swing of it and I will go under 1:18:35 (6min miles).

    Free Member

    Broke my scaphoid in Feb.

    2 months in plaster,
    1 month getting it moving
    1 month of intermittent pain
    1 month until I was pain-free enough to ride a road bike.

    Basically took 5 months to get back to close to normal function.

    Now it’s more or less fine. Can’t push things with a flat hand or do press ups and often have some aching but otherwise ok. Survived 3 Peaks cyclocross on it anyway.

    Free Member

    That’s incredible. He makes it look so easy.

    All goes a bit Evel Knievil at the end.

    Free Member

    After an appalling failure of training I readjusted my aim to ‘surviving’ and got round in 5 hours.

    I learned that:
    – broken scaphoid and damaged knee in separate silly crashes result in lost confidence and motivation
    – lost confidence at descending can cost ~30mins in total
    – lost motivation in training for the climbs can cost ~60mins in total
    – I was awesome on the road sections!
    – Riding slowly and carefully isn’t entirely bad. The only mechanical I had was a broken powerlink at the bottom of PyG.

    Can’t wait for next year now I have a time to smash!

    Free Member

    How old are the kids?

    If under 8ish, Forbidden Corner is ace:

    And coffee and cakes in Reeth.

    Free Member

    From the linked article above. It may have been written by a McQuaid..!

    “To test the hypotheses, a database including team characteristics and individual characteristics is constructed. This dataset consists of all cyclists who have finished the Tour in the years 2002 to 2005 (n=600). Further years were not included in the dataset, since several (official and popular) doping cases occurred from the years 2006 that would lead to biased results. This does not mean that there was less doping before 2006; it has just been less detected. ”

    Free Member

    Not sure how much of this you’ll be able to see, and it’s not directly ‘marginal gains’, but it’s proper peer-reviewed science and interesting anyway:

    Team and individual performance in the Tour de France

    Free Member

    scruff – Member
    Mine are 4 and 2 and I still spend time just watching them sleep

    Bit Creepy?


    “I demand the right to be outraged”!

    Free Member

    You’re not redundant but your role has changed a bit and, frankly, your needs are less urgent than his.

    My Mrs and I agreed that our nippers’ routines were (still are) more important than ours. If they need to go to bed an hour early, they usually really need to go to bed!

    Mine are 4 and 2 and I still spend time just watching them sleep when I’m home late from work and miss bedtime.

    Free Member

    My late grandfather-in-law was told that he was the oldest person ever caught speeding in Lincolnshire. He was 92.

    As an ex-police officer himself, he was half-embarrassed and half massively amused.

    Free Member

    I really want to believe but I’m confused.

    One one hand, he’s been injured, he’s old, he’s improved massively and he’s rocketing up climbs in amazing times.

    On the other, he’s well-rested due to little racing, convicted cheats are significantly slower these days (Contador) so the cleaner guys are more likely to be winning things and he’s got the strongest team in the race (though I find it odd that Cancellara pulled out to focus on the Worlds when his team is in with a shout of winning a GT)


    Free Member

    Parents of a friend have one.

    Outdoor, unheated and used every single day of the year by the 85-year old owner.

    He’s a pretty impressive guy.

    Free Member

    Dunno but if I could have a superpower I’d be super-lucky and catch baddies through a series of improbable coincidences.

    Free Member

    Thing is, each case is supposed to be judged on its merits. That’s why we don’t have a list of previous convictions read out in court. Having a backlog of other alleged victims should make no difference to a trial in progress.

    Possibly but what’s the prosecution and sentencing based on?

    If it was one victim, Stuart Hall would not have been prosecuted and, even if he had, would not have received a custodial sentence.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Neither party should be named unless there is guilt, or unless either party chooses to be named.

    Simple, really.

    I disagree. If a name is public, other (alleged!) victims may realise that they’re not alone and may come forward, eg Jimmy Savile and that taxi driver (can’t remember his name).

    It’s a very, very difficult one.

    Free Member

    I lost mine in Bilbao 🙁

    Free Member

    Just after this broke I met a friend of Chris Huhne. School(s) together, gap year travelling together, friends ever since. They wrote long letters to each other while CH was in prison and, apparently, CH found it “incredibly hard”.

    The friend’s view was ‘it’s unfair and ridiculous that he was locked up for this. It’s all because he’s middle class. If he was working class it would have gone nowhere. When I think about the sort of things we used to get up to, this is just so trivial’

    He was an unpleasant piece of work too.

    Free Member

    I’m really surprised. I thought smacking was dead and gone.

    I was smacked as a kid. Didn’t really do me any harm but it tended to happen after a parent lost their temper.

    The net result was that when I lost my temper I used to smack the crap out of my brother. I’d then get smacked myself and it turned into a bit of a vicious cycle.

    I have never and would never smack my kids. They both know that hitting is wrong and they both know exactly where the boundaries lie.

    Putting Lego away is a much, much more effective punishment…

    Free Member

    A few years ago I got out of jury service a day early and woke up to a lovely day and itchy feet.

    Instead of going back to work I put some running shoes on, grabbed a couple of Soreens and headed 2 miles up the hill to the Pennine Way. Ended up covering 48 miles to my in-laws’ house in about 10 hours.

    I begged drinks from narrowboaters near Hebden Bridge and curry and chips from the chinese in Cononley en-route.

    Free Member

    Nothing like this but I’ve done some fairly long sailing trips on relatively little boats (32′ usually). Even at that size, your world feels very small when you can just see sea and sky for 2 weeks+

    I found that I didn’t really enjoy the journey but did enjoy the achievement – I never looked forward to the trips themselves but I definitely looked forward to having completed them.

    Free Member

    Went on the training ride and enjoyed that despite scaring myself silly on the rocky bridleway section of the Whernside descent (coming over the shoulder from Whernside Manor, Dentdale).

    Was dropped on the long road section from Ribblehead back to Helwith Bridge though. No great surprise after spending spring in a plaster cast.

    I’ve adjusted my aims to ‘survival’ and need to get back on my bike. I’ve lost all motivation in the last couple of weeks after a(nother) silly crash.

    Free Member

    Balls. Thanks all.

    n+1 required?!

    Free Member

    Further south, this is great:

    Half an hour from the A1 and you have to book in advance, but it’s great for a few hours.

    Edit: actually, Google image search is better than their website for giving an idea of what it’s all about!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    What do you reckon? I’ve got about 45 mins ish.

    Posted 8 minutes ago # Report-Post

    37 minutes now.

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