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  • theteaboy
    Free Member

    I suggest talking to an expert.

    Go see a sports physio. It’ll cost about £50 and will address the causes, not just the symptoms.

    Might be minor irritation of one of the patellar surfaces due to a tiny muscle imbalance. Physio might be able to sort with a bit of massage and some exercises. Impossible to diagnose from a keyboard.

    Free Member

    The old Avro works golf club in Woodford, Cheshire, has Vulcan nose cones as shelters on some of the tees.

    Standing inside a Vulcan in the pouring rain, waiting to batter a little white ball into the distance is a slightly odd experience.,44787.0

    Free Member

    We climbed the bell tower instead of the Duomo – you can’t see the Duomo if you’re standing on top of it!

    The view over the city from the Boboli gardens is stunning.

    Amazing restaurant on the south side of the river, right next to the Ponte Vecchio. I think it was called Ristaurante Alfredo <something>

    The ice cream has to be seen to be believed.

    Free Member

    I love the Roubaix find – you must have been a really good boy in a previous life!

    I’ve had another scout around. It’s well covered by cctv and I’m fairly well-known around the area so I’ve decided not to bother – it would be more trouble than it’s worth if I’m caught.

    While I think it would be the ‘right’ thing to do, others may not!

    Free Member

    Work has been getting steadily worse but it’s been an awesome year because of my endlessly entertaining 2 year old boy and a new baby daughter.

    Apart from commuting to work, I’ve done very little running and even less bike riding but I don’t mind. There’ll be plenty of time for that when the kids are bigger.

    Free Member

    Got my eye on a couple of bushes now. I was planning to wait for the first frost but as it’s still stupidly warm I’m scared that I might miss the boat!

    It’ll be the first time I’ve done it so I’m going for the simplest option:

    Free Member

    I like the “proper legal answer” but have you got a source for it?

    Does the 40 day rule still work for lost and found?

    The security guards there are a basically a bunch of pirates.

    Free Member

    It’s in a big bike park on NHS property.

    Fairly busy and fairly accessible.

    I Ache’s post makes it sound very covert and naughty and is pushing me towards ‘leave it’!

    Willard – nice idea.

    Free Member

    Brilliant – 2 posts perfectly summarising both extremes of the debate raging in my head!

    Maybe we need a vote!

    Free Member

    Brilliant – thanks.

    My brother will love you for the bouldering suggestion – he’s a proper climber and is obsessed.

    Pilates and yoga sound good too. Just need to find some late-ish evening classes in Airedale/ Wharfedale. Anyone? – Googling isn’t much help.

    I’ll look at the youtube stuff too. It sounds brutal. I like the idea of classes as I’m too good at picking and choosing the easy bits. What I want is a workout I can do from start to finish that hurts everything that needs to hurt!


    Free Member

    Run off road – kick through leaves, stop to look at the view, don’t take a watch for a while.

    Running in winter is ace – the worse the weather, the better!

    Free Member

    There’s a truck near where I live whose tax disc expired in May 2009. Untaxed. Uninsured. By the looks of it, not roadworthy. Still advertising the business.

    I ride past it every day and it scares me that if he hit me/ someone else, there’s no comeback via his insurance.


    Anyone want to let the tyres down with me?!

    Free Member

    Can’t believe someone said The Godfather!

    For me, the new Oliver Stone Wall Street is a shocker and 2012 was terrible.

    Free Member

    A weekend in the Lakes, staying in Buttermere YHA

    Free Member

    Brilliant – thanks. Both menus look great.

    My dad has an obsession with moules marinieres (and there is an ‘r’ in the month) so the Gamecock will probably win it!

    Free Member

    Oh god. I never thought it would come to this.

    Clarkson agrees with me:

    Kill me now.

    Free Member

    Our 2006 Suzuki Swift was an absolute hoot, totally reliable and you’d get a nice one at your budget.

    Free Member

    I was doorstepped by our labour candidate before the General Election. She denied that there are grammar schools in the area and told us to send our kids (in 10 years!) to the local Academy for ‘a brilliant education’.

    The next day there was a gang knife fight outside the Academy gates and, that summer, the (closer!) local grammar schools both got in the national top 10 independent schools.

    She didn’t get my vote and she didn’t win.

    Free Member

    Don’t throw them away.

    My dad chucked a load of stuff after my mum died. I guess it was part of the ‘dealing with it’ process that he needed to go through.

    What he didn’t think about was the sentimental value of the stuff to others. He charity shopped a load of stuff that I really really wanted. I trawled a charity shops for ages to buy it back but never found it.

    Not entirely relevant to your situation but don’t throw stuff away until you know that it’s the right thing to do.

    Free Member

    This roadie one comes highly recommended:

    I’ll be there this year.

    I did the Grizedale off-road du in March. Bloody hard work but great fun.

    Free Member

    Did you see Arvesen’s crash in the Vuelta yesterday?

    His lovely Pinarello was in about 5 pieces and he was bleeding from all of his limbs. They gave him a new bike and he carried on. Animal!

    Free Member

    I’ll never know whether they liked my answer or not – I didn’t get the job but that could have been because of something else I did / didn’t say in the interview.

    Why not? Ask for feedback!

    They have to keep original interview notes for x months so they can respond to feedback requests/ prove no discrimination etc.

    Free Member

    I don’t think it is an odd or trite question at all.

    It’s feeding you an opportunity to show off about all the great stuff you’ve done.

    Think beforehand about your ‘USP’ – why should they appoint you when they’ve got a sea of other candidates who, on paper, all meet the requirements of the role?

    Free Member

    A novelty tie?

    If not, what other experience do you have that’s not in the job description but is relevant and could be applied to the role?

    There will be a number of people who are potentially appointable and all will do an ok job. What they’re looking for is a hidden bonus that they might not have anticipated. Eg, have you worked for a competitor? have you spotted an opportunity to grow or diversify the role? Have you got skills in a complementary industry?

    Free Member

    On a flat piece of rock, stood up by the roadside, near Cowgill (just by the Kingsdale turnoff).

    We might have stumbled across an underground industry in ironic semi-literate farmers’ signs.

    Created by a farmer who said ‘I know lads, if we make ourselves look illiterate we might get more EU grants…’

    (Runs for cover)

    Free Member

    Don’t have a photo of it but there was a sign in Dentdale that said:


    Lams on’t rode

    Free Member

    Who are your target customers?

    – People new to biking?
    – People replacing/ upgrading bikes?
    – People looking for a new type of bike?

    What’s the size of this market and how many bikes will you sell?

    What do your target customers want and on what basis do they make a choice?

    – Brand?
    – Bling?
    – Reviews?
    – Assuming more knowledge, spec levels?
    – Price/Value?

    Who are you competing with?
    On what basis do they compete?
    What’s your selling point and how are you different from the others?

    How will you get these products to the market and get the awareness up?

    Add marketing costs to your build and what is the impact on the bottom line?

    Sorry – I do this stuff for a living!

    Free Member

    after my wife crashed it again

    Probably need to work on your sales pitch!

    Free Member

    Pirate ship crazy golf in the amusement arcade near the bandstand, walk south along the coast to Robin Hood’s Bay for a beer, sample the awesome local fudge, crab sandwiches.

    It’s great.

    We stayed in the Marine a few weeks ago. Food great, views and bedrooms stunning.

    Free Member

    How many candidates were you filtering out?

    49 applicants; interviewed 6. For a short-term relatively specialist role.

    Free Member

    Going against the consensus here but, if it’s relevant, stick it in.

    I just recruited for a role that saw anything from one- to 8-page CVs. Wafflers and those that put irrelevant stuff went in the bin. Those who used the space well and included only stuff that was tailored to what I was looking for were interviewed.

    Doesn’t matter how much paper you use: if it’s relevant, they’ll read it.

    Free Member

    I went 10 years ago to pick up a yacht delivery.

    The airport was a barn, the luggage carousel was a tractor and trailer and the pilot had 3 goes at landing the plane as it was ‘a bit windy’.

    Loads of good walking and spectacular cliffs. Amazing seafood. We climbed Pico, the big volcano – 7,700 feet up rubble from sea level. Bloody hard day out but a stunning little island.

    Free Member

    The motor drive on my dad’s broke recently. I took it to a camera shop to ask about repairs.

    They said ‘unless it has sentimental value, you’re better off binning it’.

    Free Member

    My ride to work is 23 miles but I only do it once per day and a couple of times per week: Mon – ride in; Tues ride home; Thu – ride in; Fri – home.

    Best daily averages are 19.2mph in and 17.2mph home. Averages over the last month are 18.6 in and 16.5 home.

    It’s a- and b- roads into Leeds with a 500′ climb at the home end. Slow down a bit while dodging buses and students through Headingley and Hyde Park.

    Free Member

    Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdon is great. Really quirky.

    Our (just) two year-old sees Tommy Zoom and says ‘not that on’!

    Free Member

    The CV is a sales document, not a life history

    Yes! In the CVs I binned there was a 35-year-old who included his sunday afternoon job in Next. There was a section for ‘Reason for leaving’ and his response was ‘Revision for A-levels’!


    I won’t mention the treasurer of the university Fantasy and Roleplay Society who mentioned in the financial management section his epic annual budget of £700…

    Free Member

    I’ve just appointed someone as Junior Teaboy and got bloody annoyed at some of the rubbish CVs and applications I saw.

    We had 79 applicants and interviewed 8.

    The applications that stood out had the following in common:
    1) Were tailored to the job description and person spec so I could instantly see how relevant their experience was
    2) Were specific in stating what they did. If you put ‘I was part of a team…’ it’s useless as I have no idea what you actually did.
    3) Didn’t contain waffly, unverifiable rubbish like ‘I am a team player’.

    It’s a job recruitment. I want to know that you’re technically appointable at this stage. I don’t care about your hobbies or your family or whether you’re ‘nice’. This will come out at interview.

    Remember, if you get an interview, you’ve beaten 90% of the other applicants.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    8, over Ilkley Moor. 😀

    Free Member

    I always wanted to get good at a niche sport and say I was national champion etc.

    A neighbour took me to play billiards once. God, that was dull. And is it a sport?

    Racketball is ace – squash for tennis players/ old men.
    Fell racing.

    Improvised bobsleigh down Cave Dale in the ice.
    Improvised road luge on skateboards.
    BMX jousting – riding flat out at an opponent and trying to knock them off using a big piece of pipe lagging

    I’m surprised I made it past the age of 12 to be honest.

    Free Member

    Where are you?

    He lives in Oldfield, near Keighley/ Haworth.

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