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  • The British Downhill Series Needs You In Llangollen
  • thestabiliser
    Free Member

    Mmm, couldn’t find anything in the text about those tights though – they look like a 40000% increase in drag

    Free Member

    6mm masonry

    Free Member

    Not enough of it and too dear to get out of the ground

    But as Oliver Letwins and Ozzy’s school chums will have bet the herediatary farm on it it’ll be piddling a gnats farts worth of gas from a well head near you soon.

    Comparisons with the USA fail to take into account one fact: we’re not in the USA, different rocks and everything

    Free Member

    Kill your wife


    Free Member

    More farming and building, open cast mining, discharging untreated effluent

    but yeah, that kind of thing…CONSUMING

    anyhoo, off to the classifieds for more of the same

    Free Member

    It is here…. we’ve got the highest level of extinction since that space brick hit mexico

    well done us.

    Free Member

    rocket launcher?

    Non-UCI-legal fareing?


    Falconry Perch?

    Free Member

    Put some proper mudguards on your bike – you’ll instantly ride like a grandad

    Free Member

    Would recommend getting a bit nearer the big hills but there is plenty of riding round backbarrow – not the big mountain stuff though, fairly low key but that might suit a quick spin out a bit more.

    On the doorstep:
    Simpson Ground – (woods above fell foot and south of Gummers How)(climb up the fireroad from chapel house plantation and have a half hour seeking out the BW and bits of cheeky then either descend down the front BW or for aq longer ride head out NE to Sow How. Pop in the Masons for a pint – continue

    Bishops allotment – Bridleway above back barrow – useful as a way of getting from back barrow to the above, avoiding the main road
    Gentler riding around Cartmel – kind of stuff you can take a child seat on if that’s useful to you

    Within 1/2 hour pedalling on the lanes:

    Grizedale 1/2 hour on the bike – Pint in the Eagle – continue

    Oxen fell – look for Oxen Park/High Ickenthwaite you’ll find a road called bletherbarrow lane that’s quite good fun ridden from West to East and Bessy bank/Park Wood on the map there’s a few bits in there. Don’t head from bessy bank toward spark bridge on the BW’s cos they’re cross field bore fests. At ickenthwaite end turn immediate left through another gate follow that until you meet a stream, turn left down there – Pint in the Manor at Oxen Park – continue

    Look for blawith/water yeat on the o/s map and West of there there’s plenty of BW’s on Blawith Common with some good descents Particulalry going from E-W over woodland fell, climb back up the road to the south of blawith knot, just before the top turn R on to BW at the bottom of that turn left up a short steep climb head to Birck Bank and Tottlebank. Where the track turns to tarmac there’s a footpath back over to woodland fell that some have said might be quite good for mountain biking – if it was a BW – but it isnt. ahem. Pint in the Red Lion, Lowick – continue

    Free Member

    Yes, when going from unfit to fit (an annual event). Put it down to muscles that don’t get used getting weaker and more prone to fatigue. Either that or I’m about to die.

    Free Member

    Just waterproof shorts for me, boil in the bag if wearing a jacket.

    The point of waterproof shorts is to prevent you getting a wet, cold, chaffed, harris.

    Oh- over shoes are better than seal skins – as long as you avoid the deepest puddles, even if they do make you look a bit special

    Free Member

    Couldn’t resist :-)

    Free Member

    I tried but its about 28.713% more fallieroffiererer than the 26

    Free Member

    For info it was one of the first in England and was a bit of an experiment (with mixed results). It’s a bit naff by todays standards but you can use it to stick other bits together.

    Most disappointing route? Easedale [shivers].

    I’ll still never forgive you, though.

    Free Member

    Jeeeeeesus wept!!!!

    You are a fool.

    Message ends.

    Free Member

    Breasty Haw – western end? quite possibly so. Did it end on an s bend on a road or a the start of steep road into a village? If the latter breasty haw

    Free Member

    Cheeky on a sat morning in the lakes is a bit like shoplifting from the police station canteen

    geetee that’s……hole in the wall, it’s from the low dale park to hawkshead road and spits you out on the esthwaite road. On the east side of grizedale

    Free Member

    Black Coombe: normally do the south up and down. It’s decent enough for me.

    Free Member

    Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite Don’t bite :-)

    d45yth. Yes. Unequivocally. I ride in grizedale probably 3/4’s of the weekends of the year as i can pedal there from home

    The long mire and Natty bridge descents together with a couple of the BW’s (and one FP, shhhh) in broughton moor are worth the trip alone. that and the views into seathwaite from the park head rode must rate as some of the best in the northern hemisphere. If was here one day I’d do that. If i was here riding for the weekend I’d spend more hunting stuff down in grizedale

    Free Member

    I give up

    Scond thoughts no, I don’t. The BW’s and cheeky in grizedale is effing excellent. This I know as I live 9 miles from grizedale. I also ride regulalry in the fells and can absofrickinglutely guarantee that the best riding in the furness fells/consiton area IS NOT in grizedale and furthmore the trails I’ve suggested, as well as being better riding give that ‘out in the mountans’ feeling rather than the spinning round a trail centre feeling.
    examples include dunnerdales
    blawith common
    Iron keld
    black coombe

    all have descents the equal or better than anything in Grizedale.

    There, I have speakeded.

    Free Member

    Better in grizedale than in the Dunnerdales? Mmmmm,
    OP asked for ‘must do’ not ‘same as could be done pretty much anywhere’

    Free Member


    Saturday morning Walna Scar will be redsockarama. Drive to broughton moor/torver and ride from there. similar routes but more of the dunnerdale bits – much quieter

    Free Member

    the bottom section (coniston side) was surfaced (last year?) but the top bit is as good as it ever was and the bottom section was a bit riverbed of babyheads before hand. It’ll have weathered out a bit too. Not back to it’s former glory but still a must do if you’re there.

    Free Member

    Yep but in reverse…good either way round but the natty bridge descent is the pick of the bunch (my way round) If doing it the NT way round I’d climb up the fireroad in broughton moor forest, do the natty bridge descent and then either go back up the fireroad, or if you’ve plenty of time go over to park head road via long mire (it’s another hour hour and a half though) and up walna from the valley floor (pushing a plenty)

    Free Member

    There are approximately a brazillion rides in that area but a must do for four hours – over walna scar left at the big hairpin to the BW across to Jackson ground (make sure you’re on the right of the beck otherwise it’s a fireroad down) then, depending on how your doing timewise, a loop of the dunnerdales and etiher a mess about in broughton moor forest and road back or back over walna scar.

    Free Member

    Thread reported to moderator

    nasty ;)

    edit that’s an ironic smiley, i wanted a seedy one

    Free Member

    the next time you’re in a meeting at work read it verbatim and see if anyone notices

    Free Member

    Water would be potentially a safety issue, feeding would be a failure in tactics – except in this case if the car thing’s right

    Free Member

    Ahh so they were without support for a stretch before the cut off. reasonable enough

    Free Member

    But in terms of the race surely getting hydration and nutrition right is as much as part of it as pedalling these days (well maybe not as much as pedalling). If he had obeyed the rules he could have lost a couple of mins putting contador back in reach? Dope and bike weights not withstanding.

    Free Member

    Bit late but…..did froome get off lightly with a 20 sec penalty? – he’d have lost a shed load more if he’d bonked.

    Free Member

    Am ‘working’ from home so missed him getting back on.

    Thought Tommy V might get the stage when I saw him in the breakaway but costa a very worthy winner

    Free Member

    They’ve separtaed froome from porte

    Free Member

    He’s just had a sniff on the climb

    Free Member

    He he, 40 litres, they’d need team tankers

    Free Member

    Looks like they’re trying to reel them in in earnest now

    Free Member

    that train was handy for the breakaway wonnit?

    Free Member

    Mine’s been in the shed since september – I daren’t look.

    I thinkn even with just water the swash and backwash will eventually make a habitat for visitors. the bags easy to clen but the pipe is where the nasties lurk. I think i might actually pay for the cleaning kit. Does that make me a jessie?

    Free Member

    Could build a dream bike for <£3k.

    Do it
    Do it
    Do it

    Free Member

    small only, thank god, the missus would know, even if i hid it she’d know

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