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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • TheSanityAssassin
    Full Member

    I had a tin of rice pudding before my race last night. I regularly have rice pudding (with a generous spoonful of jam) for breakfast when I’m riding in a morning. It’s on offer at our local Asda at 50p a tin – I must have horded 15-20 tins recently :-)

    Full Member

    Sounds like you were in the same working group as one of my team mates, Crazy Legs. Unfortunately I was busy warming up and only caught a couple of laps of the 2/3/4, so didn’t get a chance to see if I could work out who you were.

    The 4th Cat went pretty well for me in the end. I got dragged round at the back of the bunch for about 15 laps, finding it difficult to pick up places due to constantly getting the hairpin wrong and the bunch being quite big on the narrow track. I’d planned to ‘go’ early if I was feeling good and in a position to do so, but the first time I saw the lap board there were only 4 left. Eventually, with only one and a half laps to go, I saw an opening on the back straight and put the hammer down. From back of the bunch to straight off the front I was now committed for home. I hit the bell leading the way and managed to keep ahead until the final series of corners, where several riders came through on my inside. I clung on to the finish and came home in 6th place, which I’m chuffed with.
    Well done to karlwoof who spent most of the race in the first 3 or 4, doing plenty of the graft up front. Sorry I missed you at the end and never got chance for a chat.

    Full Member

    Think we both raced a couple of weeks back in the rain in Sheffield? I’ll be in grey/orange HDR kit.

    Full Member

    In the 4th only, straight after you. I’ve a couple of team mates in the 2/3/4.

    Full Member

    Well I’m in at Tameside tonight. It’s fair to say that the old nerves are starting to kick in already…

    Full Member

    48yo, 6’2″, 13st 10lbs (87kg) 34″ waist & 46″ chest.
    Sprints and short, sharp hills are my Nemesis – I’m a big, old diesel with a stubborn streak and a try-hard attitude.

    Full Member

    this autumn, over a 2 week period, I shall be going to see, in this order:
    The Sisters Of Mercy
    New Model Army
    Killing Joke

    all over again
    just needs the Nephs & The Mission & my autumn will be complete

    The Nephs are playing the Bram Stoker Festival in Whitby at the end of Oct. Got my tickets (and for the Sisters in Leeds) last night.

    Full Member

    I believe at Tameside that one week in every four they substitute the 4th Cat race for a female only?

    Full Member

    Anyone on this thread ever do Tameside at all? There’s usually a 4th only each Tuesday night which I fancy a crack at. Other riders from my club (HDR) have had a fair bit of recent success over there, with several picking up wins and others accumulating enough points to graduate up to 3rd Cat.

    Full Member

    Kinesis Crosslight? Listed at £1349.98 with 11sp 105 on the Kinesis website.
    There’s roughly an equal amount of Racelights and Equilibriums on our winter Club Runs.

    Full Member

    I had a quick nosey yesterday and got another set of Fulcrum Racing 5s for £135.00
    Can’t go wrong at that kind of money.
    BTW – the Quattros are £199.00 for the wheel set only (no tubes/tyres) at Ribble.

    Full Member

    First time on the Sunday Club Run for a couple of months today and I had genuine reservations about getting my legs ripped off the whole way. As it turned out, it was one of my better days and I (mostly) managed to both hang on with the bunch and take a few hard digs on the front too.
    I split from the bunch 20 miles from home and targeted getting back keeping the average 19mph or above. Surprisingly I was still going pretty well with a tough 70 already in the bank, and managed to keep between 20.0 and 20.2mph to just a mile from home. Unfortunately the ascent into the village was just one climb too many and I dipped under my revised target despite turning myself inside out in my attempts not to.
    Stats for the day: 90 miles, 5,925ft ascent, 4h-30m-56s at 19.9mph.

    I’m absolutely battered now, but chuffed with how things turned out in the end.

    Full Member

    A farmer’s field in Suffolk?
    Rad to the power sick.

    Full Member

    I suffer cramp so badly that following one race they had to call me an ambulance as every muscle group from my waist down cramped simultaneously. Luckily there was a consultant anaesthetist in the same event who sorted me out within 10 mins. The ‘cure’? A cup of VERY strong salt water. So strong it was not much thinner than a paste!
    After that experience I spent some time and money trying various different ‘sports’ solutions, until finally finding the answer: nuun tablets. Regardless of what posters above are claiming about fitness etc, these tablets just work. I never ride anywhere without a bottle containing nuun now. I’ve recommended nuun to everyone I’ve come across with the same problem since, and they’ve a 100% success rate so far. And that list runs into dozens of people. If you suffer as badly as I do, and then you find something that works, then it’s like finding the fountain of youth!! Buy some, they just work.

    Full Member

    Forge Valley (Sheffield) Circuit Race
    Unfortunately the pleasant dry weather that I set off in this morning had deteriorated into bleak rain by the time I arrived at the track, although the relatively sheltered position helped to keep the wind mostly in check.
    It wasn’t a full field of riders that took to the start line, but you can only take on what’s put in front of you! I didn’t have time to put any deep thought into my tactics for the race, but it soon became apparent that the rather unusual banana shape of the circuit wasn’t going to suit my riding style – with 2 narrow straights and a virtual roundabout at each end making overtaking difficult and no chance to get the pace up for any length of time.
    One thing I did really want to do though was stay in the bunch for as long as possible. In the event that proved to be easier than anticipated as the soaking track and tight corners meant that once the stragglers had been despatched off the back the 10/11 up front ended up in one long line most of the time. Unfortunately though, I didn’t have the confidence to give things a go on the front to try and stretch things with a long punt for home as my legs were still a bit heavy from last weeks exertions. So, despite my lack of sprint, I sat in and hoped that a decent position on the last lap and a bit of luck would see me through. At the bell I was sat comfortably in 3rd, hoping to get round the first roundabout unscathed and planning on a dash down the outside on the back straight to get me into the last roundabout in front and then the rest would have to get round me on the finish straight to take it. The bell sounded and the whole bunch came over the top at once!!
    After that there just wasn’t the time and space to recover position. As suspected, my lack of sprint cost me and I couldn’t make up places on the last straight, finishing in 9th place.
    On the positive side, that’s my first couple of points in the bag and I got them on a circuit that didn’t suit me, in lousy conditions with heavy legs. I’ve also gained a little more experience and felt like I was at least competitive.
    Onwards and upwards!

    Full Member

    I’m in only my second ever road race tomorrow in Sheffield (it’s a circuit at Forge Valley, 4th Cat only) and the nerves have started already! Lasted 25 mins (of a 40 min race) on my debut at York Sports Village a few weeks ago before being lapped out, but came away more enthused than disappointed. I’m hoping that tomorrow will be a bit more of an even field, as the majority of the stronger riders who were obviously better than 4th Cat, but racing beginners like me, will have progressed to their own level now, leaving us ‘pure 4ths’ to our own devices. I suppose I’ll find that out tomorrow…

    Full Member

    I’m absolutely, totally convinced that they work for me. And ultimately, that’s what counts. If they don’t work for you, or you don’t need them then that’s fine, but they DO work for me and I DO need them.

    Not necessarily for *every* ride though – I can regularly do a steady 40 miles over 2.5/3hrs and literally not even take a single sip from my bottle. However, if I’m pulling my tripe out on the turbo, a hard training ride, a long club run or in a race of over 45 mins, then I’m guaranteed to cramp without my nuun tablets. I rely on these to the extent that I just simply couldn’t train/race without them.

    Full Member

    postierich – Member

    Blah blah blah…
    Pricy but rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb…

    If only you’d swapped the price tag again… 8O :wink:

    Full Member

    Results and timings are incomplete for all us also-rans on the official site. Also, are there any links to pics from the many track-side photographers?

    Full Member

    Bloke I used to work with used to commute on a BSO MTB proudly named a ‘Mountain Ridge Destroyer’.
    The only things it was likely to destroy were his teeth and his genitalia…

    Full Member

    Well that was a bloody hard three and a half hours! Strines, Snake and Holme Moss, in that order. Ordinarily that’s a pretty tough undertaking, but with the wind strength today it was brutal. Snake mostly wasn’t too bad, until the last 400 yards or so, then it was horrific. The good news is that there’s plenty of room to get through the road works though, and it looked like dozens were taking their chance today.

    Full Member

    Cheers fella, much appreciated.

    Full Member

    davidtaylforth is a subtle but serial troller. Don’t bite.

    Full Member

    Garmin 810
    Road bike

    Full Member

    Oh, Junkyyyyyyy……… :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Stokes seems to be dealing only in boundaries today. Lets hope it’s not the same when he gets a fresh cherry in his hand later…

    Full Member

    First time I did Winnats I attempted to big ring it (52-28). I got as far as the yellow grit bin on the left, before having to drop to the 34t. I was seeing stars by the time I crested it. The second time I was on the inner ring as soon as we turned off the main road. Some memories are so vivid you can still feel them…

    dirtyrider – Member

    pffft, my dad did it on a Rocky Mountain DH bike with 888’s

    Your dad has stopped for at least one rest though. Now if he’d cleaned it… :wink:

    Full Member

    I had a quick test ride on one of those a couple of weeks ago. Only on tarmac, but it certainly didn’t feel sluggish at all.



    Full Member

    My first ever Racing Licence arrived today. 48yo, 6’2″ and 14+st, I will be making my debut in a 4th Cat circuit race at York Sports Village this Saturday.
    There’s 5 of us (so far) from the same team (HD Revolutions) and I’m probably the weakest rider. My sole aim is to stay with the bunch as long as possible. I’ll report back on how it went, assuming I’m still in one piece!

    Full Member

    Rain-free and breezy day here, drying things out nicely. The sun’s been out for the last 3 hours and it’s forecast sunny for tomorrow too. Don’t miss out – if you turn up on time then you’re in!!

    Full Member

    Cheers George!
    Weather’s looking good for the weekend, Ricky, so you’ll hopefully have a great day!

    Full Member

    Just a reminder that we’ll have a couple of professional Sports Masseurs (Adam Hirst who works with Northern Ballet and Karen Hellawell from Pennine Physio) with us on Sunday, available both before and after you’ve ridden. It’s only £5.00 for a 10 minute session (proceeds to their chosen charities) and a great way to relax and start the recovery process. Why not treat yourself after your exertions – at that price it’s an absolute bargain and fantastic value!!

    And did I mention the bacon butties are ONLY £1.00??

    Full Member

    Using an MTB with a ‘normal’ rear mech bollocksed up waaaay too many gear changes in a recent CX race for me. I’ve had rapid rise on my other MTBs for so long that it takes a great deal of effort and concentration to index correctly when on a bike without one. The quick ‘release’ flick with the forefinger to select an easier gear just makes more sense than ‘forcing’ the chain up the cassette with the thumb does. Well, to me anyway. The amount of times I inadvertantly ended up in a harder gear at the bottom of a steep slope the other night was doing my bloody kipper in!!

    Full Member

    Don’t forget to bring a fiver for the professional Sports Massage – available both pre and post ride.

    Full Member

    This weekend’s CVMBC is £17.00 pre-booked (£22.00 on the day).
    Challenging 30 mile route, 4 feed stations (with SiS drinks), free refreshments before and after, certificate, vehicle recovery if you can’t get round, a free goody bag with branded products AND a free t-shirt too.
    People complain that £17 is ‘a lot’, but £49????

    Full Member

    mos – yes mate, there should be plenty. All the feed stations will have at least one ‘drum’ of SiS energy drink there. The 2nd one (top of Pule Hill) will have water aswell. Stick a bottle cage/bottle on the bike if you can and you should manage without a camelbak.

    Full Member

    Still loads of time to get your entries in before the day.
    If you’re local – stick your cash/cheque and entry form through my door. If I’m in I’ll sort it straight away for you. If I’m out, make sure there’s a mobile number and I’ll text you your entry number.
    If you’re not local – post off your cheque and entry form and as long as a) there’s a mobile number and b) I get it in the post no later than Saturday’s delivery, then again I’ll text you your entry number.
    You’ve no excuses now folks – don’t miss out!!!

    And the bacon butties really are only £1.00 too!!

    Full Member

    nickdavies – can you text me on the number on the website please, and we’ll sort that out for you.

    Cheers ernie67

    Full Member

    Don’t delay – get those forms in the post today!

    Plenty of room for everyone, but it really helps us if we know how many are coming.

    Full Member

    fooman – no probs at all. Just email me your mate’s details and your entry number and I’ll sort it for you. Hope you’re back on the bike soon fella.

    ben10 & Big Dave – still time to get yourselves entered. Get a form in the post, you know you want to :-)

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