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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • TheSanityAssassin
    Full Member

    I’ve nothing further to add to this topic (other than to applaud Dibnah for his first post), but I will say that all those of you that are planning to dance on the sickening old ba5tard’s grave had better wear their wellies, cos it’ll be covered in my urine.

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    Full Member

    Contact Huddersfield Star Wheelers through the website ( We ride out from various points across the town every Saturday morning. Social pace, friendly mature group and plenty of trail knowledge.

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    Full Member

    90-6. Bye bye Hinds. Caught Colly bowled Monty.

    Full Member

    85-5 now. Nash LBW to Anderson.

    Full Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    So how would ‘Boris Day’ be celebrated then ?

    With all the hilarity and frivolity which one associates with a ‘quintessentially’ English public school ?

    eg. singing Jerusalem, bumming each other, and setting fire to a tramp ?

    That’ll keep TJ safely tucked up in Edinburgh…

    Full Member

    80-4 Chanderpaul’s gone LBW to Swann.

    Full Member

    WI 59-3 needing another 181 to win in 47 overs.

    Sarwan’s just gone to Swann caught Collingwood.

    Full Member

    Report it now, so that it’ll be checked for restoration in a fortnight.

    Oh, and it’s actually ok to get muck on mountain bikes…

    Full Member

    Nay Teej, it waint be t’same wi’out thee.

    Full Member

    You built an Orange out of an old go-kart and some bits of wood?


    Full Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    The downhill on the pack horse track into Marsden is brilliant

    It’s a real pity about the slog through the bogs inbetween though.

    Full Member

    I take it that you didn’t purchase a £100 season ticket to watch Town this year then Hora?

    Me neither.

    I watch football on ceefax/ L**ds these days.

    Full Member

    Straitlines and 5:10’s for teh win.

    I’ve a pair on my ‘XC’ bike (Cove Stiffee) and another pair on my DH bike (Kona Stab Primo) and the grip is just fantastic in all conditions. Once you’ve spent the hour or so fitting the 56 pins yourself you’ll understand why.

    They’re also just about the simplest and easiest component to service that I’ve come across. You can have both pedals done and back on the bike in 5 minutes or so.

    Full Member

    I want some really grippy pedals, not that fussed about weight as my bike is light already.

    Whats so good about the Straitlines then?

    They are exactly what you asked for, that’s what.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    How much is it all costing in garage doors though?

    Full Member

    I like that.

    Looked like a fun day out.

    Full Member

    If you want grip, then a pair of 2.35 Super Tacky Minnions will have you reaching for the Kleenex.

    Mind you, pedalling will feel like you’re trying to tow the Titanic sideways across the ocean floor.

    Full Member

    The double does indeed have pedal thread inserts.

    Does that mean the triple doesn’t?

    Surely it’s just the chainring set-up that differs?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Portable stereo systems the size of a small van, perched jauntily on the shoulder of a Rastafarian.

    Full Member

    Yeah some of the pills seem to help, if only placebo. Sitting in the front helps too, depends how old they are though.

    Otherwise just let them be sick the once and then they are fine afterward ime.

    Only don’t get lulled into a false sense of security following the initial boilk, then let them have beans on toast for breakfast, thinking you’re now safe, before driving around rural North Wales immediately afterwards.

    *Opens car window. Again*

    Full Member

    Tyres at the base of a lampost.

    Nah, that still happens. I saw that up the top of Fox Hill yesterday evening, and I saw a hula hoop at the base of a bus stop sign on Herries Road on my way in this a.m.

    Well I don’t!

    *flicks Vs*

    Full Member

    Goodge Street

    Invoking the Oberammergau yoghurt conspiracy title deeds.

    Full Member

    Tyres at the base of a lampost.

    Full Member

    Invoice the pillock for the time you’ve spent arsing about in vain.

    Full Member

    it’s actually quite good for you – kind of detox you body and brian at the same time,

    What if your body’s ok with the detox, but Brian isn’t?

    Full Member

    Just save some cash and put Inflammable Material on repeat for the weekend. That’ll make you feel young again.

    Full Member

    Nah. It’s all about waving your willy on here, not actually using it.

    Full Member

    “Why are we in Paris?”

    Full Member

    Neither does it mean that the the primary influence on a childs up-bringing, the parent(s), should be absolved of all blame if their chidren fail and that the ‘education system’ should carry the can.

    My contention is still that Goody is more likely to have turned out the way she is because of a poor quality parental influence than being educationally neglected by Bermondsey LEA.

    Full Member

    RudeBoy – Member

    As a debt collector, actually.


    I think you prove your own unsuitability, by expressing your disgust and abhorrence for the people with which you have to interact.

    Another example of your complete ignorance not getting in the way of you having an opinion.

    My comments so far have been entirely about the questionable parenting THAT I REGULARLY SEE and the impact that this is having in terms of educating their offspring. I’m not just talking about formal education either, I’m talking about manners, respect, work ethic etc etc. Many of the parents don’t have these skills and neither do their parents. What chance have the youngest generation got – and back on my original point – what the hell chance do teachers have when the kids are ignored at home? Yet, according to Gus, it’s the ‘Education System’ (implying schools, teachers LEA’s etc) that’s letting society down.

    Full Member

    As a debt collector, actually. And what qualifies you to judge my suitability or otherwise for this role?

    Full Member

    From the BBC: “Goody was brought up in a run-down part of Bermondsey, south-east London, by her mother Jackiey Budden.

    Her father, Andrew, left Budden when Goody was two years old. He spent four years in Wandsworth Prison for robbery.

    Goody claims she did not get the chance to go to school often, and has spoken of how she had to help out her mother, who lost the use of her left arm and the sight in one eye after a motorbike accident.”

    You’ve both missed my point. How can the ‘Education System’ have let her down when she rarely attended school? Does the law not state that it is incumbent of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to ensure children receive a suitable education?

    Oh and Fred, my view is not borne of ignorance, it’s borne of experience. I work door-to-door in the less sulubrious areas of my town and see the kind of parenting that is perpetuating the scummy underclasses of which I speak on an all too regular basis.

    Full Member

    Why wouldn’t you want the best shoe for the job, especially if the pricing isn’t too disimilar?

    Those would be 5:10’s.

    BTW what pedals are you using?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    This may shock you, but I am going to praise Jade Goody.

    She was let down by the education system and let down badly. She’s thick. She knows this. But, she has decided to use her celebrity to make as much money as she can to ensure that her son(s?) are/is not let down in the same way. That HAS to be a good aspiration. Brave girl.

    Let down by the education system? Rubbish. She was let down by the kind of parenting that’s creating the scummy underclasses that are the ruination of our inner cities and sink estates. The ‘couldn’t give a ****’ generation. How the hell are teachers supposed to educate and stimulate neglected minds when there is ****-all input at home?

    Those kids, although financially secure, are now going to be in danger of becoming the latest incarnation of the Geldof-Yates brood. Rich and famous for doing ****-all, and doing it in a blaze of publicity.

    Full Member

    I miss

    RonStanson &

    BigBen was a nobber who seems to have disappeared.

    What happened to Vosh, NinjaSocks, MagicSick and Genki?

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