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  • TheSanityAssassin
    Full Member

    Think "ton" ?

    A couple of stones overweight mebbes, but a whole ton?

    Full Member

    Ginger Flash is Korean?

    Full Member

    Many happy hours can be spent re-delivering said dog-eggs once you have acquired an old sand-wedge.

    Full Member

    Is it time to laugh at the Jocks playing football again already?

    My, how time flies.

    Full Member

    If you wear them on a conveyor belt will you take off?

    Full Member

    I've heard of Edward Van Halen.

    However, he's sh1t – so I rather wish I hadn't.

    Full Member

    Similar thing happened to me in the works car park once – bloody woman licence holder (well, they're not really drivers are they!) reversing whilst looking forwards. She admitted responsibility on the scene, then changed her mind when her other half got involved. I calmly pointed out that she had reversed into my rear driver-side door whilst I was stationary, and that my car (a standard Cavalier at the time) was not equipped with wheels fitted at 90 degrees to normal, making it highly unlikely that I'd driven into her in the way that she was now claiming.
    My car repairs were paid for by her insurers.

    Full Member

    "Grinds my gears"
    "pissed" in the wrong context. In Britain pissed means that you are drunk. The term you are forelornly searching for is "pissed off", when referring to being annoyed about something.
    Any 'Americanisms'. This is Britain.
    "Discuss". **** off, we're not in exam conditions. If you want to start a debate then don't just make a bland statement and add 'discuss' to the end, construct your viewpoint better and put some effort into it.

    Full Member

    djglover – Member
    I prefer photo threads, at least they can be skimmed over for interesting content. There no way I'm going to watch a video of any of you mincing along in the woods.

    In the same way that most of us disregard your sanctimonious drivel.

    Full Member

    I don't understand why the SLX comes with a steel pedal insert on the double and bash set up, but not on the triple set up. You'd think they'd all be the same wouldn't you?

    Full Member

    So it's as flat bottled as it is on draught then? Southern dish water.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    "Jumping the Yuba"?

    If that's not a euphemism then it bloody well ought to be.

    Full Member

    one_happy_hippy – Member
    I'd have to be pretty stupid not to be able to tell when a pair of gloves fell apart on me and I'm pretty sure I'm wearing them on my hands as intended.

    From experience, the 661 gloves I've owned have lasted a fraction of the time the Fox, and more recently Dakine, gloves have.

    That sums up my own experience too. I avoid all 661 gloves like the plague now.

    Full Member

    It's fantastic.

    Especially when spread thickly onto one half of a sliced bagel, with the other half similarly coated in either Marmite or crunchy peanut butter.

    Trail food of the Gods.

    Full Member

    "The meeting was abondoned on H&S grounds when, after closer inspection, several chinks were found on the track surface…"

    Full Member

    Hull? Hills?

    Next question?

    Full Member

    Replace a stiffee?

    Just wait an hour and there'll be another one along…

    Full Member

    At least the ferry won't now suffer countless punctures due to all the tacks that some religious fruit-loop Jock will have already spread in the waters to disrupt the 'event'…

    Full Member

    Ah, what you need is a 'cassette player' then. Record all your vinyl onto 'cassettes' and then you can play them again and again in your car. At some point one of the electronic giants, like Sony for example, will probably invent a portable 'cassette player' with individual earphones, so that you can listen to your 'cassettes' whilst walking around.

    Vinyl – it's already future-proof.

    Full Member

    Bunnyhop – Member
    Ton- blah blah blah my cousin who was head hunted has now been told his employment is terminated by the new boss, due to Religious grounds rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb

    He got caught grave robbing in the cemetary?

    Full Member


    The originals on vinyl is where it's at… 8)

    Full Member

    Hope ProIIs are hubs for life. Never underestimate just how good Hope after-service is. I totalled a 2.5 year old rear ProII and the brand new FOC replacement arrived overnight.

    Full Member

    I'd like to dry bum cynic-al.

    Full Member

    "Your's is Virgil, isn't it?"
    "Hilts. Just Hilts".

    Full Member

    There must be way more stuff in Nab Wood than I've seen then, cos all the bits I've come across look perfectly doable on a HT. I'm pretty certain that all Hadge04 wants is for someone to help her get the hang of rolling through the bumpy features (little rock gardens), getting round the berms a bit quicker and rolling the small steps with more confidence. Her Spesh is more than capable of that.

    Full Member

    That Dougal does well – to say he only eats sugar lumps…

    Oh, and I'm still waiting for the ubiquitous helmet-cam footage from Pook too…

    Full Member

    AndyP – Member
    Don't know much but I guess this being his first tour may disappoint.
    you certainly don't know much!

    Patronising w.anker.

    There's no doubt plenty of forum members that have a passing interest in the Tour, but don't come from a roadie background and therefore have little knowledge of the teams, tactics, protocols etc etc.

    Full Member

    rOcKeTdOg – Member
    are you doing SiTS Luddite?

    No mate, I asked the question next door but there were no takers. It’s jojo’s party weekend in Jockland the weekend after, so everyone’s committed to that instead of SITS.

    My next ‘event’ will be a long weekend DH trip to Fort Bill at August Bank Holiday. I need to locate my cojones first though, as they seem to have been misplaced during this recent pedalling frenzy…

    Full Member

    Fastest finisher got round in 2:02.

    I managed a respectable 2:46.

    190 entries today, best turn-out yet for an excellent event. Well done to Gary and his team for superb organisation once again.

    Full Member

    Say ‘Hi’ as you pass me – I’ll be the one in the top 8)

    Full Member

    So, she’s a better rider than you eh?

    Jealousy is such an ugly emotion.

    Full Member

    Drillski – Member

    T’was funny at the end of the ride, as a lost male driver asked us for directions. Felt good ‘cos we all knew where he need to go.

    Now we know this post is a troll…….
    a man NEVER asks for directions!!!!

    … unless, in a momentary lapse of concentration, you have entrusted the road map to a woman without turning it the right way up first….

    Full Member

    druidh – Member

    RudeBoy – Member

    > Are they all gay round your way?

    What’s that got to do with getting a tyre off a wheel?

    Way to miss the point…..

    Think I’ll hang around for 10 minutes while Fred writes a dissertation on homophobia and the rest of the world smiles wryly at the humerous comment.

    Full Member

    There was a group camped right next to the rutted bit before you crossed the bridge to start the first grassy climb who were collecting errant bottles in a large box. They had a boat load by the end. Sounds like the most likely place that you lost it. They may have handed in the whole lot en bloc.

    Full Member

    Anyone that cheated on that course is a complete and utter stroker.

    FWIW, this was my first MM and I absolutely loved it. The only aspect that I was a little disappointed with was the lack of concurrent leaderboard, like they had at SITS last year, on scrolling screens. This was only a minor point though, as it’s a bit immaterial when you’re towing your tripe out just to jump from 241st to 238th or whatever, I suppose. Having said that, it did help with a bit of motivation in the hard hours at SITS. The facility to tap in your own race number was good though.

    I thought the course provided exactly what an event like this should provide. There were elements within to test all your bike skills and it didn’t just cater for the point-and-shoot, out-and-out pedallers that have very limited technical ability/b0ll0cks/both, but have engines like Indurain. If there’s no technical challenge then it just effectively becomes a road race in a park and mountainbike events should reflect the difference more IMO.

    I also echo some of the comments above about the ‘cobbly’ section, immediately following the first long, fast descent on the first side of the course. I actually got off my bike and checked my back tyre thinking I had a flat because of the way the back end was rolling around behind me. I was amazed that it was still inflated!!

    My experience of both the banter and the cordiality of the passing riders was good too. I only held one rider up for a short time when he requested to pass me. I just said that it was awkward at that point but he could come through as soon as it was appropriate for us both. That spot happened to be within about 50 yards and he thanked me as he rode past.

    The highlight for me was on my second of a double lap stint. About half way up the surfaced part of the Kenda climb there were a group of children offering riders some sweets. I don’t use either a camelbak or a bottle when I’m out on the course (I reckon that 15 and a half stones is penalty enough without add-ons) so I said ‘yes please’. The lad gave me a large fruit pastill and it was absolute nectar. What a lovely gesture!!

    I also managed to ride the whole course every lap – apart from the muddy section in the wood on my second night lap during the rain (and the 10 feet of off-camber banking that I didn’t see anyone ride). Not bad for a pair of Maxxis Larson TT’s at 60psi the whole time.

    I took the hard descent on my first lap and nearly canned it at high speed when I caught the edge of the left-hand rut with my tyre wall for a short time. Managed to correct the situation (fortunately) but then decided to take the ‘mincer’s’ route afterwards due to seeing everyone I’d recently passed sail serenely past as I was yomping up the climb back out. I also said at the time that the ‘mincer’s’ route would have been ‘fairer’ if it had been staked and taped to create the kind of zig-zag queueing system you get for rides at Alton Towers and such, making the time penalty much greater for the easier route.

    That’s why I was a bit disappointed to find the really sketchy descent in the wood cordoned off in the latter stages. That was one of the areas that I was riding really well and gaining time on others around me. Once it went round to the left on the smooth path I lost any advantage. I appreciate (now) that injuries were happening there, but surely the less-confident should have had the foresight to walk it? Why is walking up the Kenda climb seen as more acceptable than walking a sketchy descent, cos plenty were doing? Again, if the course doesn’t challenge all elements of the discipline then certain groups gain a default advantage, and that can’t be ‘fair’. Or can it?

    All in all I thought it was a fantastic event and my thanks and gratitude go to everyone that contributed, however great or small, to making it so.

    Full Member

    Oi Bazza, that space ain’t on our team I hope? Everything’s sorted at this end for me and my mate to rock up sometime on Saturday morning. Or afternoon. Probably. Anyway, we’re coming so just make sure we’ve enough space for the van and a tent.

    As for the weather – the more rain the better. Brings all you skinny/soft/effeminate/titty-lipper buggers down to my level. Walking.

    Full Member

    Olly – Member
    im all for it!

    coming from a quiet rural village (very quiet, blink and youve missed it sized)

    I KNOW kids from next door run out into the road when the ball goes over the fence and i KNOW people come through at 70!

    Blah, blah, blah…

    I see the standards of parenting and education aren’t very high in your quiet rural village.

    Full Member

    Both my daughters love The Inbetweeners.

    Full Member

    woodsman – Member
    Dinner is in the evening isn’t it – I mean you wouldn’t say ‘I’m booking a table at a restaurant for tea’, would you!? Or I’m taking someone out for tea either – assuming you probably call evening meal ‘tea’ if it’s not dinner……

    Breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. In that order.

    Booking a table in a restaurant is referred to as either:
    a) “We’re off out fer something t’eat”, or
    b) “Off for a meal.”

Viewing 40 posts - 921 through 960 (of 1,091 total)