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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • TheSanityAssassin
    Full Member

    Why not get an 11-28 or 12-27 cassette and spend most of your time in the 50t ring? I’ve got a 52/34 compact on my road bike and I’ve used the 34t on only 2 occasions since last July. It took me a few months of perseverence to get used to pushing the 52t everywhere, but the old saying ‘no pain, no gain’ was never truer. Living in the Pennines, most of my longer rides (60-80miles) include around 6-8,000ft of ascent (according to Endomondo) and I average around the 16mph mark too.

    Full Member

    fluxhutchinson – you’ll get a map by return, once you’ve entered. Get your form in the post – what’ve you got to lose?

    Full Member

    marsdenman – your order has been despatched :-)

    Lovely dry day here again today – stop hmmm-ing and ahhh-ing and get those forms in the post. I turn them round as soon as they land, so there’s every chance you’ll get your saes back in time. I’ll even text you your number if there’s any doubt!!

    Full Member

    Oh, and still plenty of time to get those forms in the post. Come on, don’t be shy, the more the merrier!! :D

    Full Member

    The fastest times posted are usually in the region of 2h 10m, so most of the riders will be on full-on race tyres (mebbes semi-slicks for some). Most of the trails are hardpack so mud isn’t really an issue. My personal preference for all the local challenge rides is for rock-hard tyre pressure and complete faith in my ability to keep the bike upright when the going gets sketchy. I’m in no danger of challenging for the virtual podium, but I’m generally top 20-25. If I were able to take part I’d be on Schwalbe Black Jack 1.9s if it stays damp, or probably Maxxis Larsen TTs on baked hard trails. In other words, I’d be minimising the rolling resistance as much as possible within my budget. Hope this helps fella, and please come and say hello on the day – I’ll be the big, ugly, shaven-headed bugger setting you all off!!

    Full Member

    The trails are holding up surprisingly well if tonight’s evidence is anything to go by – so get those entry forms in the post and beat the queues on the day.

    Full Member

    Intense Intruder 2.5 in 4 ply – they’re like dragging a bucket full of concrete behind you on tarmac! Probably not fit an xc bike though, luckily for you! :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Jeez, that actually looked deliberate!

    Full Member

    I’ve genuinely never even heard of this Adele of which you speak.

    Fortunately, it would seem…

    Full Member

    Just a fortnight to go, so don’t forget to get those entry forms in the post.

    At just a quid a go, it’ll be worth entering for the bacon butties alone!!

    Full Member

    Lovely sunny day here on the crest of the Pennines – get your entry forms in the post and come and see for yourselves on Sunday 13th May.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t expect to pay more than about £50 round the Hudds area.

    Full Member

    For info: the website ( CLICK HERE ) is now back online and the entry form once again available.

    Apologies to those that have phoned me about the issue this week, but the bill-payer has now got his arse in gear and parted with the appropriate fee :oops:

    Please get your forms sent off asap if you’re planning to attend as it really does help those that are organising the event.

    Full Member

    sefton – Member

    Can I suggest doing some of the Yorks mtb challenge rides on cx as a bit of prep? The Colne Valley one is next month:


    are they cool with people racing on cx bikes then?

    (hey that was me beeping last night Simon if your wondering)!

    Yes, we’re cool with it. The more the merrier for us, and we’ll look after you ok too :-)

    Full Member

    No electronic entry facility I’m afraid, you can either pay on the day or take the chance that postie rich and/or his cohorts don’t swap any labels on your envelope and bag themselves another bargain….

    Teh cynic-al seal of approval? Awsumz :D

    What more could you want by way of recommendation than the seal of approval from one of STW’s biggest hitters? :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    It’s probably about 50/50 in terms of terrain, but more time spent offroad as it’s slower going.. :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Headwinds are character building :lol:

    I’ll make arrangements to swap it to the last climb from the canal to Scape if you like though…

    Full Member

    It’s on the 13th May, as it states in the first sentence…

    Fairhurst: It’s 30miles and it’s hilly, but as it’s all on local RoWs there’s nothing ‘technical’ as such. The challenge is in the distance and how well you cope with the climbing and descents. Also, once you’ve done it once, you’ll want to beat your time next year :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    A healthy dollop of Sudacrem on each knee sorts that out without the need for any excess wraps/bandages etc.

    Full Member

    Some local brew in the Church Inn in Uppermill is £1.25 a pint. I normally drink lager, but at that price I don’t…

    Full Member

    I once drove 4hrs each way for a 10 mile ride! To be fair, it was a forum meeting and I had a cracking day out around the Dumyat area.

    Full Member

    “She wore big knickers and she worked at ‘sewage farm.
    Got me hands down her jeans and I nearly lost half me arm…”

    Macc Lads – Sweaty Betty :D

    Full Member

    …and some new instruments following the fire!

    Full Member

    Jebus, even Geoff Boycott’s old mother could ride that on a stick of rhubarb!!

    Full Member

    53ft over 10 miles isn’t pan flat? Jeez, I do more climbing in 100 yards of traffic-calming features round here!!

    Full Member

    As an aside, you’d (probably) be amazed at how many households forget/neglect/refuse to pay their water rates too – ostensibly because “…water is/should be free…”

    My understanding is that it’s currently illegal to ‘cut off’ someone’s water supply, so, given that there’s no real ‘punishment’ for not paying, the rest of us are subsidising this bunch of freeloaders too. It’s obviously sheer coincidence that many of these households were ones I also visited regarding TVL matters…

    Full Member

    I used to work evenings as a TV Licensing Officer, here’s how it worked:

    The leg work was subbed out to one of the debt collection agencies that I still work for. It is batched in postcodes and I had a preferential list of the postcodes that I would like the work allocated to me – all in the same town. This obviously meant that I covered the same areas on a regular basis (crucial point).

    TV Licences are ‘attached’ to addresses NOT names and it is the missing and mis-matched addresses that create the calling lists when cross-referenced to the address database. ie, if an address on the database does not have a licence match then that address then becomes targetted. This can be for a variety of reasons and that is why a visit is made.

    As a Licensing Officer it was my job to call at an address and find out why there was no licence registered, and also ‘sell’ a licence should one be required. Often the house would be unoccupied, sometimes demolished. I was paid a small fee (25p per house I think) for logging this information. If the door was answered and the occupier had a valid licence, but had recently moved in and not informed TVL, then I was paid a fee (£3.50 I think) to record the info so that the database could be updated.

    If the door was answered and a licence was required (if you call in an evening when most households have the telly on it’s obvious they’re watching and the vast majority admit so there and then) then I had a range of options to sign them up to. Weekly payment cards, monthly payment cards, cheque, cash (yes really, folk used to hand me £125 in cash quite regularly!!) or a direct debit. Each option earned me a fee of between £7.00 and £11.00, with a DD being most lucrative. In the vast majority of cases I would come away from these houses with a ‘sale’ as folk filled their pants when they found a TVL bloke stood on their doorstep.

    Now, moving on to the crux of the OP’s original question, no, I had no right of entry at all. Whenever I came across a property where the occupier claimed to have no TV then I would always politely ask for a quick look round downstairs to confirm this. Again, most folk were happy for me to do so and it took less than 10 seconds to poke my head round a couple of doors then be on my way again. If denied access I’d walk away, no problem. However, the knock-on effect of each scenario were quite different as I had codes to note how the visit went on my paperwork.

    In the case of those that let me in, all the threatening letters stopped and they stopped being inundated with TVL mail. Also, whenever that address subsequently appeared on my list I noted that I’d checked inside, and that then stopped the mail for another extended period. I’d knock on the door maybe once a year and the householder was usually grateful that by doing my job their ‘hassle’ had dramatically reduced or stopped altogether.

    In the case of those that refused (politely or otherwise) the mail didn’t stop. In fact it probably increased. The address then became focussed on and Enforcement Officers (with warrants) started to take an interest. I used to scan the ‘Court in Brief’ section of the local paper and plenty of familiar names/addresses regularly appeared with fines for being caught with a telly and no valid licence.

    For what it’s worth, I’d say that you’ve more to gain by inviting the chap to have a quick peek inside. The chances are he’s on commission and trying to get round as many houses as possible to earn a wage (and not really interested at all in your lifestyle) and that you’ll get a lot less of the kind of mail that seems to incite so much vitriol and high blood pressure on here.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Big bottle of MTFU in the Buy 1 Get 1 Half Price thingy in Holland & Barrett’s?

    Full Member

    Need a tissue, Houns?

    Full Member

    Kit – Member

    Am I still banned?

    Are you in remission of your self-confessed obsessive stalking issues yet?

    Full Member

    Put the mouse back in the house, Houns!!

    Full Member

    dangerousbeans – Member

    Ton, you werent saying such nice things on that last hill of the day.

    ton – Member

    if i remember, i walked up it calling johnny some bad names under my breath.

    If I remember rightly there were only 2 daft buggers that rode it all, both in their respective Mlehworld tops :mrgreen:
    You might keep up now you’ve got that derny bike though Ton :wink:

    Mlehworld is a very welcoming place, as long as you don’t go there under the misapprehension that you are somehow superior. Join in, roll with it, accept that this is the internet and not real life :wink: and come along to the mlehmeats for the complete mleh experience.

    Full Member

    Everybody Hurts – REM

    Full Member

    Surely the fact that it’s by Van Halen is the biggest clue that it’s utter guff?

    Full Member

    Personally, I don’t really ‘do’ female singers/vocalists, just maybe the odd track here and there. A bit of Hazel O’Connor or a touch of Elizabeth Fraser now and again. There’s all kinds of gubbins on the background radio that is filtered through my subconscious at work though, including the aforementioned Winehouse woman, that I have no way of avoiding all day. I’d rather listen to talk shows or Test Match Special to be honest.
    However, Radio 2 seems to have twisted into an unholy mix of the utter utter abomination that it was in the mid-80s, with the similarly obnoxious turd that was Radio 1 around the same time. I despised them both then and the intervening 25 years or so haven’t mellowed my view of the current affront that I’m subjected to daily nowadays. As for Steve Wright – is there a bigger Scunthorpe in the broadcasting world? I suspect not. Bachmman Turner Overdrive indeed….

    Full Member

    This year we have a podium that will fit nine people.

    I thought Ton was only marshalling…..

    Full Member

    Forgot to say that the road bike came to me second hand with a 52/34 compact up front and an 11-28 cassette. I also use flat pedals.
    I don’t know whether it’s just me that’s affected this way, but when racing (virtually always on the mtb – I’ve done 1 sportive of 65 miles at eyeballs-out effort on the tarmac) I am susceptible to cramping up and this only ever happens when I’m not on the big ring. If I’m spinning away in the middle/granny ring and I start cramping then I can nearly always pedal through it if I get back on the big ring as soon as possible. Perhaps I’m overly aware of this and it’s making me reluctant to try riding at higher cadences? Luckily I’ve never suffered with bad knees either.

    Full Member

    If you’re happy at 65rpm why do you feel that you want to change? I’m curious because I’m generally a big ring masher too, both on tarmac and off-road. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I used anything less than a 52t ring on the road bike, it must have been months ago. I’m more than happy to be educated as to why what I do isn’t considered ‘best practice’, but as things stand it appears to be working fine for me, despite regular comments that I should be spinning more – often as I pass them going up hill.

    Full Member

    Colne Valley MTB Challenge – Sunday 13th May 2012.

    CLICKY for more info There’s even an STW review on the website!

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