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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • therealhoops
    Free Member

    he means he shags Vauxhalls

    Free Member

    how the **** did he get off with that!!!!! oh hang on…Liverpool Crown Court.

    Anywhere else in the world and you would be guilty you scouse ****t.

    How on Earth was that self defence!!!!! Be a man and admit you're a scouse ****t, you scouse ****t.

    Karma monkeys are gonna break yer legs now!

    rant over

    Free Member

    tempted by f'n'c but got sidetracked by the chinese buffet. £3.50 and you can fill a silver takeaway carton as high as it will go.

    got two

    Free Member

    brings back memmories of my class mate who was killed by an IED in Afgan 🙁

    Free Member

    too many from Airplane to mention but here's a couple

    Witness: Striker was the squadron leader. He brought us in real low. But he couldn't handle it.
    Prosecutor: Buddy couldn't handle it? Was Buddy one of your crew?
    Witness: Right. Buddy was the bombardier. But it was Striker who couldn't handle it, and he went to pieces.
    Prosecutor: *Andy* went to pieces?
    Witness: No. Andy was the navigator. He was all right. Buddy went to pieces. It was awful how he came unglued.
    Prosecutor: *Howie* came unglued?
    Witness: Oh, no. Howie was a rock, the best tailgunner in the outfit. Buddy came unglued.
    Prosecutor: And he bailed out?
    Witness: No. Andy hung tough. Buddy bailed out. How he survived, it was a miracle.
    Prosecutor: Then Howie survived?
    Witness: No, 'fraid not. We lost Howie the next day.
    Prosecutor: Over Macho Grande?
    Witness: No. I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.

    Prosecutor: Dr. Stone, would you give the court your impression of Mr. Striker?
    Dr. Stone: I'm sorry, I don't do impressions… my training is in psychiatry.

    Free Member

    Jackie Gayda – wrestlerist

    this is the family friendliest pic I could find

    Free Member

    My Bikesters must be atleast 10years+

    Free Member

    new update: SDfix has got Kasp working again. RegMechanic has closed some of the holes. There are still bugs but they're being dealt with. Annoyingly brastia still appears in the start.ini and will continue to do so until I can find the system files that have been buggered.

    Free Member

    Just got to get rid of agent pz now. Hopefully Kasp will start working again after that.

    Agreed though, I doubt it'll be completey clean again.

    Free Member

    boogies found so far inc:


    and bunch of other cack in the reg which has now been fixed

    still hunting!

    Free Member

    a bit of success!!!

    I noticed an uberdodgy looking file in the main Spybot folder. I deleted it but before I had returned from the recycle bin another dodgy had appeared. I renamed the main Spybot prog file, deleted the new dodgy and then was able to open Spybot, hoorah. It's checking and immunizing it's life away now. Same trick hasn't worked for Kasp. I'll keep you posted.

    Free Member

    From the second they announced it i was like,….really, oh well.
    I'm hoping N.Korea will start a war or something so we don't have to hear about Michael 'paedo' Jackson anymore!

    Free Member

    bleddy lovely stuff innit. Don’t expect quick results. I use the granny strength stuff with chondroitin. Deffo buy online, waaaaay cheaper.

    Free Member

    johners – Mrs TRH is a child protection social worker. If the NSPCC really cared they’d pass on the info for free but they don’t and most of the budget goes on paying for the info. Sad but very true.
    PP – probably because they’ve got 6 SW’s covering an area the size of Manchester. Also sad but VERY true.

    baa – you don’t know how right you are. Some of the saddest stories I’ve heard are of 16year olds getting booted out onto the street on their birthday. Makes me sick. It’s no wonder they turn to crime.

    Free Member

    heat’s off!! postie had left it down the side of the house but hadn’t told anyone, phew!

    Free Member

    if anyone is concerned about any child then contact social services immediately. DO NOT GO TO THE NSPCC as all they will do is take down the details and then pass it onto the SS for a fee! (robbing so called charity bastards)

    Free Member

    Totally unreasonable. We don’t get this weather very often. Let the little banshee be or buy some headphones, your choice. It’s gonna piss down soon anyway.

    Free Member

    ditto what Leku said, say hello to the night/very early morning.

    Free Member

    Edison update – COCK! I couldn’t find a ring suitable for retaining the front glass so decided to use a bit of superglue. It’s melting point is 187degsC so why the fudge not I thought…….DONT USE SUPERGLUE The glass is nicely in place but it causes the reflector to go brown! I’m reluctantly getting a new bulb 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve got the email correspondance as proof of value, that might help.

    Free Member

    on t’interweb it says wait 3 weeks so as they can return it to sender, by that time all my winge-steam will have run out 🙁

    Free Member

    shoefiti – HEY, you can NEVER have too many group hugs, now come over ‘ere and give yer old TRH a group hug.

    Aaawwwwww now didn’t that feel better?

    Free Member

    does someone need a group hug….?

    Free Member

    Thanks Simon, make sense now it suddenly does.

    Free Member

    alwyn, try shifting yer parenthetical so it reads:

    Yes it does, because it means I will have to pay £20k of student debt.

    Free Member

    together, we can save this rant!!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    no, but the word ‘student’ makes me violent

    ggrrrr I’m angry now!!! who mentioned students!! bunch of idle ****

    Free Member

    I’ve just followed BigJohn’s advice and COCK ME!!!!!!
    whiteness removed from glass/beam deflector and I now have my full complement of 900 LUMENS!!!!

    huuuuuuggggggggeeeeee thank you BigJohn for saving me about £100

    Free Member

    I have now learnt how to take the front off, (dam that’s a small grub screw). I’m a bit nervous about taking the glass off.

    M10P002 is the bulb

    Free Member

    taking an Edison apart…how? looks a bit scarey to me

    Free Member

    driver? I’m new to leds

    Free Member

    The worst by far is still the hosts Alex and Cerrie, or welsh **** and the one armed bandit. He’s a wet lettuce whose face you just wanna put in a blender and she’s gotta ‘Im just as able as you’ chip on her shoulder. They’re both SHITE. I demand a musical gay bloke and an ex-teletubby to entertian my kid! BRING BACK CHRIS AND PUI

    Free Member

    if he does make it to heaven he won’t be alone, turns out even Jesus is a kiddiefiddler (like most of his preachers)

    Free Member

    the children who live near his Neverland ranch on hearing the news

    Free Member

    If I could I’d meet you at Macc and do the following: Macc Forrest, Cat’n’Fiddle, Goyt, Whaley, Chinley, Hayf, Cabins, Little Mill, Mellor Cross, Roman Lakes, Marple, Chadkirk, Stockport

    That’ll mean nothing to you but it makes sweet music in my head.

    Free Member

    thank god, I thought this was another Samuel L Jackson thread. All trains stop at Stockport (it’s the law, no really, summit to do with financing the viaduct yonks ago).
    I’d probably get off at Macclesfield instead though, and end up at Stockport somehow.

    what time do you get it?

    Free Member

    Maybe we should send Harry Patch over there. He’s seen far worse than any of us could ever imagine. I’m sure he’d verbally bang some heads together.

    Free Member

    Tis a sad fact but crap like that happens everyday. Morbid curiosity has led me to watch some mind buggeringly sick stuff on t’interweb.
    My personal view is that ALL religion should be banned but I also reckon that everyone has the right to choose.


    Free Member

    pml at “chase your threads” classic! sorry probably should have mentioned it was a brand new frame. Has anyone read the HT11 small print to check for ‘chase’ and ‘face’ tolerances? I must have overlooked them.

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