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  • Review: Islabikes Pro Series Creig 26
  • thepurist
    Full Member

    From those pix it looks like she might be in the remake of ‘Commando’ too

    Full Member

    Just like mountain biking – if you can’t hit the ball as far/straight as your mate, don’t practice your technique – just go and buy a swanky new set of clubs.

    Full Member

    Geez Bamboo has got a bad rep! The thing with Bamboos is that they can be divided into ‘clump forming’ (Phyllostachys, Fargesia, Chusquea etc) which are pretty good at staying put, and ‘runners’ like Sasa which will take over the entire neighbourhood. Of course if you don’t know what you’ve got then treat it like a runner!

    Full Member

    Go to their profile then bottom left is a little magic button that says “Remove from friends”.

    Full Member

    Bell have a crash replacement policy too –

    Full Member

    ’nuff said (no, not me – I’d never get a beard like that!)

    Full Member

    You checked

    Maybe she’ll be doubly grateful then!

    Full Member

    Numpty question #1 (I did say I know nothing of the ways of the dark side…)

    The current tyres are 27 x 1 1/4 – not a common size but I can find a few of them on CRC & the like, but I’m assuming a 700C inner tube will be OK do the job?

    Full Member

    Cheers all – had a better look over it last night & looks like all it needs is new tyres & tubes, maybe a look at the brakes and that’s it. Maybe a bit of chain lube too if I’m gonna push the boat out!

    Full Member

    Leylandii generally don’t have dormant buds in the old wood, so the answer is no, it won’t regrow. That’s why it’s a nightmare of a hedge plant – fine if you keep it trimmed but once it’s got too big there’s no easy way to reduce it. Some other conifers (notably Yew) do have dormant buds so are much easier to look after.

    Full Member

    Air Wick?[/url]

    Full Member

    Looks like she shares a flat with Alesha Dixon – time to consider that for a few moments…

    Full Member

    Dan – IME there are two main attitudes for riding your bike – there’s the ‘I fell off last time i rode this so I’m scared so I’ll tense up and go slow this time and I’ll actually have less bike control and will probably fall off again and get even more tense and go even slower’ one and the ‘i cleared that so i’m feeling better about my riding so i’m relaxed more on the bike and carrying a bit more speed so next time i hit something the bike will move under me rather than pitching me off and i might even clear that too’ one. I’m pretty sure we’ve all been on both – I know I have!

    Just go back to something that is on the edge of your current comfort zone, ride it a few times till it’s easy then maybe move to something else and do the same thing.

    Full Member

    Looks like the farmers aren’t too pleased about that jellyfish one. Wonder if they can sue the lizard people?

    Full Member

    WCA – in a separate bit of the drawing/new layer/component draw a line along one of the axes that’s long enough to span your site. Use the Move tool to copy it 2m perpendicular, then use the repeat option (* 100) or whatever to duplicate that enough times to cover the site(see Linear Arrays in the help). Select all those lines (easier if you were smart do it in a component/different layer/differnet bit of drawing), use the rotate tool to make a copy spun by 90 degrees and that’s pretty much job done apart from dropping it onto the site.

    Or send it to me (or Part 1 girl)

    Full Member

    aP – Surely an architect would just tell the client they need to commission a full topo survey then bill them 10% on top of the surveyor’s fee?

    Full Member

    SketchUp might do the job for you.

    Full Member

    A baby robin?

    Full Member

    So who won what??

    Full Member

    Full Member

    F*£k yeah! And they should be sponsored by Durka

    Full Member

    Prodrive have submitted their entry, as have Litespeed, Lola, Campos & (apparently) USGPE – that makes F1 oversubscribed for next year. Not sure about the 85M figure though – thought they were heading closer to 100-110M?

    Full Member

    Thread’s been un-stickied now – suggest the 1246 followers don’t hold their breath. Maybe there will be a sneaky edit of the original post, with another ‘0’ added to the total ;-)

    Full Member

    I’d go with Magura – I’ve got some Rebas & Laurins and just swapped them so the Laurins are on the bike I ride most. If I was buying now I’d go for the Durins.

    Full Member

    Short version is that I passed out about 90 seconds after entering the water. Fortunately I’d just told my buddy I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to abort the dive so he reacted immediately, lifted me to the surface & got back to the waters edge where I was unconscious, blue, not breathing & had no detectable pulse. I was at an inland site where another group had just finished doing some rescue training so they were on me like a shot, and the site’s rescue boat was over about 30 seconds later. I came to with an O2 mask on my face while they were doing CPR on me, then was taken to hospital by ambulance & discharged later that night.

    At the time I put it down to complacency and assumed that I’d effectively been breathing a gas mix that was only 10% oxygen and so had passed out as a result, but about 9 months later I had a migraine type attack that left me curled up in a ball, gasping for breath and twitching and then realised that a lot of the symptoms and after effects of that were the same as when I had my accident. I’d never had that before or since, but it seems the more likely explanation now.

    Don’t let that put you off though! ‘Normal’ diving is pretty safe these days and the training will teach you how to react in the unlikely event that anything goes wrong. If you’re comfortable flying downhill on a bike then the underwater world has way less hazards than that! ;-)

    Full Member

    Gav – if you’re in Cornwall then show your face on the South West Mafia[/url] forums. Similar to YD, but maybe a bit more mleh…

    Full Member

    Used to do loads until a few years ago – had been diving for 20 years routinely doing 70m+ wrecks on silly gas mixtures, then nearly killed myself in less than 4m of water which caused a bit of a re-evaluation of my priorities…

    Anyhow – yes, the advice up there is all very good except the one place you need to visit is the diving equivalent of STW – Yorkshire Divers[/url]. And (on the right day) diving in the UK is still some of the best in the world – you just have to be prepared to take the bad days to get the good ones. I’ve been diving all over the world and many of my best memories are from the UK.

    Full Member

    -m- it doesn’t even provide proof of delivery when your postie just leaves your “Recorded Delivery” package hanging out of your letterbox when you’re away for the weekend and any passing scally could wander off with your goods. According to the tracking system the package that I found sticking out of the door on Sunday night is still in transit to me. I thought they were meant to stick a card through your door and take it back to the post office, or do they just do that when they can’t be arsed to even bother knocking on the door?

    … and I’m on the thread!

    Full Member

    He can cut the overhanging branches back as jova said but you only have to offer them back to your neighbour, not chuck them back over the fence or anything. He can also prune the roots at the boundary line if he so chooses, but any pruning (branches or roots) must be done in a competent fashion to avoid killing the tree, otherwise he’s liable for criminal damage. He’s also committing an offence if he starts drilling holes in it, copper nails, diesel round the base etc etc – same as if your neighbour doesn’t like where you put your shed and comes and torches it one night.

    Check as well – probably more informed (but less entertaining) advice there than here!

    Full Member

    Perhaps they’ll put the 40M figure down as a ’clerical error’ that slipped into the new rules by mistake, like Bernie’s mad medals plan.

    Full Member

    Remember this is 92K for someone in the relative backwater of the “BBC News Channel”. The presenters on the 10 o clock news must get a fair whack more than that, which seems quite a lot of money for sitting down and reading out what it says on an autocue.

    Full Member

    I reckon they’ll end up with a cap round 120M for next year, then ease it down after that. Of course Ferrari would take their engine supply with them which would shaft TorroRosso as well, though they’re in trouble anyway with next year’s rules.

    Full Member

    You’ll get way more evaporation with the water moving than you will do with it sat stationary. Depending on design it may also lose masses of water through splashing/spillage so it’s worth seeing it running and sticking your hand beside it. Without any movement you may lose 1/2″ to 1″ per week in summer depending on the amount of sun it gets, surface area, amount of wind blowing over it etc.

    Full Member

    Owen – that’s not what it says on the Planning Portal site

    Fences between gardens generally don’t require any permission up to 2m high so AFAIK Plant has no legal redress to them putting a fence up – seems that it’s not interfering with the access so there’s no ground for complaint there. Plant – stick up a pic and we’ll see if the STW collective can come up with alternative washing arrangements.

    Full Member

    Will make the working day fly by.

    Full Member

    … or did I read that wrong?

    Full Member

    Votchy – 3263442. Way less than 3 mins – where do I get the elbow patches for my cardigan? (am not, never have been and don’t want to be an engineer or a downhiller)

    Full Member

    If you’re offering a service to your customers then make sure you’ve got some firm Terms of Engagement in place – 99.9% of the time you won’t need them, but it’s the first thing you’ll wish you had if TSHTF and a job goes belly up. I’m guessing RIBA have something suitable for architectural services.

    Full Member

    Was watching the race and kept expecting to see him at least waving from the stretcher.

    And a few years before that I remember walking out from my Saturday job to get picked up by my brother who just said – “Villeneuve’s dead”.

    I think Senna is the last F1 driver to have died in a crash. One record of his that I hope nobody breaks.

    Full Member

    15 years ago today – glory days. I was at Monaco that year – walked the grid after the race and that Brazilian flag on the tarmac spoke volumes.

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