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  • Issue 155 Editorial: Going The Extra Mile
  • themilo
    Free Member

    Personally I Kingspan’ed the flat spaces on the floor and shoved loft style insulation around the rest as that s where i’d be sleeping. I just packed loft style insulation on top of the silver “bubble style” rolls against the walls, then plyed it and carpeted it. Worked for me 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers Scotjohn!

    Free Member

    Haha – cheered me up no end reading these.

    Unfortunately I got bored of the constant sniping a year or so ago (after 16 or so years mind) and started to revolt (sic) which has lead to an unrepairable rift in our marriage. I’d probably have walked years ago tbh but for our 2 amazing kids. She’s asked for a “trial separation”. Anyone been through it? Does it ever actually become anything other than “actual” separation? The kids are only 5 and 9 and my biggest concern is potential impact on them. If anyone has any sage advice i’d appreciate it! Googling 1 bedroom flats to rent……………….

    Free Member

    TBH at this price point and ability level it really doesn’t matter – they’re all brilliant.

    I was very impressed with the LG G2 though. Quad core 2.3 cpu and a full HD 5.2 screen. I own the HTC One though which is also epic.

    LG gives you a cheaper, uber specced option though.

    You’ll be happy with any at this price point however – just pick the one you like 🙂

    Free Member

    Enjoy. Oh, and IMO the gradings are insane. The 2 Blues from the top are easily more tech and faster than the black from the top at Cwmcarn for example. They’re brilliant but blues? I pushed/rode up twice – Fire road the second time. Uplift day on the cards for my birthday!

    Free Member

    Cheers – enjoyed the blog very much 🙂 Looks like great fun.

    Free Member

    Matt they look ace but I’ve seen her flounce – she would be.massively over biked on either!

    Free Member

    I love the look of that! Keep me in mind would you please?

    Cheers 🙂

    Nb* she wants the pedals!!!!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. Ballpark figure on the inbred Clink? In case Clink’s f&f is too rich for me, are there any makes/models anyone would recommend? I’ll start having a scout around myself too 🙂


    Free Member

    Have to agree. Granted each child is different but it took a lot longer to transition from stabilizers than from balance bike (literally the first attempt). Mate of mine bough standard bike, took pedals off and used it as a balance bike for a few months until little un was cruising around. Sold him the idea of pedals on the grounds that he’d be able to go faster and off he went – first crack again. I think it’s def the best way.

    Free Member

    Decathlon said they’d take them. Depends what your after if course!

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone. Commuting gold here I reckon.


    Free Member

    Depends what your aim is IMO. If, like me, you just enjoy singing along to some old Oasis or whatever then I really wouldn’t bother with the learning to read sheet music route. I played the violin for years and years and I really don’t think that it helped when I came to pick up a guitar. Camo16 is right – tabs are all you need in the main.

    Just watch out for that bastid F chord…………..

    Free Member

    Cheers all.

    Good ideas here – hadn’t considered rolling the shirt for starters.

    No chance of a shower unfortunately – moving into Retail so although it’s my shop, I wont have that kinda clout or, indeed, space.

    TBH it’s at most 5 miles although I intend to stretch that on the way back. Luckily it’s 90% Taff trail so whilst there’s little traffic a decent light will be in order – any recommendations that wont break the bank but will enable me to see?

    I’ve a choice of bikes (this is STW after all) but want to stick to the hybrid in the main as wouldn’t fancy leaving either of my other 2 on the high street. Any rack an pannier opinions other than Topeak? I quite like their quick release mech but don’t rally like their price for what you get?

    Free Member

    That was nice work there! Looked like a fair amount of speed in some parts as well – enjoyed that 🙂 Cheers

    Free Member

    Yup, drove a MKII Escort home with string through th window accelerator after the link broke. Not the smoothest of rides id have to admit……..

    Also remember the passenger seat of the very same cra being the “in charge of wiper” seat should it rain on the basis that the wipers needed to be manualed at least 50% of the time if it rained!!!

    Free Member

    I cant speak for everyone and wont try.

    When I was in the CS (latterly the CSA – sorry!)I did relatively **** all. I didn’t really know it at the time because my exposure to actual work wasn’t sufficient enough to realise that fact.


    Find something less futile and better paid.

    It WILL be harder.

    You WILL rise to that challenge.

    You will probably be rewarded better.

    If you don’t – you are the reason that the CS is shite………….

    Free Member

    Come the day, we all set off from Manchester at 7am, me sat in the passenger seat of the Directors car. It was halfway up the M6 that I realised I had actually forgot to send out the invitation letters to the delegates.

    Now that is fekin genius!!!!

    Id have had to persist for at least a while. See if you can get every other fecker sacked 🙂

    Free Member

    There are NO utterly magnificent, draw droppingly beautiful, soul purifyingly spectacular surf spots anywhere near south west/west Wales.

    Don’t bother looking.

    Nothing to see here.

    Go home and ride your bike.


    Free Member

    Tony Hart at my works Xmas do. We poached his “gallery” theme tune for some of our adverts. 2 massive “minders” with him whom I drunkenly side stepped to inform him that “you sir, are a f*!*in legend!” I think he appreciated it………

    Free Member

    Plus 1 for dropbox. Even had some success on my daughter’s iPad using this method!

    Free Member

    I imagine it’s the same one but it was bloomin great. Would have loved to have seen what Rhossi or Stoner or any of the recent hard chargers would have made of them. Some of the highsides were EPIC!

    Free Member

    [quoteThat and their refusal to negotiate on contract value with iphones even for loyal customers will probably have me changing in 18 months.[/quote] not THAT loyal then are you?

    Apple set the prices mate not the network. Your “loyalty” means nothing if you don’t generate revenue. Now sit down, have a think, and reevaluate how much you should be contributing toward a £600 phone.

    Free Member

    Lucky enough to have played with both but i’ve stuck with the HTC One. Upsides are the speakers, the screen, blinkfeed, Zoe and the build quality. Which is a good job because the downside is that it’s a bit too slippy!

    For me, the S4 was just too similar to the S3 and it seems that they’ve just chucked “features” at it in a “make it do EVERYTHING” style without any thought as to actual usability. Why would you want to be able to scroll a page without touching the screen for example? As if you cant be bothered to move your finger the extra 2mm?

    And it’s too light!

    Free Member

    Triban 3 here also. Standard other than pedals and tyres. I’d have to be a lot lighter and fitter to find the benefit of spending an extra £699. Not the trendiest badge but I’ll take the spare cash in the bank over a very expensive Giant sticker all day 🙂

    Free Member

    Have a look on gsm arena at the galaxy mega. Not massively uber specced with the screen being the main thing. Probably going to be middling pricewise. Of course they are bloody huge!

    Free Member

    Now this is by no means a recommendation – just sharing ok?

    I used to work for a Finance House. One of my customers was an Assistant Bank Manager looking to tidy up some debts and do some fairly substantial home improvement.

    I lent her £50k.

    She…….left the country.

    I can only assume that she’s spent the last 6 years riding round the Alps because we couldn’t find her anywhere else.


    Free Member

    TBH I just want to know if I’m allowed to kill anyone for wiping out the £15k I sunk into shares over the years ‘coz “banks are always a safe investment”. I really cant be arsed starting a pension now and my initial provision is now worth sweet fa.

    Free Member

    Solo skiing in nice weather with some quality tunes in your ears.

    Probably a whole raft of safety issues but I’ve rarely had such a huge grin on and felt so “at peace”.

    Don’t hurt yourself………..

    Free Member

    FWIW I’m in the industry – I wont talk about individual networks specifically as I don’t have any insider info as such about all of them but….. Think about what’s going on at the moment with the upcoming 4g/LTE spectrum auctions. Every network is investing heavily because they need to be ready to go as soon as logistically possible to rein in EE’s market advantage (they being the only ones currently in the 4G game). The problem they’ve got is that no one knows how much spectrum they’ll have nor what the eventual median pricing will look like in a competitive market which seems to be leading to a lot of uncertainty in terms of what to do/spend right now.

    Added to the uncertainty of the 4G proposal, people like 3 have been loss making for quite a while on their headline deals which contributes to the difficulty of making further investment in their current network/tech.

    Going back to the OP’s point – If you’ve tried the sim in another phone and an alternate sim in your phone and the issues persist then it looks like a coverage problem. The question then points to whether 3’s coverage checker is accurate and/or whether they’ve got any ongoing cell site issues in your area. Either way, you’ll likely have to send the phone to them to check and/or jump through some other hoops before they’ll be willing to take the financial hit of taking you out of contract. If you took it from store then they’re supposed to do a coverage check before they sign you up so that may also be an avenue for you. Be persistent and firm but as polite as you can manage!

    Oh and re the standard contract terms. They usually say that coverage cant be guaranteed (because you’ll move around – it’s a mobile) but this becomes null and void if the network has done something to degrade your service and cant/wont fix it in a “reasonable” time frame. For example, if coverage was fine when you took the contract but then YOU move = tough. If the Network takes down a cell site because they think there’s a coverage overlap and need to save on costs and your coverage is then degraded = their fault and they’ll usually be able to identify this and let you go.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Alternatively (and naughtily of course), how about “I’m handing in my notice because I’ve accepted a job starting next week with “xxxxxx” (where “xxxxxx” just happens to be a direct competitor).

    Gardening leave here I come!

    Of course this morally wrong.

    I don’t endorse this at all.

    Free Member

    EE use BT lines so you will at least have that option. I think they do discounts for existing customers and they also cover some buyout costs if you’re still in contract.

    Free Member

    Ooh nice! Not sure I’m ready to make the leap to Snow riding in the dark though!

    Forgot to mention the two blokes I saw at the Mountain cafe. One of them had shorts on! No tights, no thermal leggings, just shorts. Possibly the knee pads he had on gave some hitherto unimagined warmth but I was still impressed!

    Free Member

    South Wales is shut. Even my office hasn’t opened which is virtually unheard of! Must be the end of the world we’ve been waiting for……

    Free Member

    Yep, trying to convince eveyone it’s bed time so I can get up in the morning!

    Free Member


    In my experience of the regs, as long as you contact them to express the desire to return within the specified period (usually 14 days) the actual return date is irrelevant as long as its “reasonable”. The question is; did they record you intention to return? Good luck.

    Free Member

    We had Maverick Sabre at ours. He was shite.

    Some lad that trains mma was asked to demonstrate a choke hold after too many lagers and ended up nearly getting sacked after the other guy passed out.

    Then one of the managers thought it’d be cool to do the catapiller on the dance floor until he tried to round it off will a little somersault. Gave himself a bad concussion then spent 20 mins accusing various people of lamping him until the paramedics arrived and carted him off. I left at this point……

    Free Member

    Cwm is pretty stable – tends to hold up well. It has been raining A LOT mind………………

    Free Member

    One of the best vibes at a gig I’ve ever experienced. One of the lads I new from Manchester(u-ziq)was supporting them at Barrowlands in Glasgow.

    I felt like a pop star; backstage and all that stuff.

    Turned into a mental weekend!

    Free Member

    Yamaha f310 here also. Seemed very well thought of online which helped my choice. Numb fingers so far but nicer than anything I’ve ever played before. Which is very little tbh.

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