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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • themilo
    Free Member

    Yep, utter bs. They could maybe supply a signal booster but why mess about? You owe them nothing. If another network has much better coverage where you live/work why would you not take advantage of that? Poor buggers in retentions are sometimes quite desperate. Can’t blame them as they only have the tools provided by the telco but just making stuff up isn’t on.

    Free Member

    Manchester: Mid 80s to early 90s. But not all in the same week.
    Monday – The Ritz
    Thursday – The Hacienda
    Saturday – De Villes, Brickhouse, 42nd Street, 5th Avenue, Banshee, The Granby (!) and that subterranean shit hole on Whitworth Street whose name escapes me.

    A couple of away days to Wigan Pier and Shelly’s in Stoke too, but I didn’t fit in with the drug culture so packed that in.

    Almost exactly the same as me but I’d add Konspiracy and Sankies Soap to the mix. Which was the one that 808 state dj’d on Saturdays? Was that the Venue? Downstairs, no regard to getting out if it went pear shaped, stupid hot, pipes all over the place?

    Free Member

    Nice bike! Now go for a ride then sort that bloody fence come trellising out.

    At least the valves are lined up

    Free Member

    I reckon as long as you don’t have to run the gauntlet of sales guys before you can see the cars and as long as the cars have all the relevant details on display they’re OK. Car craft used to display minimal info so you had to ask someone before you could decide if it was a decent price or not. Then they’d come in with the hard sell. Went once. Wouldn’t go again even if they were still in business.

    Brother in law got one from motor point in newport. Ok price. Not too much knobiness. Nice clean car.

    Free Member

    Got away with that for 40 years until my wife, who I had innocently told, blabbed to my mum.

    Schoolboy error there. If you did something bad you just have to suck it up and live with it. Tell no one. If you do, there’s someone else who’s not as invested in keeping that secret and, sooner or later, they’ll tell someone else!

    Free Member

    Where to begin?

    New jobs when consultants turn up (PWC like this) and ask the new group to introduce themselves and include 3 facts about themselves. 2 need to be true and 1 a lie.

    I’ve been through the this process probably 4 times and I’ve made them all up just to see if I could lead them down the blind alley trap I was laying. Doesn’t always work as I’m not a pathological liar – I just do it to keep me killing the well meaning if massively overpaid PWC people.

    I used to be in the French Foreign Legion.
    I toured France after the financial crash left me redundant for the 3rd time in 6 months and took a job as a surf instructor for 2 months in Biarritz
    I’m a grade 7 violinist
    I raced go karts as a teen and came second to Rosburg (his dad obviously)
    I was mates with Aphex Twin and one of the tracks (Alberto balsm if questioned) was written on my synth

    And other outrageous claims that I can’t remember.

    Turns out I actually can fib rather well………..

    Free Member

    Could always get an HDMI sender?

    Free Member

    Surely, if you believe in the one monotheistic god/religion, everything is, by dint of that belief, an act of God and thus preordained.
    Doesn’t it follow, then, that you’re not covered for anything?

    Free Member

    4 berth sport home on that mclaren page – yes please!

    Free Member

    As others have said, take it easy to begin with. Afan is great but the f you go too hard and mess up there are lots of stumps etc that could really mess you up. BPW, cliche but generally true; blues are more testing than blue elsewhere, reds are redder than elsewhere and black equals instant death (as far as I’m concerned anyway). The blue runs are great imo. Can get some lovely flow going without too much experience of them.

    Have fun!

    Free Member

    How do we get Carney to run?

    Free Member

    You’re right re data roaming. Just internet stuff only. Did your phone actually roam to a foreign network? I.e. Could you see moviestar instead of three (just an example of course) or is roaming (not data roaming naturally) disabled at either your or the network side?

    Free Member

    Fwiw I’ve “dropped” a fair few vehicles for others and a T4 for myself and I’ve never, ever, done it to make it anything but “look better”. You can spend a small fortune and it will handle better but that line is very narrow. Cross it and you’ll ruin it for the vast majority of the driving you’ll do, just get new standard ones. It’s never going to be cool anyway and , at worst, it’ll end up looking like it’s crashed into a halfords spare parts bin. Leave it alone.

    Free Member

    I managed to get back into Blighty (in the early 90’s admittedly) with a handwritten letter from “the rep” after I lost my passport in Austria somewhere whilst skiing. Shat myself all the way back only to be waived through without so much as a cursory glance at the folded, tattered, illiterate nonsense I was banking on to save me from a full body search. Course I got home, opened my case and there it was, right on top. Knob.

    Free Member

    If I had that bike there’s no way I’d be entrusting it to what appear to be “some suckers”. Brave.

    Free Member

    I guess they can do what they like. I don’t agree with it at all and I do wonder “why”? I mean it’s 100k plus to just get a membership there anyway, I doubt they’d be overrun with “Sharon’s and Tracey’s” (apologies to all Sharon’s and Tracey’s btw but you get my point). Seems a very strange one to me. I wonder what the average age of membership is and I wonder what their wives think of their vote (assuming they are/are still married).

    I am surprised that sexism appears to be ok but it wouldn’t be ok to insist all members be white (I bloody hope not anyway).

    Free Member

    Aye, not bad that is it.

    Free Member

    perchypanther – Member
    Voodoo Bizango + £500 quid of upgrades / coke / hookers.


    This. Great value first bike.

    Free Member

    Binners, you wrote exactly what I was thinking. The Stone Roses years coencided with my formative years. There’s a fair chance we may have man hugged during the “briefly cool years”…….possibly complimenting, in an inane, utterly off our faces way, on each other’s stupidly flared jeans and hilarious haircuts whilst still, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, knowing full well that we were at the epicentre of cool. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself…….

    Free Member

    Thank **** for that. Wrong in sooooo many ways. That you tube clip above makes you think too……

    Free Member

    Yes! Let’s hope they throw the book at him and you get your bike back ASAP. Have you got any bombers you can lend the local plod?

    Free Member

    Just be careful you don’t put Newport into your sat nav without checking which one it’s taking you to. That’d really spoil your trip……..

    Free Member

    It’s ok. You’ll not be surprised by much of it tbh and it’s very “Tarentino” if you catch my drift. Mrs hated it. You’d get chucked in jail for watching it with your kids. Pretty easy watch but don’t expect to come out the other end having “learnt anything”.

    Free Member

    Last week tbh. Went for a surf. In my little car. 9 ft 6 Board just fits inside. Obstructs visibility a tad but not too bad.
    Decent sesh, out, changed, off we go. 30 min drive up the M4, 5 minutes from home before I “noticed” something was missing. Sharpish u turn and 25 mins later, massive relief as a kind chap is watching my board for me. “Wondered how long it’d take you to notice” he says……..that’s what happens when you’re just knackered………..

    Free Member

    The problem is that Voda will treat a porting request in the same way they would treat a cancellation request. If you give a PAC code to o2, for example, when they use it (to transfer the number to their network) the Voda line will end and you’ve terminated the contract early at that point. So yes, they will require you to buy out the rest of the contract. They MAY consider commuting your business contract to a personal contract and allow you to see out the term at an appropriate monthly cost but you need to speak to their business team and they’re certainly not required to do so.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Sgwd yr Eira. Did this Saturday for the first time having moved down here 17 years ago. Thoroughly recommend. Doughnuts available at start of walk are to be highly recommended if slightly out of sync with general walking vibe.

    Lots of different nationalities around which was great also.

    Free Member

    I got around the speed limit issue by buying a 2.4 diesel T4 that’s was nearly as old as me and putting massive wheels on it to destroy, even further, the already woeful performance. I loved every minute of ownership dearly. My wife cried when I sold it. I just had enough of travelling to hilly Corwall and having to use Devon as a run up. Still miss it though.

    Free Member

    Good grief, I’m glad I did mine 20 years ago, sounds like a right faff these days. Think I did about 30 ms in a car park swerving around like a knobber then half a day or so pootling about on a cg125. Test, pass. Only advisory was to get a helmet that wasn’t black. Which I ignored being 22. Obviously.

    Free Member

    Edit. What Ben said. Much better idea. Unless it’s raining. Then you’re screwed.

    Free Member

    I was going to say Rhosilli bay but it’s too far I think. She could drive down to swansea. Maybe the mumbles and have a bimble about? Maybe even park up at caswell and take a stroll up the coast for a bit.

    Free Member

    Nexus 6p? Twin speakers. Vanilla Android. Relatively good value. Worth looking at.

    Free Member

    That would be outstanding news! I hated Carfell with a passion (although it did try to kill me so I may be biased) but loved the Twrch. Fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    C’an picfort is alright. Went with the little uns a few years ago. If it’s the all inc first choice place it’s not too bad. Resteraunt on site is/was pretty decent and the staff were nice. Only did a week – not a massive amount to keep you entertained but ok place to chill in the warmth.

    Free Member

    Dragons back is nice. Rode there over the beacons on a little mtb tour a few years ago and decided, being a cheap bstard, that I’d camp in the grounds. Lovely location. Couple of things to note; it’s high – 1000ft plus iirc. Don’t camp in March*. Have the curry.

    *forgot the thermarest and slept on the ground. 3am wearing every single item of clothing I had (including spare gloves on feet). Thought I was going to die……..

    Free Member

    Well I’m doing it. I need to break the cycle that I’ve slipped into. Every night. Glass of wine. Maybe another. Oh, I’ve drunk the lot. Maybe will just have another small glass out of that other bottle…………..

    I’m also using it as the springboard to lay off the bread. And the cheese. And run 3 times a week. And eat more veg.

    Believe me, it’s a challenge. Still, 6 days in.

    Sponsor me to make a positive change on my lifestyle, my health and my bank balance? No, don’t think so.

    Not consciously restricting this to January either. We will see.

    Free Member

    La monde. St Mary’s street. Just don’t let the French waiters pick your wine if budget is of any consideration at all.

    Purple popadom is an amazing experience. But, you either won’t get in or you will, but you’ll be hungry when you leave. It a tad pricey and a bit la di da for my taste/wallet.

    Free Member

    Ime, the networks won’t unlock “their” phones for a third party. If you want voda to do it, it’ll have to be “their” customer that makes the request. Most do charge a fee though.

    Free Member

    Wow indeed. I’m blown away by that. That’s a good afternoons riding for me I reckon and I think I’d still be stoked at the end of it. Probably a full set of pads and several pairs of clean shorts required too! Inspiring!

    Free Member

    I can’t empathise with your loss. I have no frame of reference. Yet. My condolences nonetheless. Mates? Real ones? Mine are all 200 miles away. Not really managed to make any genuine ones in the 20 plus years I’ve moved away. I’m not worried. We meet up mAybe once a year. I figure if the first thing you do is take the piss, unreservedly, out of each other you can pretty much bank on those people to be there when you need them.

    Hope it all pans out for you fella. (Almost went for mate there!)

    Free Member

    Ah, I was just about to offer you the spare room too……..

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