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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • theloner
    Free Member

    No mate, never heard of Paul’s Cycles, will have a looksee.

    Free Member

    Anschluss anyone?

    Free Member

    And now, the ultimate tantrum-Merkel threatens WAR if Germany can’t have it’s own way. Priceless.

    Free Member

    My boss asked me today- ‘what’s the name of that actor who is in the More Than Freeman adverts?’

    Free Member

    Tell that to the Spanish with their 20% umemployment, Edukator.

    Free Member

    Who are ‘These People’ Edukator?

    Free Member

    mrmo-two wrongs don’t make a right. The EU State is a gigantic waste of money that should be being spent on other things than further lining the pockets of already very wealthy people. I read that DPM Clegg gets a £60,000 a year pension for ONE stint in the EU Parliament…times that by thousands and you start to see why we’re skint and the political class won’t hear a word against the EU…

    Free Member

    Of COURSE it would have major effects! Whether the GOOD effects would outweight the BAD is the question. Is there any reason, for example, that we couldn’t recommense our trading agreements with the commonwealth? I’d personally rather do business with economies like India, Canada, Australia and South Africa-growing economies with a futre-than the PIIGS of Europe…and for the record I think you’re wrong Jerry, if the EU were forced ionto a corner they’d give us the concessions we need. If the UK walked out Spain, Greece and Italy may follow suit-it would certainly cause uproar in Brussels. The Spaniards I know are clamouring for a return to the Peseta and for a little more autonomy. And as for the EU government itself, an unelected, undemocratic gravy train of jumped up little Hitlers if ever there was one-what exactly is the point of them? Anyway, this is seriousl;y bad digression from the point-should the people have a say or should they be ignored?

    Free Member

    mrmo-I haven’t seen any evidence that the EU’s trade with us would be at all affected by the UK not wanting to be part of the European Federal State. Trading partners-YES, junior partners in a Franco/German Dictarorship-NO. I’m not even going to get into the EU gravy train that sucks billions from the European economy. EU membership has cost the UK £90,000,000,000 or so, the benefits of membership are there to see but so are the pitfalls.

    Free Member

    Surely all the government would need-to postpone or cancel and election-would be a parliamentry majority?

    Free Member

    teanhurtmore-thanks for that, it’s kinda what I was trying to say (rather badly!).

    Free Member

    Sorry mrmo, but are saying is that the British people are too stupid to be trusted with decisions about our own future?

    Free Member

    mrmo-my point is that there has bever had to be an educated discussion on the merits of EU membership because our ‘leaders’ in parliament have this arrogant, snobby attitude that they know best and we don’t count.
    The point of having a vote is that the majority WANT a vote, to deny it would be dictaorship in my eyes. I’ve had enough of ‘don’t do as I do, do as I say’ politics.

    Free Member

    Really Jerry? Care to point out the differences between the Treaty and Constitution?

    Free Member

    Whether or not Brown signed a ‘Treaty’ or a ‘Constitution’ Jerry, the premise was the same. Don’t try and pretend that it wasn’t the same document, every sensible person knows it was whatever their political leaning.

    Free Member

    Whether it was in the 2010 or 2007 manifesto mate, the issue remains the same. The majority of people want a vote. They should, surely, have it? If not what next? Capital punishment?

    Free Member

    Blimey, some of you blokes really do come across as a bunch of Patricians! Sod the Plebs and what they think, we know best! I just can’t see that kind of attitude as democratic!

    Free Member

    Yes, it was. In 2007 Cameron promised a “cast-iron” commitment to a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. At the time William Hague described Browns signing of the treaty-against 88% of the publics will- as a “bad day for democracy. What’s changed?

    Free Member

    darrell- does that give the PM the right to dictate to the public then?

    Free Member

    allthepies-it was in the previous manifesto, before Brown signed the Constitution. And at the time that Brown reneged on his parties promise Cameron screamed and wailed about the benefits of having a referendum, now he orders his MP’s to deny the people what they want.

    b r-politicians are our servants not our parents. Surely if the people want a say then they should have one. If Cameron feels he has the right to patronise the public then he’ll pay at the polls next time out, just like Brown did.

    What worries me the most is that none of the Lib/Lab/Con parties are representing mainstream opinion on Europe-opening the door to the extreme right.

    Free Member

    TJ-your answer mirrors my Labour Councillor friends view but is missing the point. Whether I want in or out of the EU is irrelevant, what I am saying is if the people WANT a say, as they do, who are politicians to deny it? As you will no doubt know the EU Constitution and the Treaty were for all intents and purposes the same document, they even contained the same spelling mistakes!

    Free Member

    Never had one but my ex-neighbour had 4. They slept on her bed and yapped 24/7. Athletic little buggers thye were too, they would leap a 5′ wall into my garden and wonder into my house for a visit…

    Free Member

    A friend on mine, a Labour Councillor in Hove told me that Brown & Co denied us a referendum on the EU Constitution because the ‘No’ vote would win and they couldn’t allow that. That smacks of dictatorship to me, as does Camerons stance on it now. What price Democracy when manifesto pledges are torn up and tossed out like so much confetti?

    Free Member

    What a terrible accident. At least, I suppose, he died doing what he loved. I hope his family can take at least a little comfort in that.

    Free Member

    I had a female EBT for 12 years. She was a delight, so much personality but stubborn as an ox. They are, generally one-owner dogs, however she was mine and it used to make me chuckle when she fragrantly ignored everything my wife said to her! I loved that dog to bits and was devastated when she died, I’d have another EBT anytime.

    Free Member

    Living in a constant state of denial.

    Free Member

    Simondbarnes’s bike is just wonderful!

    Free Member

    You’re drunk, right?

    Free Member

    My eyes, my beautiful eyes….sullied forever….

    Free Member

    Left wing Guardian reading apologists for the disaster that was Gordon Brown.
    Anyone who’s been on Jeremy Kyle.
    Skinny men with wispy beards on fixies.
    Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who wears those cut down jeans with turn-ups.

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