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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • TheFopster
    Free Member

    Fallen. Loved that band on and off for nearly my entire life. Blame an older brother who was there from day one. Suspect I’ve been following then for 30 plus years. Top banana live on a good day. We’ll not see his like again…

    Off to dig out some vinyl. 6music worth a listen at the moment if you are “fall curious”.

    Free Member

    I was sent some in the mail as a Christmas gift by a marketing agency I don’t use and have never heard of. They were indisputedly the best I’ve ever had by a wide margin, and even came with the recipe. Mince had a lot of orange zest in it if I remember correctly, but I’ve thrown the recipe away. Sorry about that – I’ll get my coat.

    Free Member

    In the interests of time I’ll offer a remix of a cover. Two birds, one stone, etc.

    Vid here

    Free Member

    That’ll polish out, surely?

    Free Member

    What a heartwarming thread – this place does seem to come good in a crisis. Good luck gnusmas and well done to Junkyard – have also just done the necessary on JG. A small amount that I can easily afford – if you’re reading this and dithering, go on and do it. You’ll feel warm and fuzzy and earn karma points to be redeemed in the future in your own hour of need. What’s not to like?

    BTW – it’s up to £360!

    Free Member

    Try The Last Policeman. And if you like it, it’s one in a trilogy so more where that came from…

    Free Member

    In my opinion the answer to this question is always Hyundai i10. A few in our family – never had any issues with them, easy to drive, cheap to insure. Friend recently chopped in a VW UP! for one and thought it a big improvement. My daughter turns 17 this year. Will be scouring the classifieds for one myself.

    Free Member

    This is about as easy as it gets:

    You may do slightly better price wise on carwow but I haven’t checked to compare. Includes pcp deals if that’s what you want.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Contura 51. Superb scandi quality build, 5kw output and intake vent ducted outside so sealed from the room. Went in just before Christmas and very impressed. Not cheap but I have been very impressed.

    Free Member

    I got one of these when they were going to 60 quid. Pretty impressed – good for the size. Only criticism is you can’t alter the volume of the start-up or shut-down voice when it shouts “powering on/off”. Otherwise all good, and still under a hundred.

    Ocado middle class speaker shopping linky

    Free Member

    Hyundai IONIQ?

    Free Member

    I did a group day with Jedi a few years ago. Changed my riding for ever – found myself repeating his words to me on cornering whilst out this morning. Got faster for no more effort. Win! Don’t have anyone to compare to but he was a great coach and a top bloke to boot. Planning to go back this summer.

    Free Member

    Why don’t disabled drivers pay to park ?

    Natural justice, in my opinion. If you’ve been dealt a tricky hand you need all the help you can get. It would be great if there were designated spaces everywhere, but there aren’t and we’re all so obsessed with paying as little tax as possible that there is no way they will be built. So – blue badges and free parking it is. Can’t see a better option, and personally seems to me like a good fix to a real problem. Yes is gets abused, but the abuses don’t negate the real need and genuine benefit from those who use it properly.

    Genuinely amazed that anyone would even question it, but I’m overloaded on the season of goodwill to all so probably out of touch.

    Free Member

    Canyon Nerve 29er. Perfectly suited for your environment and great value

    Free Member

    Grew up with it – my Dad was a fan. Spent teens in pubs listening to local gigging bands. Listen to lots of other stuff now but always go back to it from time to time. It’s a very broad category – can’t imagine anyone not liking ANY jazz though of course not everything will hit the spot.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    A car ad that cost less than 500k to shoot is a rare thing. And on top add a couple of million to show it. It’s an expensive business…

    Free Member

    My impression is that “Bill Cash Nutcase Tendency” sums up the bulk of the Conservative party. If they’re presented with the choise of a eurosceptic candidate or a pro EU candidate, they’ll back the eurosceptic.

    Bill Cash Nutcase Tendency – playing tonight at the Hope and Anchor. £5, £3 concessions.

    Free Member

    If you are buying with the aim of no worries motoring I’d also consider either Hyundai or Kia (full disclosure – I now work for the former). If you do lots of miles Hyundai has a 5 year unlimited mileage warranty, if you don’t drive much Kia has 7 years with a mileage cap. A Hyundai Tucson or Kia Sportage may suit – seats fold rather than remove but plenty of space. I have a Tucson and I genuinely love it – a great family car.

    Free Member

    Blue Aeroplanes. Saw them live many times in the 80’s and later, always brilliant. Not everyone’s cup of tea though…

    And come to that, The Beat. Successful but not sure they got the recognition they deserved, and the later stuff when career crashed was brilliant (LP Special Beat Service full of great songwriting – one of my favourite forgotten LPs).

    Free Member

    We also had an alarm we never used, and say I didn’t know there was a battery that needed replacing. I discovered this fact at 11pm on Christmas Day when the alarm started sounding and I couldn’t turn it iff. I guess we may have been one of the muppets that called out jamesoz at an inconvenient time. To be fair we were charged accordingly, and learned a lesson…

    I’d get it looked at!

    Free Member

    Sorry but no, they are still a shambles. I ordered a Nerve last year (so long ago I can’t actually remember if it was in Oct or Nov). Delivery date was December.
    They HAVE communicated with me, to be fair. They emailed to say sorry but they have had to cancel the order. And then the next day to say that was a mistake and my order was still in place. Then nothing.
    I contacted them a few weeks ago to ask what the flip was going on and they said my order was “on time” and due to be shipped week commencing April 11th.
    Have a guess whether it has arrived…
    They are cheap but a shambles. If you need a piss up in a brewery you know who to call.
    Sorely tempted to cancel but the bike is perfect for my needs and great value. I may yet regret hanging on…
    German efficiency is a myth.

    Free Member

    I have often thought that the word genius gets thrown around without adequate regard, and that what people actually mean is “talented”. That said, on my personal list of contemporary musical genii Prince is number 1 and Bowie 2. A monumentally crap year on that score. RIP to both.

    Free Member

    For several decades my answer to this hasn’t changed. Range Rover. Still see no need to change the answer. The “image” doesn’t change the engineering, though it might put me off buying one were I rich enough to do so (as it would a BMW or Audi). As it is my Hyundai is perfect for what I need…

    Free Member

    If it’s any consolation I paid a fortune for an early direct drive LG. I bought it as I thought a big pancake motor with no brushes to wear out and no belt to go wrong would last for ever. The LG marketing spiel made pretty much the same point. Imagine how I laughed when 3 months out of the miserable 2 yr warranty the main bearing failed and I was quoted 400 quid to replace it. The useless piece of junk went to landfill (which I still have sleepless nights if some years later) and I bought a brand new Siemens . No regrets so far but only had it 6 years…

    Free Member

    Definite bargain if you can get for 711. Pretty much a bargain at full MSRP.

    Sorry to post a link to another bicycle site. I will buy some organic single farm sourced fair trade coffee from a small Lancashire specialist importer as penance.

    Free Member

    What a thoroughly depressing read. A lot of entrenched positions and name calling to no good effect. My kids have a few years left to go in the education system but I worry for my grandkids if I’m lucky enough to have them.

    I have no political affiliations but so far haven’t seen any convincing explanation of why changing all the schools to a different classification will make things better. I can’t get past the most basic simplification of the situation – there is too much bureaucracy and we aren’t spending enough on education. Surely until someone has the guts to say we all need to pay a bit more tax we’re just fiddling while Rome burns?

    On that happy note I’m going to ride my bike. That should help.

    Free Member

    Yes – kill off the entire bred. Or rather don’t keep breeding them for sport and let then die out slowly. Cannot see why this is legal as a sport – it makes no sense at all. I’d ban it.

    Free Member

    A bit harsh, I’d say. Saw it last night – it was a bit slow but OK in an over-stylised lord of the flies for grown ups sort of a way. Not great but not awful by any means. And you can’t criticise Mark Kermode – it’s against the rules.

    Free Member

    If your back is significant issue in choosing there are only two brands to look at – Saab and Volvo. A 9-5 Aero would be my bet – fast and best seats of any car I ever had. For peace of mind that i30 diesel with unlimited mileage warranty is a good shout but the seats won’t some anywhere near the Swedes….

    Free Member

    The new Canyon I ordered last year. Latest email suggests it’s coming soon. I’d almost forgotten I’d ordered it! Good job I hadn’t gone and bought that lovely baby blue Orbea I’ve been admiring on the website. That would have been embarrassing….

    Free Member

    +1 for Deore, Bolle Contour glasses, M520 pedals. All work brilliantly. And based on this thread will try out some of the other suggestions – “discovered” Bolle on here so all good. Thanks to all for the top tips!

    Free Member

    Do you need much range? If not I suspect there is an even cheaper way. Two brushless motors, two speed controls and a low range transmitter modified to do the mixing. You can get the cheap spektrum transmitters that come with basic models off eBay very cheaply and I think they do mixing. Simple demo at the end of this video:

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    I bought a Fuji X30. Not too expensive, really nice to use imo and smaller sensor is fine for my needs – won’t be printing poster size. Just a thought but if you’re looking in JL I think they stock it. I bought from digitalrev- cheaper than UK vendors.

    Free Member

    If you really want an easy life, Hyundai i10. No one will think you are cool because you bought it, but ours was bomb proof and they have 5 years warranty with unlimited mileage. New ones even drive well on the motorway. Dull answer though. Buy an Alfa.

    Free Member

    I love Waitrose.

    Keeps the riff raff out of Booths.

    Free Member

    Today this:

    Under normal circumstances I’d probably go for this…

    Redressing the balance regarding the shocking under-usage of the hurdy gurdy in rock music. Have loved them since I accidentally saw them live nearly thirty years ago.

    Apologies for lack of embedding btw. Bloody iPad keeps crashing when I try.

    Free Member

    ENTP or INTP. Done the full test several times with no great insight imparted. Found birth order more useful in understanding team dynamics.

    And top marks to IHN for the MTFU comment above. Now need to do laundry and involuntarily blurting red wine over the duvet. This place can be very funny sometimes…

    Free Member



    Free Member

    I narrowed down to Orbea Occam TR or Canyon Nerve, but suspect my riding is more mincecore. Ordered the Canyon a week ago – may be here in time for Xmas day if I’m lucky! New bike – happy, happy, joy, joy.

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