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  • Review | For £450, the X-Fusion Sweep RL2 is a big-hitting fork for those on a budget
  • TheFlyingOx
    Full Member

    like mobile phones ?

    [edit] film was 2008 and I took it to be contemporary…

    Come on… When was the last time 2 teenage girls went round Europe following U2?


    Full Member

    Full Member

    Liam Neeson, for Taken.

    It's an OK film, but for me it relied too much on technology that I sincerely doubt was available in the mid 80s.

    Full Member

    Try Overclockers, Novatech or MicroDirect and look at their basic systems. You'll generally end up with better spec/faster/more memory/etc. than by shopping at somewhere like PC World.

    Full Member

    We used to go from Sheffield to La Rochelle/St. Nazaire in my dad's 1989 VW Golf every year. That was me and my wee sis, mum & dad. Should be no probs.

    Having said that, you are in a Fiat…

    Full Member

    Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator!

    "It's like shaving your chest with a lawnmower! that sounds dangerous, but it's not more dangerous than drinking BRAWNDO because drinking BRAWNDO is like riding a pony, which probably sounds not dangerous except that the pony is 300 feet tall and covered in chainsaws! And to get on the pony, you have to take an elevator filled with 16 live cougars, which is an actual sport in Latin America, which is extremely fun, but not as fun as BRAWNDO because BRAWNDO is like driving an ice cream truck full of angry bees through a petting zoo, which is a great way of becoming popular if you want to become popular with LAW ENFORCEMENT but if you don't, you should still drink BRAWNDO because BRAWNDO will make you use your fists for everyday tasks, like watching tv or romance or helicopter maintainence! It will also make you more awesome at English, which means you can use apostrophes whenever 'you w'an't to', even in words like 'nuclear', which don't even have an apostrophe yet!"

    /It's got electrolytes!

    Full Member

    Zeenat sounds like the one I used to go to after the Ice Hockey. Excellent food, and if you're lucky you'll get the free entertainment: Middle-aged couple will come in. He's generally wearing a jeans & leather jacket, she in some kind of floral dress. They'll proceed to get even more hammered than they were when they walked in and end up having a blazing row, culminating in one or the other storming out. Happened every single weekend I went. :lol:

    Full Member

    I'd start simple. The number of times I've ripped out the dashboard in my car to find out why cigarette lighter/radio/heater isn't working, only to find a burnt fuse in the fuse box. :oops:

    Also, my missus' MX5 just stopped in the middle of the road the other day. The connector to the negative end of the battery had worked it's way loose. Not off, just loose, but it was enough for there to be zero power to the starter/immobiliser/etc.

    Full Member

    For a bike shop? Pedal-philes

    There can be no other name.

    Full Member

    a mere £5 a week and you too can learn the secrets of the Pete Doherty workout.

    If that includes the required amount of skag, I'm in!

    Full Member

    You can be a heroin addict and have ripped abs

    I find your views intriguing, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

    Full Member

    20 pull ups in 5 weeks…….. really?

    I may have forgot to mention that some might possibly be "assisted" pull-ups (toes on chair out in front) :oops:
    And I could obviously do more than 1 in the first place. Maybe 4 or 5.
    I'm still better than I was, anyway.

    Full Member

    Anyone know how to make a smiley of someone spewing coffee all over their keyboard?

    Will this do?

    Full Member

    Ford Focus ST Orange FTW!

    Full Member

    I'm currently in the middle of Tony Horton's P90X. I know, I know, it's one of those infomercial things that make you cringe if you turn the telly on too early in the morning, but I can honestly say that I'm noticing quite a difference. I don't think I'll ever be "Men's Health" ripped because I like beer and pies too much, but in 5 and a bit weeks I've lost my muffin top, have increased my arm strength immeasurably (as in I can actually manage 20 pull-ups/push ups, rather than the 1 or 2 that killed me before), and just generally trimmed fat and toned up. And I feel a million times more awake as well.

    Full Member

    Log cabin/chalet somewhere in the alps (or pick any location with 'proper' seasons/mountains) would be favourite with me. Bikes in the summer and snow in the winter = income for most of the year.

    Would be nice. Stayed at a chalet in Chamonix last year, and it cost the owner 3 million Euros! Charging £2.5k a week, he'll be just about covering his mortgage I reckon.

    Full Member

    Maybe soak the offending articles in a tub of warm water & bicarb? It stops my bike shoes smelling like they've been marinated in tomcat spray and tramp's piss.

    Full Member

    were the Immigration/Prison roles in any way beneficial

    Beneficial to working offshore? Only in that in the prison service I did shift work, so knew what shift work would be like out here. Is that what you meant?

    Full Member

    …love the offshore chemist one, but looking into it seems to be the old catch 22, they always want 3+ years experience it seems, but how can you get any experience on an offshore rig its not the type of thing you can do some volunteer work for!

    That's just general recruitment company spiel. I can vouch from personal experience that as long as you're willing and able, you can be as wet-behind-the-ears as you like. My experience comprised of a year working for the Immigration department, a year working for the prison service and 18 months in a research lab on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Give them a ring. That's all it took for me, and I've been out here for 3 years now. Most important, life-changing phonecall I ever made.

    Full Member

    Offshore Chemist every time. Via these guys: Staffhunt[/url]

    Seriously, work sucks but you have to pay the bills. Why not do a job that you get paid a metric shitload of cash for, and 3 weeks out of every 5 to do whatever you want. I'll never work 9-5 again if I can help it.
    And I say that work sucks, but this is actually a pretty sweet job. Sure, I live on what is technically a bomb, but the guys/girls here are all a superb craic, and there is opportunity for advancement and world-wide travel if you want it.

    Full Member

    So if you bought one and crashed it and damaged the weave you would continue to ride it?

    I'd be more likely to be thanking my lucky stars that I crashed hard enough to wreck a carbon frame and was still able to think about riding again. They're harder than you think.

    Full Member

    After going out on a 2-day tour of the highlands with the legend that is Kenny Wilson, and seeing him destroy every single one of our 10-strong group using a singlespeed with rigid forks, both uphill and down, I think the answer is as follows:

    Can you slam a revolving door? Singlespeed is for you.
    Do you bleed when cut? Best stick with a geared bike.

    Full Member

    Erm. Can you not just do =MEDIAN(range1:range2)

    Full Member

    I was advised not to turn my amp off, so I never have. It's been on for about 3 years now, minus the couple of times we've been on holiday. Dunno what this achieves thoigh, apart from moving my carbon footprint up a couple of shoe sizes.

    Full Member

    On the one hand, I would absolutely love that, always did have a hankering for the so-ugly-it's-beautiful gallant/legnum. On the other hand, possibly not the ideal first car Or for that matter the most economic. Still, want.

    Dammit, man! Are you buying with your heart or your head?

    I'm pretty sure if you talk nicely to him, you'll get it for less. That'll go towards petrol, insurance, bike toys, etc.

    Full Member

    Big Forked hardtail that is designed to be thrashed (and therefore crashed) in Carbon?

    No ta.

    Dent in steel frame, even alloy – prob ok.
    Damage the weave in carbon – FUBAR.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    …oh wait. You're serious? 8O

    What's the view like from the mid 1990s?

    Full Member

    I know someone on here selling a Legnum VR4 for £3000. Very similar to this, but with sexier wheels:

    2.5L V6 twin turbo, and it's frickin' huge inside. It's a whole lot of car for not much money. Maybe a bit tasty on the insurance, but you never know: I've got a mildly modified one and I'm only paying £550 f/c and that's with zero ncb and the same company that paid me £2.5k after I performed a flawless high-speed pirouette/reverse dismount into trees in my MR2 Turbo last year (Sky Insurance).

    Full Member

    Not going to state a weight, cos I simply don't know. I do know that it is VERY light and VERY good at getting me to the top of hills.

    Bonus points for identifying the location.

    Full Member

    Couple of mine:

    Bike stand in Hiroshima

    Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo

    Top of Dumyat this morning

    Full Member

    Given that my experience with HMRC is that they lose most of my paperwork, don't tell me that their VAT bank payment details have changed until I've managed to deposit £1500 into their old VAT account, send personal documents to my company accountant and company documents direct to me, then I can only say that they'll nail you to the wall over a missing £7 receipt :wink:

    (I wouldn't sweat it mate)

    Full Member

    Depending on what time you get there and how long you're staying, you might be able to park next to her flat. Meadows is zone 7 & 8. The permit parking scheme in Edinburgh is a bit backwards, in that for zones 5 and upwards it's only in operation between 8:30am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Fair game for anyone outside those times. That's how I play it anyway, and I've never had a ticket in 4 years up here.

    Full Member

    im in scotland in 2 weeks. only chilling riding with a few mates but will probably come up in june if demand requires

    Oh fun :x

    I'm away with work from 22nd of April,and the first half of June is reserved for my honeymoon. You looking at 2nd half of June by any chance?

    Full Member

    jedi, if you're ever in Scotland I want a session with you. Handsomely paid, of course.

    Full Member

    Android + My Tracks.


    Got this on my Xperia X10 and it's about a million times better than I expected from a phone-based GPS system. As far as I can tell it's good to the nearest metre or two. This is me out on a 3 hour ride the other day and it used about 10% of the battery, which is frickin' awesome given that a 10 minute phonecall near enough kills the bugger:

    Full Member

    Advice for a first time driver: Classic car every single time. Classic car insurance and no road tax. Get yourself a Triumph Spitfire, or an MG Midget, or something else from the 70s. When I was 17, insurance on a 1300 Spitfire was just over £500 with a limited miles policy – think it was set at 7500 miles/year.

    Full Member

    My Cube Ltd Race served me very well in the Whinlatter Challenge a couple of weeks back (first proper race). The bike was easily better then my fitness levels to ride it any quicker!!

    It looks very pretty too!

    +1 for the Cube LTD Race. Short of spending £3.7k on a full-carbon, full-suss dominator :oops: it is a total XC weapon.

    Full Member

    My Tracks android GPS thingy if anyone's interested. Nice route, about 30 miles all in all.

    Full Member

    When is the cat having the treatment – this week or next? Am local and on holiday at the moment; could hook up if you fancy some company?

    I'm up for that! Today if you're free. Dropping her off at the place on Station Hill at 12:30, so after all the vet-speak I reckon I'll be ready to go by 1 o clock.


    Full Member

    Dunbar it is then. Cheers.

    Full Member

    Actually, is it better to head for Aberlady or Dunbar?

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