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  • Wales360 Event Cancelled
  • TheFlyingOx
    Full Member

    And lots and lots of AA batteries.

    You can get rechargeable battery packs and controller docks from most game shops/argos/supermarkets. I got one for about £5 at Morrisons. The controllers sit in the dock, which is plugged into a USB port on the Wii, and they charge up when not in use – you need to leave the Wii on though, or find another USB port to plug them into.

    Full Member

    mastiles_fanylion: Ohh shit my opinion is broken again – I must get it fixed.

    Chill buddy. I read the IMO bit. Just offering another option/opinion. Anyway, what would I know? I drive a Mitsi Legnum and ride a Pronghorn, neither of which are ever going to win awards for aesthetics… :lol:

    Full Member

    I've not found too many non-internet multiplayer games. I think the Call Of Duty ones will do 4-player splitscreen, and the Resistance:Fall Of Man ones do 2-player co-op as well. Other than that, Singstar is always good for a laugh before/after the pub.

    You can have a maximum of 7 controllers linked to the PS3 via Bluetooth. There maybe a few footy games that take advantage of this, but I'm not 100% sure.

    Full Member

    That Audi R8 does look beautiful though. Possibly the best looking convertible supercar currently in production IMO.


    Full Member

    Hang on. Is that a V-Tech engine that's gone boom? I thought Honda claim that they've never had one fail…?

    Full Member

    Fifth Gear and VBH all the way

    I'd agree with you if the bottom half of her face wasn't 40 years older than the top half.

    Full Member

    If you do it right, then they're worth it. Don't just pop to Halfords for a 15" sub & amp combo – they're generally built in bandpass/ported enclosures to give massive bass at certain frequencies, thus sounding "good" in the store but generally a bit patchy in your car.
    If you're just after tight bass over a wide range of frequencies, get yourself an 8" or 10" sub and build an enclosure out of MDF/fibreglass with a suitable internal volume for the sub you have. There are plenty of calculators on the internet that'll work it out for you, like this one here.

    Full Member

    Does she spend much time talking to dead murderers, asking them where it all went wrong?

    No, you insufferable cock. She spends time dealing with people whos claim of trying to get themselves help generally turn out to be a means of offloading the minute amount of guilt they may actually feel about attacking their wives/girlfriends with hot irons and raping their kids.

    Full Member

    advanced task killer

    That's the bugger. Get Juice Defender. The tasks themselves take up very little power. It's having on all the facebook/twitter/email auto-updates and wifi and gps etc that kills the battery. Juice Defender turns all these off, and only turns them on every half hour or so just to check for emails, unless you're charging, downloading, GPSing, etc.

    Full Member

    As this story transpires, i'm starting to feel a little sorry for Moat, dont get me wrong the guy is a total, tw*t, but it looks like he's been crying for help for months…

    Nuh-uh. Classic coward/bully tactic: "I asked you for help and you didn't give it to me. Now you're to blame for my actions."

    My missus sees it a lot aa a social worker.

    Full Member

    It'll still say Android 1.6, but there'll be a bit in the "about phone" in the settings menu that'll show the you the firmware version. Previous one was R1FA016, new one is R2BA023. Android update is coming sometime before the end of the year.

    As for the alarm, are you using any kind of task killer, and if so have you set it to ignore the alarm/clock? I think they generally play havoc with the inner workings of the phone if they're not set up correctly. The one I had installed automatically killed the phone bit of the phone, so I couldn't make/receive calls! I uninstalled it and I don't bother with a task killer now, just Juice Defender. Battery life is very good with this, maybe up to 2x as much use per charge.

    Full Member

    I've got one. Never had the alarm problem. Maybe you're just REALLY tired and sleep through it?

    The call volume is a serious flaw. There's a pre-Android 2.1/2.2 update imminent that sorts a lot of issues out, including the in-call volume. Google for "R2BA023". They have it in India already, and you might be able to download it from SE website. Dunno if it shows up on the phone update bit in settings yet, but I think we'll eventually be available to update via wifi/3g/edge/whatever.

    Full Member

    The Roots – The Tipping Point
    Tupac Shakur – All Eyez On Me
    Erykah Badu – Baduizm
    Ice Cube – AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted

    I'd be most upset if those four went walkabout.

    Full Member

    What will be the challenges?

    Sitting down when you've finished.

    Full Member

    lodious – Member
    Anybody translate this into english….
    [phonetic Geordiespeak]

    Sounds like Cheryl Kerl to me.

    An example for comparison: "Hei, tha Ladee Gawgaw one 'Alllyhandreau' soonds leek some keinda Eureauvishin entree bei Bruthahood a Man duzzen it? Bonkaz!"

    Full Member

    This just in from Viz Letterbocks.

    Tour de France afficionados: Avoid finding out the TdF results by not looking at TdF threads until you've watched the highlights.

    Seriously, show some self-restraint. The posts have a time on them, so you can make a rough guess when you're coming close to posts that are going to be after the finish line. And regardless of whether the thread title has SPOILER or not, some asshat is always going to announce the result.

    Full Member

    A dart on the front and a smoke on the back

    Heh. Me too.

    Full Member

    1) Download and install OpenOffice.
    2) Open document.
    3) Go to file menu and choose "Export as PDF".

    Full Member

    neilforrow – Member
    …and these things:

    [pic of carbon/alloy Pronghorn]

    just wrong.

    Oi! Ugly ? bad. That bike is quite possibly the best full-sus XC race machine there is. Although the bar-ends are wrong.

    Full Member

    are they allowed to swim in those burqas, i would have thought that was contrary to the H and S of your average council pool

    Don't be silly. They don't wear Bhurkas in the pool – clicky[/url]

    Full Member

    If you're wanting offshore medic work, best bet is to have a word with Abermed. They seem to be the only guys out here, and I'd chance it with the experience thing. Everyone quotes requirements of 3+ years, but I think most of the time it's nonsense.

    most of the work is Primary care type stuff rather than A&E work

    Hmmm. With the potential of horrendously gruesome and life-threatening injuries, I'd rather have an A&E type person out here and just MTFU when I have a sore throat.

    Full Member

    Assume 5000mile oil changes (we're trying to make this engine last remember).

    'Expensive' oil at £50 a go would cost £2000 over the lifetime.

    'Cheep' oil at £5 a go would cost £100, and maybe £1000 to rebuild the engine or buy an engine from a writeoff.

    And this is false reckoning. I'd only be changing my engine oil every 5000 miles if I was putting £5-a-pop junk in. Even doing the "expensive" oil at 10,000 mile intervals (and that's being super-anal about your oil changes) would make it cost-effective over the "cheap oil" by your reckoning. And you'd still have a car with a working engine at the end.

    Full Member

    Yes, the oil you use matters, depending on the application. See here:- Opie Oils.

    What car is it, and what does it get used for?

    Full Member

    Another one for the "other quirky foreign" pile: Yozhik v Tumane

    It's a Russian animation from 1975, very basic, but hauntingly beautiful. I just wish I could find a non-YouTube, high quality version of it.

    Full Member

    Best bet is ask a local as they're generally very willing to help. Pick someone who looks under the age of 25 though, as most of the kids speak excellent English, and in my experience the older folk tend to shy away from 'gaijin' regardless of how fluent your Japanese is.

    Full Member

    Wasn't Jimmy Shand from Auchtermuchty….yup, you'll have to work at pronouncing that one!!!LOL!!


    Full Member

    #1 won't work because they are different riders – but I have looked at it.

    #2Yeah, that's basically what I'm going to have to do.

    I was hoping some research had been done on this previously and that I could be pointed that way.

    I find it amazing that the advantage has never been quantified.

    I'll build up an Alfine wheel tomorrow and give it a whirl.

    I sincerely hope you'll be posting up a thorough, lucid breakdown of your efforts, with graphs and maybe a Powerpoint presentation. Extra points will be given depending on how witty the name of the units you will use to quantify performance gains/losses is. We need this information, damnit!

    Full Member

    The Policy Shop[/url] is your friend.

    Me and the Mrs are insured through them, and they're a good deal cheaper than anyone else I tried.

    Full Member

    So basically people are buying bikes with gears and suspension for other reasons than performance? I was under the impression there was some sort of advantage. Is it just a plot to sell expensive consumable parts to gullible fashion victims?

    Has anyone any idea where I can see some numbers, eg actual testing not just waffle?

    Full Member

    What say after this, you and me hit the showers and do a bit of the Tour de Lance?

    Full Member

    For the arty lot.
    How about Tracy?

    Do not want. The original "body from Baywatch, face from Crimewatch".

    How about women who have got better with age?

    Not really under-rated, more overlooked, but gets ever more stunning as the years go by:

    Full Member

    PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story is the main reason I became a chemist. Read it during my second year of Architecture and jacked it in just so I could start all over again.

    Full Member

    I'm pretty sure some kind of tripwire-activated pepper spray/taser combo is called for here. Think "Home Alone" but with less Macauley Culkin and more flaming aerosols.

    EDIT: Oh, and wire your doorhandle up to the mains.

    Full Member

    We buggered off about half an hour after the podium, but I reckon it was a steady stream of people from as soon as the race finished until the end of the day, rather than everyone piling back to their cars as soon as the chequered flag was waved. Took us about 40 minutes back to the M1 and then no problems at all going North. They do a big Park & Ride thing at Northampton football club, so it might get a bit busy at the M1 there, but we didn't really notice any jams as such.

    Full Member

    I went last year, and apart from shutting off the A43 so everyone coming out could use both sides of carriageway, there was very little traffic disruption at all. I'd imagine quite a few people heading south from the race will use the M40 anyway, so you should be fine.

    Full Member


    Not English, maybe, but it's up there with the best.

    Full Member

    Lots and lots of ticks in Tentsmuir as well though, so take a tick remover.

    Full Member

    Doesn't that just make you sweat more elsewhere?

    I was dubious at first, but no. I just go for more wees. :lol:

    Nah, seriously, if I do sweat more elsewhere then it's not enough for me to have noticed.

    Full Member

    The 20% stuff is a concentrated solution of the active ingredient in supermarket anti-perspirants. This is the stuff: Anhydrol Forte. Didn't realise you could get it over-the-counter.

    Full Member

    Get to the docs and ask for the 20% aluminium chloride solution. One application stops you sweating for about a fortnight. It's the cost of a prescription, but I'm still on the first bottle and I got that nearly a year ago.

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