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  • Fresh Goods Friday 698 – Up To No Good Edition
  • TheDoog
    Free Member

    Done it, i am now Kev Wreckage again!!! More to do with a band i was in than falling off lots!!! Honest

    Free Member

    My mate teaches kick boxing and says its amazing how many kids are shocked by the dicipline of it. He says many act like they’ve never been told what to do before, and it seems the parents benefit by getting kids with new found respect, but that should be the parents job anyway. If we cant be shining examples for our kids we cant very well go round blaming them when they end up on Jeremy Kyle.

    Free Member

    Garlic chili chicken
    Agnostic front

    Free Member

    Come to Calderdale, its a bad week if you dont see one of the cast of Emmerdale!!!

    Free Member

    It’s the spelling that’s awful!!!

    Free Member

    I demand to have some booze……….

    Free Member

    Why do some sellers have Best Offer under the buy it now if they wont accept any less?? Why?? Twerps.

    Free Member

    Labour eneded for me when Prescott vowed to smash the firemens unions. Just too much from a former trade union activist. I was in my teens during Maggies time but remember the miners strike too. I’m struggling to find any difference between the two parties. It seems more about personality than policies these days.

    Free Member

    Forget Maggie does this look like it should have been published on April 1st?? or is it just me………….

    Free Member

    Mine was the bascic arcade version and that has HDMI connectivity! You have to buy the cable separately tho!

    Free Member

    Also facebook on the 360?? I thought microsoft wouldnt put an internet browser on the 360 cos it might affect sales of Windows?? Just read it somewhere………..

    Free Member

    Mainly its the accessories and Hard drive size is different, and the colour, or it used to be.

    Free Member

    I stand corrected!! Well, sit corrected………… Not had probs with mine and it has HDMI. Mind you i dont use it often in summer, its more for the dark,dark winter.

    Free Member

    I have a 360 for me and my son, way more games but prob not as good graphics as the ps3 but i would think only the nerdiest gamers notice this. If you want want him to stay active make it a wii. 360’s do have well documented reliability issues tho the more recent models with HDMI connections are more reliable apparently.

    Free Member

    I ran ignitor 2.35 for a few months, hated em with a passion, no confidence in corners at all. plus they seemed awfully skinny for 2.35. Running HR front and rear and corners are sweet again!

    Free Member

    Does Griffin go abroad for his holidays?? just a thought

    Free Member

    I’m just about to order a G shock off eBay. £50 and looks great too. I cant say buying a 2k watch is a waste cos i’ve got a 2k bike and some folk would consider that a waste. But if i won the lottery i’d be happy with a Land Rover. Go figure.

    Free Member

    Nice, i consider myself armed with knowledge. Woe betide the crawly little **** that tries dining on me, tho i’ve not heard tell of any attacking in the calderdale area, border patrol must be doing its job.

    Free Member

    I think i need someone to post a pic of an attacking tick!!! I fear i’m becoming paranoid about them!!! I may never ride again.

    Free Member

    Zombification? I def wont notice if i get one then. I presume they’re prone to lower leg attacks then??

    Free Member

    How do you know if you pick one up?? Symptoms??

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Where are these little buggers prone to hanging out?? Dont think i’ve come across any in Yorkshire!!!

    Free Member

    Where is everyone getting these ticks from?? Has biking suddenly become contagious??

    Free Member

    Ride up to widdop res, across the dam wall follow the path up to the top then go like a loony down to hurstwood res!!! Er but then you’ve gotta come back up the long causeway!! Its all on the OS south pennines!!

    Free Member

    £200? Holy arse!!! Perhaps i’ll just soldier on with what i have ha ha!!! Being that i dont have £250 either!!

    Free Member

    I found some mojo while i was out this morning above Ripponden, if you think it may be yours contact me………………

    Free Member

    I almost bought a Bfe but due to cost ended up with a trailstar, which i never got round to building anyway so its just sat in my living room doing nowt. I think what i’m trying to say is, with hindsight, if i’d got the Bfe i’d have prob more inspired to finish the project!!!

    Free Member

    Take a punt on you tube, everything you could ever want and stuff you dont too!!!

    Free Member

    I think the weight gain is something ex smokers all have to bear, i guess this isnt the right forum to get advice on that tho, unless there are any medical folk about!!!

    Free Member

    I know ha ha, the only exercise i get is biking, prob never less than 50 mile a week, are there any exercises that compliment cycling more than others??

    Free Member

    No dog toffee all over me and the bike today either!!! Bonus. One of the group got some tho…… oh well

    Free Member

    Since the ‘expenses scandal’ and Labours poor showing at the polls its all been about plots to oust Gordon Brown, Gordon tries to save has job blah blah blah, MP’s quitting etc etc. Nothing, not one thing has been mentioned, by any party, about policies. How they’re gonna help the country and its people!!! I dunno about anyone else but i vote for policies not personalities!

    Free Member

    We haven’t had a drop up here in Calderdale, sorry if that irks anyone!! Ground was perfect, not bone dry, not a mud bath!! Shame wind was in wrong direction on Norland moor but we cant have it all!!!

    Free Member

    I’ve been mulling this over, trainspotters are a pretty obssessed bunch, i and i guess alot of others on here are total bike whores, my bro grows and discusses chilis, my pa grows and discusses orchids. Men are totally aspergic!!! (Tho the train spotters do get a bit over enthusiastic!! And by this i mean that they score points off each other according to what they’ve seen and someone else hasn’t) Unless we do it subliminally?? I.e “I’ve just done the mega you know!” Whilst thinking “have you hmmmm?? Maybe i need to get a life!!!

    Free Member

    I only just found out that some pumps have puncture kits in the handle. Screw your handle off and have a look, you could be surprised!!!

    Free Member

    My new fave is a train ride away, or a pedal, depending what i’m buying!! You cant beat shops who care about their customers and credit them with some knowledge of a bikes workings, tho i believe some people still take bikes in for puncture repairs!!

    Free Member

    Maybe i’m just feeling guilty for having a history of what i’d like to call trainspotter negativity!!!!

    Free Member

    yup, asscaster.

    Free Member

    Even if i had a vast chunk of wodge i’d still buy a defender. Was just about to make a point about 150,000 is a bit excessive for a car then 2.5k on a bike crossed my mind……………

    And by defender i mean Land Rover not a footballer……….

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