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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • TheDoog
    Free Member

    Erm, we’re not entirely unsigned, but have a butchers anyway…..


    Free Member

    Well no one has reprimanded me yet…………….

    Free Member

    Well there we go then, someone has had a plug so I’m gonna dive in!! Try to enjoy!! It wont be easy!!



    Free Member

    I suppose we could start a forum members creativity thread, that might cover all the bases photography, music, art etc etc??? And I suppose in a way its not much different to someone posting “have a look at my shiny new bike etc etc”

    Free Member

    I only want to put a link to our myspace/facebook pages really. I know there are a few lovers of the louder kind of music on here who may appreciate our dulcit tones. Not actually trying to sell anything!

    Free Member

    Thats what I thought, best not to then really!! I can’t find a link between punk rock and mountain biking so I guess it wouldn’t really be contributing much!

    Free Member

    Got my thumb caught in mine a few years back, I was left with the same flap/digit interface. haven’t done it since….

    Free Member

    How about this lot??
    Shameless plug really considering I’m the guitarist….

    Free Member

    I think we've got a United Biscuits/McVities here in Halifax, i'd go round there with a placard on an Abbey Crunch protest but i'm too full of Hob Nobs to care………

    Free Member

    Wow, doubling up on biscuits. Danger. Plumber sir, thou art rad.

    Free Member

    I think Hob Nobs decrunchify too quickly in hot liquids.

    Free Member

    In which case SFB you have my apologies.

    Free Member

    SFB and Shibboleth, if you want to prove you're right about tattooed folk i'd suggest going into the Sportsman pub in Halifax on a Saturday night and announcing in a loud, clear, steady voice "people who have tattoos are stupid". at least you'd be able to tell folk you were right!! Eventually. P.s take this with a pinch of salt, you'd probably just get laughed out of the pub.

    Pps had the the Woodman still have been open you could have ridden Stoodley Pike then gone and said it there!!

    Free Member

    Pretty disgusted and when I brought it up they said they were making more cuts…so I kept quiet…shame on me.

    I just spotted the irony of that statement in light of your forum name…….. i'll get my coat (bloody damn tattoos making me type stupid things……………..)

    Free Member

    but I got the impression his personal feeling wasn't necessarily connected to his business decisions…

    Hard to seperate when they are both the same.

    Free Member

    Personally, I think anyone that would disfigure themselves with hackneyed clipart, or mutilate their own ears is completely stoopid.

    actually he's saying potential clients may think that way…

    No he actually IS judging people.

    Free Member

    Personally, I think anyone that would disfigure themselves with hackneyed clipart, or mutilate their own ears is completely stoopid.

    So, if i'm following this thread correctly….
    If someone works for, oh i dont know lets say BAE or even a bike manufacturer and has tattoos then technically they are too stupid to do their jobs?? And we should not fly on a plane or ride a bike again since some tattooed buffoon has been involved and doomed us all.

    Its ok not to like tattoos, no problem with that at all. But to call someone stupid for having them is snobbish, judgemental and narrow minded. Poor you.

    Free Member

    is it a way of trying to convince yourself and the world about what you stand for as you're not quite convincing or convinced enough by your actions? eg having someone's name?

    Tattoos are something you either get or dont, I suppose its a bit like trying to expain to non cyclists why you love it so much. You know, the people who can't get their heads round why you'd even consider cycling further than the corner shop. It's horses for courses really. Personally i dont understand why someone would want to get a loved ones name tattooed in a different language on them but thats their choice not mine, in the same way they wouldn't understand some of mine and i certainly wouldn't feel the need to explain them to anyone. I've no doubt some folk get tattoos to achieve a certain look, and i'm thinking footballers here, and that to me sort of misses the point of tattoos. Well it misses what i percieve as my point of tattoos anyway.

    Free Member

    Namaste forum dwellers, i've just put some shrimp in my tropical fish tank to give it a clean up and watching the little critters scurrying round is both funny and therapeutic. All is good in the world. I also recently met up with some old friends from back in the day, but we couldn't remember when the 'day' actually was so just started a new one…..

    Free Member

    Buy a diary, much cheaper and doesn't look crap in years to come.

    Luckily the years have come and they are still looking good, no doubt they will deteriorate given enough time but i certainly wont care. Tried keeping a diary but i'm just not efficient enough to do entries with any regularity. Oo-er missus.

    Free Member

    L: Coheed and Cambria, Year of the black rainbow
    E: East West curry, Halifax's finest frozen food!
    D: Brooklyn Lager

    Free Member

    Got my first tattoo at 16 and i'm 41 now, got quite a few. Each one is totally custom, drawn up by the tattooist or myself and represents kind of what was going on in my head and life around the time i had it done. Rarely display them in public though, never got them to say " look at me i've got tatts aren't I cool " They're just a part of me and my life. So i'd say if you're gonna get one go for something that represents you and your life not something that you've seen on a footballer.

    Free Member

    When we were trainees they had us move 3/4 ton transformers by hand

    Just had to explain to my lad that no it wasnt optimus prime but for electricity, he's good at reading but not too worldly wise yet!! Mind you i also had to explain to him that my sisters rescue chickens didn't actually rescue people……
    As for the trough, lever it up enough to get a lifting strap under it then slide a scoffold pole through the strap two men/stout women either end should lift no problem.

    Free Member

    I felt a certain affinity for an old machine at my old job, six chuck vertical lathe all fed by cams on a hydraulic ram, not a digital encoder or microchip in sight, you had to learn its noises to know when something needed adjusting, not like cnc's today that break down when you cough next to them. Does that make me a second generation luddite?

    Free Member

    I'd argue that a school can make a child young enough believe that black is white.

    +1, children will believe most things they're taught or exposed to, be it god, father christmas, the tooth fairy etc etc. And like most things kids will figure it out for themselves as they grow.

    Free Member

    Ha ha Dawkins, hasn't he been married a few times?? Ostensibly a religious ceremony……..

    Free Member

    Anything by Coheed and Cambria, immense.

    Free Member

    4 X G Shock and a Nixon Scout, got an extremely convincing Tag fake,never wear it though, just doesn't suit my tattooed arms!! Wouldn't spend more than a hundred on a watch, need it all for bikes!!

    Free Member

    No prob Sharki, welcome in Calderdale if you're ever passing through.

    Free Member

    Crikey, and i'm not having a go here cos you've obviously been where i have and know it all too well, i dont think its as much about geography as it is about finding a way of life that can sustain peace of mind and content. No amount of pills can bring you self content, they can remove symptoms and take the edge off but they cant make you function in a world that you dont fit into. And when you really think about it is it any different to say, someone going off to work on oil rigs, foreign contracts etc for a few months at a time??

    Free Member

    I think in this case all arguments have some value, mental illness is a fickle mistress and stikes each in a different way. I wouldn't wish it on anyone and send nothing but good thoughts to anyone who has suffered from or dealt with it, good luck to sharki on his way back.

    Free Member

    I'm not saying his choice is great, i'm saying it works for him. And it's keeping him alive. I could never, ever leave my kid like that, i missed the second year of my kids life with my problems but thats a different story. Ultimately it does seem like running away but its keeping him from being another statistic and we should be thankful for that. Going to hit the hills now before i get too introspective!

    Free Member

    @ crikey and aliegh, i know its not negativity cos i did the same as you two, all i'm saying is we're not all the same, sometimes the pills dont work.

    Free Member

    I know about professional help too and it worked for me, what i'm saying is everyone is different and surely we cant judge a man for finding his own happy medium however selfish it may seem to the rest of us.

    Free Member

    and went walkabout while someone else paid for them and fed them and brought them up and wiped their noses and disciplined them and made their school dinners and washed their clothes and read them stories and bought them sweets and tucked them into bed and helped them to become people.

    Fair point, but what would you do in his shoes?? Carry on your life as is and end up killing yourself or blissfully anaesthetised at the bottom of a bottle, either way being of no use to your kids. Maybe leaving your kids is the same as that but you can come back when you're able and still be a part of their lives, better than nothing.

    Free Member

    To be honest I'm of the belief that he's more use to his kids alive than dead

    Amen to that. Not everyone is wired up the same, you can't just tell someone to MTFU and take it all because there are so many unknowns to a persons psyche. Having read Sharki's posts its obvious he cares enough about his kids and life to choose a longer path back to happiness. So to all the people who think he's just copping out or whatever take a look at your own kids and think to yourself, if you just couldn't cope anymore and felt like ending it wouldn't you do everything in your power to remedy your situation by any means necessary?? Sure it seems harsh leaving your kids and opting for a nomadic lifestyle but in years to come his kids will be pleased he was man enough to accept a life that worked for him and didn't leave them fatherless.

    Free Member

    I do feel sorry for people who have been hit by the recession and yes it is not on that people are expected to be demoted or do alot more work for less pay but….at least they have still got a job!!

    Thats a good point, its crap people are out of work and can't find work but to expect employed people to take it in the ass becuase 'hey, least you've got a job' is a bit of a poor do. If employed people dont hang on to what they've got then when the employment market picks up emloyers will just employ people for the minimum amount of everything knowing they can do this ad infinitum because no one will dare complain.

    Free Member

    Yup, he did it on a 30 day notice kinda deal, all perfectly legal in todays employee friendly world. I'm not moaning though, it was the kick up the arse i needed to go do something else, i got a relatively decent payout. It was the underhanded tactics that got me and the unions lack of any kind of recourse. I summed it up to a mate the other day, i was there 16 years, in that time we had about 10 different managers, all the same person in a different body, suit and tie, that kind of goobledegook only managers talk, blue sky thinking this, lets brainstorm that kinda bullshit, and everyone of them would tell us all how mind blowingly good they were in their old jobs. Why aren't you still there then i'd frequently ask. In my new job my manager refuses to be called a manager and is on the shop floor covered in oil and muck like the rest of us and he knows the job inside out.

    Free Member

    I just lost my job a few months ago after 16 years, basic story was sign a new contract or have your existing one terminated. I refused to sign. The new contract required me to do 5 hours extra work a week for significantly less money, the closure of the company pension, the company having the right to ask you to do 4 hours overtime a week, the first 4 hours overtime in any week to be paid at basic pay, no work, paid or unpaid to be done outside of work, removal of a guaranteed working week, i.e if your machine breaks down they can send you home with no pay, basically our union official said it was the most draconian contract he'd seen in 30 years. Anyway the union organised a series of one day strikes, but the MD had seen all this in advance and had been planning the contract change for a few months so stocks were built up in advance and the strike was undamaging to no one but us employees, the MD had also exploited every employment law he could to get these changes in nothing he had done was illegal. The union realised this and as a result told everyone to sign because there was nothing they could do, they also stated in no uncertain terms that anyone not signing the new contract would have no support from the union. I didn't sign cos i wasn't gonna take it up the harris anymore, luckily i found a new job in a few weeks. My point is that the unions are ultimately powerless these days and as such i wont be joining one again, i guess the BAA workers are exploiting the fact that it will all be high profile and very damaging to the companies public image to get what they see as their dues. I personally didn't see the point of us striking but did it through a sense of solidarity which was sadly misplaced in the end. We live in a democracy and striking, protesting, voicing your opinions etc is part of that. End of essay ha ha.

    Free Member

    I thought it was a good concept for a program but rendered pretty pointless by going to a bunch of factories that wouldn't let him, fair play to the factories though. Agree about the smugness at C King too, but the idea of getting time off and free food for biking to work is a good one! The bits about the bike loving people were better especially the old loons on reepak.

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