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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • theboyneeds
    Free Member

    I’ve got a large Felt Nine 30 frame available. Has rack mounts. Can sell with forks too. Email in my profile.

    Free Member

    the folk at oneway bike speak better english than most folk on this forum.

    I did find that a little hard to believe when the retailer told me. Half my family are Dutch and they teach me grammar!

    Free Member

    I broke a chainstay once. I bought online and the bike shop arranged the warranty. It was a painful process. From what I can remember, Cube don’t have a UK based distributor. Their distributor is in Holland and they are the only people who can deal direct with Cube in Germany. They don’t speak good English and weren’t in much of a hurry.

    Still I got a warrantied replacement, even if it was in a slightly different colour scheme.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    OP: Did you take the knobs off? If so, check that they have gone back in the right place.

    Will do.

    And those were my thoughts re. Motion Control DNA. It always used to only effect the middle setting. Hence my confusion.

    Free Member

    Ahh. I wondered if that was just on the pike rct3 or all. I think my unit came out of a Revelation originally.

    So, sorry to follow up a daft question with an even sillier one. Why have the middle setting at all, if I can set the Open setting to give me a firm low speed ride with all the travel available when things speed up?

    Free Member

    I bought a 4gb R11 about 2 months back. It’s taken me a while to get my head around it but i love it now. Especially with android apps on it.

    Only downsides are:

    – i sometimes get the feeling the developers are still testing things on me
    – i can’t run non-market apps so i can’t use the Amazon video app and download Prime videos offline
    – the apps aren’t able to access the sd card. They are working on this though (see first point…)

    Free Member

    Trek Stache 9.8 :wink:

    Free Member

    I started running. Did the early feed, pulled my trainers on and went out for 30 mins. I’d never run before and I was amazed how the weight fell off. It also helped with the lack of sleep too.

    I still run a little now in the winter (7 years on), but it was only ever an interim measure.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    I’ve suffered since I was 5. Nearly 40 years on and it seems to be waning a little although I’ve developed mild asthma in the last two which hasn’t helped!

    But FWIW:

    – Fluticasone nose spray helps reduce running and itching nose and therefore sneezing
    – Ceterizine tablets taken when I’m suffering
    – I’ve stopped taking tablets daily as this seemed to lessen their efficacy when I needed them
    – Wrap around glasses when my eyes are bad
    – Optichrom eyedrops when my eyes are really bad
    – Cheap online ceterizine works good
    – A luke warm shower helps with bad attacks
    – Riding and running kicks in my adrenaline which lessens the symptoms (until I stop!)
    – Alcohol interferes with the anti-histamine (no fun in a pub garden)
    – Fexofenadine sends me weird and I can’t sleep (just like Triludan did before they banned it!)
    – Never stray far from a pack of tissues
    – Afternoons are worse
    – UofW pollen forecast is good:

    Free Member

    CJ Sansom – Shardlake series (a bit like Wolf Hall) and Dominion.

    Free Member

    Sounds like Wiggle have got it wrong, and yours are not sealing as well as mine did. Maybe a change in compound?

    I used a combo of Orange sealant and Stans, purely because it was what was closest to hand.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Be interesting to hear what Schwalbe say too.

    Free Member

    Silly question, but did u shake the bottle before tipping it in the tyre? It sounds like the sealant hasn’t got the gritty stuff to block the sidewall holes.

    All my tyres sweat a little sealant out the sidewalls but not enough to go flat.

    Free Member

    Just checked mine. They’re G-One All-Round RG and have a big P on the side wall.

    They were a little reluctant to stay inflated to start but they’ve been up now about 6 months with only the occasional top up pump.

    Are your rims straight enough?

    They’re on non-tubeless gorilla taped Shimano RX05.

    Free Member

    Throw some glitter in with a slosh more Stan’s. That trick seems to seal even the most stubborn of non-tubless ready tyre (including a set of G-Ones that I own but never bothered to check if they were tubless ready or not.

    Free Member

    19″ Sherpa. 6’1″. 32″ inseam. 40cm stem. Layback post. Monkey arms.

    Free Member

    Probably be easier with tubeless tyres but so long as they haven’t got a wire bead, it might be worth giving it a go.

    Two sets of my tyres aren’t meant to be tubeless…

    Free Member

    Check? the notes. I missed out on a podium once because i didn’t read “footpath shown from West is actually bridleway”.

    Not that I’m bitter.

    Free Member

    Just abandoned my 10 yr old jetboil because they’ve stopped supplying the parts. I have to buy and entire base unit now because my clicky lighter thing has broken. Cost – £39. Cost of an entire new Alpkit Brukit – £39.

    The Brukit is a bit flimsier but I only use it a dozen times a year on camping trips so no brainer realy.

    Free Member

    it can get a bit tiresome, who to replace him though?

    Gotta be Tim Westwood.

    Free Member

    Thanks Ontor! So they’re just a pair of thumb shifters mounted under the drops. I quite like the look if that.

    Thanks all for your comments.

    Free Member

    Already got the brakes on the bike, plus I have some drop bar brake levers for them for when it was a singlespeed.

    I suppose a set of 2nd hand road bb7’s and sti’s would be one way to solve the problem!

    I want to know what this chap did:

    Free Member

    And the real kicker – little if any choice of provider. Up here our provider proper is Scottish Power and it was them we had to deal with for E10. They make the term useless seem almost complimentary. We did eventually find out we could go with E-On but IIRC they were almost as bad and involved months of messing about getting charged at the wrong tariff because operators couldn’t understand the difference between ‘seven’ and ‘ten’.

    Yes this too. I spent months untangling a huge bill because the meter reader didn’t realise it was an E10 meter.

    And the other point is whether you’ll need to fire the electric boilers outside of the E10 hours? eg. if your E10 finsishes at 4pm and starts again at 8pm then you’ve got four hours to keep the kids warm on the expensive elctricity.

    It was a ball ache!

    Free Member

    Erm… this house isn’t near Bordon is it?

    Free Member

    Yeah sorry – not an exaggeration. The house was a money pit. I suspect it was just a cold house, surrounded by trees, in a frost pocket, next to a stream, on heavy clay etc. But my three neighbours with virtually identical systems had the same bills. Two of them installed log burners to try to counter the bills.

    I looked into oil and gas delivered, but they weren’t cheap. Mains gas was nowhere near us so no chance. Ground source and water source heat pumps were out as we didn’t have enough land or water. And air source was likely to be unreliable as it is pretty ineffective below 5c. And in the winter it was colder than that for a fortnight at a time.

    So we packed up!

    Free Member

    I had a house with electric boilers on E10. It cost me on average £300 pcm to run. And that is with us doing all the washing etc. in the cheap hours. And the boilers were pants, constantly went wrong and needed 3 phase!

    It was a fairly large new 4 bed place which was always cold. Even on a warm summer day. We used to joke that it had been built on a burial ground. In the end it was one of the reasons why we sold up and moved to an old 3 bed with gas and an £80 pcm elec/gas bill!

    Free Member

    Cheers. Ordered one!

    Free Member

    Hi aP – wasn’t me I’m afraid. I wasn’t actually on my XLS but I have one and I would have loved to have ridden the Dash on it but my ageing wrists just wouldn’t have coped with the mileage without some fatter tyres. I’m planning for next year now… Great weekend!

    Thanks shedbrewed – I suspected that might be the case. My chainstays have already lost some carbon from getting over ambitious with a 38c.

    Free Member

    Erm…. Are you selling thise rubbishy old pikes?

    Drop me a line if you are.

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth…

    I suffered and got high instep insoles and wore them for years. Then i read a daft book about bare foot running that sent me off on that fad. I bought a pair of ‘minimalist’ shoes, walked around barefoot at home, and I chucked the insoles out and… blow me but I’ve not had any problems since.

    I didn’t get much else out of the barefoot thing but my arches are no problem now. I suspect it was years of wearing super supportive boots for work. After all, arches are meant to be strong structures in engineering, but my lovely supportive boots continually supported them them and i suspect left them weak and prone to falling.

    Probably all b*ll*cks but you have my sympathies.

    Free Member

    I use a set of alloy Superstar ones on a knuckleball. Mostly for xc and bike packing duties on my rigid 29er.

    I clamped them carefully with lots of fiber grip!

    I did try some plug ends to support the carbon. I found some Specialized ones but the bars had some extra uneven carbon layup in the end which meant the plugs wouldn’t go in.

    But so far so good without them.

    Free Member

    I nearly pressed buy a number of times but just couldn’t sanction the price. I ended up with a Wild Country Zephyros 2 for a shade over £100 and lived with the extra 300g. And spent the spare £120!

    I can pitch the Zephyros with no inner if I want to go proper light. Gets it down to about a kilo.

    Free Member

    Nice one. Thanks for the PSA. That’s brightened my day.

    Free Member

    I bought my last one here:

    Free Member

    Well, I contacted them and got a rapid response with a UPS label. Picked up today so fingers crossed all goes smoothly.

    I spent a fun Sunday afternoon swapping cassette, discs, and tyres off one set of wheels onto another, which was quite theraputic!

    Free Member

    Mercedes A class with the optional removable rear seats.

    Free Member

    Thanks all. That gives me some hope. I just need to find the cheapest way of getting a wheel to them. Parcel Farce want £25! Thankfully I’ve got another wheel (also Superstar!) that will take me down the beach next weekend.

    Free Member

    Thanks Vinneyeh!

    Free Member

    Shwalbe tyres nearly did for me too… Nearly cried one time. Bought new tyres in the end and hey presto!

    Free Member

    Beat me to it. I was gonna suggest a Camber too. But I’m biased.

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