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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • theboyneeds
    Free Member

    Is it safe to start listening again?

    Free Member

    You sir, are a legend. Well bloody done. Now have a beer and massive bowl of chips.

    Free Member

    Keep on keeping on! As my mate says, it’s only pain. But he’s a bit odd.

    You’ll make it and the site of Eastbourne from the top of the last hill will be amazing!

    Free Member

    Good luck Mr Scoop!

    I did the second half (Amberley to Eastbourne) last Thursday. It was fab as ever. The Saddlescombe farm cafe was open as was the YHA after the railway crossing in case you need extra rations.

    Also the pub in Alfriston, but you need to walk your bike through the bar…

    All taps running well.

    Free Member

    Did you lose them on a trail when you took the wheel off and the cassette and freehub fell off scattering the pawls in all directions. That is what happened to me

    Yup, done that 😆

    Free Member

    They’re local to me, so me and a few mates have them (not the Scorpion though).

    No complaints here. Good aftersales too.

    Free Member

    I’m week 18 now and getting mighty narked off. Appear to have slid back from last week. Only real change is that I’ve gone back to work (after 3 months furlough) and it seems the general stress of dealing with numpties is affecting my symptoms (chest and fatigue).

    Booked in for a telephone consult with the chest specialist practice nurse and she’s not been able to get hold of me as my phone seems to be diverting everyone to voicemail and when I call back she’s on another call. So I’m doubly narked now.

    I’m riding at least once a week, but I need to be careful not to over do it. The frustrating thing is I’m ok during the ride, but the next day I’m rubbish! Just lounging around feeling tired and sleepy. The heat also seems to be affecting me badly. I used to be fine in it, but anything over about 25 degs now and I’m also rubbish!

    It’s depressing reading these reports of cognitive disruption and long term complications, but I have to remind myself that this is the press, and they will distort a story to get sales / clicks. So most likely it is not nearly as bad as they are portraying. For most at least.

    But what really scares me is getting this again. I’d got of lightly with a brief trip to a&e. God only knows how I’d cope with it again as I feel a lot less robust after nearly 5 months of recovery.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Free Member

    I used my own very special mix of chainsaw oil and white spirit.

    But people think I’m odd.

    Free Member

    I got one of the PSA Terranova waist packs. Works great with a 1lt bladder. Very light but very well made.

    Also do the same with a Lowe Alpine Fjell pack, but that is heavier.

    Free Member

    Towpath to Guidford or Farnham then back via north downs to Wisely then back up the towpath.

    Free Member

    I find starting a PayPal resolution thingy usually gets an uncommunicative online retailer talking.

    Two in the the last 12 weeks. Both links I’d followed from Facebook.

    Free Member

    I thought it was Longcross, but seeing as I’ve never been there and the last time I was at Millbrook I was 8 yrs old, I’ll take your word for it!

    And yes it was annoying as it was clearly not a public road in Killing Eve, which really jarred.

    Free Member

    Do not lean out of the window. I wonder why?

    Free Member

    Decathlon Rockrider xc ones. Really very good.

    Free Member

    If you’re anywhere near Surrey, I’ve got a Felt Nine 30 frame going very cheap. I’ve used it for XC races in the past.

    Of course it’s very unfashionable non-boost qr drop outs, but it’s a lovely frame!

    Free Member

    Chain Tamer

    Brilliant widget thingummy.

    Free Member


    I’ve had 3 days of feeling able to breathe much easier (not like I’m at altitude) and no chest pain. Some slight soreness in back of lungs. Fingers crossed I’m on the mend. Today is around day 25 or potentially 32 depending on what symptoms were the actual start. I’m leaning towards day 25.

    I’ve had two consecutive days of feeling back to normal. They are days 29 and 30, so hopefully you’re not far off now. Never thought normal could feel so good!

    Free Member

    Pot probably isn’t the best place for it unless you want to get into bonsai.

    Saying that I’ve just bought a couple of half whisky barrels the my two potted trees. Not sure what I’ll do when they out grow them!

    Free Member

    Quick follow up to my post on page 4. My suspected c19 infection is clearing but slowly. Day 27 and my chest feels almost normal but if i do any physical exercise i get wheezy,and if I don’t rest I get a stinking headache. I seem to be talking two steps forward and 1.5 steps back most days.

    Thankfully I’m furloughed as I’m not sure how much work I’d manage

    Sorry to hear of people’s family losses.

    Free Member

    Caol Isla or two bottles of Glenmorangie.

    Free Member

    I’m day 16 of a probably c19 infection. I feel shite and can’t do much without feeling dizzy. My lungs are wheezy and have been for two weeks. And I’m being furloughed on wednesday so I have to tie up a months worth of work in two days. I’ve got a bored teenager and a bored 9 yr old and an angry wife all in thr same small 3 bed house. I’m not well enough to go for a ride and I’ve just totally failed in my attempt to re-dish a rear wheel.

    How’s about that for a moan?

    Free Member

    Thought I’d add my experience for all to benefit.

    16 days ago I developed sinus pain and slight cold like symptoms. Very slight temp. Got a bit worse over the week. Some days I felt fine though, others the sinus pain was nasty but bearable. I’m asthmatic so my chest was playing up a little but no more than a normal cold. No cough, no sore throat, not snot. Was feeling fine on Friday and thought I’d managed to shake it.

    8 days ago I got up on the Saturday morning, built a manual machine in anticipation of the impending lockdown and then found I was absolutely exhausted. Went to bed and did very little until Monday morning. Didn’t even get to play on the machine! Felt a bit better so did a full day’s work at home. Tuesday chest was bad, very tired again, sinus pain back in full effect. Called the doc who suggested sinusitis and prescribed antibiotics and steroids for my chest. (Never had a bad chest like this before). Sent Thegirlneeds out to pick them up. When she came back I was totally spaced out, could barely string a sentence together to tell her I was going to bed. Wobbly, shaky and generally not right. Necked some pills and went to bed until the morning. Wednesday woke up feeling a little better. By the evening thought the pills were working, but I was still tired. Sinus pain going or gone. Thursday morning felt great! Clear chest, not sinus pain. took the dog for 30 min walk around the block and realised something was up when I was properly out of breath on some steps I normally run up. Things got progressively worse through the day. No sinus pain but shaky and feeling like someone was sitting on my chest.

    Thursday eve… really struggling to get enough breath in so called 111. They went through all the checklists to make sure I wasn’t having a heart attack or an asthma attack and then told me to go straight to a&e. I was shitting it. Needless to say the NHS were marvellous. Got me in, x-rayed lungs, blood test, ecg, stuck me on a nebuliser and oxygen. I started breathing more easily. They asked if I wanted to go home as I was probably safer there! I said yes and off I went. They couldn’t test me for c19 as I was not admitted. The doc said it was ‘probably’ c19, and that it may take many weeks or even months for my lungs to recover properly.

    So fri/sat/sun I’ve spent watching telly and lying about. Every time I try to do anything my chest flares up and I feel spaced. Almost like I’m jetlagged. I’m sucking on the extra inhalers a&e gave me the moment it gets tight. Feeling slightly better today, and this seems to be a gradual improvement rather than the off/on feelings of the last fortnight.

    I’ve spoken to a number of people now who’ve had first-hand professional experience of people with c19. It seems most of my symptoms line up except for the obvious lack of cough/high temp. But the most telling was from a friend who is a critical care nurse. She said that they are getting a lot of people coming in that are coping ok with the symptoms until day 8-10 and which point the ‘drop off a cliff’. This was certainly my experience.

    So, if I can offer any advice from my experience of a suspected c19 case:

    – If you’ve got any odd respiratory symptoms and you feel tired then just stop. Do nothing. You’ll need the energy.

    – Be aware of the 8-10-day drop off. You seriously don’t want to end up in a&e at the moment. I had to hold back my tears saying goodnight to my kids as I didn’t know when or even if I’d see them again.

    – It can last a while! I suspect I’ll still be laid up at day 20.

    – Take good care of yourselves and everyone around you. This has completely shagged me and put me in a&e. I’m otherwise fit, healthy, and have a strong immune system!

    Free Member

    Which set of anker do you use?

    These ones

    They’re fairly heavy on the bass response.

    Free Member

    My 16yr old is now using my chromebook for college. She has a free MS365 account through colledge and uses the MS programs through the browser of the android versions.

    Seems to work ok for her.

    Free Member

    I’ve got two sets of headphones. Some £350 Etymotic research ER4 Micro Pros (wired) and some £20 Ankers wireless.

    I listen to the Anker’s most of the time because a) wireless is so much less hassle and b) digital download music sounds bad on good headphones.

    So for me, i get a better experience on the cheaper headphones. And i don’t care when i accidently wash them!

    Free Member

    Got a book to finish writing, a loft to clear, lawn to seed, patio to re-lay, teenager to counsel, and a 9yr to teach how to play guitar.

    Might need a little longer!

    Free Member

    Awesome build! Thanks op.

    Free Member

    I work in a small industry closley aligned to planning/construction and estates management (arboricultural consultancy).

    The industry was just coming out of the Brexit slump and now this will halt a lot of things. I’m not clear as to how this will effect us as a company as we can wfh but we rely on some office based staff so there’ll be an impact when the virus hits us. I forsee a couple of months with reduced pay to keep things going until the worse passes. No new shiny bike bits for a while!

    Worrying times.

    Free Member

    Just bought a Ibanez Paul Gilbert Mikro for my youngest. A whole £145 from GAK. It’s great! I’ve been playing it to *ahem* settle the strings down. The short scale makes me feel like Ygnvie Malmsteen(sp)!

    Anyway,she loves it too through a little Blackstar amp.

    Free Member

    Phone was left downstairs at bedtime until she went to 6th form college. There is still a 11pm restriction on wifi for her though as she has no self control and will be up until 3am every night otherwise. (We’ve tried!).

    The phone also makes her miserable but she just can’t put it down. It’s a real sad situation.

    Free Member

    I got mugged in East Sheen in the mid nineties. Van pulled up. I don;t think they really wanted any money (I had none), but they punched me over a wall. More worryingly they tried to stab my mate with a screwdriver. Thankfully we were in leather biker jackets and the screwdriver was blunt.

    Sorry for your son OP.

    Free Member

    That’s a real shame. I’ve spent many a hazy afternoon/early morning listing to his Slow Your Circulation mixes (as well as SoP and a million other favourite tracks he had a hand in).

    I always felt a little connection with him because I bought an old Saab 900 from his brother back in the noughties. It was the car that used to take him around the country to gigs. Always used to think of him when I was coming back late from a club or a festie. Slow Your Circ in the tape player, wondering it I’d ever sleep again.


    Free Member

    I use the Wild Country Zephyros 2. It can be pitched without the inner too.

    Free Member

    Search Mycoal foot warmers on Amazon. I suffer in exactly the way you do. They have made wintwr riding comfortable again. I buy a pack of 40 at the start of winter. Works out about a quid a pack. Worth every penny.

    Recommended them a few times and have only had people thanking me!

    Free Member

    I was going to post something similar. Just ordered some wheels from them. Spoke to a chap called Ian a couple of times because my order was slightly out of the ordinary.

    He was absolutely brilliant and sorted me out. Wheels arrived 36 hours after ordering.

    I’ll be going back for more.

    Free Member

    Got one of these before Christmas (after swearing I’d never have another gps watch because my Garmin and Polar ones never worked well).

    Makibes BR1

    It turned up within 6 days from China and has been better so far than the Garmin/Polar watches.

    Costs £38!

    Free Member

    Been there today. All good. Sand rideable. Limited muddy bits. Enjoy!

    Free Member

    My local Wine Rack told me to bring mine in! Needless to say I now buy all my booze from there.

    Free Member

    Yup, wife had a parcel ‘delivered’ at 9pm last night. We were in and of course there was no sign of it.

    However this morning the ‘Nextdoor’ website had about 5 people asking if anyone had recieved a Hermes delivery supposedly delivered at 9pm last night!

    So it seems Mr Hermes decided to clock off last night at 9 and mark everything delivered!

    So my wife spends 40 mins on online chat customer support explaining the issue and pointing out that there are at least 5 other parcels gone missing in the very local area.

    Then at about 3pm today the Hermes man decides to deliver it.

    Free Member

    I bought one in the last sale. They’re good jackets. Bargain at £70. No sweatier than every other waterproof I’ve ever cycled in, but the cut is good and it’s tough enough to cope with gorse, brambles, branches, rocks etc.

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