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  • Fresh Goods Friday 713 – The Lasting Gasping Winning Edition
  • theblackmount
    Free Member

    Yeah me neither. It’s on the manufacturers website but the various resellers are all bunching it with el cheapo (probably crap)4 cell sealed units.

    Here’s the box on its own:

    You need a decent charger for that battery I linked to…

    Free Member

    Thanks pdw.

    MarkLG: No problemo I spotted it somewhere on it’s own. Will trawl and report back. They did want an arm and a leg for shipping iirc but it was still pretty cheap for what it is in UK terms.

    Conversely I’ve not seen it as part of a light package – got a link?

    These guys have got a similar solution but I suspect its a sealed unit like the Magicshine 6 cell thing:

    Free Member

    ok battery experts – what about chucking 4 of these:

    Inside one of these:

    I gather these Panasonics are the most powerful 18650’s currently available pumping out a reliable 3200Mah…

    Free Member

    I think Elevation Cycles in Linlithgow have one.

    Free Member

    >Why would it not be good then? Or do you buy bikes purely on looks and standing around in the car park value?<

    Simple really. The OP finds it an attractive looking bike and having also seen one in the flesh I don’t. It may ride well but that’s a different issue.

    Free Member

    “Anyone else think those DW links are just ugly? It just looks like they’ve fitted the wrong rear triangle.”

    Nail on head. Another dissenter here.

    But then it’s a Turner so it must be good – right?

    Free Member

    Great wee place. Fill your boots:

    >I reckon for access Knoydart is a winner, take the train from Glasgow to Mallaig, Ferry to Inverie, 1hr walk to Bothy. Leave the cars at home!<

    Indeed. A winner if you have two 2 days to get there and back 😉

    Free Member

    Wicksteed went on to manufacture all that stuff – still do.

    Some of the 60’s kit I grew up using was pretty lethal.

    Witches Hat certainly claimed a few broken bones but the daddy of them all was this supersized swing thing with an A frame at either end. It could take c 10 kids – 2 x big lads working it up to speed at either end and 8 terrified ‘passengers’ on cast iron bum shaped seats in the middle. Only a wee bar to hold on to. Everyone used to fly off the seats when this thing hit the stops at either end. Once you were on there was no getting off til the pair at either end got bored. Great fun…

    Free Member

    Hire yourself an mtb and go ride @ Bukit Timah NR (you can ride out from the town centre if you’re feeling brave enough to tackle the traffic)

    The main trail is just a case of following your nose but there’s nice sneaky stuff in there as well (needs local knowledge)

    Free Member

    >Can it be done?<

    You’ve come to the wrong place to ask the question but you already know the answer.

    ‘The more you know the less you need.’ Chouinard iirc

    Free Member

    You sure know the way to a womans heart.

    Darling – I’ve decided to spend XXX hrs filing your welds.

    Even if it’s safe this has to be the most incredible waste of time – ever as O5’s are so incredibly ugly no amount of weld titivating is going to improve their looks.

    Just buy her a new frame.

    Free Member

    Jesus he’s only splitting logs not whittling pencils out of them.

    Splitting axe from Aldi or Lidl c £10.

    That wee Fiskars hatchet is beautifully weighted piece of kit for kindling tho.

    Free Member


    Yeah there’s been path work done on it due to incessant bleating about it on mtb forums. Overrated anyway…

    It’s actually the Foxhunters path. The forumites have even changed its name.

    Plenty of better routes – Bothy bikes is a good call.

    Free Member

    Cook your own breakfast obviously. Within staggering distance of the aforementioned Lime Tree. Which is about as good as FW gets tbh.

    Free Member

    Presumably one of your Hydro schemes has sucked the water out that river Waderider? 😉

    Don’t recognise it – furryboots?

    As for all the 4×4 guff that Big Ford thing is gross – probably couldn’t pull the skin off a rice pudding.

    Free Member

    Thinners or a decent citrus based adhesive remover (3m do it in spray form – its very effective)

    Free Member

    Jeez sharkbaits shot could have been taken in my loft. Screamer by the looks of it. Clearly still a lot of us around;-)

    Do you still get out to Tiree Ianc?

    Free Member

    >this guy certainly rides with a little flair<

    He does indeed – Ben Cathro.

    Nice wee film – far better than all the p.o.v stuff there’s so much of.

    Free Member

    >The new standard dispenses with the top part of the mech so the knuckle bit bolts straight to the hanger.<

    Cheers – seen it now. I hate the original Shadow mech anyway and the Syntace mech hanger tab / break away bolt design which is good in theory is flawed in execution. The tab can rotate by several mil even when its nipped up to over-tight and you are more likely to trash the mech before the bolt breaks. Happened twice to me…

    Free Member

    mech bolt thread sizes (onto the hanger).
    nope, new syntace/shimano standard.

    Eh? Not on my Syntace and Shimano set up – is there a newer one?

    Free Member

    Sheesh that detention malarky sounds like a right thrashing.

    Free Member

    >Not sure I’ll get that purchase past the missus!<

    I reckon your manliness is already holed below the waterline.


    Free Member

    Yup, Glasgow c early 70’s. The belt…… or Lash as it was known.

    First Secondary School I went too was moderately hard (pupils and Teachers ;-)and it was meated out with astonishing regularity. Usual tactic for Red Card type behaviour was to send the errant pupil to the Head of the Dept or Depute Heid – invariably all big bastards who put absolutely everything into it. Fighting, smoking etc etc would result in all the offenders being ‘publicly Lashed’ one by one. Always 6 with a swopping of hands at 3. Couple of these guys specialised in doing it @ 90 degrees – felt like you’d had your fingers chopped off. Best you could hope for was a clean strike i.e not up the inner forearms.

    Never, ever heard of 12 being dished out at one sitting but I have had 12 in one day. Black and blue for weeks.

    Funny thinking back about it now. Changed days…

    Free Member

    Snickers idea sounds particularly revolting ;-(

    Agree on the Carb’s separately / ‘proper food’ philosophy.

    SIS are good and currently 40% off @ Sports Pursuit.

    Free Member

    I found I need to shim the rear mount up by 1mm. I am using Avid clean sweeps however, and not Shimano. Check the brake pads aren’t sitting off the main braking surface on the disc.

    Superb brakes btw.

    Free Member

    Baws, quite fancied it myself.

    Surprised at an org like Rare not having all of the appropriate Landowners on side before going public with the event.

    Unless of course it’s been politic to do it in this manner in the hope it can be run at some future point.

    Would be interested to hear which party or parties were against it and why the route couldn’t have been truncated.

    Free Member

    That’s all very impressive Maico however, their processes and systems weren’t good enough to stop the same problem slipping through the net twice eh?

    FWIW I think their bikes are very good however, as spudly1979’s post also demonstrates you cant just wheel the bike back into the shop, eyeball someone knowledgeable face to face, hopefully have the problem diagnosed quickly / get the peace of mind that you aren’t going to have a battle on your hands just to prove there is a problem.

    Free Member

    Ah… someone who knows what they are talking about. Thanks for the explanation Drillski.

    Free Member

    >It’s curious that only the FRX frame is distorted. I’ve not read any other posts about this anywhere.<

    Guess that depends how many forums you are covering / how many complaints are taken on to the web.

    As I said, I had an identical problem on my Cube and I’m reasonably certain it was a heat treating / weld alignment issue at that knuckle. You could see it distorting as you screwed in the axle. You’d have thought that’s the one area they’d be running a gauge on, on every frame out the door.

    Its a good idea (the Syntace X12) but its not perfect. Despite the fact there’s a male / female interface the mech hanger tab can still rotate a few degrees when you nip up the pinch bolt. That alone is enough to bu88er up the shifting.

    Free Member

    Yes, that’s the Syntace set up – its the same on any bike using that design.

    As I set out above there’s a fair bit to (potentially) go wrong. The linkage / drop out in the pic above has a machined slot on the inner face to accept the 142mm axle. If that face isn’t perpendicular to the axle for example – you nip up the axle and the linkage will twist until the two faces are square. Ergo your mech alignment goes out of wack.

    This was the case with my bike. I simply inserted the axle (without the wheel) then set a tri square on it. I then set a small steel engineers rule (on the Inner face of the drop out) at what should have been precisely 90 degrees to the tri square. You could see by the angle created bewteen the two straight edges that it was out by fair few degrees. I took some pics and fired them off to CRC. New rear end…

    As for how Canyon have dealt with the problem I’d have to re read the post 😉 However, it does highlight the potential pitfalls of distance selling / the Canyon model versus your good ol’ LBS 😉

    Free Member

    Got my head round this quite easiliy – as has Ben Cooper (i think 😉

    The alignment tool indicates something is out of wack. But that only needs to be a few degrees at the hanger to reference a 35mil tolerance 13″ further out at the rim.


    1. The drop out is distorted or the chainstay / seatstay it’s welded too is distorted (probably during the welding / heat-treating itself)
    2. The threaded hole through the drop out is not perpendicular to the drop out / wheel. Possibly not set properly during machining.
    3. The threaded hole through the mech hanger (breakaway part)is not perpendicular to the face where it connects to the frame
    4. The rear end is misaligned on the drive side.
    5. The drop out face is not square.
    6. The mech hanger face is not square.

    If a new mech hanger (which has been inspected) has been tried then the problem lies in the drop out and or the rear swingarm.

    I guess only Canyon would have the tools and inspection equipment necessary to pinpoint the problem precisely if its not the hanger.

    I had precisely the same problem on a Cube Fritzz. CRC couldn’t isolate the problem (other than to establish it was not the hanger tab) so the rear end was replaced in its entirety.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a mouth full of crowns c 15 years old and there’s bugger all wrong with any of them. I do have receding gums though.

    Can any of you ‘experts’ explain what insufficient margins actually means?

    Free Member

    Aye, big fan here.

    Got the Stratos shorts and a pair of their shoes. When the shorts arrived they looked like you could spit peas through them but they have proved very robust.

    Great styling.

    Free Member

    As someone above pointed out the “fishy taste” / smell is sure sign of something on the way out / past it.

    Fresh fish smells only of the sea. Buy from a good Fishmonger, the gills should be bright red and the eyes clear.

    Free Member

    Where to start:

    Red Mullet has a distinctive meaty flavour (cook with liver intact)
    Turbot would be in my top 10

    As would:

    Hake, Bass, Salmon (Scottish)and Tuna (very fresh and seared both sides, raw in the middle.

    Mackerel is good fresh, quite strong flavour.

    For shellfish:

    Langoustines (Scottish)
    Tiger Prawns
    Cromer crab
    Live lobster split and grilled quickly over the bbq
    Squat Lobster (Squatties) if you ever see them
    Scallops nice but very sweet / needs something else cooked with them to offset.

    You can buy King Crab frozen – its a very good intro to shellfish, nice meaty white flesh. Not cheap though…

    Free Member

    Talas is shit – avoid. (Talas user)

    Free Member

    It’s just a big courgette is it not?

    Like how the above recipes include getting rid of most of it 😉 Cut it up and eat with meat.

    Free Member

    This is easy.


    Straight out the door in the morning and on to the trails.

    (your kids will love the pool etc – it makes little odds at that age tbh)

    Free Member

    >My wife has been moaning about not knowing where I am while i’m out on the road bike.<

    One of the few benefits of road riding then 😉

    Ok so you’re riding in the ‘Gorms (likely without any mobile coverage) with your wee spot tracker on and Wifey watching you inch your way through the hills. Then you stop for lunch, then you have a mechanical. Nothing wrong you just end up stopping for a while. At what point does she call out the MRT?

    >He’s 62 didn’t tell anyone exactly where he was going and has been missing since Tuesday.<

    Went alone and “didn’t tell anyone where he was going.” That’s really the problem right there surely?

    Free Member

    Might have to settle for Torridon then – I hear that’s a good TC 😉

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