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  • Is It Time For A Shakeup In The MTB World?
  • theblackmount
    Free Member

    Coal. Quite apart from anything else you’ll need a shitload of logs to keep an open chimnea going for hours on end.

    Get some Peat to augment it – can’t beat that aroma. Google “Peterhead Peat”

    Free Member

    Agree with CA on the pick-up. What a load of horseshit – even if it is a nano second quicker, so what.

    Also, all this talk of years – WTF? Not a single post re mileage – it’s mileage and conditions that count. FWIW I’ve just put 5000k on a Hope Pro rear (which was a gratis replacement for a Sun Ringle pile of poo – thank you CRC)and that’s been ridden through the worst Scottish conditions imaginable. No problems whatsoever – bearings and Freehub are still tickety boo. And I can batter the internals out with sockets I have in my own toolbox when the need arises.

    Nup, not owned a King – never felt “the need.” Have watched other faff about “adjusting” theirs / returning to their LBS…. who invariably never seem to have the correct tools either.

    I’d also rate the DT product – part the star ratchet in the rear. Simple but very reliable and not expensive to replace. Only downside to DT is cost and finish isn’t as durable as they PPC them instead of anodising.

    Free Member

    Very comfy saddle but not impressed with its life expectancy. What mileage have folk been getting out of the leather ones?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    >Is anyone else getting a bit fed up with Nicole Cooke?<

    Not in the least – saw her for the first time on Breakfast TV this a.m and thought she showed remarkable restraint.

    Lance **** Armstrong on the other hand….

    Free Member

    It took 2 months to sort – am I missing something? Doubt I’d be pleased but hey ho.

    Free Member

    >£900 plus £250 almost buys me a brand new Canyon Nerve 7.0W (women’s specific) with mostly XT and nice Fox forks.<

    ……and a warranty

    Free Member

    Imagine you were really ill – it’s all relative.

    Oh and HTFU

    Free Member

    Yeah I use a compression top (Aldi)under my Merino – works well.

    Free Member

    Cane Creek. They have a useful website.

    Free Member

    p.s – don’ ride it any further til you’ve done this. The symptoms are identical to mine before it exploded.

    Free Member

    Assume you have tried the Sun Ringle website?

    Failing that:

    This guy may or may not still be there: John Trusky – Warranty & Tech Support Coordinator.

    However, if it’s anything like the Jumping Flea the Freehub will simply pull apart just like a regular Hope hub. And again if it’s anything like the Jumping Flea you’ll find a needle bearing and a cartridge bearing in the Freehub. Neither are user replaceable / serviceable. The NB will almost certainly be full of crap ‘cos the hubs are badly sealed for UK conditions. Best you can do is flush it out / re grease it and inspect for any obvious signs of damage. IIRC you cant even get at the cartridge bearing to pop the seals off. The rest of the hub main bearings are solid enough so unlikely to be any issues there.

    Long term I didn’t find their rear hubs to be sealed well enough / up to UK conditions and changed to Hope.

    Free Member

    Many years since I’ve been and my last visit predates the “new” Swiss owner however, nothing flagged up on the MBA site to say otherwise.

    Free Member

    Ben Alder Cottage gets bonus points – it’s haunted 😉

    Free Member

    Oh and Ruigh-aiteachain obviously. Stove’s sh1te but you can light a fire outside and the kids can experience the novelty of being able to cr8p through an old school chair. But you need to factor in the ford over the river or the 3k of Singletrack up the East side.

    Ryvoan’s okay but it’s like Sauchiehall Street / not exactly “out there”

    Hutchy hut has been rebuilt not sure of there is a fire (absolutely essential in my view)but you’d need to lug in coal

    Free Member

    Bendronaig? Good luck with that – 1200′ of climbing straight from the off and must be c. 15k in. Don’t know how old your kids are but they might not appreciate that one 😉

    Bob Scott’s or Glas Allt Shiel. Both will have the fire and firewood sorted (by others) have flushing bogs (albeit with a pail) and are reasonably civilized**

    **Usually 😉 Take tent for back up

    Free Member

    Grim was my take on it but only skied there once from Val and on another occasion for a days summer skiing. Trails would have to be pretty damn good to lure me over there on a mtb holiday – there are far better resorts to go to.

    Free Member

    I wonder what’s in their chicken Goujons.

    Free Member

    >theblackmount: no, not really – I ride all over the Grampians and NE Scotland during winter.<

    LOL, asked for that I guess. I bow to your superior badassness.

    Free Member

    Yeah Endomondo can but it drains your battery big time.

    Free Member

    >Yeah, my legs don’t really get cold. <

    Yeah, ‘course not…

    But the conditions you bare legged, baggy wearing freaks are talking about are mostly flatland commutes and the like – pretty much zero consequence if things get too nippy. If we’re talking a day spent in the mountains, temps around zero, horizontal sleat, water pouring down your legs and filling your shoes then I’ll be wearing all the leg covering I can get thank you very much. Made that mistake just once going over Lochnagar – result hypothermia.

    Free Member

    Is air actually coming out ok when you try to bleed it? If not take the bleed valve out and stick a thin wire through the hole (quite often gets blocked thus you can’t bleed)

    Free Member

    Is air actually coming out ok when you try to bleed it? If not take the bleed valve out and stick a thin wire through the hole (quite often gets blocked thus you can’t bleed)

    Free Member

    Cheers for all that – appreciated. Despite what I’ve said my BIL did one on a gas “BBQ” two years ago and it was very good.

    Yeah I quite fancy a Smoker

    Free Member

    No matter.I have a spare Turkey and a charcoal bbq – your pic has inspired me to go for it this w/e – what else did you have in there with the turkey? You say a tray of water under the bird? Did you need to top up the charcoal much over the 4 hrs?

    Free Member

    Triple whammy from Alfabus: Big bird, Charcoal and a high consequence Dinner.

    You gas boys are deluding yourselves – it’s just grilling.

    Free Member

    Freeze dried Horseshit. Edible too…

    Free Member

    Per pjm – that threshold drain doesn’t look like it’s achieving anything. It’s purpose is to collect run off which then drains into the rainwater system. If that’s connected in as described and just needs capped off / cleaned out then you’ll partially solve your problem fairly easily.

    Also the moss will be acting as a bridge over your dpc so you want to take a wire brush to that for starters.

    However, your garage slab appears to be c 50mm below the level outside so seems to me you have to intercept the water before it reaches the external wall and or tank it.

    Free Member

    I use this:

    They have smaller units which would give you the liquid capacity you require but in a very slim pack. Cant really see the point in lugging full bottles in a pack but each to their own.

    Free Member

    Any old mud tyre for snow – unless it’s some of TLR *good snow* in which case you might want to splash out a little 😉

    I just ride on very variable / bad / missing snow mostly so buying a specific snow tyre is a waste of £. Ice is different ball game of course and I did have a hankering for ice spikers but where’s the challenge in that?

    Free Member

    I’d have just left this to scab over. V’ important to teach kids the delights of picking your scabs from an early age.

    Free Member

    Neither at present – I’d head for the ‘Gorms if you can:

    Free Member

    Didn’t see your earlier remark junkyard. I would describe JS acts as heinous however, I don’t largely have a problem with the bloggers rationale for retaining the house.

    Free Member

    >odd article disagree with its view re JS including<

    Chose some of his words very badly but I don’t find it “odd.” The blogger is local and runs a local business. Essentially his article was about (not) pulling the house down. You would pull it down then?

    Free Member

    Yes, I agree, he does underplay the severity of JS crimes.

    However, we’re talking bricks and mortar, I’m far more angry at the BBC, the Polis and the CPS…

    Free Member

    >They are all fashion/form over function for me i’m afraid, none of them look elegant nor anything i would desire to own.<

    Pot, kettle, ugly stick…


    Free Member


    Summed up for me here:

    Free Member

    >Galloway is nice<

    If you like that sort of thing 😉

    Each to his own. I could easily tolerate the grimness of Kinlochleven village for the mountains and riding it has on it’s doorstep.

    Free Member

    @ Mary Hinge

    What overshoe do you use with your Defrosters and is it mtb specific? I couldn’t get mine to fit over

    Free Member

    Wear ’em long and wear ’em proud…

    wtf is it with this slavish adherence to fashion? Flappy wet baggies and bare legs – no thank you. Actually, I don’t get 3/4 length baggies either they just look ridiculous.

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