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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • thebees
    Free Member

    A good way of making inroads to being a sparky would be to start as an electricians mate, especially if you are a mature applicant.You’ll soon pick it up as you go along and can do one of the intensive training courses for trade qualification at a later date (NICEIC). Plenty of call for sparkys mates down south, just stick an advert in any electrical wholesalers offering your services.
    Any one of us can be down on our luck. Hopefully a few things swing in your favour and you get something to build on. Best of Luck.

    Free Member

    Never auction a car on eBay. Some fool will push buy and then back out, guaranteed. Price it low as a classified ad and then you’re in control of when the ad is removed from ebay.

    Free Member

    you’re not your. They taught me that at school, along with punctuation.

    Free Member

    ‘ I’m fixated on keeping my family in food and shelter.’
    You take the biscuit for melodramatic tosh. At least be honest with yourself and admit that day to day life goes on as before.

    Free Member

    I’ve got plenty of other irresistible thread titles to follow :D

    Free Member

    BigButSlimmerBloke -‘dance like no-ones watching’ is my giftshop message straight back at ya !

    Free Member

    Just dishing out some of the insulting shit that remainers find such fun.
    hebdenbridgecyclist – hang in there pal, your demands for a response are being given the respect they are due.

    Free Member

    clodhopper – you did not ‘effectively counter’ jambalaya’s claims. You merely strung together a few words after each of his valid points. Your powers of reasoning are weak.

    Free Member

    Remainers all seem to be a bit fixated on finance (national and personal). Maybe that’s the big difference, you needed to have a middle class mindset to vote remain. Greed being prioritised over principles.

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987, I bet you don’t go. You and your wife have just worked yourselves into a bit of a hysterical lather.

    Free Member

    OP here. So looking at most of the responses posted, can I assume that the remainers still have some fire in dem belly ! Bravo, you have more spirit than I gave you credit for !
    What ya gonna do next ? Vote Libdem, start an online petition, tweet something clever, not talk to your mother in law ?
    Your power is awesome. :D

    Free Member

    Ian Hislop wetting his pants ! Brexit, the gift that keeps on giving. Can we have some film of Bob Geldof taking a stroll through a fishing port please?

    Free Member

    Ha ha ! I’m loving the James Martin hate on here. I thought it was just me who felt so repulsed by him. He has a special, almost indefinable, arrogance about him, previously only seen in Lynda Barker.
    Don’t like that fat wheezer Dianne Abbott either.
    Or Bob Geldof.
    Or that charmless, quorn eating, slaphead Mo Farrah.

    Free Member

    Edukator, you seem a bit naive on the subject of Syrian integration in Germany. It’s a ****storm over there !

    Free Member

    Molgrips- I’m dealing with the situation that presents itself, and thats a school infrastructure that can’t cope with the influx from EU immigrants above the numbers that the school normally deals with. If you think I should be fine with this then I suspect you’re not a parent. Are you looking to slur me as a racist ?

    Free Member

    Don’t blame the media. Sixty kids in my daughters reception class due to mainly Polish intake, and I like the Poles. I didn’t like the system that allowed this to happen on such a scale and so voted Leave.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine owns a small firm in the film industry. He took on a young lad and on the first day gave him a stencil and a paint spray can and told him to stencil the company name on all of the site equipment. When he came back to check progress, he found all the parts beautifully stencilled but back-to front as the lad had placed the stencil upside down.
    Marching orders were given the same day. Some people just need to be telt.

    Free Member

    I like Corbyn and think he would make a smashing next door neighbour. He also stops the labour party from being electable. Which is nice.

    Free Member

    It’s a big leap from mass bed-wetting to anarchy on the streets. Mind you that scruffy **** Geldof is good at mobilising people, so maybe.

    Free Member

    I hope it does get debated in parliament then the children can experience disappointment all over again. It’s like training a puppy. It must be embarrassing for the remainers who have accepted the result with dignity.

    Free Member

    Daffy, this is the second time toady that a STW’er has claimed that non voters should be added to the remain vote. You re-define the word thick.

    Free Member

    Suppose we had a second referendum and the vote was to remain. Could the Brexiters then call for a third referendum ? And on and on and on and on ……….
    Of course not. It’s a f****** stupid idea.

    Free Member

    aracer – see above.

    Free Member

    Can all remainers please take it on the chin. There was a vote, you lost, get over it. Otherwise you look like a toddler not accepting NO for an answer.

    Free Member

    Remainers now trying to claim that those that didn’t vote should be added to the remain count ! At least take your beating like a man.

    Free Member

    Bless him. He still thinks that his party is relevant in a world of SNP voters. Labour had to become New Labour to be electable and those days are long gone.

    Free Member

    I’m sure the E.U. would love to have Scotland. They love a lame duck.

    Free Member

    Flounce, flounce, flounce, flounce……….
    Enjoy the weather and shut the door behind you if your wrists are strong enough.

    Free Member

    OP – It’s probably something to do with the bicycle being the vehicle of choice for sensitive leftwing types, due to it’s environmental credentials. MBR ran a similar type article last month and frankly it gets up my nose.
    For all of us mountain biking is our hobby and as such political propaganda from either side should be kept well out of it.

    Free Member

    England fans have gathered together and got very, very drunk, which is what happens at every international tournament. A well prepared police force would have kept rival Russian fans and Marseille ultras well away. Instead a stand off type situation developed with the English fans being goaded into thuggish behaviour by rival supporters.
    What if a large group of Russian fans had got very drunk and rowdy outside a bar and then groups of England fans turned up to fight them ? Who would be blamed then ?
    I condemn all of this hooliganism but for an inevitable situation the French police have been poor.

    Free Member

    A mate of mine often puts pictures of his dinner on Facebook and it’s desperately dull. Now we have someone writing about not having their dinner. Duller still.

    Free Member

    When I first met Mrs Bees she was sharing a maisonette with a friend. At the time I would have described myself as a non-believer in ghosts. She described some spooky experiences they had in the house and I thought nothing more of it. However ghost activity became more and more common. Here are some of the highlights –
    Waking up to find a dark figure sitting upright in the bed next to Mrs Bee.
    Waking up to find a dark shape hovvering above.
    Coming home to find upstairs double glazed windows wide open in winter.
    Woken by a loud crash in kitchen in the middle of the night. The swing bin was lying in the middle of the kitchen.
    Friend having his necklace pulled back tight whilst alone making tea in the kitchen.
    Same friend was woken in bed by the sound of fingers drumming at the end of the bed. The noise moved up the bed getting louder, until it stopped and he felt a hand go up into his armpit. He was scared sh****less !
    It was no joke and they had to move out as none of us wanted to sleep there any more.

    Free Member

    The tone of this thread is somewhat creepy ! Must be some heavy censoring going down.

    Free Member

    From my admittedly limited enquiries, I’ve met one remainer, one undecided and the rest brexitters. Mostly middle aged, plus my old folks. All working class or lower-middle class. Make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    It’s the principle which is in question here, not the individual laws. If I got access to your bank account and spent the money wisely, would you then be happy to pass me full control of your income ?

    Free Member

    There is no manifesto from such a government. How the heck would we know how our lives would be changed ?

    Free Member

    We can only take down one bureaucratic institution at a time. House of Lords is next on the list !

    Free Member

    Voting for an MEP is an illusion of democracy. You are effectively voting for somebody else to vote, but who will be massively outnumbered. Even worse if you don’t believe in the idea of the EU to begin with.

    Free Member

    Binners, No, that’s you putting spin on what was said. :-)

    Free Member

    The war criminal Tony Blair wants us to remain. He has feathered his nest very nicely with an EU position that has led to him being worth 20-odd million pounds. Pass the champers brother Tony !

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