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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • The-Beard
    Full Member

    Liking the beard.

    I thank you.

    I think the girls are always worse. The bitching is incredible…


    Full Member
    Full Member

    Before you click I must warn you that it’s most definitely NSFW but I’m assured by a very good friend who is a photographer that it’s art…

    Full Member

    Scotland/England will be a better game than Ireland/Wales. That’ll be a big punch up between forwards and cagey territorial kicking until the last 15 minutes.

    After 6 hours of rugby today I may be quite drunk…

    Full Member

    i have a 5 Spot which is easily the best bike I’ve ever owned, you can consider me ot be an extremely happy Homer! I would struggle to find fault with it and think of a reason to change.

    The only thing that ever makes me think perhaps I should is a Flux… Damn you all for tempting me again… Lovely looking bikes, all of them!

    Full Member

    It was a PRU squadron based in Leuchars – can’t remember the number off hand.

    have you considered that the defector may not want to be found?

    Well yes, I can’t imagine he would want to be found. And I don’t think my grandfather wants to offer him out for a fight he just wants to know what happened to him, if he did get taken to court martial or if he disappeared off to South America or if he even survuved the war.

    Full Member

    The Chain is THE F1 choon, FACTOID

    Amen, brother!

    Full Member

    This is why they introduced the new system.

    Italian Willy Wavers not happy with reliability so have a wee word in the FIA’s ear.

    just a theory… :wink:

    Full Member

    The F1 Teams proposal of going 12-9-7-6-4-2-3-1 was much better. Bernie and Max are the problem with F1 these days. Sooner they’re gone the better.

    Full Member

    If he doesn’t and he wins he’ll have earned some serious respect. He’s another of those British sportsmen who you never feel has been completely tested, yet is lauded as the best ever. I have no doubt he’s good, it’s exactly how good that remains to be seen.

    Full Member

    I have just spent a long time trawling through this thread…

    Me cold, wet and miserable after a long solo ride over a very wet highland pass.

    Full Member



    Sorry, I just can’t see the esteemed cap’n giggling. Surely it should read *hawhawhaws*?

    Full Member

    I’m half expecting John Nettles to appear and for the whole thing to turn out to be some kind of Midsommer murders escapade full of incest, a long lost father and death by gyrocopter…

    Full Member

    The (not so)closet roadies.

    Of which there are many!

    Full Member

    Enigma Bicycles – down near Eastbourne. They’ll do custom fit Ti and have a good range of options for the type of riding you want to do. I rode their Effusion last summer, it was a stunning bike. Would have bought it there and then if I could have afforded it…

    Full Member

    I did it last year with a similar training programme. There were a few things that caught me out.

    1. Hitting the fabled wall around the 60 mile mark. The last 5 miles to the devils dyke check point were brutal. Flew after that until mile 90. Then it became a battle of wills to keep going. I kept getting lost so was getting to be in a bad mood by then!

    2. if it might break – carry a spare. you never know and it’s a long walk.

    3. A line of guys riding along a ridge, burping and farting due to energy drink/bars, would in any other circumstance be funny.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a piar of Scarpa Manta’s that I’ve had for 12 years. Not quite in the best of condition these days but still a good pair of boots. If you’re going to be abusing them regularly it’s a no brainer I reckon. Scarpa all the way!

    I’ve still got a pair of Yeti’s for them too! Why don’t they make soles that fit yeti’s anymore?

    Full Member

    didn’t big Train have the sketch that was the jockeys grazing on the plains of the serengheti(sp?), their only natural predator being the artist formerly known as Prince?

    That was brilliant.

    Full Member

    Saw her on telly today with blonde hair – just not the same. Definitely much hotter as a brunette.

    she also comes in blonde? Hot diggity… :D

    Full Member

    I have also just got back from seeing it I thought it was alright. A bit like a perfectly adept cover version of a song but with nothing to make it anything other than a straight copy. Some of the shots were just copies of the frames in the comic, well I say some…

    Action sequences were a bit slow-mo tastic.

    But by god, the woman playing Laurie Jupiter ticked all the right boxes… Them boots…

    Full Member

    Here’s a couple of Cervelo’s – mine is the soloist on the left.

    Full Member

    TBH you don’t get proper midges south of Stirling

    You ever been to Galloway Forest Park? Feckers can block out the sun there and strip an Englishman to the bone in seconds…

    Course us Scots are immune. :wink:

    As said above, you’ll be fine as long as you don’t stop, ever, at all, for any reason whatsoever. Whatever you do – KEEP GOING![/u]

    Full Member

    From some of these posts I reckon we must have the creme de la creme of UK road talent on STW! :wink:

    Isn’t there a very silly, and somewhat competitive, commuting game on bikeradar where they all give themselves a level (or something) then go online and talk about it in Second Life?

    Full Member

    To lighten the tone, my favourite joke about engineers :wink:

    Three engineers are sitting around over a beer, arguing about what type of engineer was in charge of the design of the human body.

    The electrical engineer believed that the human body was obviously designed by an electrical engineer, because the nervous system acts as a communication system and control system, and the brain is the best computer ever invented. The mechanical engineer thought that was fine as far as it went, but the body couldn’t manage without the complex mechanisms which made up the arms, legs, trunk etc. But in the end, they were persuaded that a civil engineer must have been in charge – because only a civil engineer would run a waste pipeline through the middle of a recreational area…

    Full Member

    So you’re saying studying doesn’t prepare architects for how they’ll act when they’re practicing?

    I’m saying to justify a design decision by saying ‘because it looks good’ doesn’t cut it in architecture school.

    What an individual chooses to do when they get out of school however…

    Pedantry mode

    ‘Also you can actually get either a Bachelors or a Bsc in architecture’

    A BSc is a Bachelor in Science. A BA is a Bachelor in Arts both are Bachelor’s

    *hangs head in shame*

    Full Member

    Its not about which university – its about how we teach architecture across the UK IMO. It is an arts degree, and much of the focus is (rightly) good design – but mainly aesthetically IMHO. We need a move to more science/engineering/ecological(biology) led design – hand in hand with the good aesthetics….

    I’m sorry – this is misinformed and unfounded nonsense. Have you any experience of an architectural education? Any student who made a design decision because it looked good or they wanted to make a beautiful building would be failed.

    Also you can actually get either a Bachelors or a Bsc in architecture.

    Full Member

    despite dealing with planners regularly they seem to have little grasp of what planners actually require and much less what their clients want.

    Planners are another of the big problems with building in the UK! :wink:

    Full Member

    They are also trained (usually) as an arts degree, compared with the continent where it is a science degree. The Euros build better houses (technically and performance wise), we build better looking and better functioning buildings

    I’m not being an arse but that comment is just plain rubbish. We’d build much better buildings in the UK if people were willing to invest more in the built environment and the red tape and regulations were overhauled. The actual construction process is adversarial rather than co-operative and the quality of what gets produced really suffers as a result. where the architect went to school has very little to do with it.

    Full Member

    Architects fees?

    Probably more than you’re willing to pay and less than the architect is worth. :wink:

    The hardest bit of an architects job is managing client expectations as they so often don’t fully comprehend what they are undertaking or exactly what is involved. The process will be a fraught one and you’ll curse your architect to high heaven and back but the end result will probably be something you are very pleased with and worth all the fuss.

    architects don’t know as much as they should!


    Full Member

    300 was a bloody awful film, full of dudity and ham fisted acting. Hopefully Snyder learnt his lessons on that one.

    I have no idea how they managed to translate/cram Watchmen into a 2.5hr movie. I am wary…

    Full Member

    Now that’s a paint job! 8)

    Very nice!

    Full Member

    Very nice. Your bike must weigh **** all!

    Full Member

    That could be fun if you ever wear the rims out!

    Full Member

    didn’t know you could get non-disc UST rims.

    Full Member

    I’ve been out and stayed with FreerideSpain and had a great time – I was normally too tired to notice any negatives about the food (FFS for that money what were you expecting?). I though Si, Emma and the rest were great hosts and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone. Lots of climbing though but all worth it.

    Full Member

    My rear NN UST leaked a bit but I put some sealant in and it stopped, obviously. Never had any other problems whatsoever. I did have trouble getting them to seat once after swapping tyres. Latex had got into the groove for the bead and was preventing a perfect seal, cleaned the grooves out and problem gone.

    Full Member

    How long did you make the poor bugger sit on the gate for? :idea: 8O

    Full Member



    Full Member

    The Tour of California website is excellent – proper geek content!

    Full Member

    Is crashing headlong through the undergrowth screaming like a girl good training? :wink:

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